* Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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* and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
* a copy of the License at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html
* or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
* file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.
* Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
* as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
* accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the License
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package com.sun.enterprise.deployment;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.io.Serializable;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.NotificationListener;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.NotificationEvent;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.DescriptorVisitor;
* Descriptor is the root class for all objects
* representing deployment information in J2EE. Descriptors
* notifiy listeners of state changes, and have a name, description,
* and icons.
*@author Danny Coward
public class Descriptor extends DynamicAttributesDescriptor implements Serializable {
/** Notification String for a general descriptor change. */
public static final String DESCRIPTOR_CHANGED = "Descriptor change";
public static final String NAME_CHANGED = "NameChanged";
public static final String DESCRIPTION_CHANGED = "DescriptionChanged";
public static final String LARGE_ICON_CHANGED = "LargeIconChanged";
public static final String SMALL_ICON_CHANGED = "SmallIconChanged";
/** static flag to indicate descriptors should bounds check. */
private static boolean boundsChecking = true;
/** My Vector of NotificationListener objects. */
protected Vector listeners = new Vector();
/** My display name indexed by language */
private Map displayNames = null;
/** My descriptions indexed by language */
private Map descriptions = null;
/** icons map indexed by language */
private Map largeIcons = null;
private Map smallIcons = null;
* The default constructor. Constructs a descriptor with
* name, description and icons as empty Strings.
public Descriptor() {
this.listeners = new Vector();
* The copy constructor.
protected Descriptor(Descriptor other) {
if (other.displayNames!=null)
this.displayNames = new HashMap(other.displayNames);
if (other.descriptions!=null)
this.descriptions = new HashMap(other.descriptions);
if (other.largeIcons!=null)
this.largeIcons = new HashMap(other.largeIcons);
if (other.smallIcons!=null)
this.smallIcons = new HashMap(other.smallIcons);
* Constructs a descriptor with given
* name, description.
* @param name the name of the descriptor.
* @param description the name of the descriptor.
public Descriptor(String name, String description) {
setLocalizedDisplayName(null, name);
setLocalizedDescription(null, description);
* Sets a global flag to enable or disable boudsn checking
* of deployment information
* @param b true for bounds checking on, false else.
public static void setBoundsChecking(boolean b) {
boundsChecking = b;
* Answers whether the object model is bounds checking.
* @return true for boudsn checking, false else.
public static boolean isBoundsChecking() {
return boundsChecking;
* Sets the name of this descriptor.
* @param name the new name of the descriptor.
public void setName(String name) {
setLocalizedDisplayName(null, name);
* The name of this descriptor as a String.
* @return the name of this descriptor
public String getName() {
return getLocalizedDisplayName(null);
* Add a localized display name for this descriptor
* @param the local identifier (null if using default locale)
* @param the localized string
public void setLocalizedDisplayName(String lang, String displayName) {
if (lang==null) {
lang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
if (displayNames==null) {
displayNames = new HashMap();
displayNames.put(lang, displayName);
* @return the localized display name for the passed language
* @param the language
public String getLocalizedDisplayName(String language) {
if (displayNames==null) {
return "";
String originalLanguage = language;
if (language==null) {
String localizedName = (String) displayNames.get(language);
if (localizedName!=null) {
return localizedName;
// so far, no luck, it is possible that this
// environment property was transfered through jndi
// between machines with different locales, if I have
// at least one value, and no language was specified,
// let's return it.
if (originalLanguage==null && displayNames.size()>0) {
return (String) displayNames.values().iterator().next();
// all other cases return empty strings
return "";
* @return the localized display name indexed by language
public Map getLocalizedDisplayNames() {
return displayNames;
* sets the display name for this bundle
public void setDisplayName(String name) {
* @return the display name
public String getDisplayName() {
return getName();
* Sets the description text of this descriptor.
* @param description the new description text of the descriptor.
public void setDescription(String description) {
setLocalizedDescription(null, description);
* The description text of this descriptor as a String.
