* Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
* and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
* a copy of the License at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html
* or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
* file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.
* Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
* as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
* accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the License
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own
* identifying information: "Portions Copyrighted [year]
* [name of copyright owner]"
* Contributor(s):
* If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
* only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
* elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
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* only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
* holder.
package com.sun.enterprise.management;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.MBeanServerFactory;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnector;
import javax.management.NotificationListener;
import javax.management.Notification;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectionNotification;
import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
import com.sun.appserv.management.DomainRoot;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.SystemInfo;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMX;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMXDebug;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.XTypes;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.Util;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.TLSParams;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.TrustStoreTrustManager;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.ConnectionSource;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.AppserverConnectionSource;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.HandshakeCompletedListenerImpl;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.NodeAgentConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.JMXConnectorConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.OfflineConfigIniter;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.ExceptionUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.StringUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.MapUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.GSetUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.FileUtils;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.ClassUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.CollectionUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.TypeCast;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.stringifier.ArrayStringifier;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.stringifier.StringifierRegistryImpl;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.stringifier.SmartStringifier;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.stringifier.StringifierRegistryIniter;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.JMXUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.MBeanServerConnectionSource;
import static com.sun.enterprise.management.PropertyKeys.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.management.monitor.AMXMonitorTestBase;
Main class that runs all the unit tests
public final class TestMain implements NotificationListener
private final DomainRoot mDomainRoot;
private HandshakeCompletedListenerImpl mHandshakeCompletedListener;
private static void
println( "USAGE: java " + TestMain.class.getName() + " <properties-file> [name=value [name=value]*]" );
final String example = MapUtil.toString( PropertyKeys.getDefaults(), "\n" ) +
"\n\nAdditional properties may be included and will be placed into a Map " +
"for use by any unit test.";
println( "Properties file format:\n" + example );
println( "" );
println( "The optional property " + StringUtil.quote(TEST_CLASSES_FILE_KEY) +
" may contain the name of a file which specifies which test classes to run. " +
"Files should be listed with fully-qualified classnames, one per line. " +
"The # character may be used to comment-out classnames."
println( "" );
println( "Additional properties may also be passed directly on the command line." );
println( "These override any properties found in the specified properties file." );
println( "[all properties intended for permanent use should be defined in PropertyKeys.java]" );
println( "EXAMPLE:" );
println( "java TestMain amxtest.properties amxtest.verbose=true my-temp=true" );
private static boolean
isHelp( final String s )
return( s.equals( "help" ) || s.equals( "--help" ) || s.equals( "-?" ) );
protected static void
assert( false );
throw new Error( "Assertions must be enabled for unit tests" );
catch( AssertionError a )
private static Map<String,String>
argsToMap( final String[] args )
final Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();
params.put( DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE, args[ 0 ] );
for( int i = 1; i < args.length; ++i )
final String pair= args[ i ];
final int delimIndex = pair.indexOf( "=" );
String name = null;
String value = null;
if ( delimIndex < 0 )
name = pair;
value = null;
name = pair.substring( 0, delimIndex);
value = pair.substring( name.length() + 1, pair.length() );
params.put( name, value );
return params;
private static DomainRoot
initOffline( final File domainXML )
final MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer( "test" );
assert( domainXML.exists() && domainXML.length() != 0 );
final OfflineConfigIniter initer = new OfflineConfigIniter( server, domainXML );
final DomainRoot domainRoot = initer.getDomainRoot();
return domainRoot;
public static void
main( final String[] args )
throws Exception
// for friendlier output via Stringifiers
new StringifierRegistryIniter( StringifierRegistryImpl.DEFAULT );
if ( args.length == 0 ||
( args.length == 1 && isHelp( args[ 0 ] ) ) )
System.exit( 255 );
final Map<String,String> cmdLineParams = argsToMap( args );
new TestMain( args.length == 0 ? null : args[ 0 ], cmdLineParams);
catch( Throwable t )
final Throwable rootCause = ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( t );
if ( rootCause instanceof java.net.ConnectException )
System.err.println( "\nERROR: The connection to the server could not be made" );
System.err.println( "\nERROR: exception of type: " + rootCause.getClass().getName() );
System.exit( -1 );
private static void println( Object o )
System.out.println( o );
public static String
toString( Object o )
return( SmartStringifier.toString( o ) );
private final DomainRoot
return( mDomainRoot );
private TLSParams
final File trustStoreFile,
final String password )
final char[] trustStorePassword = password.toCharArray();
mHandshakeCompletedListener = new HandshakeCompletedListenerImpl();
final TestClientTrustStoreTrustManager trustMgr =
new TestClientTrustStoreTrustManager( trustStoreFile, trustStorePassword);
final TLSParams tlsParams = new TLSParams( trustMgr, mHandshakeCompletedListener );
return( tlsParams );
Read connect properties from a file.
