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package com.sun.appserv.management.client;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.JMException;
import javax.management.relation.MBeanServerNotificationFilter;
import javax.management.MBeanServerNotification;
import javax.management.Notification;
import javax.management.NotificationListener;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnector;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectionNotification;
import com.sun.appserv.management.DomainRoot;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMX;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMXAttributes;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.XTypes;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.Util;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.MBeanProxyHandler;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.MBeanServerConnectionSource;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.MBeanServerConnectionConnectionSource;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.ClassUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.TypeCast;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.ConnectionSource;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.handler.ConverterHandlerFactory;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.handler.ConverterHandlerUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.handler.ProxyCache;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.GSetUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.ExceptionUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.JMXUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.helper.AMXDebugHelper;
Factory for {@link AMX} proxies.
Usually proxies are obtained by starting with the DomainRoot obtained via
{@link AppserverConnectionSource#getDomainRoot}.
@see com.sun.appserv.management.client.AppserverConnectionSource
public final class ProxyFactory implements NotificationListener
private final ProxyCache mProxyCache;
private final ConnectionSource mConnectionSource;
private final ObjectName mDomainRootObjectName;
private final DomainRoot mDomainRoot;
private final String mMBeanServerID;
private static final AMXDebugHelper mDebug =
new AMXDebugHelper( "com.sun.appserv.management.client.ProxyFactory" );
private static void debug( final Object... args ) { mDebug.println( args ); }
private static final Map<MBeanServerConnection,ProxyFactory> INSTANCES =
Collections.synchronizedMap( new HashMap<MBeanServerConnection,ProxyFactory>() );
Because ProxyFactory is used on both client and server, emitting anything to stdout
or to the log is unacceptable in some circumstances. Warnings remain available
if the AMX-DEBUG system property allows it.
private static void
warning( final Object... args )
debug( args );
ProxyFactory( final ConnectionSource connSource )
mDebug.setEchoToStdOut( true );
assert( connSource != null );
mConnectionSource = connSource;
mProxyCache = new ProxyCache();
final MBeanServerConnection conn = getConnection();
mMBeanServerID = JMXUtil.getMBeanServerID( conn );
mDomainRootObjectName = initDomainRootObjectName();
mDomainRoot = initDomainRoot();
// we should always be able to listen to MBeans--
// but the http connector does not support listeners
final MBeanServerNotificationFilter filter =
new MBeanServerNotificationFilter();
filter.enableType( MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION );
JMXUtil.listenToMBeanServerDelegate( conn, this, filter, null );
catch( Exception e )
warning( "ProxyFactory: connection does not support notifications: ",
mMBeanServerID, connSource);
// same idea as above, this time we want to listen to connection died
// plus there may not be a JMXConnector involved
final JMXConnector connector = connSource.getJMXConnector( false );
if ( connector != null )
connector.addConnectionNotificationListener( this, null, null );
catch( Exception e )
warning("addConnectionNotificationListener failed: ",
mMBeanServerID, connSource, e);
catch( Exception e )
warning( "ProxyFactory.ProxyFactory:\n", e );
throw new RuntimeException( e );
The connection is bad. Tell each proxy its gone and remove it.
private void
final Set<AMX> proxies = new HashSet<AMX>();
proxies.addAll( mProxyCache.values() );
for( final AMX proxy : proxies )
ConverterHandlerUtil.connectionBad( proxy );
Verify that the connection is still alive.
public boolean
boolean connectionGood = true;
getConnection().isRegistered( JMXUtil.getMBeanServerDelegateObjectName() );
connectionGood = true;
catch( Exception e )
return( connectionGood );
// should probably check each proxy for validity, but not clear if it's important...
Listens for MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION and
JMXConnectionNotification and takes appropriate action.
Used internally as callback for {@link javax.management.NotificationListener}.
public void
final Notification notifIn,
final Object handback)
final String type = notifIn.getType();
if ( type.equals( MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION) )
final MBeanServerNotification notif = (MBeanServerNotification)notifIn;
final ObjectName objectName = notif.getMBeanName();
final AMX proxy = getProxy( objectName, AMX.class, false );
mProxyCache.remove( objectName );
//debug( "ProxyFactory.handleNotification: UNREGISTERED: ", objectName );
else if ( notifIn instanceof JMXConnectionNotification )
if ( type.equals( JMXConnectionNotification.CLOSED ) ||
type.equals( JMXConnectionNotification.FAILED ) )
debug( "ProxyFactory.handleNotification: connection closed or failed: ", notifIn);
else if ( type.equals( JMXConnectionNotification.NOTIFS_LOST ) )
debug( "ProxyFactory.handleNotification: notifications lost: ", notifIn);
debug( "ProxyFactory.handleNotification: UNKNOWN notification: ", notifIn );
private ObjectName
throws IOException
final MBeanServerConnection conn = mConnectionSource.getMBeanServerConnection( false );
final String patternString = "*:" +
AMX.J2EE_TYPE_KEY + "=" + XTypes.DOMAIN_ROOT + ",*";
ObjectName pattern = null;
pattern = new ObjectName( patternString );
catch ( MalformedObjectNameException e )
warning( "initDomainRootObjectName: impossible failure", e );
assert( false ); // can't happen
throw new RuntimeException( e );
final Set<ObjectName> objectNames = JMXUtil.queryNames( conn, pattern, null );
if ( objectNames.size() != 1 )
warning( "Can't find DomainRoot MBean using pattern: ", pattern);
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Can't find DomainRoot MBean using pattern " + pattern );
final ObjectName objectName = GSetUtil.getSingleton( objectNames );
return( objectName );
private final static String DOMAIN_ROOT_KEY = "DomainRoot";
public DomainRoot
createDomainRoot( )
throws IOException
return( mDomainRoot );
public DomainRoot
initDomainRoot( )
throws IOException
final ObjectName domainRootObjectName = getDomainRootObjectName( );
final DomainRoot domainRoot = (DomainRoot)
newProxyInstance(domainRootObjectName, new Class[] { DomainRoot.class });
return( domainRoot );
Return the DomainRoot. AMX may not yet be fully
initialized; call getDomainRoot( true ) if AMX
must be initialized upon return.
