Package com.sun.enterprise.config

Source Code of com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigFactory

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package com.sun.enterprise.config;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.impl.ConfigContextImpl;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.pluggable.EnvironmentFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.pluggable.ConfigEnvironment;

* A factory to create ConfigContext objects and ConfigBeans.
@deprecated use ConfigContextFactory
public class ConfigFactory {

    public static ConfigContext createConfigContext(String fileUrl, DefaultHandler dh) throws ConfigException {
        final ConfigEnvironment ce = getConfigEnvironment(fileUrl, false, false, true, true);
        return ConfigContextFactory.createConfigContext(ce);
         * Creates a configuration context for the specified URL.
         * @param fileUrl The URL to server.xml
         * If a configuration context object for this URL was previously
         * created then that object is returned.
        public static ConfigContext createConfigContext(String fileUrl)
            throws ConfigException {
            return  createConfigContext(fileUrl, false, false);
        * Creates a configuration context for the specified URL and in
         * the specified mode.
         * @param fileUrl The URL to server.xml
         * @param readOnly if true, then the ConfigContext returned cannot
         *                 be used to make changes to the XML file
        * @return If a configuration context object for this URL was
         *         previously created then that object is returned.
        public static ConfigContext createConfigContext(String fileUrl,
                boolean readOnly) throws ConfigException {
            return  createConfigContext(fileUrl, readOnly, false);

        * Creates a configuration context for the specified URL and in
         * the specified mode.
         * @param fileUrl The URL to server.xml
         * @param readOnly if true, then the ConfigContext returned cannot
         *                 be used to make changes to the XML file
         * @param autoCommit if true, then changes to the ConfigContext object
         *                   are automatically committed to the file.
        * @return If a configuration context object for this URL was
         *         previously created then that object is returned.
        public static ConfigContext createConfigContext(String fileUrl,
                boolean readOnly, boolean autoCommit) throws ConfigException {
            return  createConfigContext(fileUrl, readOnly, autoCommit, true);

         * Returns a ConfigContext object that was either previously
         * created (and stored in the cache) or created anew.
         * If <code>cache</code> is <code>true</code> then the factory looks
         * up its cache of previously created ConfigContext objects and if
         * a matching one is found then that is returned. If the cache lookup
         * failed, then a new ConfigContext is created and inserted into the
         * cache.
         * If <code>cache</code> is <code>false</code> then the cache is
         * <i>not</i> used and a new ConfigContext object is returned. This
         * object is <i>not</i> inserted into the cache.
         * Note that if ConfigContext already exists, readOnly and autoCommit
         * are not used.
         * @param fileUrl
         * @param readOnly
         * @param autoCommit
         * @param cache
         * @throws ConfigException
         * @return  */
        public static ConfigContext createConfigContext(String fileUrl,
                boolean readOnly, boolean autoCommit, boolean cache)
                throws ConfigException {
           return createConfigContext(fileUrl, readOnly, autoCommit,
                   cache, true);
         * Returns a ConfigContext object that was either previously
         * created (and stored in the cache) or created anew.
         * If <code>cache</code> is <code>true</code> then the factory looks
         * up its cache of previously created ConfigContext objects and if
         * a matching one is found then that is returned. If the cache lookup
         * failed, then a new ConfigContext is created and inserted into the
         * cache.
         * If <code>cache</code> is <code>false</code> then the cache is
         * <i>not</i> used and a new ConfigContext object is returned. This
         * object is <i>not</i> inserted into the cache.
         * If <code>resolvePath</code> is <code>true</code> then the
         * absolute paths of certain attributes in domain.xml are resolved
         * as in the runtime context.
         * Note that if ConfigContext already exists, readOnly and autoCommit
         * are not used.
         * @param fileUrl
         * @param readOnly
         * @param autoCommit
         * @param cache
         * @param resolvePath
         * @throws ConfigException
         * @return 
        public static ConfigContext createConfigContext(String fileUrl,
                boolean readOnly, boolean autoCommit, boolean cache,
                boolean resolvePath)
                throws ConfigException {   

            return ConfigContextFactory.createConfigContext(
                    getConfigEnvironment(fileUrl, readOnly, autoCommit,
                        cache, resolvePath));

