package fri.patterns.interpreter.parsergenerator.lexer;
import java.util.*;
import fri.patterns.interpreter.parsergenerator.Lexer;
import fri.patterns.interpreter.parsergenerator.Token;
import fri.patterns.interpreter.parsergenerator.syntax.*;
import fri.patterns.interpreter.parsergenerator.syntax.builder.SyntaxSeparation;
Generates a Lexer from a Syntax. The Syntax can contain also parser rules.
These will be retrievable (without the removed lexer rules) after build by
calling <i>lexer.getParserSyntax()</i>.
The syntax rules may not contain '(', ')', '*', '+' or '?', but they may
contain character set symbols like ".." (set definitions) and "-" (intersections).
The syntax may contain identifiers enclosed within `backquotes`.
This marks predefined lexer rules defined in <i>StandardLexerRules</i>.
That class contains default rules for numbers, identifiers, stringdefinitions,
characterdefinitions and many other (e.g. for XML), which can be used to build
<b>CAUTION:</b> Lexer and parser rules have the same namespace, you can not define
identifier ::= `identifier`; // wrong!
Nevertheless you need not to care about the names silently imported from
<i>StandardLexerRules</i>, they will not reduce the parser syntax namespace,
only the toplevel rules will.
The syntax may contain (case-sensitive) these nonterminals:
These are lexer-reserved identifiers and can be used to mark top level lexer
rules (tokens). When <b>token</b> is used, the builder does not try to recognize any
rule as lexer rule, so this must be good modeled. Be careful: you can read away
comments only by using <b>ignored</b>. But you can define <b>ignored</b> without <b>token</b>,
then nevertheless the builder tries to recognize lexer rules.<br>
When the <b>token</b> marker is not used, the builder tries to separate lexer from
parser rules.
token ::= `identifier` ; // using StandardLexerRules
ignored ::= `spaces` ;
ignored ::= `newline` ;
ignored ::= comment ;
comment ::= "//" char_minus_newline_list_opt ;
char_minus_newline ::= chars - newline;
char_minus_newline_list ::= char_minus_newline_list char_minus_newline;
char_minus_newline_list ::= char_minus_newline ;
char_minus_newline_list_opt ::= char_minus_newline_list;
char_minus_newline_list_opt ::= ; // nothing
Mind that the builder input can not be a text file, it must be wrapped into <i>Syntax</i>.
Use syntax builder to convert a text into a <i>Syntax</i> object.
Java code fragment:
SyntaxSeparation separation = new SyntaxSeparation(new Syntax(myRules));
LexerBuilder builder = new LexerBuilder(separation.getLexerSyntax(), separation.getIgnoredSymbols());
Lexer lexer = builder.getLexer();
// when using the lexer standalone (without Parser), you must put the token terminal symbols into it now:
@see fri.patterns.interpreter.parsergenerator.syntax.builder.SyntaxSeparation
@see fri.patterns.interpreter.parsergenerator.lexer.StandardLexerRules
@author (c) 2002, Fritz Ritzberger
public class LexerBuilder
protected Map charConsumers;
protected List ignoredSymbols;
public static boolean DEBUG; // defaults to false
Creates a LexerBuilder (from lexer rules) that provides a Lexer.
@param lexerSyntax lexer rule (without token and ignored, use SyntaxSeparation for that)
@param ignoredSymbols list of ignored symbols, NOT enclosed in backquotes!