* @return the description text of this descriptor
public String getDescription() {
return getLocalizedDescription(null);
* Add a localized description for this descriptor
* @param the local identifier (null if using default locale)
* @param the localized string
public void setLocalizedDescription(String lang, String description) {
if (lang==null) {
lang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
if (descriptions==null) {
descriptions = new HashMap();
descriptions.put(lang, description);
* @return the localized description
* @param the local language
public String getLocalizedDescription(String lang) {
if (descriptions==null)
return "";
if (lang==null) {
lang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
String description = (String) descriptions.get(lang);
if (description==null) {
return "";
return description;
* @return a Map of localized description, where lang is the key
public Map getLocalizedDescriptions() {
return descriptions;
* Sets the large icon uri for a particular language
* @param the language identifier
* @param the large icon uri
public void setLocalizedLargeIconUri(String lang, String uri) {
if (lang==null) {
lang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
if (largeIcons==null) {
largeIcons = new HashMap();
largeIcons.put(lang, uri);
* @return the large icon uri for a language
* @param the language or null for the current locale
public String getLocalizedLargeIconUri(String lang) {
if (largeIcons==null) {
return null;
if (lang==null) {
lang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
return (String) largeIcons.get(lang);
* @return a map of localized large icons uris indexed
* by language
public Map getLocalizedLargeIconUris() {
return largeIcons;
* set the localized small icon uri for the passed language
* @param the language
* @param the uri for the small icon
public void setLocalizedSmallIconUri(String lang, String uri) {
if (lang==null) {
lang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
if (smallIcons==null) {
smallIcons = new HashMap();
smallIcons.put(lang, uri);
* @return the small icon uri for the passed language
public String getLocalizedSmallIconUri(String lang) {
if (smallIcons==null) {
return null;
if (lang==null) {
lang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
return (String) smallIcons.get(lang);
* @return the map of small icons indexed by language
public Map getLocalizedSmallIconUris() {
return smallIcons;
* The large icon name of this descriptor as a String.
* @return the large icon name of this descriptor
public String getLargeIconUri() {
return getLocalizedLargeIconUri(null);
* Sets the large icon name of this descriptor as a String.
* @param largeIconUri the large icon name of this descriptor
public void setLargeIconUri(String largeIconUri) {
setLocalizedLargeIconUri(null, largeIconUri);
* The small icon name of this descriptor as a String.
* @return the small icon name of this descriptor
public String getSmallIconUri() {
return getLocalizedSmallIconUri(null);
* Sets the small icon name of this descriptor as a String.
* @param smallIconUri the small icon name of this descriptor
public void setSmallIconUri(String smallIconUri) {
setLocalizedSmallIconUri(null, smallIconUri);
* Register the given notification listener for change events.
* @param nl the notification listener to register
public void addNotificationListener(NotificationListener nl) {
if ((nl != null) && !listeners.contains(nl)) { // avoid duplicate listeners
* Deregister the given notification listener for change events.
* @param nl the notification listener to deregister
public void removeNotificationListener(NotificationListener nl) {
* return current notification listeners
public List getNotificationListeners() {
Vector listenersClone = null;
synchronized (listeners) {
listenersClone = (Vector)this.listeners.clone();
return listenersClone;
* Notify all my listeners that I have changed..
public void changed(String attribute) {
// fine-grain attribute currently ignored
// eventually, 'changed(String)' should replace 'changed()' everywhere.
* Notify all my listeners that I have changed..
public void changed() {
String attribute = "";
NotificationEvent ne = new NotificationEvent(this, DESCRIPTOR_CHANGED, this, attribute);
List listenersClone = this.getNotificationListeners();
for (Iterator e = listenersClone.iterator(); e.hasNext();) {
NotificationListener nl = (NotificationListener)e.next();
* Returns the largest substring of the given string that
* does not have an integer at the end.
private static String stripIntegerEndingFrom(String s) {
return recursiveStripIntegerEndingFrom(s);
* Returns the largest substring of the given string that
* does not have an integer at the end.
private static String recursiveStripIntegerEndingFrom(String s) {
if (s.length() > 1) {
String shorterByOne = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
String lastBit = s.substring(s.length() - 1, s.length());
try {
return recursiveStripIntegerEndingFrom(shorterByOne);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
return s;
return s;
* Returns String based on the trial name that is guaramteed to be different
* from any of the strings in the vector of String names.
private static String uniquifyString(String trialName, Vector v, int index) {
for(Enumeration e = v.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String next = (String) e.nextElement();
if (next.equals(trialName)) {
return uniquifyString(stripIntegerEndingFrom(trialName) + index, v, index);
return trialName;
* Returns String based on the trial name that is guaramteed to be different
* from any of the strings in the vector of String names.
