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* $Header: /cvs/glassfish/admin-cli/cli-api/src/java/com/sun/cli/jmx/test/TestClientMain.java,v 1.4 2007/05/05 05:24:53 tcfujii Exp $
* $Revision: 1.4 $
* $Date: 2007/05/05 05:24:53 $
package com.sun.cli.jmx.test;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
import javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnector;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorFactory;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.CmdReader;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.StringifierRegistryIniter;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.StandardAliasesIniter;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.ArgHelper;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.ArgHelperImpl;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.ArgHelperOptionsInfo;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.CLISupportMBeanProxy;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.AliasMgrMBean;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.AliasMgrHashMapImpl;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.AliasMgr;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.CLISupport;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.support.CLISupportMBean;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.ArgHelperImpl;
import com.sun.cli.jmx.cmd.ArgHelperOptionsInfo;
Trivial application that displays a string
public class TestClientMain implements NotificationTester.ThroughputCallback
long mMilliseconds = 0;
long mNumCalls = 0;
long mStartTime = 0;
long mTotalNumCalls = 0;
short mNumThreads = 1;
short mNumAveraged = 0;
Object mCritical = new Object();
TestClientMain( )
return( System.currentTimeMillis() );
private static void
p( Object arg )
System.out.println( arg.toString() );
public void
throughputReport( long milliseconds, long numCalls )
String progString = "";
synchronized ( mCritical )
mTotalNumCalls += numCalls;
if ( mNumAveraged > mNumThreads * 8 )
// reset periodically so we don't get hurt by blips in poor performance
mMilliseconds = 0;
mNumCalls = 0;
mNumAveraged = 0;
mMilliseconds += milliseconds;
mNumCalls += numCalls;
final double rollingCallsPerSec = mNumCalls / ((mMilliseconds / 1000.0) / (double)mNumThreads);
final double totalCallsPerSec = mTotalNumCalls / ((now() - mStartTime) / 1000.0);
progString = mNumThreads + " threads: " +
(long)rollingCallsPerSec + " (rolling) " +
(long)totalCallsPerSec + " (total)";
// keep p() outside synchronized section
p( progString );
private void
testNotifications( String host, int port ) throws Exception
System.out.println( "Testing: " + host + ":" + port + ", threads = " + mNumThreads );
final int kNumInvokes = 1 * 1024;
mStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for( int i = 0; i < mNumThreads; ++i )
NotificationTester test = new NotificationTester( host, port);
// test.RunMultiplePerConnectionThreaded( "" + i, 1000, kNumInvokes, this);
test.RunNotifTest( 0 );
private static JMXConnector
establishConnection( String host, int port )
throws Exception
final JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL( "service:jmx:jmxmp://" + host + ":" + port );
JMXConnector conn = JMXConnectorFactory.connect( url );
return( conn );
private CLISupportMBeanProxy
createProxy(MBeanServerConnection managedServer, boolean runLocally ) throws Exception
CLISupportMBeanProxy proxy = null;
AliasMgrMBean aliasMgr = null;
CLISupportMBean cliSupport = null;
if ( runLocally )
final AliasMgrHashMapImpl aliasMgrImpl = new AliasMgrHashMapImpl();
aliasMgrImpl.load( AliasMgrHashMapImpl.DEFAULT_FILENAME );
aliasMgr = new AliasMgr( aliasMgrImpl );
StandardAliasesIniter.init( aliasMgr );
cliSupport = new CLISupport( managedServer, aliasMgr );
aliasMgr = CLISupportMBeanProxy.createAliasMgrProxy( managedServer );
cliSupport = CLISupportMBeanProxy.createCLISupportProxy( managedServer );
proxy = new CLISupportMBeanProxy( aliasMgr, cliSupport);
return( proxy );
private void
testCLISupport( MBeanServerConnection conn, boolean runLocally) throws Exception
final CLISupportMBeanProxy proxy = createProxy( conn, runLocally );
final CLISupportTester tester = new CLISupportTester( conn, proxy );
private final static String OPTIONS = "host=1 port=2 interactive localsupport";
public static void
main(String args[])
final ArgHelperOptionsInfo optionInfo = new ArgHelperOptionsInfo( OPTIONS );
final ListIterator iter = Arrays.asList( args ).listIterator();
final ArgHelper argHelper = new ArgHelperImpl( iter, optionInfo);
final Integer port = argHelper.getInteger( "--port" );
final String host = argHelper.getString( "--host", "localhost");
final boolean interactive = argHelper.getBoolean( "--interactive", Boolean.FALSE).booleanValue();
final boolean runLocally = argHelper.getBoolean( "--localsupport", Boolean.FALSE ).booleanValue();
if ( port == null )
System.out.println( "USAGE: TestClient --port=<port-number>" );
System.exit( 1 );
final TestClientMain testMain = new TestClientMain( );
new StringifierRegistryIniter();
final JMXConnector jmxConnector = establishConnection( host, port.intValue() );
final MBeanServerConnection conn = jmxConnector.getMBeanServerConnection();
p( "Connected to: " + host + ":" + port );
p( ( runLocally ? "Running with local CLI support.":"Running with remote CLI support") );
//testMain.testNotifications( host, port.intValue() );
testMain.testCLISupport( conn, runLocally );
catch( Exception e )
p( e );