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* AMXUtil.java
* Created on July 18, 2006, 2:43 PM
package com.sun.enterprise.tools.admingui.util;
import java.util.*;
import com.sun.appserv.management.DomainRoot;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMX;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.QueryMgr;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.UploadDownloadMgr;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.ProxyFactory;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.AMXConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.DomainConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.ClusterConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.ConfigConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.HTTPServiceConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.HTTPListenerConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.IIOPServiceConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.IIOPListenerConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.J2EEApplicationConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.PropertiesAccess;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.ServerConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.ext.wsmgmt.WebServiceEndpointInfo;
import com.sun.appserv.management.ext.wsmgmt.WebServiceMgr;
import com.sun.appserv.management.j2ee.J2EEDomain;
import com.sun.appserv.management.j2ee.J2EEServer;
import com.sun.appserv.management.j2ee.StateManageable;
import com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.MonitoringRoot;
import com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.ServerRootMonitor;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.SystemInfo;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.EJBModuleConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.WebModuleConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.RARModuleConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.AppClientModuleConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.LifecycleModuleConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.CustomMBeanConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.SystemPropertiesAccess;
import com.sun.appserv.management.helper.LBConfigHelper;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.GSetUtil;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.MBeanServerFactory;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext;
public class AMXUtil {
private static ProxyFactory amxProxyFactory = null;
private static DomainRoot domainRoot = null;
private static DomainConfig domainConfig = null;
private static J2EEDomain j2eeDomain = null;
private static MonitoringRoot monitoringRoot = null;
private static QueryMgr queryMgr = null;
private static UploadDownloadMgr uploadDownloadMgr = null;
private static WebServiceMgr webServiceMgr = null;
private static LBConfigHelper lbConfigHelper = null;
private AMXUtil() {} //dummy constructor, all static methods.
public static DomainConfig getDomainConfig() {
return domainConfig == null ? getDomainRoot().getDomainConfig() : domainConfig;
public static J2EEDomain getJ2EEDomain() {
return j2eeDomain == null ? getDomainRoot().getJ2EEDomain() : j2eeDomain;
public static MonitoringRoot getMonitoringRoot() {
return monitoringRoot == null ? getDomainRoot().getMonitoringRoot() : monitoringRoot;
public static WebServiceMgr getWebServiceMgr() {
return webServiceMgr == null ? getDomainRoot().getWebServiceMgr() : webServiceMgr;
public static DomainRoot getDomainRoot() {
return domainRoot == null ? getAMXProxyFactory().getDomainRoot() : domainRoot;
public static QueryMgr getQueryMgr() {
return queryMgr == null ? getDomainRoot().getQueryMgr() : queryMgr;
public static UploadDownloadMgr getUploadDownloadMgr() {
return uploadDownloadMgr == null ? getDomainRoot().getUploadDownloadMgr() : uploadDownloadMgr;
public static ProxyFactory getAMXProxyFactory() {
return amxProxyFactory == null ?
ProxyFactory.getInstance( MBeanServerFactory.getMBeanServer()) : amxProxyFactory;
//IF the instance is not running or when no monitoring is on, null will be returned;
public static ServerRootMonitor getServerRootMonitor(String instanceName){
if (GuiUtil.isEmpty(instanceName))
return null;
return AMXUtil.getDomainRoot().getMonitoringRoot().getServerRootMonitorMap().get(instanceName);
public static LBConfigHelper getLBConfigHelper(){
return ( lbConfigHelper == null)? new LBConfigHelper(getDomainRoot()) : lbConfigHelper;
* <p> Get the root of the Config mbean
* @param configName The name of the config.
* @return config with the specified name, or NULL if no such config exists.
public static ConfigConfig getConfig(String configName){
if (GuiUtil.isEmpty(configName)) return null;
Map<String,ConfigConfig> cmap = (Map) getDomainConfig().getConfigConfigMap();
ConfigConfig config = cmap.get(configName);
return config;
* <p> Get the name of the config based on instance or cluster name
* @param name The name of the server instance or cluster.
* @return String null if the instance or cluster doesn't exist.
public static String getConfigName(String name){
//try to see if its a server, if not, try cluster.
ServerConfig serverConfig = getDomainConfig().getServerConfigMap().get(name);
if (serverConfig != null){
return serverConfig.getReferencedConfigName();
ClusterConfig clusterConfig = getDomainConfig().getClusterConfigMap().get(name);
if (clusterConfig != null)
return clusterConfig.getReferencedConfigName();
return null;
* <p> Get the ConfigConfig mbean based on server instance name or Cluster name
* @param instanceName Server instance name or Cluster name
* @return null if the instance or cluster doesn't exist.
public static ConfigConfig getConfigByInstanceOrClusterName(String instanceName){
boolean isEERunning = isEE();
return getConfig( getConfigName(instanceName));
* <p> Get the <http-listener> Config mbean given the config name and http-listener's name.
