* Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
* and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
* a copy of the License at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html
* or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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* Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
* as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
* accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the License
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package com.sun.appserv.management.client.handler;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.management.Attribute;
import javax.management.AttributeList;
import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
import javax.management.NotificationListener;
import javax.management.NotificationFilter;
import javax.management.ListenerNotFoundException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.NotificationBroadcaster;
import javax.management.ReflectionException;
import javax.management.IntrospectionException;
import javax.management.JMException;
import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException;
import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException;
import javax.management.ListenerNotFoundException;
import javax.management.MBeanException;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMX;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMXDebug;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMXAttributes;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.Extra;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMXClientLogger;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.Util;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.ConnectionSource;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.MBeanProxyHandler;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.JMXUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.ClassUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.GSetUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.TypeCast;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.StringUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.stringifier.SmartStringifier;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.stringifier.ArrayStringifier;
import com.sun.appserv.management.DomainRoot;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.Container;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.ProxyFactory;
Extends MBeanProxyHandler by also supporting the functionality required of an AMX.
<p><b>THREAD SAFE</b>
class AMXProxyHandler extends MBeanProxyHandler
implements Extra
protected final PerMBeanCache mCache;
private boolean mCheckedForInvariantMBeanInfo = false;
static protected final String DEBUG_ID =
protected String
return DEBUG_ID;
Create a new AMX proxy.
@param connectionSource the connection
@param proxiedMBeanObjectName the ObjectName of the proxied MBean
final ConnectionSource connectionSource,
final ObjectName proxiedMBeanObjectName )
throws IOException
super( connectionSource, proxiedMBeanObjectName );
mDebug = AMXDebug.getInstance().getOutput( getDebugID() );
mCache = new PerMBeanCache();
setProxyLogger( AMXClientLogger.getInstance() );
protected void
cacheAttribute( final Attribute attr )
mCache.cacheAttribute( attr );
Get an Attribute, first from the cache, but if not in the cache, fetching a new
copy, then caching it. This routine should only be used on invariant Attributes.
protected Attribute
getCachedAttribute( final String attrName )
throws IOException, InstanceNotFoundException,
MBeanException, AttributeNotFoundException, ReflectionException
Attribute attr = mCache.getCachedAttribute( attrName );
if ( attr == null )
final MBeanServerConnection conn = getConnection();
final Object value = getConnection().getAttribute( getTargetObjectName(), attrName );
attr = new Attribute( attrName, value );
mCache.cacheAttribute( attr );
return( attr );
protected Object
getCachedAttributeValue( final String attrName )
throws IOException, JMException
final Attribute attr = getCachedAttribute( attrName );
assert( attr != null ) : "getCachedAttributeValue: null for " + attrName;
return( attr == null ? null : attr.getValue() );
All proxies cached by ObjectName get cached by the ProxyFactory.
Proxies keyed by other values may not be unique and need to be cached
as items in mCache.
private AMX
getCachedProxy( Object key )
AMX proxy = null;
if ( key instanceof ObjectName )
proxy = getProxyFactory().getProxy( (ObjectName)key, AMX.class );
proxy = Util.asAMX(mCache.getCachedItem( key ) );
if ( proxy != null )
final AMXProxyHandler handler = (AMXProxyHandler)Proxy.getInvocationHandler( proxy );
if ( ! handler.targetIsValid() )
debug( "removing cached proxy for key: ", key );
mCache.remove( key );
proxy = null;
return( proxy );
A proxy cached by ObjectName can safely be shared globally, since the
ObjectNames are unique per connection. But non-ObjectName keys may
actually conflict from like MBeans
private void
cacheProxy( final String key, final AMX proxy)
mCache.cacheItem( key, proxy );
private static final String CREATE = "create";
private static final String GET = "get";
private static final String MAP_SUFFIX = "Map";
private static final String SET_SUFFIX = "Set";
private static final String LIST_SUFFIX = "List";
private static final String OBJECT_NAME_MAP_SUFFIX= "ObjectName" + MAP_SUFFIX;
private static final String OBJECT_NAME_SET_SUFFIX= "ObjectName" + SET_SUFFIX;
private static final String OBJECT_NAME_LIST_SUFFIX= "ObjectName" + LIST_SUFFIX;
private static final String OBJECT_NAME_SUFFIX = "ObjectName";
private static final String CONTAINEE_J2EE_TYPES = Container.ATTR_CONTAINEE_J2EE_TYPES;
private static final String CONTAINER = "Container";
private static final String DOMAIN_ROOT = "DomainRoot";
private static final String MBEAN_INFO = "MBeanInfo";
private static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = "AttributeNames";
private static final String J2EE_NAME = "Name";
private static final String J2EE_TYPE = "J2EEType";
public final static String ADD_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER = "addNotificationListener";
public final static String REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER = "removeNotificationListener";
private final static String QUERY = "query";
protected ObjectName
throws IOException, JMException
return( (ObjectName)getCachedAttributeValue( AMXAttributes.ATTR_CONTAINER_OBJECT_NAME ) );
protected Class
getProxyInterface( final ObjectName objectName )
throws IOException, JMException, ClassNotFoundException
// by fetching a proxy this way, it may already exist, with an already-cached
// interface.