         * this method adds a validation handler for creating a context
         * default is com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerValidationHandler
        public static ConfigContext createConfigContext(String fileUrl,
                boolean readOnly, boolean autoCommit, boolean cache, Class rootClass)
                throws ConfigException {
           ConfigEnvironment ce = getConfigEnvironment(fileUrl, readOnly,
               autoCommit, cache, true);
           return ConfigContextFactory.createConfigContext(ce);
         * Creates a different class of beans based on rootClass
         * By default, in the other createConfigContext APIs, rootClass
         * is com.sun.enterprise.config.Server
         * This API can be used to create serverbeans, clientbeans, or any other
         * class of beans
        public static synchronized ConfigContext createConfigContext(String fileUrl,
                boolean readOnly, boolean autoCommit, boolean cache, Class rootClass,
                DefaultHandler dh)
                throws ConfigException {
            ConfigEnvironment ce = getConfigEnvironment(fileUrl, readOnly,
                    autoCommit, cache, true);
            return ConfigContextFactory.createConfigContext(ce);
        public static void removeConfigContext(ConfigContext ctx) {                    
        public static synchronized void removeConfigContext(String fileUrl) {
         * Replaces a cached context with a new context
         * So, next time the Url is accessed, it returns the new context
         * Note the subtlity of this method: This method gets the url of
         * the old context and replaces the value for that key with the new object
         * Hence, even though there might be a configContext with the same url
         * but a different object, it is still replaced. This behavior is desirable
         * since we would like to have the newCtx set anyway.
         * However, if the url was not present, then ConfigException is thrown
         * with that message. Note that: this class is not i18n complaint.
         * If the old context cannot be found in cache, then throw ConfigException
         * This method is synchronized so to make it thread safe.
         * @param oldCtx Old ConfigContext that was cached in this class. This
         *               cannot be null.
         * @param newCtx New ConfigContext that will be replaced in the cache. This
         *               cannot be null.
         * @throws ConfigException if url for old ctx is not found in cache
        public static synchronized void replaceConfigContext(
                                ConfigContext oldCtx,
                                ConfigContext newCtx)
                                throws ConfigException {
            ConfigContextFactory.replaceConfigContext(oldCtx, newCtx);
         * xpath has to conform to the syntax below.
         * <PRE>
         *     expression := /tagName | /tagName/tagExpression
         *     tagExpression := tagName| tagName[@name='value'] | tagName/tagExpression | tagName[@name='value']/tagExpression
         * <PRE>
         * @param ctx
         * @param xpath
         * @throws ConfigException
         * @return  */
    /*public static ConfigBean getConfigBeanByXPath(ConfigContext ctx, String xpath)
                throws ConfigException {
         return ConfigBeansFactory.getConfigBeanByXPath(ctx, xpath);
    }  */ 
     * This method is used to activate the lastModified checking for a configContext
     * If activated, configbeans will carry a lastmodified timestamp in every bean.
     * This time is also carried onto the configChangeList and also to clones. When
     * configContext.updateFromConfigChangeList is called, the timestamp is first checked
     * to see if the bean has not changed since the clone and then the update is made.
     * If a modification to the bean is detected, a staleWriteConfigException is thrown.
     * @param ctx ConfigContext on which to enable/disable checking
     * @param value boolean to enable/disable
     * @return boolean previous value that was set (not the changed value)
    public static boolean enableLastModifiedCheck(ConfigContext ctx, boolean value) {
        return ConfigContextFactory.enableLastModifiedCheck(ctx, value);
    private static ThreadLocal _threadLocalConfigContext =
                            new ThreadLocal();

    public static ConfigContext getConfigContextFromThreadLocal() {
        return (ConfigContext)_threadLocalConfigContext.get();

    public static void setConfigContextInThreadLocal(ConfigContext ctx) {

        try {
        } catch (ConfigException ce) {
            // ignore
    private static ConfigEnvironment getConfigEnvironment(String fileUrl,
        boolean readOnly, boolean autoCommit, boolean cache,
        boolean resolvePath) {

        ConfigEnvironment ce = EnvironmentFactory.getEnvironmentFactory().
        return ce;

Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigFactory

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