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package com.sun.appserv.management.j2ee.statistics;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData;
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType;
import javax.management.j2ee.statistics.Stats;
import javax.management.j2ee.statistics.Statistic;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.j2ee.J2EEUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.GSetUtil;
Generic implementation of Stats based on either a Map or a {@link CompositeData}.
There are two ways to implement a specific type of Stats object:
The subclass extends this base class, using getValue() to fetch
the requested value from the Map maintained by this class.
Create a proxy implementing the desired Stats subclass interface and use
an instance of this class as the {@link java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler}.
In addition to the standard JSR 77 Stats interfaces,
the following specific Stats interfaces are available:
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.AltJDBCConnectionPoolStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.AltServletStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.ConnectionManagerStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.ConnectionPoolStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.ConnectorConnectionPoolStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.EJBCacheStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.EJBMethodStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.EJBPoolStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.HTTPListenerStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.HTTPServiceVirtualServerStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.KeepAliveStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.ThreadPoolStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.TransactionServiceStats}</li>
<li>{@link com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.statistics.WebModuleVirtualServerStats}</li>
public class StatsImpl
extends MapGetterInvocationHandler<Statistic>
implements Stats, Serializable
static final long serialVersionUID = 6228973710059979557L;
Create a Stats from a CompositeData, whose keys are the Statistic names
and whose values are CompositeData for the Statistic.
StatsImpl( final CompositeData compositeData )
this( createStatisticsMap( compositeData ) );
private static Map<String,Statistic>
requireSerializableMap( final Map<String, Statistic> m )
// required every entry to be a Statistic
for( final Statistic s : m.values() )
if ( ! (s instanceof Statistic ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Map<String,Statistic> sMap = null;
if ( m instanceof Serializable )
sMap = m;
sMap = new HashMap<String, Statistic>( m );
return( sMap );
Ensure that every Statistic is an instance of one of our acceptable
implementations. If you are adding a custom statistic, add that
statistic here in the if clause.
private static Statistic
requireStatisticImpl( final Statistic statisticIn )
Statistic statisticOut = null;
if ( statisticIn instanceof CountStatisticImpl ||
statisticIn instanceof RangeStatisticImpl ||
statisticIn instanceof BoundedRangeStatisticImpl ||
statisticIn instanceof BoundaryStatisticImpl ||
statisticIn instanceof TimeStatisticImpl ||
statisticIn instanceof NumberStatisticImpl ||
statisticIn instanceof StringStatisticImpl
statisticOut = statisticIn;
else if ( statisticIn instanceof MapStatistic )
final Class<? extends Statistic> theInterface =
StatisticFactory.getInterface( statisticIn );
if ( theInterface != MapStatistic.class )
statisticOut = StatisticFactory.create( theInterface,
J2EEUtil.statisticToMap( statisticIn ) );
else if ( ! ( statisticIn instanceof MapStatisticImpl ) )
// it's a MapStatistic, but not our implementation.
statisticOut = new MapStatisticImpl( statisticIn );
// some weird kind, convert it to generic Statistic
assert( false ) :
"requireStatisticImpl: unsupported Statistic type of class " + statisticIn.getClass().getName();
statisticOut = new MapStatisticImpl( statisticIn );
return( statisticOut );
Ensure that every Statistic is an instance of StatisticsImpl.
private static Statistic[]
requireStatisticImpl( final Statistic[] statisticsIn )
boolean convert = false;
// avoid conversion if already in desired form
for( int i = 0; i < statisticsIn.length; ++i )
if ( ! (statisticsIn[ i ] instanceof MapStatistic ) )
convert = true;
Statistic[] statisticsOut = null;
if ( convert )
statisticsOut = new Statistic[ statisticsIn.length ];
for( int i = 0; i <
statisticsIn.length; ++i )
statisticsOut[ i ] = requireStatisticImpl( statisticsIn[ i ] );
statisticsOut = statisticsIn;
return( statisticsOut );
Create a Stats from a Map, whose keys are the Statistic names
and whose values are the Statistics.
StatsImpl( final Map<String, Statistic> statisticsIn )
super( requireSerializableMap( statisticsIn ) );
StatsImpl( final Statistic[] statistics )
this( createStatisticsMap( statistics ) );
private static Map<String,Statistic>
createStatisticsMap( final CompositeData compositeData )
final CompositeType compositeType = compositeData.getCompositeType();
final Set keySet = compositeType.keySet();
final Iterator iter = keySet.iterator();
final Map<String,Statistic> map = new HashMap<String,Statistic>();
while ( iter.hasNext() )
final String name = (String)iter.next();
final CompositeData data = (CompositeData)compositeData.get( name );
map.put( name, StatisticFactory.create( data ) );
return( map );
private static Map<String,Statistic>
createStatisticsMap( final Statistic[] statistics )
final Map<String,Statistic> m = new HashMap<String,Statistic>();
for( int i = 0; i < statistics.length; ++i )
final Statistic statistic = requireStatisticImpl( statistics[ i ] );
if ( statistic != null )
m.put( statistic.getName(), statistic );
return( m );
public Statistic
getStatistic( String statisticName )
return( (Statistic)getValue( statisticName ) );
catch( Exception e )
final String msg = "NOT a Statistic: " + statisticName +
" of class " + getValue( statisticName ).getClass();
throw new RuntimeException( msg, e );
public String[]
final Set<String> names = getMap().keySet();
return( GSetUtil.toStringArray( names ) );
public Statistic[]
final Collection<Statistic> values = getMap().values();
final Statistic[] statistics = new Statistic[ values.size() ];
return( (Statistic[])values.toArray( statistics ) );
public String
final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
final Statistic[] statistics = getStatistics();
buf.append( statistics.length + " Statistics:\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < statistics.length; ++i )
buf.append( statistics[ i ].toString() + "\n");
return( buf.toString() );
public boolean
equals( final Object rhs )
boolean equals = false;
if ( rhs != null && rhs instanceof Stats )
final Stats stats = (Stats)rhs;
final String[] myNames = getStatisticNames();
final String[] rhsNames = stats.getStatisticNames();
if ( myNames.length == rhsNames.length )
equals = true;
for( int i = 0; i < myNames.length; ++i )
final String statisticName = myNames[ i ];
final Statistic myStatistic = getStatistic( statisticName );
final Statistic rhsStatistic = stats.getStatistic( statisticName );
if ( ! myStatistic.equals( rhsStatistic ) )
equals = false;
return( equals );
public Object
Object myProxy,
Method method,
Object[] args )
throws java.lang.Throwable
Object result = null;
final String methodName = method.getName();
final int numArgs = args == null ? 0 : args.length;
if ( numArgs == 0 && methodName.equals( "getStatisticNames" ) )
result = getStatisticNames();
else if ( numArgs == 0 && methodName.equals( "getStatistics" ) )
result = getStatistics();
else if ( numArgs == 1 && methodName.equals( "getStatistic" ) &&
method.getReturnType() == Statistic.class &&
method.getParameterTypes()[ 0 ] == String.class )
result = getStatistic( (String)args[ 0 ] );
result = super.invoke( myProxy, method, args );
return( result );