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* $Header: /cvs/glassfish/appserv-api/src/java/com/sun/appserv/management/util/jmx/MBeanProxyHandler.java,v 1.3 2007/05/25 20:24:11 llc Exp $
* $Revision: 1.3 $
* $Date: 2007/05/25 20:24:11 $
package com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.management.Attribute;
import javax.management.AttributeList;
import javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.MBeanServerInvocationHandler;
import javax.management.NotificationBroadcaster;
import javax.management.ReflectionException;
import javax.management.IntrospectionException;
import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException;
import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException;
import javax.management.InvalidAttributeValueException;
import javax.management.MBeanException;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMXDebug;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.ConnectionSource;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.JMXUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.AttributeNameMangler;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.AttributeNameMapper;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.AttributeNameMapperImpl;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.ExceptionUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.StringUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.ObjectUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.Output;
Implementation of a proxy <i>handler</i> that supports Attribute names which are not legal
Java identifiers. It does so by mapping illegal Java identifiers into legal
names. Any interface supplied needs to take mapped names into account.
Allows specification of either an AttributeNameMangler or AttributeNameMapper for maximum
flexibility in how illegal Attribute names are mapped.
<b>THREAD SAFE, but not clear if parent class
javax.management.MBeanServerInvocationHandler is thread-safe</b>
public class MBeanProxyHandler extends MBeanServerInvocationHandler
// implements MBeanProxyHandlerIntf
protected final static String GET = "get";
protected final static String SET = "set";
protected final static String IS = "is";
protected final static int GET_PREFIX_LENGTH = GET.length();
protected final static int IS_PREFIX_LENGTH = IS.length();
protected final ConnectionSource mConnectionSource;
protected final AttributeNameMangler mMangler;
private volatile AttributeNameMapper mMapper;
private final ObjectName mTargetObjectName;
private volatile boolean mCacheMBeanInfo;
private volatile MBeanInfo mCachedMBeanInfo;
private volatile boolean mMBeanInfoIsInvariant = false;
private Logger mLogger; // protected with 'synchronized'
private volatile boolean mTargetValid;
private final Integer mHashCode;
protected volatile Output mDebug;
static protected final String DEBUG_ID =
public int
return ObjectUtil.hashCode( mTargetObjectName,
mConnectionSource, mLogger, mMangler, mMapper, mCachedMBeanInfo, mDebug) ^
ObjectUtil.hashCode( mCacheMBeanInfo ) ^
ObjectUtil.hashCode( mMBeanInfoIsInvariant ) ^
ObjectUtil.hashCode( mTargetValid );
public boolean
equals( final Object rhs )
if ( rhs == this )
return true;
final MBeanProxyHandler other = (MBeanProxyHandler)rhs;
boolean equals = mTargetObjectName.equals( other.getTargetObjectName() );
if ( equals )
equals = getConnection() == other.getConnection();
catch( Exception e )
equals = false;
return equals;
protected String
return DEBUG_ID;
Normally created through MBeanProxyFactory.newProxyInstance(). Creates a new instance to be used
as a <i>handler<i> object for Proxy.newProxyInstance.
@param connectionSource the connection
@param objectName the ObjectName of the proxied MBean
ConnectionSource connectionSource,
ObjectName objectName )
throws IOException
this( connectionSource, objectName, (AttributeNameMangler)null );
final ConnectionSource connectionSource,
final ObjectName objectName,
final AttributeNameMapper mapper,
final AttributeNameMangler mangler )
throws IOException
super( connectionSource.getMBeanServerConnection( false ), objectName );
mDebug = AMXDebug.getInstance().getOutput( getDebugID() );
debugMethod( "MBeanProxyHandler", connectionSource, objectName, mapper, mangler );
mMangler = mangler;
mMapper = mapper;
mConnectionSource = connectionSource;
mTargetObjectName = objectName;
mTargetValid = true;
mCacheMBeanInfo = true;
mCachedMBeanInfo = null;
mLogger = null;
mHashCode = this.hashCode();
public final void
debugMethod( mTargetObjectName.toString(), "targetUnregistered" );
mTargetValid = false;
assert( ! targetIsValid() );
public final void
debugMethod( "connectionBad" );
mTargetValid = false;
assert( ! targetIsValid() );
protected final boolean
return( mTargetValid );
public final boolean
if ( mTargetValid )
mTargetValid = getConnection().isRegistered( getTargetObjectName() );
catch( Exception e )
debug( "checkValid: connection failed" );
mTargetValid = false;
return( mTargetValid );
Same as MBeanProxyHandler( connection, objectName ), but can take a name mangler.