public LexerBuilder(Syntax lexerSyntax, List ignoredSymbols)
throws LexerException, SyntaxException
this.ignoredSymbols = ignoredSymbols;
/** Returns the built Lexer. */
public Lexer getLexer() {
return new LexerImpl(ignoredSymbols, charConsumers);
/** Returns the built Lexer, loaded with passed input (file, stream, string, ...). */
public Lexer getLexer(Object input)
throws IOException
Lexer lexer = getLexer();
return lexer;
private void build(Syntax lexerSyntax)
throws LexerException, SyntaxException
SyntaxSeparation.IntArray deleteIndexes = new SyntaxSeparation.IntArray(lexerSyntax.size());
if (DEBUG)
System.err.println("Processing lexer rules: \n"+lexerSyntax);
// resolve scanner rules to Consumers and put it into a hashtable
this.charConsumers = new Hashtable(lexerSyntax.size());
for (int i = 0; i < lexerSyntax.size(); i++)
translateLexerRule(lexerSyntax.getRule(i), i, deleteIndexes);
// check for unresolved repeatable and nullable rules and delete them from lexer syntax
for (int i = 0; i < lexerSyntax.size(); i++) {
Rule rule = lexerSyntax.getRule(i);
String nonterm = rule.getNonterminal();
if (checkNullableRule(nonterm, rule, i, deleteIndexes) == false)
if (checkRepeatableRule(nonterm, rule, i, deleteIndexes) == false)
throw new LexerException("Found no character consumer for nullable or repeatable rule "+rule);
if (lexerSyntax.size() > 0) { // not all rules have been resolved to character consumers
throw new LexerException("Could not process rules in lexer syntax: "+lexerSyntax);
// resolve all symbolic consumer references after all consumers have been created
Map done = new Hashtable(); // beware of recursion
for (Iterator it = charConsumers.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Consumer cc = (Consumer) ((Map.Entry);
cc.resolveConsumerReferences(charConsumers, done);
private void translateLexerRule(Rule rule, int index, SyntaxSeparation.IntArray deleteIndexes)
throws LexerException
String nonterm = rule.getNonterminal();
if (rule.rightSize() <= 0 || rule.getRightSymbol(0).equals(nonterm)) // nullable rules and left recursive rules will be resolved later
//System.err.println("translating lexer rule: "+rule);
// ExtendedGrammar should have resolved all parenthesis expressions and wildcards.
// We take away rules that are:
// - single character position definitions like
// nonterm ::= '0' .. '9'
// nonterm ::= 'a' .. 'z' - 'm' .. 'n'
// nonterm ::= something - "string" // "something" must be among scanner rules
// - single string terminal definitions like
// nonterm ::= "string"
// nonterm ::= 'c' 'd' 'e' "fgh" // do concatenation
// - scanner nonterminals concatenations like
// nonterm ::= something1 something2 // "somethingN" must be among scanner rules
// - scanner nonterminals concatenations like
// nonterm ::= "string"
int state = CONCATENATION;
boolean intersectionHappened = false;
Consumer consumer = new Consumer(rule); // master consumer
Consumer currentConsumer = new Consumer();
Consumer setConsumer = currentConsumer; // will host set definitions
consumer.append(currentConsumer); // will be resolved when trivial
for (int i = 0; i < rule.rightSize(); i++) { // loop all symbols on right side
String sym = rule.getRightSymbol(i);
if (sym.equals(Token.BUTNOT)) {
if (i == 0 || state != CONCATENATION)
throw new LexerException("Missing symbol to subtract from: "+rule);
if (sym.equals(Token.UPTO)) {
if (i == 0 || state != CONCATENATION)
throw new LexerException("Missing lower limit of set: "+rule);
state = SET;
else {
String convertedSym = convertSymbol(sym); // remove quotes or convert number to char
boolean isNonterm = convertedSym.equals(sym);
if (isNonterm && state == SET)
throw new LexerException("Can not append nonterminal to set: "+rule);
boolean setWillHappen = rule.rightSize() > i + 1 && rule.getRightSymbol(i + 1).equals(Token.UPTO); // next symbol will be ".."
