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package com.sun.enterprise.management;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.Attribute;
import javax.management.JMException;
import javax.management.Notification;
import javax.management.NotificationListener;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMX;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.XTypes;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.QueryMgr;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.SystemInfo;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.BulkAccess;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.NotificationServiceMgr;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.Util;
import com.sun.enterprise.management.support.XTypesMapper;
import com.sun.enterprise.management.support.J2EETypesMapper;
import com.sun.appserv.management.DomainRoot;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.AMXConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.DomainConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.ConfigConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.ModuleMonitoringLevelsConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.ModuleMonitoringLevelValues;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.NodeAgentConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.ProxyFactory;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.ConnectionSource;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.AppserverConnectionSource;
import com.sun.appserv.management.j2ee.J2EEDomain;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.MBeanServerConnectionConnectionSource;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.JMXUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.stringifier.SmartStringifier;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.stringifier.AttributeStringifier;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.StringUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.ClassUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.GSetUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.CollectionUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.ExceptionUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.TypeCast;
import com.sun.enterprise.management.PropertyKeys;
import com.sun.enterprise.management.util.jmx.JMXTestBase;
import com.sun.enterprise.management.support.AMXDebugStuff;
import com.sun.enterprise.management.support.AMXDebugSupportMBean;
Base class for testing the AMX API
public class AMXTestBase extends JMXTestBase
private ConnectionSource mConnectionSource;
private final DomainRoot mDomainRoot;
private final ProxyFactory mProxyFactory;
private final Set<ObjectName> mNotTested;
private final TestUtil mTestUtil;
/** config name for PE (non-EE) configuration */
protected static final String PE_CONFIG_NAME = "server-config";
private final static boolean WEB_MODULE_MONITOR_BROKEN = true;
private static boolean MONITORING_ENABLED = false;
protected static final String NEWLINE = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
AMXTestBase( )
checkConnection( getConnection() );
mNotTested = new HashSet<ObjectName>();
mConnectionSource =
new MBeanServerConnectionConnectionSource( getConnection() );
mProxyFactory = ProxyFactory.getInstance( mConnectionSource, true );
mDomainRoot = mProxyFactory.getDomainRoot();
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e.toString(), e );
mTestUtil = new TestUtil( getDomainRoot() );
protected Set<AMX>
return getTestUtil().getAllAMX();
protected ModuleMonitoringLevelsConfig
getModuleMonitoringLevelsConfig( final String configName )
final ConfigConfig cc = configName == null ? getConfigConfig() : getConfigConfig( configName );
assert( cc != null );
final ModuleMonitoringLevelsConfig mon =
return( mon );
protected ModuleMonitoringLevelsConfig
getModuleMonitoringLevelsConfig( )
return getModuleMonitoringLevelsConfig( null );
Ensure that monitoring is enabled so that unit tests don't miss anything
protected synchronized void
synchronized( AMXTestBase.class )
final String[] configNames = getConfigNames();
for( int i = 0; i < configNames.length; ++i )
getModuleMonitoringLevelsConfig( configNames[ i ] ).changeAll( ModuleMonitoringLevelValues.HIGH );
protected synchronized void
synchronized( AMXTestBase.class )
getModuleMonitoringLevelsConfig().changeAll( ModuleMonitoringLevelValues.OFF );
private static final Set<String> EXPECTED_REMOTE_INCOMPLETE_TYPES =
GSetUtil.newUnmodifiableStringSet( XTypes.CALL_FLOW_MONITOR, XTypes.LOGGING );
protected boolean
isRemoteIncomplete( final ObjectName objectName )
final AMX amx = getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, AMX.class );
final String j2eeType = amx.getJ2EEType();
final boolean isRemote = ! amx.isDAS();
if ( isRemote &&
warning( "isRemoteIncomplete: not expecting j2eeType=" + j2eeType +
", has the implementation changed?" );
return isRemote;
protected boolean
shouldTest( final ObjectName objectName )
boolean shouldTest = ! isRemoteIncomplete( objectName );
return( shouldTest );
protected void
waitUnregistered( final ObjectName objectName )
throws IOException
final MBeanServerConnection conn = getConnection();
if ( conn.isRegistered( objectName ) )
mySleep( 100 );
while ( conn.isRegistered( objectName ) )
trace( "waitUnregistered: " + objectName);
mySleep( 100 );
Because proxies are cleaned up asynchronously, it's possible for one
to remain in the factory until the factory processes the Notification
that it's MBean has been unregistered.