@param connectionSource the connection
@param objectName the ObjectName of the proxied MBean
@param mangler optional name mangler for illegal Attribute names
ConnectionSource connectionSource,
ObjectName objectName,
AttributeNameMangler mangler )
throws IOException
this( connectionSource, objectName, null, mangler );
Same as MBeanProxyHandler( connection, objectName ), but can take a supplied
mapper for illegal Attribute names.
@param connectionSource the connection
@param objectName the ObjectName of the proxied MBean
@param mapper optional name mapper for illegal Attribute names
ConnectionSource connectionSource,
ObjectName objectName,
AttributeNameMapper mapper )
throws IOException
this( connectionSource, objectName, mapper, null );
public synchronized void
setProxyLogger( final Logger logger )
mLogger = logger;
protected final static String LOGGER_NAME = "com.sun.appserv.management.Proxy";
public synchronized Logger
getProxyLogger( )
if ( mLogger == null )
mLogger = Logger.getLogger( this.getClass().getName() );
return( mLogger );
public final ConnectionSource
return( mConnectionSource );
protected final MBeanServerConnection
throws IOException
return( mConnectionSource.getMBeanServerConnection( false ) );
protected final ObjectName
return( mTargetObjectName );
public static String[]
final MBeanAttributeInfo[] infos )
return( JMXUtil.getAttributeNames( infos ) );
Create a mapper based on the supplied attributeInfos
@param attributeInfos
@param mangler
@return AttributeNameMapper
final MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributeInfos,
final AttributeNameMangler mangler)
return( new AttributeNameMapperImpl( getAllAttributeNames( attributeInfos ), mangler ) );
Initialize a mapper based on the supplied attributeInfos. Does nothing if already
protected void
initMapper( )
throws IOException, IntrospectionException, ReflectionException, InstanceNotFoundException
// lazy initialization here
if ( mMapper == null && mMangler != null)
final MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = getMBeanInfo( true );
synchronized( this )
if ( mMapper == null )
mMapper = createMapper( mbeanInfo.getAttributes(), mMangler);
protected String
extractAttributeNameFromMethod( String methodName )
assert( methodName.startsWith( GET ) ||
methodName.startsWith( SET ) ||
methodName.startsWith( IS ) );
final int startIndex = methodName.startsWith( GET ) || methodName.startsWith( SET ) ?
return( methodName.substring( startIndex, methodName.length() ) );
protected boolean
isMappedAttributeMethod( final String attributeName )
boolean isMapped = false;
if ( mMapper != null )
final String originalName = mMapper.derivedToOriginal( attributeName );
isMapped = ! attributeName.equals( originalName );
return( isMapped );
protected synchronized void
cacheMBeanInfo( final boolean cacheIt )
mCacheMBeanInfo = cacheIt;
mMBeanInfoIsInvariant = cacheIt;
if ( ! cacheIt )
mCachedMBeanInfo = null;
public final boolean
return( mMBeanInfoIsInvariant );
protected final void
setMBeanInfoIsInvariant( boolean isInvariant )
mMBeanInfoIsInvariant = isInvariant;
protected final boolean
return( mCacheMBeanInfo );
Same as XAttributesAccess.getAttributes, but with exceptions
@param refresh whether to get a fresh copy
protected MBeanInfo
getMBeanInfo( boolean refresh )
throws IOException, InstanceNotFoundException, IntrospectionException, ReflectionException
if ( refresh ||
(! mCacheMBeanInfo) ||
mCachedMBeanInfo == null )
synchronized( this )
mCachedMBeanInfo = getConnection().getMBeanInfo( getTargetObjectName() );
return( mCachedMBeanInfo );
Same as XAttributesAccess.getAttribute, but with exceptions
public Object
getAttribute( final String attributeName )
throws InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException,
MBeanException, AttributeNotFoundException, IOException
final Object result =
getConnection().getAttribute( getTargetObjectName(), attributeName );
postGetAttributeHook( attributeName, result );
return( result );
Same as XAttributesAccess.getAttributes, but with exceptions
public AttributeList
getAttributes( final String[] attrNames )
throws IOException, InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException
final AttributeList results =
getConnection().getAttributes( getTargetObjectName(), attrNames );
postGetAttributesHook( attrNames, results );
return( results );
Same as XAttributesAccess.setAttribute, but with exceptions
public void
setAttribute( final Attribute attr )
throws IOException, InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException,
AttributeNotFoundException, MBeanException, InvalidAttributeValueException
getConnection().setAttribute( getTargetObjectName(), attr );
postSetAttributeHook( attr );
Same as XAttributesAccess.setAttributes, but with exceptions
public AttributeList
setAttributes( final AttributeList requested )
throws IOException, InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException
final AttributeList results = getConnection().setAttributes( getTargetObjectName(), requested );
postSetAttributesHook( requested, results );
return( results );
private final String LOG_LEVEL_NAME = "LogLevel";
protected void
final String name,
final Object value )
protected void
final String[] requested,
final AttributeList actual )
protected void
postSetAttributeHook( final Attribute attr )
protected void
final AttributeList requested,
final AttributeList actual )
Invoke the specified method. This implementation supports additional functionality
over the JMX MBeanServerInvocationHandler:
(1) It supports mapped Attribute names (ones that are not legal Java names)
(2) it supports XAttributesAccess, which otherwise does not work correctly
For anything else, the behavior of MBeanServerInvocationHandler is used.
