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package com.sun.enterprise.management.ext.logging;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.management.NotificationListener;
import javax.management.Notification;
import javax.management.Attribute;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.ListenerNotFoundException;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMX;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.Util;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.XTypes;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.QueryMgr;
import com.sun.appserv.management.j2ee.J2EEServer;
import com.sun.appserv.management.ext.logging.Logging;
import static com.sun.appserv.management.ext.logging.Logging.*;
import com.sun.appserv.management.ext.logging.LogModuleNames;
import com.sun.appserv.management.ext.logging.LogQueryResult;
import com.sun.appserv.management.ext.logging.LogQueryResultImpl;
import com.sun.appserv.management.ext.logging.LogQueryEntry;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.GSetUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.StringUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.CollectionUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.stringifier.CollectionStringifier;
import com.sun.enterprise.management.AMXTestBase;
import com.sun.enterprise.management.Capabilities;
Test the {@link Logging}.
public final class LoggingTest extends AMXTestBase
LoggingTest( )
public static Capabilities
return getOfflineCapableCapabilities( false );
final Set<Logging>
return getQueryMgr().queryJ2EETypeSet( XTypes.LOGGING );
public void
final long start = now();
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
for( final Logging logging : loggings )
for( final String moduleName : LogModuleNames.ALL_NAMES )
final String level = logging.getModuleLogLevel( moduleName );
printElapsed( "testGetModuleLogLevel", loggings.size(), start );
public void
final long start = now();
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
for( final Logging logging : loggings )
for( final String moduleName : LogModuleNames.ALL_NAMES )
final String level = logging.getModuleLogLevel( moduleName );
logging.setModuleLogLevel( moduleName, "FINEST" );
logging.setModuleLogLevel( moduleName, level );
printElapsed( "testSetModuleLogLevel", loggings.size(), start );
public void
final long start = now();
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
for( final Logging logging : loggings )
final String[] serverLogs = logging.getLogFileNames( SERVER_KEY );
assert( serverLogs.length != 0 );
//final String[] accessLogs = logging.getLogFileNames( ACCESS_KEY );
//assert( accessLogs.length != 0 );
printElapsed( "testGetLogFileNames", loggings.size(), start );
public void
final long start = now();
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
for( final Logging logging : loggings )
final String[] keys = logging.getLogFileKeys();
final Set<String> keysSet = GSetUtil.newSet( keys );
assert( keysSet.contains( SERVER_KEY ) );
assert( keysSet.contains( ACCESS_KEY ) );
assertEquals( 2, keysSet.size() );
printElapsed( "testGetLogFileKeys", loggings.size(), start );
Testing these is problematic because if they run
before the other tests, they create nearly-empty log files
public void
how to verify?
public void
warning( "testRotateLogFile: SKIPPING TEST" );
logging.rotateLogFile( SERVER_KEY );
logging.rotateLogFile( ACCESS_KEY );
public void
final long start = now();
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
for( final Logging logging : loggings )
final String[] serverLogs = logging.getLogFileNames( SERVER_KEY );
assert( serverLogs.length != 0 );
for( final String name : serverLogs )
final long startGet = now();
final String contents = logging.getLogFile( SERVER_KEY, name );
assert( contents != null ) : "contents of log file are null: " + name;
assert( contents.length() != 0 ) : "contents of log file are empty: " + name;
printVerbose( "Log file " + StringUtil.quote( name ) +
" has size " + (contents.length() / 1024 ) + "K, ms = " + (now() - startGet) );
printElapsed( "testGetLogFile", loggings.size(), start );
public void
final long start = now();
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
for( final Logging logging : loggings )
final Map<String,Number>[] infos = logging.getErrorInfo();
assert( infos != null );
for( final Map<String,Number> info : infos )
assert( info != null && info.keySet().size() >= 3 );
assert( info.containsKey( TIMESTAMP_KEY ) );
assert( info.containsKey( SEVERE_COUNT_KEY ) );
assert( info.containsKey( WARNING_COUNT_KEY ) );
printElapsed( "testGetErrorInfo", loggings.size(), start );
public void
final long start = now();
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
for( final Logging logging : loggings )
final Map<String,Number>[] infos = logging.getErrorInfo();
assert( infos != null );
for( final Map<String,Number> info : infos )
final Long timeStamp = (Long)info.get( TIMESTAMP_KEY );
assert( timeStamp != null );
final Integer severeCount = (Integer)info.get( SEVERE_COUNT_KEY );
assert( severeCount != null );
final Integer warningCount = (Integer)info.get( WARNING_COUNT_KEY );
assert( warningCount != null );
final Map<String,Integer> warnings =
logging.getErrorDistribution( timeStamp.longValue(), "WARNING" );
assert( warnings != null );
for( final String moduleID : warnings.keySet() )
assert( warnings.get( moduleID) != null );
final Map<String,Integer> severes =
logging.getErrorDistribution( timeStamp, "SEVERE" );
assert( severes != null );
for( final String moduleID : severes.keySet() )
assert( severes.get( moduleID) != null );
// verify that there are no illegal keys.
