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package com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.openmbean.OpenType;
import javax.management.openmbean.ArrayType;
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData;
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeDataSupport;
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType;
import javax.management.openmbean.TabularType;
import javax.management.openmbean.TabularData;
import javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType;
import javax.management.openmbean.OpenDataException;
import javax.management.openmbean.InvalidOpenTypeException;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.ArrayConversion;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.IteratorUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.TypeCast;
Utilities dealing with OpenMBeans
public final class OpenMBeanUtil
private OpenMBeanUtil() {}
private static Map<Class,SimpleType> SIMPLETYPES_MAP = null;
private static Map<Class,SimpleType>
if ( SIMPLETYPES_MAP == null )
final Map<Class,SimpleType> m = new HashMap<Class,SimpleType>();
m.put( Byte.class, SimpleType.BYTE );
m.put( Short.class, SimpleType.SHORT );
m.put( Integer.class, SimpleType.INTEGER );
m.put( Long.class, SimpleType.LONG );
m.put( BigInteger.class, SimpleType.BIGINTEGER );
m.put( BigDecimal.class, SimpleType.BIGDECIMAL );
m.put( Float.class, SimpleType.FLOAT );
m.put( Double.class, SimpleType.DOUBLE );
m.put( Character.class, SimpleType.CHARACTER );
m.put( Boolean.class, SimpleType.BOOLEAN );
m.put( String.class, SimpleType.STRING );
m.put( Date.class, SimpleType.DATE );
m.put( Void.class, SimpleType.VOID );
m.put( ObjectName.class, SimpleType.OBJECTNAME );
Get the SimpleType for a class which can be so-represented.
static public SimpleType
getSimpleType( final Class c )
final SimpleType type = (SimpleType)(getSimpleTypesMap().get( c ));
return( type );
private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[ 0 ];
private static final OpenType[] EMPTY_OPENTYPES = new OpenType[ 0 ];
Get any non-null array element from the array.
private static Object
getAnyArrayElement( Object o )
Object result = null;
final int length = Array.getLength( o );
if ( length != 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < length; ++i )
final Object element = Array.get( o, 0 );
if ( element != null )
if ( element.getClass().isArray() )
result = getAnyArrayElement( element );
if ( result != null )
result = element;
return( result );
private static int
getArrayDimensions( final Class theClass )
final String classname = theClass.getName();
int dim = 0;
while ( classname.charAt( dim ) == '[' )
return( dim );
Get the OpenType of an Object, which must conform to OpenType requirements.
static public OpenType
getOpenType( final Object o )
throws InvalidOpenTypeException, OpenDataException
if ( o == null )
// no OpenType for a null
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
OpenType type = getSimpleType( o.getClass() );
if ( type == null )
final Class theClass = o.getClass();
if ( theClass.isArray() )
final int length = Array.getLength( o );
final int dimensions = getArrayDimensions( theClass );
final Class elementClass = theClass.getComponentType();
final SimpleType simpleType = getSimpleType( elementClass );
if ( simpleType != null )
type = new ArrayType( dimensions, simpleType );
final Object element = getAnyArrayElement( o );
if ( CompositeData.class.isAssignableFrom( elementClass ) )
if ( element == null )
type = SimpleType.VOID;
type = new ArrayType( dimensions, ((CompositeData)element).getCompositeType() );
else if ( TabularData.class.isAssignableFrom( elementClass ) )
if ( element == null )
type = SimpleType.VOID;
type = new ArrayType( dimensions, ((TabularData)element).getTabularType() );
else if ( o instanceof CompositeData )
type = ((CompositeData)o).getCompositeType();
else if ( o instanceof TabularData )
type = ((TabularData)o).getTabularType();
if ( type == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( o.getClass().getName() );
return( type );
Convert certain types and return a new Map:
<li>Collection converts to an array</li>
Nulls are not eliminated; use
{@link com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.MapUtil#newMapNoNullValues} to
do that before or after.
public static Map<String,Serializable>
convertTypes( final Map<String,Serializable> orig )
final Map<String,Serializable>
result = new HashMap<String,Serializable>();
for( final String key : orig.keySet() )
final Serializable value = (Serializable)orig.get( key );
if ( value instanceof Collection )
Object[] newValue =
IteratorUtil.toArray( ((Collection<Serializable>)value).iterator() );
newValue = ArrayConversion.specializeArray( newValue );
result.put( key, newValue );
result.put( key, value );
return( result );
Create a CompositeType from a Map. Each key in the map must be a String,
and each value must be a type consistent with OpenTypes.
@param typeName the arbitrary name of the OpenType to be used
@param description the arbitrary description of the OpenType to be used
@param map a Map keyed by String, whose values may not be null
public static CompositeType
final String typeName,
final String description,
final Map<String,?> map,
CompositeTypeFromNameCallback callback)
throws OpenDataException
final String[] itemNames = new String[ map.keySet().size()];
map.keySet().toArray( itemNames );
final String[] itemDescriptions = new String[ itemNames.length ];
final OpenType[] itemTypes = new OpenType[ itemNames.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < itemNames.length; ++i )
final String name = itemNames[ i ];
final Object value = map.get( name );
itemDescriptions[ i ] = "value " + name;
if ( value == null )
// force nulls to type String
itemTypes[ i ] = callback.getOpenTypeFromName( name );
itemTypes[ i ] = getOpenType( value );
final CompositeType type = new CompositeType(
itemTypes );
return( type );
Create a CompositeData from a Map. Each key in the map must be a String,
and each value must be a type consistent with OpenTypes.
@param typeName the arbitrary name of the OpenType to be used
@param description the arbitrary description of the OpenType to be used
@param map a Map keyed by String, whose values may not be null
public static CompositeData
final String typeName,
final String description,
final Map<String,Object> map )
throws OpenDataException
final CompositeType type = mapToCompositeType( typeName, description, map, null);
return( new CompositeDataSupport( type, map ) );
Convert a CompositeData to a Map.
public static Map<String,Serializable>
compositeDataToMap( final CompositeData data )
final Map<String,Serializable> map = new HashMap<String,Serializable>();
final CompositeType type = data.getCompositeType();
final Set<String> keySet = TypeCast.asSet( type.keySet() );
for( String name : keySet )
map.put( name, (Serializable)data.get( name ) );
return( map );
Get a CompositeType describing a CompositeData which has no elements.
public static OpenType
throws OpenDataException
final String[] itemNames = new String[]
final String[] descriptions = new String[ ]
final OpenType[] openTypes = new OpenType[ itemNames.length ];
openTypes[ 0 ] = SimpleType.STRING;
openTypes[ 1 ] = SimpleType.STRING;
openTypes[ 2 ] = SimpleType.INTEGER;
openTypes[ 3 ] = SimpleType.BOOLEAN;
return( new CompositeType(
"StackTraceElement composite type",
) );
Get a CompositeType describing a CompositeData which has no elements.
public static OpenType
getThrowableOpenType( final Throwable t)
throws OpenDataException
final String[] itemNames = new String[]
final String[] descriptions = new String[ ]
"The message from the Throwable",
"The cause (if any) from the Throwable",
"The stack trace from the Throwable",
final OpenType[] openTypes = new OpenType[ itemNames.length ];
openTypes[ 0 ] = SimpleType.STRING;
openTypes[ 1 ] = t.getCause() == null ? SimpleType.VOID : getThrowableOpenType( t.getCause() );
openTypes[ 2 ] = new ArrayType( t.getStackTrace().length,
getStackTraceElementOpenType() );
return( new CompositeType(
"Throwable composite type",
) );