* Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
* and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
* a copy of the License at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html
* or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
* file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.
* Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
* as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
* accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the License
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own
* identifying information: "Portions Copyrighted [year]
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* Contributor(s):
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* CommonHandlers.java
* Created on August 30, 2006, 4:21 PM
* To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
* and open the template in the editor.
package com.sun.enterprise.tools.admingui.handlers;
import java.io.File;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.sun.enterprise.tools.admingui.util.AMXUtil;
import com.sun.enterprise.tools.admingui.util.JMXUtil;
import com.sun.enterprise.tools.admingui.util.GuiUtil;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.SystemPropertyConstants;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.Handler;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.HandlerInput;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.HandlerOutput;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.util.Util;
import com.sun.appserv.management.j2ee.J2EEServer;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.PropertiesAccess;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIInput;
import javax.el.ELContext;
import javax.el.ValueExpression;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Calendar;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.ConfigConfig;
import com.sun.appserv.management.config.DASConfig;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
* @author Jennifer Chou
public class CommonHandlers {
/** Creates a new instance of CommonHandlers */
public CommonHandlers() {
* <p> This handler returns true if clusters are supported </p>
* <p> Output value: "isEE" -- Type: <code>Boolean</code>/</p>
* @param context The HandlerContext.
@HandlerOutput(name="isEE", type=Boolean.class)})
public static void isEE(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("isEE", AMXUtil.isEE());
* <p> This handler will be called during initialization when Cluster Support is detected.
public static void initClusterSessionAttribute(HandlerContext handlerCtx){
Map sessionMap = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getSessionMap();
//The summary or detail view of deploy tables is stored in session to remember user's previous
sessionMap.put("appSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("webSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("ejbSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("appclientSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("rarSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("lifecycleSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("adminObjectSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("connectorResSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("customResSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("externalResSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("javaMailSessionSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("jdbcResSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("jmsConnectionSummaryView", true);
sessionMap.put("jmsDestinationSummaryView", true);
* <p> This handler will be called during initialization for doing any initialization.
public static void initSessionAttributes(HandlerContext handlerCtx){
Map sessionMap = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getSessionMap();
//Ensure this method is called once per session
Object initialized = sessionMap.get("_SESSION_INITIALIZED");
if (initialized != null)
//Get number of new updates available
int numUpdates = AMXUtil.getDomainRoot().getUpdateStatus().getNumModules();
GuiUtil.setSessionValue(UPDATE_CENTER_NUM_UPDATES, ""+numUpdates);
//Get number of new software available
int numNewModules = AMXUtil.getDomainRoot().getUpdateStatus().getNumNewSoftware();
GuiUtil.setSessionValue(UPDATE_CENTER_NUM_SOFTWARES, ""+numNewModules);
String msg = GuiUtil.getMessage("updateCenter.commonTask.noNewUpdates");
if (numNewModules != 0){
msg = GuiUtil.getMessage("updateCenter.commonTask.hasNewModules", new Object[]{numNewModules});
if (numUpdates != 0){
msg = GuiUtil.getMessage("updateCenter.commonTask.hasNewUpdates", new Object[]{numUpdates});
GuiUtil.setSessionValue("updateCenterTaskName", msg);
}catch(Exception ex){
//ex.printStackTrace(); was told that we shouldn't log update center exception
sessionMap.put(UPDATE_CENTER_NUM_UPDATES, "0");
Object domain = JMXUtil.invoke("com.sun.appserv:type=domain,category=config", "getName", null, null);
sessionMap.put("domainName", domain.toString());
}catch(Exception ex){
sessionMap.put("domainName", "");
String user = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRemoteUser();
sessionMap.put("userName", (user == null) ? "" : user);
Object request = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequest();
if (request instanceof javax.servlet.ServletRequest){
String serverName = ((javax.servlet.ServletRequest)request).getServerName();
sessionMap.put("serverName", serverName);
//should never get here.
sessionMap.put("serverName", "");
sessionMap.put("reqMsg", GuiUtil.getMessage("msg.JS.enterValue"));
sessionMap.put("reqMsgSelect", GuiUtil.getMessage("msg.JS.selectValue"));
sessionMap.put("reqInt", GuiUtil.getMessage("msg.JS.enterIntegerValue"));
sessionMap.put("reqNum", GuiUtil.getMessage("msg.JS.enterNumericValue"));
sessionMap.put("reqPort", GuiUtil.getMessage("msg.JS.enterPortValue"));
ConfigConfig config = AMXUtil.getConfig("server-config");
DASConfig dConfig = config.getAdminServiceConfig().getDASConfig();
String timeOut = dConfig.getAdminSessionTimeoutInMinutes();
if((timeOut != null) && (!timeOut.equals(""))) {
try {
int time = new Integer(timeOut).intValue();
if (time == 0) {
} else {
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
//We may never get here, in case...