final String[] loggerNames = logging.getLoggerNames();
final Set<String> illegal = GSetUtil.copySet( severes.keySet() );
illegal.removeAll( GSetUtil.newSet( loggerNames ) );
assert( illegal.size() == 0 ) :
"Illegal logger names found in Map returned by getErrorDistribution: {" +
CollectionUtil.toString( illegal, ",") + "}";
logging.getErrorDistribution( timeStamp, "INFO" );
fail( "expecting failure from getErrorDistribution( timeStamp, 'INFO' )" );
catch( Exception e )
printElapsed( "testGetErrorDistribution", loggings.size(), start );
public void
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
for( final Logging logging : loggings )
final String[] names = logging.getLoggerNames();
assert( names != null && names.length != 0 );
for( final String loggerName : names )
final String[] under = logging.getLoggerNamesUnder( loggerName );
assert( under != null );
public void
final long start = now();
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
for( final Logging logging : loggings )
final String filename = Logging.MOST_RECENT_NAME;
final int startRecord = FIRST_RECORD;
final boolean searchForward = true;
final int requestedCount = ALL_RECORDS;
final Long fromTime = now() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
final Long toTime = now();
final Set<String> modules = LogModuleNames.ALL_NAMES; // all
final List<Attribute> attrs = null;
final LogQueryResult result = logging.queryServerLog(
attrs );
final String[] fieldNames = result.getFieldNames();
for( final LogQueryEntry entry : result.getEntries() )
final String messageID = entry.getMessageID();
final String[] causes = logging.getDiagnosticCauses( messageID );
final String[] checks = logging.getDiagnosticChecks( messageID );
final String uri = logging.getDiagnosticURI( messageID );
printElapsed( "testQuery", loggings.size(), start );
private Map<String,J2EEServer>
final Map<String,J2EEServer> servers =
return servers;
public void
final long start = now();
final Map<String,J2EEServer> servers = getAllJ2EEServer();
for( final J2EEServer server : servers.values() )
final int state = server.getstate();
final String serverName = server.getName();
if ( state != J2EEServer.STATE_RUNNING )
warning( "testHaveLoggingForEachRunningServer: server " +
serverName + " is not running" );
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
final Set<ObjectName> loggingsObjectNames = Util.toObjectNames( loggings );
final Map<String,Logging> all =
Util.createNameMap( loggings );
assert( all.containsKey( serverName ) ) :
"Can't find Logging for server " + serverName +
", have: {" +
CollectionStringifier.toString( loggingsObjectNames, ", ") + "}";
printElapsed( "testHaveLoggingForEachRunningServer", servers.size(), start );
private final class MyListener implements NotificationListener
private final String mID;
public MyListener( final String id)
mNotifs = Collections.synchronizedList( new ArrayList<Notification>() );
mID = id;
private final List<Notification> mNotifs;
public void
final Notification notif,
final Object handback )
//printVerbose( "Received notif: " + notif );
if ( notif.getMessage().indexOf( mID ) >= 0 )
mNotifs.add( notif );
public List<Notification>
return Collections.unmodifiableList( mNotifs );
public int
return mNotifs.size();
private void
testListening( final Logging logging )
throws ListenerNotFoundException
final String message= "testListening:" + now();
final MyListener listener = new MyListener( message );
printVerbose( "Testing Logging=" + logging.getName() );
logging.addNotificationListener( listener, null, null);
logging.testEmitLogMessage( Level.SEVERE.toString(), message);
logging.testEmitLogMessage( Level.WARNING.toString(), message);
logging.testEmitLogMessage( Level.CONFIG.toString(), message);
logging.testEmitLogMessage( Level.INFO.toString(), message);
logging.testEmitLogMessage( Level.FINE.toString(), message);
logging.testEmitLogMessage( Level.FINER.toString(), message);
logging.testEmitLogMessage( Level.FINEST.toString(), message);
int count =0;
mySleep( 200 );
while ( (count = listener.getNotificationCount()) != 7 )
mySleep( 500 );
trace( "testListening: waiting for 7 Notifications, have: " + count );
logging.removeNotificationListener( listener);
public void
throws ListenerNotFoundException
final long start = now();
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
for( final Logging logging : loggings )
testListening( logging );
printElapsed( "testListeningForAllLogging", loggings.size(), start );
public void
throws ListenerNotFoundException
final Set<String> validNames = getAllJ2EEServer().keySet();
final Set<Logging> loggings = getAllLogging();
assert( validNames.size() >= loggings.size() );
for( final Logging logging : loggings )
assert validNames.contains( logging.getName() ) :
"Logging MBean name doesn't match any J2EEServer: " + logging.getName();