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* $Header: /cvs/glassfish/admin-cli/cli-api/src/java/com/sun/cli/jmx/test/TestServer.java,v 1.5 2007/05/05 05:24:53 tcfujii Exp $
* $Revision: 1.5 $
* $Date: 2007/05/05 05:24:53 $
package com.sun.cli.jmx.test;
// java imports
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
// RI imports
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.StandardMBean;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
import javax.management.MBeanServerInvocationHandler;
import javax.management.MBeanServerFactory;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL;
import javax.management.remote.jmxmp.JMXMPConnectorServer;
import javax.management.Attribute;
//import com.sun.jdmk.comm.HtmlAdaptorServer;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.AliasMgr;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.AliasMgrMBean;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.AliasMgrHashMapImpl;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.CLISupport;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.CLISupportMBeanProxy;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.CLISupportStrings;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.CLISupport;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.AliasMgrHashMapImpl;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.test.CLISupportTester;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.test.CLISupportTestee;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.StringifierRegistryIniter;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.StandardAliasesIniter;
import com.sun.cli.util.stringifier.SmartStringifier;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.ArgHelperImpl;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.ArgHelperOptionsInfo;
import com.sun.enterprise.jmx.kstat.kstatMgr;
//import com.sun.jdmk.comm.HtmlAdaptorServer;
public class TestServer
MBeanServer mServer;
final boolean mTestInProcess;
private MBeanServer
createAgent( )
final MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer( "Test" );
return( server );
private void
registerConnectors( int connectorPort )
// create the StandardConnector
final JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL( "service:jmx:jmxmp://localhost:" + connectorPort );
final JMXMPConnectorServer connector = new JMXMPConnectorServer( url, null, mServer );
final String name = ":name=JMXMPConnectorServer,type=connector,port=" + connectorPort;
registerMBean( mServer, connector, name);
catch( Exception e )
System.out.println("\tCould not create the StandardConnector");
private void
registerAdapters( int adapterPort )
// CREATE and START a new HTML adaptor
final HtmlAdaptorServer html = new HtmlAdaptorServer();
final String name = ":name=html,type=adapter,port=" + adapterPort;
registerMBean( mServer, html, name);
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("\tCould not create the HTML adaptor.");
private static void
p( Object arg )
System.out.println( arg.toString() );
private void
registerMBean( MBeanServer conn, Object mbean, String name )
throws Exception
conn.registerMBean( mbean, new ObjectName( name ) );
p( "registered object: " + name );
public interface DottedNameTesterMBean
public String getString();
public void setString( String value );
public Boolean getBoolean();
public void setBoolean( Boolean value );
private static class DottedNameTester implements DottedNameTesterMBean
String mString;
Boolean mBoolean;
Integer mInteger;
mString = "string";
mBoolean = Boolean.FALSE;
mInteger = Integer.valueOf(0);
public String
return( mString );
public void
setString( String s)
mString = s;
public Boolean
return( mBoolean );
public void
setBoolean( Boolean b)
mBoolean = b;
getDottedNameRegistry( MBeanServer conn )
throws MalformedObjectNameException
// associate it with its dotted name
final ObjectName registryName =
new ObjectName( com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.DottedNameRegistryMBean.SUGGESTED_OBJECT_NAME );
com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.DottedNameRegistryMBean registry = (com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.DottedNameRegistryMBean)
MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance( conn,
com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.DottedNameRegistryMBean.class, false );
return( registry );
static private int sCounter = 0;
MBeanServer conn,
Object impl,
int id)
throws Exception
final String objectName = "test:id=" + id;
final String dottedName = "test." + id;
registerMBean( conn, impl, objectName );
getDottedNameRegistry( conn ).add( dottedName, new ObjectName( objectName ) );
registerDottedNameTestees( MBeanServer conn )
throws Exception
for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
registerDottedNameTestee( conn, new DottedNameTester(), sCounter++ );
private void
registerDottedNameTesters( MBeanServer conn )
throws Exception
registerMBean( conn, new com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.DottedNameRegistryMBeanImpl(),
com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.DottedNameRegistryMBean.SUGGESTED_OBJECT_NAME );
registerMBean( conn, new com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.DottedNameResolverMBeanImpl(),
com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.DottedNameResolverMBeanImpl.SUGGESTED_OBJECT_NAME );
registerMBean( conn, new com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.DottedNameGetSetMBeanImpl(),
com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.DottedNameGetSetMBeanImpl.SUGGESTED_OBJECT_NAME );
registerDottedNameTestees( conn );
final java.util.Iterator iter = getDottedNameRegistry( conn ).allDottedNames().iterator();
p( "Dotted names from registry:" );
p( SmartStringifier.toString( iter ) );
private void
AddMBeans( MBeanServer conn )
throws Exception
// setup alias mgr
final AliasMgrHashMapImpl aliasImpl = new AliasMgrHashMapImpl();
aliasImpl.load( new java.io.File( AliasMgrHashMapImpl.DEFAULT_FILENAME ) );
catch( Exception e )
// ignore
final AliasMgr aliasMgr = new AliasMgr( aliasImpl );
StandardAliasesIniter.init( aliasMgr );
registerMBean( conn, aliasMgr , CLISupportStrings.ALIAS_MGR_TARGET );
// setup CLI support, using alias mgr via a proxy (don't use directly)
final CLISupport cliSupport = new CLISupport( conn, aliasMgr);
registerMBean( conn, cliSupport, CLISupportStrings.CLI_SUPPORT_TARGET );
// register our testees
registerMBean( conn, new CLISupportTestee( ), CLISupportStrings.CLI_SUPPORT_TESTEE_TARGET );
registerMBean( conn, new CLISupportSimpleTestee( ), CLISupportStrings.CLI_SIMPLE_TESTEE_TARGET );
registerMBean( conn, new kstatMgr( ), "kstat:name=kstat-mgr,type=kstat-mgr" );
TestServer( final int port, final boolean testInProcess ) throws Exception
mTestInProcess = testInProcess;
new StringifierRegistryIniter();
mServer = createAgent( );
registerConnectors( port );
registerAdapters( 8082 );
AddMBeans( mServer );
public static void
main(String args[])
final ArgHelperOptionsInfo optionInfo = new ArgHelperOptionsInfo( );
optionInfo.addOptions( "port,1 testInProcess" );
final ArgHelperImpl argHelper = new ArgHelperImpl( Arrays.asList( args ).listIterator(), optionInfo);
final Integer port = argHelper.getInteger( "--port" );
if ( port == null )
System.out.println( "USAGE: TestServer --port=<port-number> [--testInProcess]" );
System.exit( 1 );
final Boolean testInProcess = argHelper.getBoolean( "testInProcess", Boolean.FALSE );
final TestServer server = new TestServer( port.intValue(), testInProcess.booleanValue() );
if ( testInProcess.booleanValue() )
final AliasMgrHashMapImpl aliasMgrImpl = new AliasMgrHashMapImpl();
aliasMgrImpl.load( new java.io.File( AliasMgrHashMapImpl.DEFAULT_FILENAME ) );
final AliasMgr aliasMgr = new AliasMgr( aliasMgrImpl );
final CLISupport cliSupport = new CLISupport( server.mServer, aliasMgr );
final CLISupportMBeanProxy proxy = new CLISupportMBeanProxy( aliasMgr, cliSupport ) ;
final CLISupportTester tester = new CLISupportTester( server.mServer, proxy );
p( "Server is running." );
catch( Exception e )
p( e );