@return the DomainRoot for this factory.
public DomainRoot
getDomainRoot( )
return getDomainRoot( false );
If 'waitReady' is true, then upon return AMX
is guaranteed to be fully loaded. Otherwise
AMX MBeans may continue to initialize asynchronously.
@param waitReady
@return the DomainRoot for this factory.
public DomainRoot
getDomainRoot( boolean waitReady )
if ( waitReady )
return( mDomainRoot );
@return the ConnectionSource used by this factory
public ConnectionSource
return( mConnectionSource );
@return the JMX MBeanServerID for the MBeanServer in which MBeans reside.
public String
return( mMBeanServerID );
Return the ObjectName for the DomainMBean.
public ObjectName
throws IOException
return( mDomainRootObjectName );
Get an instance of the ProxyFactory for the MBeanServer. Generally
not applicable for remote clients.
@param server
public static ProxyFactory
getInstance( final MBeanServer server )
return( getInstance( new MBeanServerConnectionSource( server ), true ) );
Get an instance of the ProxyFactory for the MBeanServerConnection.
Creates a ConnectionSource for it and calls getInstance( connSource, true ).
public static ProxyFactory
getInstance( final MBeanServerConnection conn )
return( getInstance( new MBeanServerConnectionConnectionSource( conn ), true ) );
Calls getInstance( connSource, true ).
public static ProxyFactory
getInstance( final ConnectionSource conn )
return( getInstance( conn, true ) );
Get an instance. If 'useMBeanServerID' is false, and
the ConnectionSource is not one that has been passed before, a new ProxyFactory
is instantiated which will not share its proxies with any previously-instantiated
ones. Such usage is discouraged, as it duplicates proxies. Pass 'true' unless
there is an excellent reason to pass 'false'.
@param connSource the ConnectionSource
@param useMBeanServerID use the MBeanServerID to determine if it's the same server
public static synchronized ProxyFactory
final ConnectionSource connSource,
final boolean useMBeanServerID )
ProxyFactory instance = findInstance( connSource );
if ( instance == null )
// match based on the MBeanServerConnection; different
// ConnectionSource instances could wrap the same connection
final MBeanServerConnection conn =
connSource.getMBeanServerConnection( false );
instance = findInstance( conn );
// if not found, match based on MBeanServerID as requested, or if this
// is an in-process MBeanServer
if ( instance == null &&
( useMBeanServerID || connSource instanceof MBeanServerConnectionSource ) )
final String id = JMXUtil.getMBeanServerID( conn );
instance = findInstanceByID( id );
if ( instance == null )
debug( "Creating new ProxyFactory for ConnectionSource / conn", connSource, conn );
instance = new ProxyFactory( connSource );
INSTANCES.put( conn, instance );
catch( Exception e )
warning( "ProxyFactory.getInstance: failure creating ProxyFactory: ", e );
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return( instance );
@return ProxyFactory corresponding to the ConnectionSource
public static synchronized ProxyFactory
findInstance( final ConnectionSource conn )
return( INSTANCES.get( conn ) );
@return ProxyFactory corresponding to the MBeanServerConnection
public static synchronized ProxyFactory
findInstance( final MBeanServerConnection conn )
ProxyFactory instance = null;
final Collection<ProxyFactory> values = INSTANCES.values();
for( final ProxyFactory factory : values )
if ( factory.getConnectionSource().getExistingMBeanServerConnection( ) == conn )
instance = factory;
return( instance );
@return ProxyFactory corresponding to the MBeanServerID
public static synchronized ProxyFactory
findInstanceByID( final String mbeanServerID )
ProxyFactory instance = null;
final Collection<ProxyFactory> values = INSTANCES.values();
for( final ProxyFactory factory : values )
if ( factory.getMBeanServerID().equals( mbeanServerID ) )
instance = factory;
return( instance );
@return an appropriate {@link AMX} interface for the ObjectName
@deprecated use versions that take a class as a parameter
public AMX
getProxy( final ObjectName objectName )
return getProxy( objectName, true );
Get any existing proxy, returning null if none exists and 'create' is false.
