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package com.sun.enterprise.management.model;
import javax.management.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.ServerManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.InstanceDefinition;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.AdminService;
import com.sun.appserv.server.util.Version;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventCache;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.channel.AdminChannel;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.channel.RMIClient;
import com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain;
//Config imports
import com.sun.enterprise.server.ServerContext;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Domain;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Server;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Config;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.JmsService;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.JmsHost;
// JMS util imports
import com.sun.enterprise.jms.IASJmsUtil;
//JMS SPI imports
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsspi.JMSAdmin;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsspi.JMSAdminFactory;
//import com.sun.enterprise.management.util.J2EEManagementObjectUtility;
//import com.sun.enterprise.tools.admin.RealmTool;
public class J2EEServerMdl extends J2EEManagedObjectMdl {
/* The vendor information for this server. */
private String serverVendor = "Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
/* The server version number. */
private String serverVersion = "9.1";
/* The managed object type. */
private static String MANAGED_OBJECT_TYPE = "J2EEServer";
/* start time */
private long startTime = now();
/* The debug string system property. */
private static String DEBUG_SYS_PROPERTY = "com.sun.aas.jdwpOptions";
public J2EEServerMdl() {
super(System.getProperty(com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.J2EE_APPNAME, "j2ee") +
System.getProperty(com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.J2EE_SERVER_ID_PROP, "100"), false, false, false);
//this.serverName = System.getProperty(com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.J2EE_APPNAME) + System.getProperty(com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.J2EE_SERVER_ID_PROP);
super("j2ee100", true, false, false);
public J2EEServerMdl(String serverName, String version) {
super(serverName, serverName, true, false, false);
this.serverVersion = version;
//constructor for generic instantiation from the MBeanRegistry
public J2EEServerMdl(String[] location) {
this(location[1], "8.0" /*FIXME: use constant*/);
* A list of all applications deployed on this J2EEServer.
* @supplierCardinality 0..*
public String[] getdeployedObjects(){
Set apps = findNames("j2eeType=J2EEApplication,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer());
apps.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=EJBModule,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
apps.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=WebModule,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
apps.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=ResourceAdapterModule,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
apps.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=AppClientModule,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
Iterator it = apps.iterator();
String [] deployed = new String[apps.size()];
int i =0;
while(it.hasNext()) {
deployed[i++] = ((ObjectName)it.next()).toString();
return deployed;
* A list of resources available to this server.
* @supplierCardinality 0..*
public String[] getresources() {
Set res = findNames("j2eeType=JCAResource,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer());
res.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=JavaMailResource,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
res.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=JDBCResource,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
res.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=JMSResource,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
res.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=JNDIResource,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
res.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=JTAResource,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
res.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=RMI_IIOPResource,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
res.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=URLResource,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
res.addAll(findNames("j2eeType=AdminObjectResource,J2EEServer=" + getJ2EEServer()));
Iterator it = res.iterator();
String [] resources = new String[res.size()];
int i =0;
while(it.hasNext()) {
resources[i++] = ((ObjectName)it.next()).toString();
return resources;
* A list of nodes that this J2EEServer spans.
* @supplierCardinality 1..*
public String[] getnodes(){
try {
return new String [] { (java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost()).toString() };
} catch(Exception e) {
return new String[0];
* A list of all Java virtual machines on which this J2EEServer has running threads.
* @supplierCardinality 0..*
public String[] getjavaVMs() {
Set vms = findNames("j2eeType=JVM");
Iterator it = vms.iterator();
String [] jvms = new String[vms.size()];
int i =0;
while(it.hasNext()) {
jvms[i++] = ((ObjectName)it.next()).toString();
return jvms;
* Identifies the J2EE platform vendor of this J2EEServer. The value of serverVendor is specified by the vendor.
public String getserverVendor(){
return serverVendor;
* Identifies the J2EE platform version of this J2EEServer. The value of serverVersion is specified by the vendor.
public String getserverVersion() {
return Version.getVersion();
* The type of the J2EEManagedObject as specified by JSR77. The class that implements a specific type must override this method and return the appropriate type string.
public String getj2eeType() {
* The name of the J2EEManagedObject. All managed objects must have a unique name within the context of the management
* domain. The name must not be null.
public String getobjectName() {
Set s = findNames("j2eeType="+getj2eeType()+",name="+getJ2EEServer());
Object [] objs = s.toArray();
if (objs.length > 0) {
String name = ((ObjectName)objs[0]).toString();
return name;
} else {
return null;
* start time for the server instance
public long getstartTime(){
return this.startTime;
* Starts the server instance.
public void start() {
* Starts the server instance.
public void startRecursive() {
* Stops the server instance.
public void stop() {
* Returns the debug port for this instance.
public String getdebugPort() {
String debug = java.lang.System.getProperty(DEBUG_SYS_PROPERTY);
int nameIndex;
if ( debug!=null && (nameIndex = debug.indexOf("address")) != -1 ) {
String value = debug.substring(nameIndex + "address".length() + 1);
int commaIndex;
if ( (commaIndex = value.indexOf(",")) != -1 ) {
value = value.substring(0, commaIndex);
return value;
return null;
* Is instance restart required. Restart is required if dynamic
* reconfiguration on the instance could not be dones and the user has
* not restarted the instance since then.
* @deprecated Use runtime status object to runtime status
public boolean isrestartRequired() {
String instanceId = AdminService.getAdminService().getInstanceName();
RMIClient rc = AdminChannel.getRMIClient(instanceId);
return rc.isRestartNeeded();