private final Map<String,String>
getProperties( final String file )
throws IOException
Map<String,String> props = PropertyKeys.getDefaults();
props.remove( TEST_CLASSES_FILE_KEY );
if ( file != null )
println( "Reading properties from: " + StringUtil.quote( file ) );
final String propsString = FileUtils.fileToString( new File( file ) );
final Properties fromFile = new Properties();
fromFile.load( new ByteArrayInputStream( propsString.getBytes() ) );
props = MapUtil.toStringStringMap( fromFile );
println( "Using default properties." );
return( props );
@param host hostname or IP address of Domain Admin Server
@param port RMI administrative port
@param user admin user
@param password admin user password
@param tlsParams TLS parameters, may be null
@return AppserverConnectionSource
public static AppserverConnectionSource
final String host,
final int port,
final String user,
final String password,
final TLSParams tlsParams )
throws IOException
final String info = "host=" + host + ", port=" + port +
", user=" + user + ", password=" + password +
", tls=" + (tlsParams != null);
println( "Connecting: " + info + "...");
final AppserverConnectionSource conn =
new AppserverConnectionSource( AppserverConnectionSource.PROTOCOL_RMI,
host, port, user, password, tlsParams, null);
conn.getJMXConnector( false );
//println( "Connected: " + info );
return( conn );
private final class PropertyGetter
final Map<String,Object> mItems;
public PropertyGetter( final Map<String,Object> props )
mItems = new HashMap<String,Object>();
mItems.putAll( props );
public Object
get( final String key )
Object result = System.getProperty( key );
if ( result == null )
result = mItems.get( key );
return( result );
public String getString( final String key ) { return( (String)get( key ) ); }
public File getFile( final String key )
final String value = getString( key );
return( value == null ? null : new File( value ) );
public int getint( final String key ) { return( Integer.parseInt( getString( key ) ) ); }
public Integer getInteger( final String key ) { return( new Integer( getString( key ) ) ); }
public boolean getboolean( final String key ) { return( Boolean.valueOf( getString( key ) ).booleanValue() ); }
public Boolean getBoolean( final String key ) { return( Boolean.valueOf( getString( key ) ) ); }
private AppserverConnectionSource
final PropertyGetter getter,
final String host,
final int port )
throws IOException
final String user = getter.getString( USER_KEY );
final String password = getter.getString( PASSWORD_KEY );
final File trustStore = getter.getFile( TRUSTSTORE_KEY);
final String trustStorePassword = getter.getString( TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_KEY);
final boolean useTLS = getter.getboolean( USE_TLS_KEY );
final TLSParams tlsParams = useTLS ?