public Object
Object proxy,
Method method,
Object[] args
throws java.lang.Throwable
final String methodName = method.getName();
final int numArgs = args == null ? 0 : args.length;
debugMethod( method.getName(), args );
Object result = null;
final boolean isGetter = JMXUtil.isIsOrGetter( method );
final boolean isSetter = isGetter ? false : JMXUtil.isSetter( method );
boolean handled = false;
if ( methodName.equals( "getTargetObjectName" ) )
handled = true;
result = getTargetObjectName();
else if ( methodName.equals( "getMBeanInfo" ) && numArgs <= 1)
handled = true;
if ( numArgs == 1 )
result = getMBeanInfo( ((Boolean)args[ 0 ] ).booleanValue() );
else if ( numArgs == 0 )
result = getMBeanInfo( mCacheMBeanInfo );
handled = false;
else if ( methodName.equals( "getProxyLogger" ) && numArgs == 0 )
handled = true;
result = getProxyLogger();
else if ( methodName.equals( "setProxyLogger" ) &&
numArgs == 1 &&
method.getParameterTypes()[ 0 ] == Logger.class )
handled = true;
setProxyLogger( (Logger)args[ 0 ] );
else if ( (isGetter || isSetter) )
handled = true;
// it's a plain getFoo(), setFoo( f ) call
initMapper( );
final String javaName = extractAttributeNameFromMethod( methodName );
String attributeName = javaName;
if ( isMappedAttributeMethod( javaName ) )
attributeName = mMapper.derivedToOriginal( javaName );
//trace( "MBeanProxyHandler.invoke: mapped attribute: " + javaName + " => " + attributeName );
if ( isGetter )
result = getAttribute( attributeName );
final Attribute attr = new Attribute( attributeName, args[ 0 ] );
setAttribute( attr );
else if ( methodName.indexOf( "etAttribute" ) == 1 )
handled = true;
// likely one of getAttribute(), getAttributes(), setAttribute(), setAttributes()
//p( "MBeanProxyHandler.invoke: " + method.getName() + " " + numArgs + " args." );
if ( JMXUtil.isGetAttribute( method ) )
final String attrName = (String)args[ 0 ];
result = getAttribute( attrName );
else if ( JMXUtil.isGetAttributes( method ) )
final String[] attrNames = (String[])args[ 0 ];
result = (AttributeList)getAttributes( attrNames );
else if ( JMXUtil.isSetAttribute( method ) )
final Attribute attr = (Attribute)args[ 0 ];
setAttribute( attr );
else if ( JMXUtil.isSetAttributes( method ) )
final AttributeList requested = (AttributeList)args[ 0 ];
result = (AttributeList)setAttributes( requested );
handled = false;
else if ( methodName.equals( "hashCode" ) )
java.lang.reflect.Proxy will route all calls through invoke(),
even hashCode(). To avoid newing up an Integer every time,
just return a stored version. hashCode() is called frequently
when proxies are inserted into Sets or Maps. toString() and
equals() don't seem to get called however.
result = mHashCode;
handled = true;
else if ( methodName.equals( "toString" ) )
result = "proxy to " + JMXUtil.toString( getTargetObjectName() );
handled = true;
else if ( methodName.equals( "equals" ) && numArgs == 1)
result = this.equals( args[ 0 ] );
handled = true;
if ( ! handled )
debugMethod( getTargetObjectName().toString(), "super.invoke",
method.getName(), args );
result = super.invoke( proxy, method, args );
return( result );
protected boolean
return AMXDebug.getInstance().getDebug( getDebugID() );
protected void
debugMethod( final String methodName, final Object... args )
if ( getDebug() )
mDebug.println( AMXDebug.methodString( methodName, args ) );
protected void
final String msg,
final String methodName,
final Object... args )
if ( getDebug() )
mDebug.println( AMXDebug.methodString( methodName, args ) + ": " + msg );
protected void
debug( final Object... args )
if ( getDebug() )
mDebug.println( StringUtil.toString( "", args) );
protected void
debug( final Object o )
mDebug.println( o );