final AMX proxy = getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, AMX.class );
final Class proxyInterface = ClassUtil.getClassFromName( Util.getExtra( proxy ).getInterfaceName() );
return( proxyInterface );
private String
throws IOException, JMException
return( (String)getCachedAttributeValue( AMXAttributes.ATTR_INTERFACE_NAME ) );
public String
return( _getInterfaceName() );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
public ProxyFactory
return( ProxyFactory.getInstance( getConnectionSource() ) );
Get the proxy which is the parent of this one.
synchronized Container
getContainer( final AMX myProxy )
throws IOException, JMException,
Container containerProxy = null;
if ( ! ( myProxy instanceof DomainRoot ) )
final ObjectName objectName = getContainerObjectName();
// a few MBeans propogated from other instances, such as Logging,
// do not have a Container.
if ( objectName != null )
containerProxy =
getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, Container.class );
return( containerProxy );
Get the proxy corresponding to the DomainMBean for the domain to which
this proxy corresponds.
private final DomainRoot
getDomainRoot( )
throws IOException
return( getProxyFactory().getDomainRoot( ) );
private static final String STRING = String.class.getName();
private static final String[] EMPTY_SIG = new String[ 0 ];
private static final String[] STRING_SIG = new String[] { STRING } ;
private static final String[] STRING2_SIG = new String[] { STRING, STRING } ;
private static final String GET_SINGLETON_CONTAINEE = "getSingletonContainee";
private static final String GET_CONTAINEE = "getContainee";
private static final String GET_SINGLETON_CONTAINEE_OBJECT_NAME=
private static final String[] GET_OBJECT_NAMES_SIG_EMPTY = EMPTY_SIG;
private static final String[] GET_OBJECT_NAMES_SIG_STRING = STRING_SIG;
protected synchronized AMX
final ObjectName objectName )
return( getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, AMX.class ) );
Return true if the method is one that is requesting a Map of AMX object.
protected static boolean
final Method method,
final int argCount )
boolean isProxyMapGetter = false;
final String name = method.getName();
if ( name.startsWith( GET ) &&
name.endsWith( MAP_SUFFIX ) &&
(! name.endsWith( OBJECT_NAME_MAP_SUFFIX )) &&
argCount <= 1 &&
Map.class.isAssignableFrom( method.getReturnType() ) )
isProxyMapGetter = true;
return( isProxyMapGetter );
Return true if the method is one that is requesting a List of AMX object.
protected static boolean
final Method method,
final int argCount )
boolean isProxyListGetter = false;
final String name = method.getName();
if ( ( name.startsWith( GET ) || name.startsWith( QUERY ) ) &&
name.endsWith( LIST_SUFFIX ) &&
(! name.endsWith( OBJECT_NAME_LIST_SUFFIX )) &&
argCount <= 1 &&
List.class.isAssignableFrom( method.getReturnType() ) )
isProxyListGetter = true;
return( isProxyListGetter );
Return true if the method is one that is requesting a single AMX object.
