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package com.sun.enterprise.deployment;
import java.util.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.web.InitializationParameter;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.web.SecurityRoleReference;
* I am a superclass representing the common data nad behavior of the deployment
* information about a JSP or JavaServlet in J2EE.
*@author Danny Coward
public class WebComponentDescriptor extends Descriptor {
private WebBundleDescriptor webBundleDescriptor = null;
/** Constant for Basic authentication.*/
public static final String BASIC_AUTHENTICATION = "basic";
/** Constant for Form authentication.*/
public static final String FORM_AUTHENTICATION = "form";
/** Constant for Secure authentication.*/
public static final String SSL_AUTHENTICATION = "ssl";
/** Constant for the htpp GET method. */
public static final String GET = "GET";
/** Constant for the http PUT method.*/
public static final String PUT = "PUT";
/** Constant for the http POST method.*/
public static final String POST = "POST";
/** Constant for the http DELET method.*/
public static final String DELETE = "DELETE";
private Set initializationParameters;
private Set urlPatterns;
private String canonicalName;
private int loadOnStartUp = -1;
private Set securityRoleReferences;
private RunAsIdentityDescriptor runAs;
* The default constructor.
public WebComponentDescriptor() {}
// the copy constructor
public WebComponentDescriptor(WebComponentDescriptor other) {
private Set getInitializationParameterSet() {
if (this.initializationParameters == null) {
this.initializationParameters = new OrderedSet();
return this.initializationParameters = new OrderedSet(this.initializationParameters);
* Return the Set of servlet initialization parameters.
public Enumeration getInitializationParameters() {
return (new Vector(this.getInitializationParameterSet())).elements();
* Return a matching initialization parameter by its name if there is one.
public InitializationParameter getInitializationParameterByName(String name) {
for (Iterator itr = this.getInitializationParameterSet().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
InitializationParameter next = (InitializationParameter) itr.next();
if (next.getName().equals(name)) {
return next;
return null;
* Adds a servlet initialization parameter to this component.
public void addInitializationParameter(InitializationParameter initializationParameter) {
* Removes the given servlet initialization parameter from this component.
public void removeInitializationParameter(InitializationParameter initializationParameter) {
* Return the set of URL pattern aliases for this component.
public Set getUrlPatternsSet() {
if (this.urlPatterns == null) {
this.urlPatterns = new OrderedSet();
return this.urlPatterns;
* Returns an enumeration of (String) URL pattern aliases for this component.
public Enumeration getUrlPatterns() {
return (new Vector(this.getUrlPatternsSet())).elements();
* Adds an alias to this web component.
public void addUrlPattern(String urlPattern) {
* Removes a URL pattern from this web component.
public void removeUrlPattern(String urlPattern) {
void setWebBundleDescriptor(WebBundleDescriptor webBundleDescriptor) {
this.webBundleDescriptor = webBundleDescriptor;
* Return the web app object to which I belong or null
public WebBundleDescriptor getWebBundleDescriptor() {
return this.webBundleDescriptor;
* The canonical name for the web component.
public String getCanonicalName() {
if (this.canonicalName == null) {
this.canonicalName = this.getName();
return this.canonicalName;
* Sets the canonical name of this web component.
public void setCanonicalName(String canonicalName) {
this.canonicalName = canonicalName;
* Return the order on which this component will be loaded by the web server.
public int getLoadOnStartUp() {
return this.loadOnStartUp;
* Sets the order on which this component will be loaded by the web server.
public void setLoadOnStartUp(int loadOnStartUp) {
this.loadOnStartUp = loadOnStartUp;
* Sets the order on which this component will be loaded by the web server.
public void setLoadOnStartUp(String loadOnStartUp) throws NumberFormatException {
this.loadOnStartUp = Integer.decode(loadOnStartUp).intValue();
Set getSecurityRoleReferenceSet() {
if (this.securityRoleReferences == null) {
this.securityRoleReferences = new OrderedSet();
return this.securityRoleReferences = new OrderedSet(this.securityRoleReferences);
* Return the Set of security role references that I have.
public Enumeration getSecurityRoleReferences() {
return (new Vector(this.getSecurityRoleReferenceSet())).elements();
* Return a matching role reference by name or null if there is none matching.