@param objectName ObjectName for which a proxy should be created
@param create true to create the proxy, false to return existing value
@return an appropriate {@link AMX} interface for the ObjectName
@deprecated use versions that take a class as a parameter
public AMX
getProxy( final ObjectName objectName, boolean create )
return getProxy( objectName, AMX.class, create );
The actual interface(s) that the proxy implements are predetermined.
Specifying the interface ties the return type to the interface at compile-time
but has no effect on the actual interfaces that are implemented by
the proxy.
@return an appropriate {@link AMX} interface for the ObjectName
public synchronized <T extends AMX> T
final ObjectName objectName,
final Class<T> theInterface )
return getProxy( objectName, theInterface, true );
Get any existing proxy, returning null if none exists and 'create' is false.
@param objectName ObjectName for which a proxy should be created
@param create true to create the proxy, false to return existing value
@param theClass class of returned proxy, avoids casts and compiler warnings
@return an appropriate {@link AMX} interface for the ObjectName
public synchronized <T extends AMX> T
final ObjectName objectName,
Class<T> theClass,
boolean create )
AMX proxy = mProxyCache.getCachedProxy( objectName );
if ( proxy == null && create )
proxy = createProxy( objectName );
return theClass.cast( proxy );
@return MBeanServerConnection used by this factory
protected MBeanServerConnection
throws IOException
return( getConnectionSource().getMBeanServerConnection( false ) );
Create a new proxy. When a new proxy is created, its parent is
required, which could cause a chain of proxies to be created.
@param ObjectName
private AMX
createProxy( final ObjectName objectName )
AMX proxy = null;
String proxyInterfaceName = null;
Class proxyInterface = null;
proxyInterfaceName = (String)
getConnection().getAttribute( objectName, AMXAttributes.ATTR_INTERFACE_NAME );
proxyInterface = ClassUtil.getClassFromName( proxyInterfaceName );
proxy = newProxyInstance( objectName, new Class[] { proxyInterface } );
catch( IllegalArgumentException e )
debug( "createProxy", e );
throw e;
catch( Exception e )
debug( "createProxy", e );
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return( proxy );
private MBeanProxyHandler
createProxyHandler( final ObjectName objectName )
throws IOException
return ConverterHandlerFactory.createHandler( mConnectionSource, objectName );
Instantiates a new proxy using the default AttributeNameMangler and with any desired number
of interfaces. If you want NotificationBroadcaster as one of the interfaces, you must
supply it in the list.
Use of this routine is discouraged in favor of
{@link #getProxy}
@param objectName the target MBean which will be invoked by the proxy
@param interfaceClasses all interfaces the proxy should implement
@return the new Proxy implementing the specified interface
public AMX
final ObjectName objectName,
final Class<?>[] interfaceClasses )
throws IOException
final MBeanProxyHandler handler = createProxyHandler( objectName );
final ClassLoader classLoader = interfaceClasses[ 0 ].getClassLoader();
final AMX proxy = Util.asAMX(Proxy.newProxyInstance( classLoader, interfaceClasses, handler));
if ( proxy != null )
mProxyCache.remove( objectName );
mProxyCache.cacheProxy( proxy );
return( proxy );
protected static String
toString( final Object o )
return( com.sun.appserv.management.util.stringifier.SmartStringifier.toString( o ) );
Convert a Set of ObjectName to a Set of AMX.
@return a Set of AMX from a Set of ObjectName.
public Set<AMX>
toProxySet( final Set<ObjectName> objectNames )
final Set<AMX> s = new HashSet<AMX>();
for( final ObjectName objectName : objectNames )
final AMX proxy = getProxy( objectName, AMX.class, true );
assert( ! s.contains( proxy ) );
s.add( proxy );
catch( final Exception e )
debug( "ProxyFactory.toProxySet: exception for MBean ",
objectName, " = ", ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e ) );
return( s );
Convert a Collection of ObjectName to a List of AMX.
@return a List of AMX from a List of ObjectName.
public List<AMX>
toProxyList( final Collection<ObjectName> objectNames )
final List<AMX> list = new ArrayList<AMX>();
for( final ObjectName objectName : objectNames )
final AMX proxy = getProxy( objectName, AMX.class, true );
list.add( proxy );
catch( final Exception e )
debug( "ProxyFactory.toProxySet: exception for MBean ",
objectName, " = ", ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e ) );
return( list );
Convert a Map of ObjectName, and convert it to a Map
of AMX, with the same keys.
@return a Map of AMX from a Map of ObjectName.
public Map<String,AMX>
final Map<String,ObjectName> objectNameMap )
final Map<String,AMX> resultMap = new HashMap<String,AMX>();
final Set<String> keys = objectNameMap.keySet();
for( final String key : keys )
final ObjectName objectName = objectNameMap.get( key );
final AMX proxy = getProxy( objectName, AMX.class, true );
resultMap.put( key, proxy );
catch( final Exception e )
debug( "ProxyFactory.toProxySet: exception for MBean ",
objectName, " = ", ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e ) );
return( resultMap );