protected void
final ProxyFactory factory,
final ObjectName objectName )
long millis = 1;
while ( factory.getProxy( objectName, AMX.class, false ) != null )
mySleep( millis );
millis *= 2;
trace( "waitProxyGone: waiting for proxy to disappear: " + objectName );
protected final void
notTested( final ObjectName objectName )
if ( isRemoteIncomplete( objectName ) )
trace( "remoteIncomplete (this is OK): " + objectName );
mNotTested.add( objectName );
protected final Set<ObjectName>
getNotTestedSet( )
return( mNotTested );
public static void
mySleep( final long millis )
Thread.sleep( millis );
catch( InterruptedException e )
protected final void
warnNotTested( )
final Set<ObjectName> notTested = getNotTestedSet();
if ( notTested.size() != 0 )
final Set j2eeTypes =
JMXUtil.getKeyPropertySet( AMX.J2EE_TYPE_KEY, notTested );
trace( "WARNING: DID NOT TEST: " + notTested.size() + " MBeans of types {" +
toString( j2eeTypes ) + "}" );
protected void
checkConnection( final MBeanServerConnection conn )
assert( getConnection() != null );
conn.isRegistered( JMXUtil.getMBeanServerDelegateObjectName() );
catch( Exception e )
fail( "Connection failed:\n" +
ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace( getRootCause( e ) ) );
protected void
checkConnection( )
checkConnection( getConnection( ) );
protected TestUtil
return mTestUtil;
protected final AMX
getProxy( final ObjectName objectName )
final ProxyFactory factory = ProxyFactory.getInstance( getConnectionSource(), true);
final AMX proxy = factory.getProxy( objectName, AMX.class );
return( proxy );
We don't have T extend AMX because not all mixin interfaces extend AMX.
protected final <T> T
final ObjectName objectName,
final Class<T> theClass)
return( theClass.cast( getProxy(objectName) ) );
protected final DomainRoot
assert( mDomainRoot != null ) : "mDomainRoot is null";
return( mDomainRoot );
protected final DomainConfig
return( getDomainRoot().getDomainConfig() );
protected final J2EEDomain
return( getDomainRoot().getJ2EEDomain() );
protected String[]
final Map<String,ConfigConfig> configMap =
return( GSetUtil.toStringArray( configMap.keySet() ) );
protected ConfigConfig
getConfigConfig( final String name )
final Map<String,ConfigConfig> configs = getDomainConfig().getConfigConfigMap();
return configs.get( name == null ? PE_CONFIG_NAME : name );
protected static ConfigConfig
getConfigConfig( final AMXConfig any )
final ObjectName objectName = Util.getObjectName( any );
final String configName = objectName.getKeyProperty( XTypes.CONFIG_CONFIG );
return any.getDomainRoot().getDomainConfig().getConfigConfigMap().get( configName );
protected ConfigConfig
getConfigConfig( )
return( getConfigConfig( PE_CONFIG_NAME ) );
protected QueryMgr
assert( mDomainRoot != null );
final QueryMgr proxy = getDomainRoot().getQueryMgr();
assert( proxy != null );
return( proxy );
protected NotificationServiceMgr
return( getDomainRoot().getNotificationServiceMgr() );
protected BulkAccess
return( getDomainRoot().getBulkAccess() );
protected ConnectionSource
assert( mConnectionSource != null );
return( mConnectionSource );
protected MBeanServerConnection
return( getGlobalConnection() );
protected ProxyFactory
return( mProxyFactory );
protected Class
getInterfaceClass( AMX proxy )
throws ClassNotFoundException
final String name = Util.getExtra( proxy ).getInterfaceName();
return( ClassUtil.getClassFromName( name ) );
protected <T extends AMX> boolean
final Collection<T> proxies,
final Method method )
throws Exception
final long start = now();
boolean failed = false;
int testCount = 0;
final Object[] args = new Object[ 1 ];
for( final T proxy : proxies )
final ObjectName objectName = Util.getExtra( proxy ).getObjectName();
if ( ! shouldTest( objectName ) )
notTested( objectName );
args[ 0 ] = proxy;
method.invoke( this, args );
catch( Exception e )
trace( method.getName() + " failed for proxy: " +
quote( JMXUtil.toString( objectName ) ) );
failed = true;
trace( ExceptionUtil.toString( e ) );
final long elapsed = now() - start;
printVerbose( "Ran test method " + method.getName() + " on " + testCount +
" candidates in " + elapsed + "ms");