/** This function is called in login.jsf to set the various product specific attributes such as the
* product GIFs and product names. A similar function is called for Sailfin to set Sailfin specific
* product GIFs and name.
* The function is defined in com.sun.extensions.comms.SipUtilities
public static void initProductInfoAttributes(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
Map sessionMap = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getSessionMap();
//Ensure this method is called once per session
Object initialized = sessionMap.get("_INFO_SESSION_INITIALIZED");
if (initialized != null)
// Initialize Product Specific Attributes
sessionMap.put("productImageURL", GuiUtil.getMessage("productImage.URL"));
sessionMap.put("productImageWidth", Integer.parseInt(GuiUtil.getMessage("productImage.width")));
sessionMap.put("productImageHeight", Integer.parseInt(GuiUtil.getMessage("productImage.height")));
sessionMap.put("loginProductImageURL", GuiUtil.getMessage("login.productImage.URL"));
sessionMap.put("loginProductImageWidth", Integer.parseInt(GuiUtil.getMessage("login.productImage.width")));
sessionMap.put("loginProductImageHeight", Integer.parseInt(GuiUtil.getMessage("login.productImage.height")));
sessionMap.put("fullProductName", GuiUtil.getMessage("versionImage.description"));
sessionMap.put("loginButtonTooltip", GuiUtil.getMessage("loginButtonTooltip"));
sessionMap.put("mastHeadDescription", GuiUtil.getMessage("mastHeadDescription"));
sessionMap.put("logoutConfirmMsg", GuiUtil.getMessage("msg.JS.confirmLogout"));
sessionMap.put("upsellingURLPE", GuiUtil.getMessage("upselling.url.pe"));
sessionMap.put("upsellingURLEE", GuiUtil.getMessage("upselling.url.ee"));
// showLoadBalancer is a Sailfin specific attribute. Sailfin uses Converged LB instead
// of HTTP LB. It is true for GF and false for Sailfin. In sailfin this is set in
// com.sun.extensions.comms.SipUtilities.initProductInfoAttributes() called for Sailfin in login.jsf
sessionMap.put("showLoadBalancer", true);
* <p> This handler returns the version of the app server </p>
* <p> Output value: "version" -- Type: <code>String</code>/</p>
* @param context The HandlerContext.
@HandlerOutput(name="version", type=String.class)})
public static void getAppServerVersion(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
J2EEServer server = AMXUtil.getJ2EEDomain().getJ2EEServerMap().get("server");
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("version", server.getserverVersion());
* <p> This handler returns String[] of the given java.util.List </p>
* <p> Output value: "selectedIndex" -- Type: <code>Object</code>/</p>
* @param context The HandlerContext.
@HandlerInput(name="list", type=java.util.List.class, required=true ),
@HandlerInput(name="index", type=Integer.class)},
@HandlerOutput(name="selectedIndex", type=Object.class)})
public static void getListElement(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
List<String> list = (List)handlerCtx.getInputValue("list");
Integer selectedIndex = (Integer)handlerCtx.getInputValue("index");
String[] listItem = null;
if(list != null) {
if(selectedIndex == null) {
//default to 0
selectedIndex = new Integer(INDEX);
listItem = new String[]{list.get(selectedIndex)};
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("selectedIndex", listItem);
* <p> This handler returns the full version of the app server, including the build number </p>
* <p> Output value: "fullVersion" -- Type: <code>String</code>/</p>
* @param context The HandlerContext.
@HandlerOutput(name="fullVersion", type=String.class)})
public static void getAppServerFullVersion(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
//no AMX API to get the full version, use JMX util
//String fullVersion = AMXUtil.getJ2EEDomain().getapplicationServerFullVersion();
String fullVersion = (String)JMXUtil.getAttribute("com.sun.appserv:j2eeType=J2EEDomain,name=com.sun.appserv,category=runtime", "applicationServerFullVersion");
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("fullVersion", fullVersion);
* <p> This handler returns the config name of the specified instance or cluster.
