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package com.sun.enterprise.ee.synchronization;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.AdminService;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.MBeanServerFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerHelper;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Config;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import com.sun.logging.ee.EELogDomains;
public class TextProcess {
private static Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(EELogDomains.
public TextProcess() {
public static String tokenizeConfig(String str, String instName,
Properties env)
if (str == null) return str;
String[] result = str.split(DEF_DELIM_TOKEN);
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
for (int i= 0; i < result.length; i++)
if (result[i].startsWith(DEF_START_TOKEN) == true )
int idx = result[i].indexOf(DEF_END_TOKEN);
String key = result[i].substring(1, idx);
String value = lookupConfigVar(key, instName, env);
return s.toString();
public static String lookupConfigVar(String s, String instName,
Properties env)
if ( s.equals("config.name") ) // should only match in DAS
assert(instName != null);
assert(env != null);
// if the key exists in the environment obj, use it from there
String x = env.getProperty(s);
if (x == null) {
x = lookupConfigName(instName);
assert(x != null);
// adds the token key/value to the environment properties obj
env.put("config.name", x);
return x;
String x = System.getProperty(s);
// lookup from the environment if not found in the system
if (x == null) {
x = env.getProperty(s);
assert(x != null);
return x;
public static String lookupConfigName(String instName)
String configName = null;
try {
ConfigContext ctx = AdminService.getAdminService().
Config config = ServerHelper.getConfigForServer(ctx,instName);
if ( config != null )
configName = config.getName();
} catch (Exception ce) {
assert(configName != null);
return configName;
public static void transformDASConfig(SynchronizationRequest[] requests)
for (int i=0; i<requests.length; i++)
String serverName = requests[i].getServerName();
Properties env = requests[i].getEnvironmentProperties();
// the request src file path is converted on demand in DAS and cache
// converts the timestamp file path in DAS
String srcTs = requests[i].getTimestampFileName();
requests[i].setTimestampFileName( tokenizeConfig(srcTs,
serverName, env));
// converts the destination/target directory
String targetDir = requests[i].getTargetDirectory();
requests[i].setTargetDirectory( tokenizeConfig(targetDir,
serverName, env));
// ---- VARIABLE(S) - PRIVATE --------------------------------
static final String DEF_DELIM_TOKEN = "[$]";
static final String DEF_START_TOKEN = "{";
static final String DEF_END_TOKEN = "}";