* @param configName The name of the config.
* @param listenerName The name of the http-listener.
* @return http-listener mbean of the specified config name and listener name, or NULL if no such config exists.
public static HTTPListenerConfig getHTTPListenerConfig(String configName, String listenerName){
if (GuiUtil.isEmpty(configName) || GuiUtil.isEmpty(listenerName))
return null;
ConfigConfig config = getConfig(configName);
HTTPServiceConfig service = (config == null) ? null : config.getHTTPServiceConfig();
if (service != null){
Map<String,HTTPListenerConfig> listeners = service.getHTTPListenerConfigMap();
HTTPListenerConfig listener = listeners.get(listenerName);
return listener;
return null;
* <p> Get the <iiop-listener> Config mbean given the config name and iiop-listener's name.
* @param configName The name of the config.
* @param listenerName The name of the http-listener.
* @return iiop-listener mbean of the specified config name and listener name, or NULL if no such config exists.
public static IIOPListenerConfig getIIOPListenerConfig(String configName, String listenerName){
if (GuiUtil.isEmpty(configName) || GuiUtil.isEmpty(listenerName))
return null;
ConfigConfig config = getConfig(configName);
IIOPServiceConfig service = (config == null) ? null : config.getIIOPServiceConfig();
if (service != null){
Map<String,IIOPListenerConfig> listeners = service.getIIOPListenerConfigMap();
IIOPListenerConfig listener = listeners.get(listenerName);
return listener;
return null;
public static boolean isEE(){
SystemInfo systemInfo = getDomainRoot().getSystemInfo();
return systemInfo.supportsFeature(SystemInfo.CLUSTERS_FEATURE);
public static boolean supportCluster(){
SystemInfo systemInfo = getDomainRoot().getSystemInfo();
return systemInfo.supportsFeature(SystemInfo.CLUSTERS_FEATURE);
* <p> Returns the value of the given property and MBean
* @param mbean MBean with properties
* (extends <code>com.sun.appserv.management.config.PropertiesAccess</code>).
* @param propName property name.
* @return String property value.
public static String getPropertyValue(PropertiesAccess mbean, String propName) {
return mbean.getPropertyValue(propName);
public static WebServiceEndpointInfo getWebServiceEndpointInfo(Object webServiceKey) {
return AMXUtil.getWebServiceMgr().getWebServiceEndpointInfo(webServiceKey);
* Function to edit the properties on a server.
* All MBeans that have Properties extend PropertiesAccess interface
* @param handlerCtx Handler Context
* @param config Config object whose properties have been modified
* eg.EJBContainerConfig
public static void editProperties(HandlerContext handlerCtx, PropertiesAccess config){
Map<String,String> addProps = (Map)handlerCtx.getInputValue("AddProps");
ArrayList removeProps = (ArrayList)handlerCtx.getInputValue("RemoveProps");
if(removeProps != null){
String[] remove = (String[])removeProps.toArray(new String[ removeProps.size()]);
for(int i=0; i<remove.length; i++){
if(addProps != null ){
for(String key: addProps.keySet()){
String value = addProps.get(key);
if (config.existsProperty(key))
config.setPropertyValue(key, value);
if (!GuiUtil.isEmpty(value)){
* update the properties of a config.
public static void updateProperties(PropertiesAccess config, Map<String,String>newProps, List ignore){
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>oldProps = config.getProperties();
if (ignore == null)
ignore = new ArrayList();
//Remove any property that is no longer in the new list
Iterator iter = oldProps.keySet().iterator();
Object key = iter.next();
if (ignore.contains(key))
if (! newProps.containsKey(key)) {
config.removeProperty( (String) key);
//update the value if the value is different or create a new property if it doesn't exist before
for(String propName : newProps.keySet()){
String val = newProps.get(propName);
if (GuiUtil.isEmpty(val)){
if (config.existsProperty(propName)){
if (config.existsProperty(propName)){
String oldValue = config.getPropertyValue(propName);
if ( ! oldValue.equals(val))
config.setPropertyValue(propName, val);
config.createProperty(propName, val);
/* converts a Property Map to a Map where the name is preceded by PropertiesAccess.PROPERTY_PREFIX.
* This conversion is required when this Map is used as the optional parameter when creating a config.