* <p> Input value: "target" -- Type: <code>String</code> <p>
* <p> Output Value: "configName" -- Type: <code>String</code> <p>
*@param context The HandlerContext.
@HandlerInput(name="target", type=String.class, required=true )},
@HandlerOutput(name="configName", type=String.class)}
public static void getConfigName(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
String target = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("target");
String configName = AMXUtil.getConfigName(target);
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("configName", configName);
* <p> This handler returns the encoded String using the type specified.
* <p> If type is not specified, it defaults to UTF-8.
* <p> Input value: "value" -- Type: <code>String</code> <p>
* <p> Input value: "delim" -- Type: <code>String</code> <p>
* <p> Input Value: "type" -- Type: <code>String</code> <p>
* <p> Output Value: "value" -- Type: <code>String</code> <p>
*@param context The HandlerContext.
@HandlerInput(name="value", type=String.class, required=true ),
@HandlerInput(name="delim", type=String.class),
@HandlerInput(name="type", type=String.class)},
@HandlerOutput(name="value", type=String.class)}
public static void selectiveEncode(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
String value = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("value");
String delim = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("delim");
String encType = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("type");
String encodedString = GuiUtil.encode(value, delim, encType);
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("value", encodedString);
* <p> This method kills the session, and logs out </p>
* Server Domain Attributes Page.</p>
* <p> Input value: "page" -- Type: <code>java.lang.String</code></p>
* @param context The HandlerContext.
public static void logout(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
ExternalContext extContext = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getExternalContext();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) extContext.getRequest();
* <p> This method sets the required attribute of a UI component .
* <p> Input value: "id" -- Type: <code>java.lang.String</code></p>
* <p> Input value: "required" -- Type: <code>java.lang.String</code></p>
* @param context The HandlerContext.
@HandlerInput(name="id", type=String.class, required=true),
@HandlerInput(name="required", type=String.class, required=true)
public static void setComponentRequired(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
String id = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("id");
String required = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("required");
UIComponent viewRoot = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getViewRoot();
if (viewRoot == null) return;
try {
UIInput targetComponent = (UIInput) viewRoot.findComponent(id);
if (targetComponent != null ){
}catch(Exception ex){
//Cannot find component, do nothing.
* <p> Test if a particular attribute exists.
* It will look at request scope, then page, then session.
@HandlerInput(name="attr", type=String.class, required=true )},
@HandlerOutput(name="defined", type=Boolean.class)}
public static void testExists(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
String attr = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("attr");
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("defined", false);
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("defined", true);
* <p> Returns the date pattern for this calendar component.
@HandlerInput(name="calendarComponent", type=com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Calendar.class, required=true)},
@HandlerOutput(name="pattern", type=String.class)}
public static void getDatePattern(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
Calendar calendar = (Calendar) handlerCtx.getInputValue("calendarComponent");
String pattern = calendar.getDateFormatPattern();
if(pattern == null || pattern.length() == 0) {
pattern = calendar.getDatePicker().getDateFormatPattern();
if(pattern == null || pattern.length() == 0) {
pattern="MM/dd/yyyy"; //default pattern
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("pattern", pattern);
* <p> This handler returns the requestParameter value based on the key.
* If it doesn't exists, then it will look at the request
* attribute. If there is no request attribute, it will return the
* default, if specified.</p>
* <p> This method will "html escape" any <, >, or & characters
* that appear in a String from the QUERY_STRING. This is to help
* prevent XSS vulnerabilities.</p>
* <p> Input value: "key" -- Type: <code>String</code></p>
* <p> Output value: "value" -- Type: <code>String</code></p>
@HandlerInput(name="key", type=String.class, required=true),
@HandlerInput(name="default", type=String.class)},
@HandlerOutput(name="value", type=Object.class)}
public static void getRequestValue(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
String key = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("key");
Object defaultValue = handlerCtx.getInputValue("default");
Object value = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get(key);
if ((value == null) || "".equals(value)) {
value = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequestMap().get(key);
if ((value == null) && (defaultValue != null)){
value = defaultValue;
} else {
// For URLs, the following could be used, but it URLEncodes the
// values, which are not ideal for displaying in HTML... so I will
// instead call htmlEscape()
//value = GuiUtil.encode(value, "#=@%+;-&_.?:/()", "UTF-8");
// Only need to do this for QUERY_STRING values...
value = Util.htmlEscape((String) value);
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("value", value);
* This method adds two long integers together. The 2 longs should be
* stored in "long1" and "long2". The result will be stored as "result".