Such methods are client-side methods and do not operate on the target MBean.
protected static boolean
isSingleProxyGetter( final Method method, final int argCount )
boolean isProxyGetter = false;
final String name = method.getName();
if ( ( name.startsWith( GET ) || name.startsWith( QUERY ) ) &&
argCount <= 2 &&
AMX.class.isAssignableFrom( method.getReturnType() ) )
isProxyGetter = true;
return( isProxyGetter );
@return true if the method is one that is requesting a Set of AMX.
protected static boolean
isProxySetGetter( final Method method, final int argCount )
boolean isProxySetGetter = false;
final String name = method.getName();
if ( ( name.startsWith( GET ) || name.startsWith( QUERY ) ) &&
name.endsWith( SET_SUFFIX ) &&
!name.endsWith( OBJECT_NAME_SET_SUFFIX ) &&
argCount <= 2 &&
Set.class.isAssignableFrom( method.getReturnType() ) )
isProxySetGetter = true;
return( isProxySetGetter );
private static String
proxyGetterToObjectNameGetter( final String methodName )
return( methodName + OBJECT_NAME_SUFFIX );
private Object
final String methodName,
final Object[] args,
final String[] sig )
throws IOException, ReflectionException, InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException,
final int numArgs = args == null ? 0 : args.length;
Object result = null;
if ( numArgs == 0 &&
methodName.startsWith( GET ) )
final String attributeName = StringUtil.stripPrefix( methodName, GET );
result = getConnection().getAttribute( getTargetObjectName(), attributeName );
result = getConnection().invoke( getTargetObjectName(), methodName, args, sig );
return result;
private String
getJ2EEType( final Class c )
return( (String)ClassUtil.getFieldValue( c, "J2EE_TYPE" ) );
The method is one that requests a Proxy. Create the proxy by asking the
target MBean for the appropriate ObjectName. The resulting Proxy will implement
the interface given as the return type of the Method.
final Object myProxy,
final Method method,
final Object[] args )
throws IOException, ReflectionException, InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException,
// use the methodName as the key for the cache
final String methodName = method.getName();
final int numArgs = (args == null) ? 0 : args.length;
final String argString = args == null ? "" : ArrayStringifier.stringify( args, "_" );
final String cacheKey = methodName + argString;
AMX proxy = getCachedProxy( cacheKey );
if ( proxy == null )
final Class returnClass = method.getReturnType();
ObjectName objectName = null;
final String j2eeType = getJ2EEType( returnClass );
if ( numArgs == 0 ) // of the form getXXX() eg getSSLConfig()
final String newMethodName = proxyGetterToObjectNameGetter( methodName );
objectName = (ObjectName) invokeTarget( newMethodName, null, EMPTY_SIG);
else if ( numArgs == 1 && args[ 0 ].getClass() == String.class )
final String newMethodName = proxyGetterToObjectNameGetter( methodName );
objectName = (ObjectName) invokeTarget( newMethodName, args, STRING_SIG );
else if ( (methodName.equals( GET_SINGLETON_CONTAINEE ) ||
methodName.equals( GET_CONTAINEE )) && numArgs == 2 )
// getContainee( j2eeType, name )
final String newMethodName = proxyGetterToObjectNameGetter( methodName );
objectName = (ObjectName)
invokeTarget( newMethodName, args, GET_SINGLETON_CONTAINEE_OBJECT_NAME_SIG2 );
getProxyLogger().warning( "Unknown form of proxy getter: " + method );
assert( false );
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if ( objectName != null )
proxy = createProxy( objectName );
// the underlying object may not exist, this occurs normally sometimes
if ( proxy != null )
if ( cacheKey != null )
//debug( "CACHING: " + cacheKey + " => " + Util.getExtra( proxy ).getObjectName);
cacheProxy( cacheKey, proxy );
//debug( "NOT CACHING: " + Util.getExtra( proxy ).getObjectName);
getProxyLogger().fine( "invokeSingleProxyGetter: NULL ObjectName for: " +
methodName + "()" );
//debug( "FOUND CACHED using \"" + cacheKey + "\": " + Util.getExtra( proxy ).getObjectName);
return( proxy );
protected static boolean
isProxyCreator( final Method method )
final String methodName = method.getName();
return( methodName.startsWith( CREATE ) &&
AMX.class.isAssignableFrom( method.getReturnType() ) );