return( ! failed );
protected boolean
final Collection<ObjectName> objectNames,
final Method method )
throws Exception
boolean failed = false;
final Object[] args = new Object[ 1 ];
int testCount = 0;
final long start = now();
for( final ObjectName objectName : objectNames )
if ( ! shouldTest( objectName ) )
notTested( objectName );
args[ 0 ] = objectName;
method.invoke( this, args );
catch( Exception e )
final Throwable rootCause = getRootCause( e );
trace( method.getName() + " failed for: " +
quote( JMXUtil.toString( objectName ) ) + " with Exception of type " +
rootCause.getClass().getName() + ", msg = " + rootCause.getMessage() );
failed = true;
final long elapsed = now() - start;
printVerbose( "Ran test method " + method.getName() + " on " + testCount +
" candidates in " + elapsed + "ms");
return( ! failed );
protected final static Class[] OBJECTNAME_SIG = new Class[] { ObjectName.class };
protected final static Class[] PROXY_SIG = new Class[] { AMX.class };
protected void
testAll( final Collection<ObjectName> objectNames, final String methodName )
throws Exception
final boolean success = testOnObjectNames( objectNames,
this.getClass().getMethod( methodName, OBJECTNAME_SIG ) );
assert( success );
protected <T extends AMX> void
testAllProxies( final Collection<T> proxies, final String methodName )
throws Exception
final boolean success = testOnProxies( proxies,
this.getClass().getMethod( methodName, PROXY_SIG ) );
assert( success );
protected void
testAll( String methodName )
throws Exception
final Set<ObjectName> names = getTestUtil().getAllObjectNames();
testAll( names, methodName );
public void
setUp() throws Exception
public void
private static final String DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME = "test";
protected static String
getDefaultInstanceName( final String qualifier )
String name = null;
if ( qualifier == null )
name = qualifier + "." + DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME;
return name;
protected Throwable
getRootCause( Throwable t )
return ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( t );
protected String
getStackTrace( Throwable t )
return ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace( t );
protected String
getRootCauseStackTrace( Throwable t )
return getStackTrace( getRootCause( t ) );
protected Map<String,AppserverConnectionSource>
final Map<?,?> m = Map.class.cast( getEnvValue( PropertyKeys.NODE_AGENTS_KEY ) );
return TypeCast.checkedMap( m,
String.class, AppserverConnectionSource.class);
protected String
return getEnvString( PropertyKeys.DAS_NODE_AGENT_NAME, null);
protected NodeAgentConfig
final String name = getDASNodeAgentName();
NodeAgentConfig config = null;
if ( name != null )
config = getDomainConfig().getNodeAgentConfigMap().get( name );
return config;
protected boolean
return getEnvBoolean( PropertyKeys.TEST_OFFLINE_KEY, false );
Check if we're testing in Offline mode, which means that
Config MBeans are loaded in-process. If so, issue a warning.
@return true if test should be run, false if in offline mode
protected boolean
checkNotOffline( final String testName )
boolean offline = getTestOffline();
if ( offline )
//warning( "amxtest.testOffline=true, skipping test " + testName + "()" );
return ! offline;
public static Capabilities
return getOfflineCapableCapabilities( true );
protected static Capabilities
getOfflineCapableCapabilities( boolean offlineCapable )
final Capabilities c = new Capabilities( );
c.setOfflineCapable( offlineCapable );
return c;
final ObjectName objectName = Util.newObjectName( AMXDebugSupportMBean.OBJECT_NAME );
return (AMXDebugSupportMBean)newProxy( objectName, AMXDebugSupportMBean.class );
catch( Exception e )
assert false : "Can't get proxy to " + objectName;
return null;
protected boolean
return supportsMultipleServers( getDomainRoot() );
public static boolean
supportsMultipleServers( final DomainRoot domainRoot )
return domainRoot.getSystemInfo().supportsFeature( SystemInfo.MULTIPLE_SERVERS_FEATURE );
protected boolean
return getDomainRoot().getSystemInfo().supportsFeature( SystemInfo.CLUSTERS_FEATURE );