@HandlerInput(name="Long1", type=Long.class, required=true ),
@HandlerInput(name="Long2", type=Long.class, required=true )},
@HandlerOutput(name="LongResult", type=Long.class)}
public void longAdd(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
// Get the inputs
Long long1 = (Long)handlerCtx.getInputValue("Long1");
Long long2 = (Long)handlerCtx.getInputValue("Long2");
// Add the 2 numbers together
Long result = new Long(long1.longValue()+long2.longValue());
// Set the result
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("LongResult", result);
* <p> Returns the current system time formatted<p>
* <p> Output value: "Time" -- Type: <code>String</code></p>
@HandlerOutput(name="CurrentTime", type=String.class)}
public void getCurrentTime(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
Date d = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(
DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM, handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getViewRoot().getLocale());
String currentTime = dateFormat.format(d);
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("CurrentTime", currentTime);
* <p> Returns the restart required status<p>
* <p> Output value: "RestartRequired" -- Type: <code>java.lang.Boolean</code></p>
@HandlerOutput(name="RestartRequired", type=Boolean.class)}
public void checkRestart(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
Boolean restartRequired = (Boolean)JMXUtil.getAttribute("com.sun.appserv:j2eeType=J2EEServer,name=server,category=runtime", "restartRequired");
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("RestartRequired", restartRequired);
* <p> Get the Property Value of the AMX mbean.<p>
@HandlerInput(name="mbean", type=PropertiesAccess.class, required=true),
@HandlerInput(name="propsName", type=java.util.List.class, required=true)},
@HandlerOutput(name="propsValue", type=java.util.List.class)}
public void getPropsValue(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
PropertiesAccess mbean = (PropertiesAccess)handlerCtx.getInputValue("mbean");
List<String> propsName = (List)handlerCtx.getInputValue("propsName");
if (mbean==null){
if (propsName != null){
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("propsValue", new ArrayList(propsName.size()));
Map<String, String> mbeanProps = mbean.getProperties();
List propsValue = new ArrayList(propsName.size());
for(String nm : propsName){
String value = mbeanProps.get(nm);
propsValue.add( (value==null) ? "" : value);
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("propsValue", propsValue);
* <p> Save the Property Value of the AMX mbean.<p>
@HandlerInput(name="mbean", type=PropertiesAccess.class, required=true),
@HandlerInput(name="propsName", type=java.util.List.class, required=true),
@HandlerInput(name="propsValue", type=java.util.List.class, required=true)}
public void savePropsValue(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
PropertiesAccess mbean = (PropertiesAccess)handlerCtx.getInputValue("mbean");
List<String> propsName = (List)handlerCtx.getInputValue("propsName");
List<String> propsValue = (List)handlerCtx.getInputValue("propsValue");
if (mbean==null){
//TODO: log error
Map<String, String> mbeanProps = mbean.getProperties();
for(int i=0; i<propsName.size(); i++){
String newValue = propsValue.get(i);
String nm = propsName.get(i);
AMXUtil.changeProperty(mbean, nm, newValue);
* <P> returns the list of Properties of the specified mbean.
* The list returned will not contain the specified "ignoreProps"
@HandlerInput(name="mbean", type=PropertiesAccess.class, required=true),
@HandlerInput(name="ignoreProps", type=java.util.List.class)},
@HandlerOutput(name="result", type=Map.class)}
public void getMbeanProperties(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
PropertiesAccess mbean = (PropertiesAccess)handlerCtx.getInputValue("mbean");
List<String> ignoreProps = (List)handlerCtx.getInputValue("ignoreProps");
Map<String,String> allProps = mbean.getProperties();
if (ignoreProps != null ){
for(String nm : ignoreProps){
if (allProps.get(nm) != null){
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("result", allProps);
* <p> Get the Property Value of the AMX mbean.<p>
@HandlerOutput(name="cookieName", type=String.class)}
public void getChartingCookieName(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
String userName = (String) handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("userName");
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("cookieName", userName + "." + CHARTING_COOKIE_NAME);
* <p> returns the charting cookie value.