final Method method,
final Object[] args )
throws IOException, ReflectionException, InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException,
final String methodName = method.getName();
final String[] stringSig = getStringSig( method );
final ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName)invokeTarget( methodName, args, stringSig );
assert( objectName != null ) :
"received null ObjectName from: " + methodName + " on target " + getTargetObjectName();
final AMX proxy = createProxy( objectName );
assert( getProxyFactory().getProxy( Util.getExtra( proxy ).getObjectName(),AMX.class, false ) == proxy );
return( proxy );
private static String
toString( Object o )
String result = o == null ? "null" : SmartStringifier.toString( o );
final int MAX_LENGTH = 256;
if ( result.length() > MAX_LENGTH )
result = result.substring( 0, MAX_LENGTH - 1 ) + "...";
return result;
private static String[]
getStringSig( final Method method )
final Class[] sig = method.getParameterTypes();
final String[] stringSig = ClassUtil.classnamesFromSignature( sig );
return( stringSig );
protected static String
final String srcName,
final String srcSuffix,
final String resultSuffix )
if ( ! srcName.endsWith( srcSuffix ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( srcName + " does not end with " + srcSuffix );
final String baseName = srcName.substring( 0, srcName.lastIndexOf( srcSuffix ) );
return( baseName + resultSuffix );
private static final Map<String,AMX> EMPTY_String_AMX = Collections.emptyMap();
private Map<String,?>
final Object myProxy,
final Method method,
final Object[] args )
throws java.io.IOException, ReflectionException, InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException,
ClassNotFoundException, AttributeNotFoundException, JMException
final int argCount = args == null ? 0 : args.length;
// turn getXXXObjectNameMap() into getXXXMap()
final String methodName = method.getName();
final String getObjectNameMapName =
convertMethodName( methodName, MAP_SUFFIX, OBJECT_NAME_MAP_SUFFIX );
final MBeanServerConnection conn = getConnection();
final Map<String,?> m = TypeCast.asMap(
invokeTarget( getObjectNameMapName, args, getStringSig( method ) ) );
assert( m != null ) :
"mbean " + getTargetObjectName() + " returned null Map for " + getObjectNameMapName;
The Map may be either a:
- Map of <name>=<ObjectName>
- Map of <j2eeType>=<Map of <name>=<ObjectName>
Map<String,?> result = null;
if ( m.keySet().size() != 0 )
final ProxyFactory proxyFactory = getProxyFactory();
final Object firstValue = m.values().iterator().next();
if ( firstValue instanceof ObjectName )
// it's <name>=<ObjectName>
final Map<String,ObjectName> onm = TypeCast.asMap( m );
final Map<String,AMX> proxyMap = proxyFactory.toProxyMap( onm );
result = proxyMap;
else if ( firstValue instanceof Map )
final Map<String,Map<String,ObjectName>> objectNameMaps = TypeCast.asMap( m );
final Map<String,Map<String,AMX>> proxyMaps = new HashMap<String,Map<String,AMX>>();
for ( final String j2eeType : objectNameMaps.keySet() )
final Map<String,ObjectName> objectNameMap = objectNameMaps.get( j2eeType );
final Map<String,AMX> proxyMap = proxyFactory.toProxyMap( objectNameMap );
proxyMaps.put( j2eeType, proxyMap );
result = proxyMaps;
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
result = EMPTY_String_AMX;
return( result );
private List<AMX>
final Object myProxy,
final Method method,
final Object[] args )
throws java.io.IOException, ReflectionException, InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException,
ClassNotFoundException, AttributeNotFoundException, JMException
// get the List<ObjectName> from the MBean
final String remoteNAME =
convertMethodName( method.getName(), LIST_SUFFIX, OBJECT_NAME_LIST_SUFFIX );
final List<ObjectName> objectNames = TypeCast.asList(
invokeTarget( remoteNAME, args, getStringSig( method ) ) );
final List<AMX> result = getProxyFactory().toProxyList( objectNames );
return( result );
The method is one that requests a Set of Proxies. Create the proxies by asking the
target MBean for the ObjectNames. Then generate proxies of the appropriate type
for each resulting ObjectName.