createTLSParams( trustStore, trustStorePassword) : null;
AppserverConnectionSource conn = null;
conn = connect( host, port, user, password, tlsParams );
if ( mHandshakeCompletedListener != null )
assert( mHandshakeCompletedListener.getLastEvent() != null );
println( "HandshakeCompletedEvent: " +
toString( mHandshakeCompletedListener.getLastEvent() ) );
catch( IOException e )
if ( useTLS )
// try without TLS
println( "Attempting connection without TLS..." );
conn = connect( host, port, user, password, null );
if ( conn != null )
conn.getJMXConnector( false ).addConnectionNotificationListener( this, null, conn );
return( conn );
private AppserverConnectionSource
_getConnectionSource( final PropertyGetter getter )
throws IOException
final String host = getter.getString( HOST_KEY );
final int port = getter.getint( PORT_KEY );
return _getConnectionSource( getter, host, port );
private AppserverConnectionSource
final PropertyGetter getter,
boolean retry )
throws Exception
AppserverConnectionSource conn = null;
final long PAUSE_MILLIS = 3*1000;
for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
conn = _getConnectionSource( getter );
catch( Exception e )
final Throwable rootCause = ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e );
if ( rootCause instanceof java.net.ConnectException )
println( "ConnectException: " + rootCause.getMessage() +
"...retry..." );
Thread.sleep( PAUSE_MILLIS );
throw e;
return( conn );
public void
final Notification notifIn,
final Object handback)
if ( notifIn instanceof JMXConnectionNotification )
final String type = notifIn.getType();
if ( type.equals( JMXConnectionNotification.FAILED ) )
System.err.println( "\n\n### JMXConnection FAILED: " + handback + "\n\n" );
else if ( type.equals( JMXConnectionNotification.CLOSED ) )
System.err.println( "\n\n### JMXConnection CLOSED: " + handback + "\n\n" );
else if ( type.equals( JMXConnectionNotification.OPENED ) )
System.err.println( "\n\n### JMXConnection OPENED: " + handback + "\n\n" );
else if ( type.equals( JMXConnectionNotification.NOTIFS_LOST ) )
System.err.println( "\n\n### JMXConnection NOTIFS_LOST: " + handback + "\n\n" + notifIn );
private void
final String[] items,
final String prefix )
for( int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i )
println( prefix + items[ i ] );
private String[]
classesToStrings( final Set<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> classes )
final String[] names = new String[ classes.size() ];
int i = 0;
for ( final Class<?> c : classes )
names[ i ] = c.getName();
return names;
private void
warnUntestedClasses( final List<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> actual )
final Set<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> actualSet = GSetUtil.newSet( actual );
final Set<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> allSet = GSetUtil.newSet( Tests.getTestClasses() );
final Set<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> untested = GSetUtil.newSet( allSet );
untested.removeAll( actualSet );
if ( untested.size() != 0 )
println( "\nWARNING: the following tests WILL NOT BE RUN:" );
final String[] names = classesToStrings( untested );
for( int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i )
names[i] = "!" + names[i] + "!"; // indicate not being run
println( ArrayStringifier.stringify( names, "\n" ) );
println( "" );
final Set<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> extras = GSetUtil.newSet( actualSet );
extras.removeAll( actualSet );
if ( extras.size() != 0 )
println( "\nNOTE: the following non-default tests WILL BE RUN:" );
final String[] names = classesToStrings( extras );
println( ArrayStringifier.stringify( names, "\n" ) );
println( "" );
private void
final String WARNING =
"----------------------------------------\n" +
"- -\n" +
"- NOTE: -\n" +
"- Generic tests currently disabled for -\n" +
"- AMX MBeans which reside in non-DAS -\n" +
"- server instances eg Logging, CallFlow.-\n" +
"- Denoted by 'remoteIncomplete' -\n" +
"- -\n" +
"- -\n" +
println( WARNING );
private List<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>>
getTestClasses( final File testsFile )