if (state == SET) {
setConsumer = currentConsumer; // reset if intersection happened
if (state == SUBTRACTION) {
intersectionHappened = true;
if (isNonterm)
if (setWillHappen)
throw new LexerException("Nonterminal can not open set after subtraction: "+rule);
currentConsumer.subtract(new Consumer.Reference(sym));
if (setWillHappen)
currentConsumer.subtract(setConsumer = new Consumer(convertedSym));
currentConsumer.subtract(new Consumer(convertedSym));
if (state == CONCATENATION) {
if (intersectionHappened) { // start new consumer
intersectionHappened = false;
currentConsumer = new Consumer();
if (isNonterm)
if (setWillHappen)
throw new LexerException("Nonterminal can not open set in concatenation: "+rule);
currentConsumer.append(new Consumer.Reference(sym));
currentConsumer.append(convertedSym); // a following set will be recognized by consumer
state = CONCATENATION; // reset to normal state
} // end switch current symbol
} // end for right side of rule
putCharConsumer(nonterm, consumer.optimize());
private void putCharConsumer(String key, Consumer consumer) {
//System.err.println("putting character consumer for "+key);
Object o = charConsumers.get(key); // test if existing
if (o == null) { // not in list
charConsumers.put(key, consumer);
else {
ConsumerAlternatives ca;
if (o instanceof ConsumerAlternatives == false) {
ca = new ConsumerAlternatives((Consumer)o);
charConsumers.put(key, ca); // replace consumer
else {
ca = (ConsumerAlternatives)o;
ca.addAlternate(consumer); // add a new alternative
private boolean checkNullableRule(String nonterm, Rule rule, int index, SyntaxSeparation.IntArray deleteIndexes) {
// We take away rules that are optional nonterminals like
// nonterm ::= something // "nonterm" is already among scanner rules
// nonterm ::= /*nothing*/ // this is the rule to remove now
if (rule.rightSize() <= 0) {
Object o = charConsumers.get(nonterm);
return true; // do not explore empty rule, return "found nullable"
return false;
private boolean checkRepeatableRule(String nonterm, Rule rule, int index, SyntaxSeparation.IntArray deleteIndexes) {
// We take away rules that are left recursive like
// nonterm ::= nonterm something // this is the rule to remove now
// nonterm ::= something // "nonterm" must be already among scanner rules
// check for nonterm in hashtable, set it repeatable if found
if (rule.rightSize() >= 2 && rule.getRightSymbol(0).equals(nonterm)) { // left recursive
Consumer cc = (Consumer) charConsumers.get(nonterm);
if (cc.matchesRepeatableRule(rule)) { // check if rest on the right is same
return true;
return false;
Converts a character or string definition to its processable form.
This implementation must be according to "bnf_chardef" in <i>StandardLexerRules</i>.
<li>0xFFFF hexadecimal, convert to character</li>
<li>0777 octal, convert to character</li>
<li>12345 decimal, convert to character</li>
<li>'c' character, remove quotes</li>
<li>'\n', "\n" escaped character, decode</li>
<li>"string" string, remove quotes</li>
<li>nonterminal - will stay unchanged</li>
private String convertSymbol(String sym) {
if (sym.charAt(0) == '\'' || sym.charAt(0) == '"') {
String s = sym.substring(1, sym.length() - 1);
if (s.length() <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty character or string definition: "+sym);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s.length()); // convert escape sequences to their real meaning
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == '\\') {
char c1 = s.length() > i + 1 ? s.charAt(i + 1) : 0;
switch (c1) {
case 'n': sb.append('\n'); i++; break;
case 'r': sb.append('\r'); i++; break;
case 't': sb.append('\t'); i++; break;
case 'f': sb.append('\f'); i++; break;
case 'b': sb.append('\b'); i++; break;
case '\'': sb.append('\''); i++; break;
case '"': sb.append('"'); i++; break;
case '\\': sb.append('\\'); i++; break;
default: sb.append(c); break;
else {
return sb.toString();
else { // must be starting with digit or be a nonterminal
char c;
if (sym.startsWith("0x") || sym.startsWith("0X")) // hexadecimal number
c = (char) Integer.valueOf(sym.substring(2), 16).intValue();
if (sym.startsWith("0")) // octal number
c = (char) Integer.valueOf(sym.substring(1), 8).intValue();
if (Character.isDigit(sym.charAt(0)))
c = (char) Integer.valueOf(sym).intValue(); // will throw NumberFormatException when not number
return sym; // is a nonterminal
return new String(new char [] { c });