* refer to the java doc of PropertiesAccess in AMX javadoc
public static Map convertToPropertiesOptionMap(Map<String,String> props, Map<String,String> convertedMap){
if (convertedMap == null )
convertedMap = new HashMap();
if (props == null)
return convertedMap;
Set<String> keySet = props.keySet();
for(String key : keySet){
if (! GuiUtil.isEmpty((String)props.get(key)))
convertedMap.put(PropertiesAccess.PROPERTY_PREFIX + key, (String)props.get(key));
return convertedMap;
* returns the Properties of a config, skipping those specified in the list thats passed in.
* This is mostly for edit where we want to treat particular properties differently, and don't
* show that in the Properties table.
* Normally, this is followed by updateProperites() with the ignore list the same as the skipList
* specified here when user does a Save.
public static Map getNonSkipPropertiesMap(PropertiesAccess config, List skipList) {
Map<String, String> props = config.getProperties();
Map newMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
for(String propsName : props.keySet()){
if (skipList.contains(propsName))
newMap.put(propsName, props.get(propsName));
return newMap;
public static void updateSystemProperties(SystemPropertiesAccess config, Map<String,String>newProps){
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>oldProps = config.getSystemProperties();
for(String propName : oldProps.keySet()){
if (! newProps.containsKey(propName)) {
config.removeSystemProperty( (String) propName);
//update the value if the value is different or create a new property if it doesn't exist before
for(String propName : newProps.keySet()){
String val = newProps.get(propName);
if (GuiUtil.isEmpty(val)){
if (config.existsSystemProperty(propName)){
if (config.existsSystemProperty(propName)){
String oldValue = config.getSystemPropertyValue(propName);
if ( ! oldValue.equals(val))
config.setSystemPropertyValue(propName, val);
config.createSystemProperty(propName, val);
//Chagen the Property Value of a config
public static void changeProperty(PropertiesAccess config, String propName, String propValue){
if (config.existsProperty(propName)){
if (GuiUtil.isEmpty(propValue))
if (! propValue.equals(config.getPropertyValue(propName)))
config.setPropertyValue(propName, propValue);
//don't change the value if it is equal.
if (!GuiUtil.isEmpty(propValue))
config.createProperty(propName, propValue);
public static String getAppType(String name){
Set<AMXConfig> applications = AMXUtil.getQueryMgr().queryJ2EETypesSet(APP_TYPES);
for(AMXConfig app : applications){
if (app.getName().equals(name)){
return app.getJ2EEType();
return "";
static final private Set<String> APP_TYPES = GSetUtil.newUnmodifiableStringSet(
* Utility method to return the image and the state string for display.
* This object must implmenent StateManageable.
* If this is a J2EEServer, then it will also looks at the restart required flag
* The String returned will be the <img .. > + state
public static String getStatusForDisplay(AMX obj, boolean includeString){
if (! (obj instanceof StateManageable) )
return "";
int state = ((StateManageable) obj ).getstate();
if ( (obj instanceof J2EEServer) && (state == StateManageable.STATE_RUNNING)){
boolean restart = ( (J2EEServer) obj).getRestartRequired();
if (restart){
String image = GuiUtil.getMessage("common.restartRequiredImage");
return (includeString) ? image + " " + GuiUtil.getMessage("common.restartRequired") : image;
if (includeString)
return getStatusImage(state) + " " + getStatusString(state);
return getStatusImage(state);
public static String getStatusImage(int state) {
return stateImageMap.get(state);
public static String getStatusString(int state) {
return stateMap.get(state);
static private final Map<Integer, String> stateImageMap = new HashMap();
stateImageMap.put(StateManageable.STATE_FAILED, GuiUtil.getMessage("common.failedImage"));
stateImageMap.put(StateManageable.STATE_RUNNING, GuiUtil.getMessage("common.runningImage"));
stateImageMap.put(StateManageable.STATE_STARTING, GuiUtil.getMessage("common.startingImage"));
stateImageMap.put(StateManageable.STATE_STOPPED, GuiUtil.getMessage("common.stoppedImage"));
stateImageMap.put(StateManageable.STATE_STOPPING, GuiUtil.getMessage("common.stoppingImage"));
static private final Map<Integer, String> stateMap = new HashMap();
stateMap.put(StateManageable.STATE_FAILED, GuiUtil.getMessage("common.failedState"));
stateMap.put(StateManageable.STATE_RUNNING, GuiUtil.getMessage("common.runningState"));
stateMap.put(StateManageable.STATE_STARTING, GuiUtil.getMessage("common.startingState"));
stateMap.put(StateManageable.STATE_STOPPED, GuiUtil.getMessage("common.stoppedState"));
stateMap.put(StateManageable.STATE_STOPPING, GuiUtil.getMessage("common.stoppingState"));