private Set<AMX>
final Object myProxy,
final Method method,
final Object[] args )
throws java.io.IOException, JMException, ClassNotFoundException
assert( Set.class.isAssignableFrom( method.getReturnType() ) );
final String methodName = method.getName();
final String getObjectNamesName =
convertMethodName( methodName, SET_SUFFIX, OBJECT_NAME_SET_SUFFIX );
final MBeanServerConnection conn = getConnection();
final String[] stringSig = getStringSig( method );
// ask the MBean for an ObjectName corresponding to an id (name)
final Set<ObjectName> objectNames = TypeCast.asSet( invokeTarget( getObjectNamesName, args, stringSig ) );
final Set<AMX> proxies = getProxyFactory().toProxySet( objectNames );
return( proxies );
private final static Class[] NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SIG1 = new Class[]
private final static Class[] NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SIG2 = new Class[]
private synchronized MBeanInfo
throws IOException,
InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException, IntrospectionException
MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = null;
if ( ! mCheckedForInvariantMBeanInfo )
mCheckedForInvariantMBeanInfo = true;
// see if target has the boolean which tells us if caching is OK
final Boolean cacheIt = (Boolean)
getAttribute( AMXAttributes.ATTR_MBEAN_INFO_IS_INVARIANT );
setMBeanInfoIsInvariant( cacheIt.booleanValue() );
cacheMBeanInfo( cacheIt.booleanValue() );
catch( Exception e )
// not found, or other problem, have to assume we can't cache it
cacheMBeanInfo( false );
setMBeanInfoIsInvariant( false );
mbeanInfo = getMBeanInfo( getCacheMBeanInfo() );
return( mbeanInfo );
public MBeanInfo
return( _getMBeanInfo() );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
public ObjectName
return( getTargetObjectName() );
public Map<String,Object>
getAllAttributes( )
Map<String,Object> result = Collections.emptyMap();
final String[] names = getAttributeNames();
final AttributeList attrs = getAttributes(names );
result = JMXUtil.attributeListToValueMap( attrs );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return( result );
public String[]
final String attrName = "AttributeNames";
Attribute attr = null;
attr = getCachedAttribute( attrName );
catch( AttributeNotFoundException e )
// it's supposed to be there!
attr = null;
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
String[] names = null;
if ( attr == null )
final MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = getMBeanInfo();
names = JMXUtil.getAttributeNames( mbeanInfo.getAttributes() );
if ( getMBeanInfoIsInvariant() )
// only cache if MBeanInfo is invariant
cacheAttribute( new Attribute( attrName, names ) );
names = (String[])attr.getValue();
return( names );
The values of these Attributes are cached forever. Proxies are handled separately
because the API will be getXXX() wherease the Attribute name will be XXXObjectName.
private static final Set<String> CACHED_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = GSetUtil.newUnmodifiableStringSet(
private static final String GET_MBEAN_INFO = GET + MBEAN_INFO;
private static final String GET_J2EE_TYPE = GET + J2EE_TYPE;
private static final String GET_J2EE_NAME = GET + J2EE_NAME;
private static final String GET_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = GET + ATTRIBUTE_NAMES;
private static final String GET_CONTAINER = GET + CONTAINER;
private static final String GET_EXTRA = GET + "Extra";
private static final String GET_ALL_ATTRIBUTES = GET + "AllAttributes";
private static final String GET_DOMAIN_ROOT = GET + DOMAIN_ROOT;
private static final String GET_OBJECT_NAME = GET + AMXAttributes.ATTR_OBJECT_NAME;
These Attributes are handled specially. For example, J2EE_TYPE and
J2EE_NAME are part of the ObjectName.
private static final Set<String> SPECIAL_METHOD_NAMES = GSetUtil.newUnmodifiableStringSet(
Handle a "special" method; one that requires special handling and/or can
be dealt with on the client side and/or can be handled most efficiently
by special-casing it.