* @param trialName the suggested name
* @param otherNames The Vector of String objects none of which will be the same as the return
* @return the unique String
public static String createUniqueFilenameAmongst(String trialName, Vector otherNames) {
/* extract file.ext */
int p = trialName.lastIndexOf(".");
if (p < 0) {
return uniquifyString(trialName, otherNames, 0);
String ext = trialName.substring(p);
String file = trialName.substring(0, p);
/* get list of filenames less extension */
Vector nameList = new Vector();
for (Enumeration e = otherNames.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String name = e.nextElement().toString();
if (name.endsWith(ext)) {
nameList.add(name.substring(0, name.length() - ext.length()));
String unique = uniquifyString(file, nameList, 0);
return unique + ext;
* Returns String based on the trial name that is guaramteed to be different
* from any of the strings in the vector of String names.
* @param trialName the suggested name
* @param otherNames The Vector of String objects none of which will be the same as the return
* @return the unique String
public static String createUniqueNameAmongst(String trialName, Vector otherNames) {
return uniquifyString(trialName, otherNames, 0);
* Returns String based on the trial name that is guaramteed to be different
* from any of the strings returnsed by the getName() call in any of the Descriptor objects in the Set supplied.
* @param trialName the suggested name
* @param descriptors The Set of Descriptor objects to whose name attribute will not be the same as the return
* @return the unique String
public static String createUniqueNameAmongstNamedDescriptors(String trialName, Set descriptors) {
Vector v = new Vector();
for (Iterator itr = descriptors.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
Descriptor next = (Descriptor) itr.next();
return createUniqueNameAmongst(trialName, v);
* Add a new deployment-extension for this descriptor
* @param deployment-extension descriptor to add
public void addDeploymentExtension(DeploymentExtensionDescriptor de) {
Vector extensions = (Vector) getExtraAttribute("deployment-extension");
if (extensions==null) {
extensions = new Vector();
addExtraAttribute("deployment-extension", extensions);
* @return an iterator on the deployment-extension
public Iterator getDeploymentExtensions() {
Vector extensions = (Vector) getExtraAttribute("deployment-extension");
if (extensions!=null) {
return extensions.iterator();
return null;
* add a prefix mapping
public void addPrefixMapping(String mapping, String uri) {
Map prefixMapping = getPrefixMapping();
if (prefixMapping==null) {
prefixMapping = new java.util.HashMap();
addExtraAttribute("prefix-mapping", prefixMapping);
prefixMapping.put(mapping, uri);
* @return the map of prefix to namepace uri
public Map getPrefixMapping() {
return (Map) getExtraAttribute("prefix-mapping");
* A String representation of this object.
public void print(StringBuffer toStringBuffer) {
StringBuffer sb = toStringBuffer;
if (displayNames!=null) {
sb.append("Display Names:");
displayLocalizedMap(sb, displayNames);
if (descriptions!=null) {
sb.append("\n Descriptions");
displayLocalizedMap(sb, descriptions);
if (smallIcons!=null) {
sb.append("\n SmallIcons");
displayLocalizedMap(sb, smallIcons);
if (largeIcons!=null) {
sb.append("\n LargeIcons");
displayLocalizedMap(sb, largeIcons);
Map prefix = getPrefixMapping();
if (prefix!=null)
sb.append("\n Prefix Mapping = ").append(prefix);
Iterator itr = getDeploymentExtensions();
if (itr!=null && itr.hasNext()) {
do {
sb.append("\n Deployment Extension : ");
} while (itr.hasNext());
* helper method to display a localized map
private void displayLocalizedMap(StringBuffer sb, Map localizedMap) {
for (Iterator itr = localizedMap.keySet().iterator();itr.hasNext();) {
String lang = (String) itr.next();
sb.append("\n lang[" + lang + "] = " + localizedMap.get(lang));
* Visitor API implementation, all descriptors must be visitable
* @param the visitor implementation
public void visit(DescriptorVisitor aVisitor) {
* @return the default locale language
private String getDefaultLanguage() {
return Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
//start IASRI 4713550
public String docType = null;
public String getDocType(){
return docType;
public void fillDocType(InputStream in){
BufferedReader inr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
String s = inr.readLine();
while (s != null) {
if (s.indexOf("DOCTYPE") > -1) {
docType = s;
s = inr.readLine();
}catch(Exception e){
//end IASRI 4713550