public SecurityRoleReference getSecurityRoleReferenceByName(String roleReferenceName) {
for (Enumeration e = this.getSecurityRoleReferences(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
SecurityRoleReference nextRR = (SecurityRoleReference) e.nextElement();
if (nextRR.getRolename().equals( roleReferenceName )) {
return nextRR;
return null;
* Adds a security role reference to this web component.
public void addSecurityRoleReference(SecurityRoleReference securityRoleReference) {
* Removes the given security role reference from this web component.
public void removeSecurityRoleReference(SecurityRoleReference securityRoleReference) {
* Gets the run-as of the referee EJB.
* @return the value of run-as.
public void setRunAsIdentity(RunAsIdentityDescriptor runAs) {
if (this.runAs == null) {
this.runAs = runAs;
* Sets the run-as of the referee EJB.
* @param the value of run-as
public RunAsIdentityDescriptor getRunAsIdentity() {
return this.runAs;
public boolean getUsesCallerIdentity() {
return (this.runAs==null);
public void setUsesCallerIdentity(boolean isCallerID) {
if (isCallerID) {
this.runAs = null;
} else {
this.runAs = new RunAsIdentityDescriptor("");
public Application getApplication() {
if (this.getWebBundleDescriptor()!=null) {
return this.getWebBundleDescriptor().getApplication();
return null;
private String implFile="";
private boolean isServlet=false;
* sets the implementation file for this web component, the
* implementation file is either a servlet class name of a jsp
* file name.
* @param implFile the servlet class name or the jsp file
public void setWebComponentImplementation(String implFile) {
if (!isServlet && !implFile.startsWith("/")) {
implFile = "/" + implFile;
this.implFile = implFile;
public String getWebComponentImplementation() {
return implFile;
public boolean isServlet() {
return isServlet;
public void setServlet(boolean isServlet) {
/* -----------
* A formatted string representing my state.
public void print(StringBuffer toStringBuffer) {
toStringBuffer.append( "\n initializationParameters ").append(initializationParameters);
toStringBuffer.append( "\n urlPatterns ").append(urlPatterns);
toStringBuffer.append( "\n canonicalName ").append(canonicalName);
toStringBuffer.append( "\n loadOnStartUp ").append(loadOnStartUp);
toStringBuffer.append( "\n securityRoleReferences ").append(securityRoleReferences);
if (isServlet()) {
toStringBuffer.append( "\n servlet className ").append(getWebComponentImplementation());
} else {
toStringBuffer.append( "\n jspFileName ").append(getWebComponentImplementation());
public void changed() {
if (this.getWebBundleDescriptor() != null) {
} else {
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof WebComponentDescriptor &&
WebComponentDescriptor)other).getCanonicalName())) {
return true;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
int result = 17;
result = 37*result + getCanonicalName().hashCode();
return result;
// this method will combine the information from this "other"
// WebComponentDescriptor with current WebComponentDescriptor
// when there are conflicts between the contents of the two,
// the value from current WebComponentDescriptor will override
// the value in "other"
// Note: in the Set API, we only add value when such value
// is not existed in the Set already
public void add(WebComponentDescriptor other) {
// do not do anything if the canonical name of the two web
// components are different
if (! getCanonicalName().equals(other.getCanonicalName())) {
// do not do anything if the type of the two web
// components are different
if ( (isServlet() && !other.isServlet()) ||
(!isServlet() && other.isServlet()) ) {
// for simple String types, we can rely on Set API
// for complex types, only added it if the complex type with same
// name is not in the set yet
for (Iterator initParamIter =
initParamIter.hasNext();) {
InitializationParameter initParam =
if (getInitializationParameterByName(initParam.getName()) == null) {
for (Iterator secRoleRefIter =
secRoleRefIter.hasNext();) {
SecurityRoleReference secRoleRef =
(SecurityRoleReference) secRoleRefIter.next();
if (getSecurityRoleReferenceByName(secRoleRef.getRolename())
== null) {
// only set these values if they are not set in the current
// web component already
if (getLoadOnStartUp() == -1) {
if (getRunAsIdentity() == null) {
if (getWebComponentImplementation() == null) {