@HandlerOutput(name="name", type=String.class),
@HandlerOutput(name="doCharting", type=Boolean.class),
@HandlerOutput(name="setCookieTo", type=String.class)}
public void getChartingCookieInfo(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
String userName = (String) handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("userName");
String cookieName = userName + "." + CHARTING_COOKIE_NAME;
Map<String, Object> cookies = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequestCookieMap();
Cookie cookie = (Cookie) cookies.get(cookieName);
String value = (cookie == null) ? "" : cookie.getValue();
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("name", cookieName);
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("doCharting", value.equals("true"));
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("setCookieTo", (value.equals("true"))? "false" : "true");
* <p> returns update center info.
@HandlerOutput(name="updates", type=String.class),
@HandlerOutput(name="modules", type=String.class),
@HandlerOutput(name="tool", type=String.class),
@HandlerOutput(name="wiki", type=String.class)}
public void getUpdateCenterInfo(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
//Get number of new updates available
String numUpdates = (String) GuiUtil.getSessionValue(UPDATE_CENTER_NUM_UPDATES);
//Get number of new software available
String numNewModules = (String) GuiUtil.getSessionValue(UPDATE_CENTER_NUM_SOFTWARES);
//Get Update Center tools location
String installRoot = System.getProperty(
if (installRoot == null) {
String updateTool = installRoot + File.separator + "updatecenter" +
File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "updatetool";
updateTool = updateTool.replace('\\', '/');
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("updates", numUpdates);
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("modules", numNewModules);
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("tool", updateTool);
handlerCtx.setOutputValue("wiki", "http://wiki.updatecenter.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=GettingStarted");
* <p> This handler sets a property on an object which is stored in an existing key
* For example "advance.lazyConnectionEnlistment"
@HandlerInput(name="keyObjectName", type=String.class, required=true),
@HandlerInput(name="hasBoolean", type=Boolean.class),
@HandlerInput(name="objectValue", type=String.class, required=true)}
public static void setValueExpression(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
String name = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("keyObjectName");
String value = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("objectValue");
Boolean hasBoolean = (Boolean)handlerCtx.getInputValue("hasBoolean");
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext
ELContext elcontext = facesContext.getELContext();
ValueExpression ve =
facesContext.getELContext(), "#{"+name+"}", Object.class);
if(hasBoolean == null) {
ve.setValue(facesContext.getELContext(), value);
} else {
if(hasBoolean.booleanValue()) {
if(value.equals("true")) {
ve.setValue(facesContext.getELContext(), Boolean.TRUE);
} else {
ve.setValue(facesContext.getELContext(), Boolean.FALSE);
} else {
ve.setValue(facesContext.getELContext(), value);
private static String getUpdateMessage() {
//Get number of new updates available
int numUpdates = AMXUtil.getDomainRoot().getUpdateStatus().getNumModules();
int numNewModules = AMXUtil.getDomainRoot().getUpdateStatus().getNumNewSoftware();
String updateMessage = "";
if ((numUpdates > 0) && (numNewModules > 0)) {
//New update as well as software modules are available
updateMessage = (numUpdates == 1) ?
new Object[]{numNewModules}) :
new Object[]{numUpdates, numNewModules});
} else {
if ((numUpdates <= 0) && (numNewModules <= 0)) {
//No new update or sofware modules are available
updateMessage = "";
} else {
if (numUpdates > 0) {
//New updates are available
updateMessage = (numUpdates == 1) ?
GuiUtil.getMessage("msg.updateAvailable") :
new Object[]{numUpdates});
} else {
//New software modules are available
updateMessage = (numNewModules == 1) ?
GuiUtil.getMessage("msg.newModuleAvailable") :
new Object[]{numNewModules});
if(!updateMessage.equals("")) {
String installRoot = System.getProperty(
if (installRoot == null) {
String updateTool = installRoot + File.separator + "updatecenter" +
File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "updatetool";
updateTool = updateTool.replace('\\', '/');
updateMessage = updateMessage + " " +
GuiUtil.getMessage("msg.runUpdateCenter", new Object[]{updateTool});
return updateMessage;
private static final String CHARTING_COOKIE_NAME = "as91-doCharting";
private static final int INDEX=0;
private static final String UPDATE_CENTER_NUM_UPDATES="updateCenterNumUpdates";
private static final String UPDATE_CENTER_NUM_SOFTWARES="updateCenterNumSoftwares";