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
List<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> testClasses = null;
if ( testsFile == null )
testClasses = Tests.getTestClasses();
println( "NO TEST FILE SPECIFIED--TESTING ALL CLASSES in " + Tests.class.getName());
println( "Reading test classes from: " + StringUtil.quote( testsFile.toString() ));
final String fileString = FileUtils.fileToString( testsFile );
final String temp = fileString.replaceAll( "\r\n", "\n" ).replaceAll( "\r", "\n" );
final String[] classnames = temp.split( "\n" );
testClasses = new ArrayList<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>>();
for( int i = 0; i < classnames.length; ++i )
final String classname = classnames[ i ].trim();
if ( classname.length() != 0 && ! classname.startsWith( "#" ) )
final Class<junit.framework.TestCase> theClass =
TypeCast.asClass( ClassUtil.getClassFromName( classname ) );
testClasses.add( theClass );
catch( Throwable t )
final String msg = "Can't load test class: " + classname;
throw new Error( msg, t);
warnUntestedClasses( testClasses );
return( testClasses );
private void
warnUnknownProperties( final Map<String,String> props )
final Map<String,String> known = new HashMap<String,String>( getDefaults() );
final Map<String,String> unknown = new HashMap<String,String>( props );
unknown.keySet().removeAll( known.keySet() );
if ( unknown.keySet().size() != 0 )
println( "\nNOTE: the following properties are not recognized but " +
"will be included in the environment for use by unit tests:");
println( MapUtil.toString( unknown, "\n" ) );
println( "" );
private static final String RMI_PROTOCOL_IN_CONFIG = "rmi_jrmp";
public Map<String,AppserverConnectionSource>
final DomainRoot domainRoot,
final PropertyGetter getter )
final Map<String,NodeAgentConfig> nodeAgentConfigs =
final Map<String,AppserverConnectionSource> nodeAgentConnections =
new HashMap<String,AppserverConnectionSource>();
println( "" );
println( "Contacting node agents..." );
for( final NodeAgentConfig nodeAgentConfig : nodeAgentConfigs.values() )
final String nodeAgentName = nodeAgentConfig.getName();
final JMXConnectorConfig connConfig = nodeAgentConfig.getJMXConnectorConfig();
if ( ! connConfig.getEnabled() )
println( nodeAgentName + ": DISABLED CONNECTOR");
final String address = connConfig.getAddress();
final int port = Integer.parseInt( connConfig.getPort() );
final boolean tlsEnabled = connConfig.getSecurityEnabled();
final String protocol = connConfig.getProtocol();
if ( ! RMI_PROTOCOL_IN_CONFIG.equals( protocol ) )
println( nodeAgentName + ": UNSUPPORTED CONNECTOR PROTOCOL: " + protocol );
// See if we can connect
final AppserverConnectionSource asConn =
_getConnectionSource( getter, address, port );
final MBeanServerConnection conn = asConn.getMBeanServerConnection( false );
final boolean alive =
conn.isRegistered( JMXUtil.getMBeanServerDelegateObjectName() );
assert( alive );
nodeAgentConnections.put( nodeAgentName, asConn );
println( nodeAgentName + ": ALIVE" );
catch( Exception e )
println( "Node agent " + nodeAgentConfig.getName() +
" could not be contacted: " + e.getClass().getName() );
println( nodeAgentName + ": COULD NOT BE CONTACTED" );
println( "" );
return nodeAgentConnections;
private Capabilities
getCapabilities( final Class c )
Capabilities capabilities = AMXTestBase.getDefaultCapabilities();
final Method getCapabilities = c.getDeclaredMethod( "getCapabilities", (Class[])null );
capabilities = (Capabilities)getCapabilities.invoke( null, (Object[])null );
catch( Exception e )
return capabilities;
private List<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>>
final DomainRoot domainRoot,
final PropertyGetter getter,
final List<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> classes )
final boolean offline = getter.getboolean( TEST_OFFLINE_KEY );
final SystemInfo systemInfo = domainRoot == null ? null : domainRoot.getSystemInfo();
final boolean clustersSupported = systemInfo == null ?
false : systemInfo.supportsFeature( SystemInfo.CLUSTERS_FEATURE );
final boolean multipleServersSupported = systemInfo == null ?