private Object
final Object myProxy,
final Method method,
final Object[] args )
throws ClassNotFoundException, JMException, IOException
final String methodName = method.getName();
final int numArgs = args == null ? 0 : args.length;
Object result = null;
boolean handled = true;
if ( numArgs == 0 )
if ( methodName.equals( GET_CONTAINER ) )
result = getContainer( Util.asAMX(myProxy) );
else if ( methodName.equals( GET_EXTRA ) )
assert( this instanceof Extra );
result = this;
else if ( methodName.equals( GET_OBJECT_NAME ) )
result = getTargetObjectName();
else if ( methodName.equals( GET_DOMAIN_ROOT ) )
result = getDomainRoot( );
else if ( methodName.equals( GET_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES ) )
result = getAttributeNames();
else if ( methodName.equals( GET_J2EE_TYPE ) )
result = Util.getJ2EEType( getTargetObjectName() );
else if ( methodName.equals( GET_J2EE_NAME ) )
result = Util.getName( getTargetObjectName() );
else if ( methodName.equals( GET_ALL_ATTRIBUTES ) )
result = getAllAttributes();
handled = false;
else if ( numArgs == 1 && methodName.equals( "equals" ) )
return equals( args[ 0 ] );
final Class[] signature = method.getParameterTypes();
if ( methodName.equals( ADD_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER ) &&
( ClassUtil.sigsEqual( NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SIG1, signature ) ||
ClassUtil.sigsEqual( NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SIG2, signature ) )
addNotificationListener( args );
else if ( methodName.equals( REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER ) &&
( ClassUtil.sigsEqual( NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SIG1, signature ) ||
ClassUtil.sigsEqual( NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SIG2, signature ) )
removeNotificationListener( args );
handled = false;
if ( ! handled )
assert( false );
throw new RuntimeException( "unknown method: " + method );
return( result );
public final Object
final Object myProxy,
final Method method,
final Object[] args )
throws java.lang.Throwable
final Object result = _invoke( myProxy, method, args );
assert( result == null ||
ClassUtil.IsPrimitiveClass( method.getReturnType() ) ||
method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom( result.getClass() ) ) :
method.getName() + ": result of type " + result.getClass().getName() +
" not assignable to " + method.getReturnType().getName() + ", " +
"interfaces: " + toString( result.getClass().getInterfaces() +
", ObjectName = " + JMXUtil.toString( getTargetObjectName() ) );
return result;
catch( IOException e )
throw e;
catch( InstanceNotFoundException e )
throw e;
protected Object
final Object myProxy,
final Method method,
final Object[] args )
throws java.lang.Throwable
debugMethod( method.getName(), args );
// clients can retain proxies that go invalid if their corresponding
// MBeans are removed.
if ( ! targetIsValid() )
throw new InstanceNotFoundException( getTargetObjectName().toString() );
Object result = null;
final String methodName = method.getName();
final int numArgs = args == null ? 0 : args.length;
boolean handled = false;
if ( SPECIAL_METHOD_NAMES.contains( methodName ) )
handled = true;
result = handleSpecialMethod( myProxy, method, args );
else if ( JMXUtil.isIsOrGetter( method ) )
assert( ! handled );
final String attrName = JMXUtil.getAttributeName( method );
if ( CACHED_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.contains( attrName ) )
result = getCachedAttributeValue( attrName );
handled = true;
if ( ! handled )
if ( isSingleProxyGetter( method, numArgs) )
result = invokeSingleProxyGetter( myProxy, method, args );
else if ( isProxySetGetter( method, numArgs ) )
result = invokeProxySetGetter( myProxy, method, args );
else if ( isProxyMapGetter( method, numArgs ) )
result = invokeProxyMapGetter( myProxy, method, args );
else if ( isProxyListGetter( method, numArgs ) )
result = invokeProxyListGetter( myProxy, method, args );
else if ( isProxyCreator( method ) )
result = invokeProxyCreator( method, args );
result = super.invoke( myProxy, method, args );
if ( getDebug() )
debug( AMXDebug.methodString( methodName, args ) +
" => " + toString( result ) );
return( result );
protected void
addNotificationListener( final Object[] args )
throws IOException, InstanceNotFoundException
final NotificationListener listener = (NotificationListener)args[ 0 ];
final NotificationFilter filter = (NotificationFilter)(args.length <= 1 ? null : args[ 1 ]);
final Object handback = args.length <= 1 ? null : args[ 2 ];
getTargetObjectName(), listener, filter, handback );
protected void
removeNotificationListener( final Object[] args )
throws IOException, InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException
final NotificationListener listener = (NotificationListener)args[ 0 ];
// important:
// this form removes the same listener registered with different filters and/or handbacks
if ( args.length == 1 )
getConnection().removeNotificationListener( getTargetObjectName(), listener );
final NotificationFilter filter = (NotificationFilter)args[ 1 ];
final Object handback = args[ 2 ];
getTargetObjectName(), listener, filter, handback );