false : systemInfo.supportsFeature( SystemInfo.MULTIPLE_SERVERS_FEATURE );
final boolean monitorsSupported = ! offline;
final List<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> included = new ArrayList<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>>();
final List<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> omitted = new ArrayList<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>>();
for( final Class<junit.framework.TestCase> c : classes )
boolean include = true;
final Capabilities capabilities = getCapabilities( c );
if ( (! monitorsSupported ) &&
AMXMonitorTestBase.class.isAssignableFrom( c ) )
include = false;
else if ( offline && ! capabilities.getOfflineCapable() )
include = false;
else if ( ClusterSupportRequired.class.isAssignableFrom( c ) &&
! clustersSupported )
include = false;
else if ( MultipleServerSupportRequired.class.isAssignableFrom( c ) &&
! multipleServersSupported )
include = false;
if ( include )
included.add( c );
omitted.add( c );
return included;
final String optionalPropertiesFile,
final Map<String,String> cmdLineParams )
throws Exception
AMXDebug.getInstance().setAll( true );
final Map<String,String> props = getProperties( optionalPropertiesFile );
final Map<String,String> envIn = new HashMap<String,String>( props );
envIn.putAll( cmdLineParams );
warnUnknownProperties( envIn );
final Map<String,Object> env = new HashMap<String,Object>();
env.putAll( envIn );
println( "" );
println( "ENVIRONMENT:\n" + MapUtil.toString( env, "\n" ) );
println( "" );
final PropertyGetter getter = new PropertyGetter( env );
ConnectionSource conn = null;
final boolean testOffline = getter.getboolean( TEST_OFFLINE_KEY );
if ( testOffline )
final String domainXML = getter.getString( DOMAIN_XML_KEY );
mDomainRoot = initOffline( new File( domainXML ) );
final MBeanServer server = (MBeanServer)
Util.getExtra( mDomainRoot ).getConnectionSource().getExistingMBeanServerConnection();
final Set<ObjectName> mbeans =
JMXUtil.queryNames( server, Util.newObjectName( "*:*" ), null );
//println( "\n\n------------------------------------------" );
//println( "MBeans registered:" );
//println( CollectionUtil.toString( mbeans, "\n" ) );
//println( "\n\n" );
conn = new MBeanServerConnectionSource( server );
if ( getter.getboolean( CONNECT_KEY ) )
final AppserverConnectionSource acs = getConnectionSource( getter, true );
if ( acs == null )
throw new IOException( "Can't connect to server" );
mDomainRoot = acs.getDomainRoot();
conn = acs;
mDomainRoot = null;
conn = null;
if ( mDomainRoot != null )
Observer.create( mDomainRoot );
final boolean expandedTesting = testOffline ?
false :getter.getboolean( EXPANDED_TESTING_KEY );
if ( mDomainRoot != null && expandedTesting )
final Map<String,AppserverConnectionSource> connections =
getNodeAgentConnections( mDomainRoot, getter );
env.put( NODE_AGENTS_KEY, connections );
final boolean threaded = getter.getboolean( RUN_THREADED_KEY );
if ( getter.getboolean( VERBOSE_KEY ) )
println( "VERBOSE mode enabled" );
if ( threaded )
println( "NOTE: timings displayed when running " +
"threaded tests will be impacted by other concurrent tests." );
final List<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> specifiedClasses =
getTestClasses( getter.getFile( TEST_CLASSES_FILE_KEY ) );
final List<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> testClasses =
filterTestClasses( mDomainRoot, getter, specifiedClasses );
final int iterations = getter.getInteger( ITERATIONS_KEY ).intValue();
Collections.unmodifiableMap( env ) );
println( "" );
println( "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" );
println( ">>>> Please inspect amxtest.coverage <<<<" );
println( " ^ " );
println( " ^ " );
println( " ^ " );
println( " ^ " );
private void
final List<Class<junit.framework.TestCase>> testClasses,
final int iterations,
final ConnectionSource conn,
final boolean threaded,
final Map<String,Object> env )
throws Exception
for( int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i )
if ( iterations != 1 )
println( "#########################################################" );
println( "\n### ITERATION " + (i+1) );
println( "#########################################################" );
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final TestRunner runner = new TestRunner( conn );
runner.runAll( testClasses, threaded, env );
final long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
println( "Time to run tests: " + (elapsed/1000) + " seconds" );