package net.sourceforge.retroweaver.ant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sourceforge.retroweaver.RefVerifier;
import net.sourceforge.retroweaver.RetroWeaver;
import net.sourceforge.retroweaver.event.VerifierListener;
import net.sourceforge.retroweaver.event.WeaveListener;
import net.sourceforge.retroweaver.translator.NameSpace;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.EmptyVisitor;
* An Ant task for running RetroWeaver on a set of class files.
public class RetroWeaverTask extends Task {
// Constants and variables.
* The destination directory for processd classes, or <code>null</code> for in place
* processing.
private File itsDestDir;
* Indicates if an error should cause the script to fail. Default to <code>true</code>.
private boolean itsFailOnError = true;
* The set of files to be weaved.
private final List<FileSet> itsFileSets = new ArrayList<FileSet>();
private final List<DirSet> itsDirSets = new ArrayList<DirSet>();
private String inputJar;
private String outputJar;
* Indicates if classes should only be processed if their current version differ from the target version. Initially <code>true</code>.
private boolean itsLazy = true;
* Indicates whether the generic signatures should be stripped. Default to <code>false</code>.
private boolean stripSignatures;
* Indicates whether the custom retroweaver attributes should be stripped. Default to <code>false</code>.
private boolean stripAttributes;
* Indicates if each processed class should be logged. Initially set to <code>false</code>.
private boolean itsVerbose = false;
* The classpath to use to verify the weaved result
private Path verifyClasspath;
private boolean verify = true;
* The class file version number.
private int itsVersion = 48;
* The class file version number.
private static final Map<String, Integer> itsVersionMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
* Initialize the version map.
static {
itsVersionMap.put("1.2", 46);
itsVersionMap.put("1.3", 47);
itsVersionMap.put("1.4", 48);
itsVersionMap.put("1.5", 49);
// Property accessors and mutators.
* Set the destination directory for processed classes. Unless specified the classes
* are processed in place.
* @param pDir The destination directory.
public void setDestDir(File pDir) {
if (!pDir.isDirectory()) {
throw new BuildException(
"The destination directory doesn't exist: " + pDir,
itsDestDir = pDir;
* Specify if an error should cause the script to fail. Default to <code>true</code>.
* @param pFailOnError <code>true</code> to fail, <code>false</code> to keep going.
public void setFailOnError(boolean pFailOnError) {
itsFailOnError = pFailOnError;
* Add a set of files to be weaved.
* @param pSet The fileset.
public void addFileSet(FileSet pFileSet) {
public void addDirSet(DirSet pFileSet) {
* Specify if classes should only be processed if their current version differ from the target version. Initially <code>true</code>.
* @param pLazy <code>true</code> for lazy processing.
public void setLazy(boolean pLazy) {
itsLazy = pLazy;
* Set the source directory containing classes to process. This is a shortcut to
* using an embedded fileset with the specified base directory and which includes
* all class files.
* @param pDir The directory.
public void setSrcDir(File pDir) {
FileSet fileSet = new FileSet();
* Specify if each processed class should be logged. Initially set to <code>false</code>.
* @param pVerbose <code>true</code> for verbose processing.
public void setVerbose(boolean pVerbose) {
itsVerbose = pVerbose;
* Set the target class file version. Initially set to "1.4".
* @param target The JDK target version, e g "1.3".
public void setTarget(String target) {
Integer v = itsVersionMap.get(target);
if (v == null) {
throw new BuildException("Unknown target: " + target, getLocation());
itsVersion = v;
* Set the classpath to be used for verification.
* Retroweaver will report any references to fields/methods/classes which don't appear
* on refClassPath.
* @param classpath an Ant Path object containing the compilation classpath.
public void setClasspath(Path classpath) {
if (verifyClasspath == null) {
verifyClasspath = classpath;
} else {
* Gets the classpath to be used for verification.
* @return the class path
public Path getClasspath() {
return verifyClasspath;
* Adds a path to the classpath.
* @return a class path to be configured
public Path createClasspath() {
if (verifyClasspath == null) {
verifyClasspath = new Path(getProject());
return verifyClasspath.createPath();
* Adds a reference to a classpath defined elsewhere.
* @param r a reference to a classpath
public void setClasspathRef(Reference r) {
* Turn off verification if desired
* @return is verification enabled?
public void setVerify(boolean newVerify) {
verify = newVerify;
* Turn off verification if desired
* @return is verification enabled?
public boolean doVerify() {
return verify;
/** NameSpace in translator package is immutable. Temporary values are
* stored using this Namespace class.
public static final class Namespace {
private String from;
private String to;
public String getFrom() { return from; }
public void setFrom(String from) { this.from = from; }
public String getTo() { return to; }
public void setTo(String to) { = to; }
private List<Namespace> namespaces = new ArrayList<Namespace>();
public Namespace createNameSpace() {
Namespace n = new Namespace();
return n;
// Operations.
* Run the RetroWeaver task.
* @throws BuildException If a build exception occurs.
public void execute() throws BuildException {
for (DirSet set : itsDirSets) {
File baseDir = set.getDir(getProject());
DirectoryScanner scanner = set.getDirectoryScanner(getProject());
// create a non recursive file set for each included directory
for (String fileName : scanner.getIncludedDirectories()) {
FileSet fileSet = new FileSet();
fileSet.setDir(new File(baseDir, fileName));
// Check arguments.
boolean hasFileSet = !itsFileSets.isEmpty() || !itsDirSets.isEmpty();
if (inputJar != null) {
if (outputJar == null) {
throw new BuildException("'outputjar' must be set.");
if (hasFileSet) {
throw new BuildException(
"'inputjar' is incompatible with filesets and dirsets");
} else if (!hasFileSet) {
throw new BuildException(
"Either attribute 'srcdir' or 'inputjar' must be used or atleast one fileset or dirset must be embedded.",
// Create and configure the weaver.
RetroWeaver weaver = new RetroWeaver(itsVersion);
// Name space conversion
List<NameSpace> l = new ArrayList<NameSpace>();
for(Namespace n: namespaces) {
l.add(new NameSpace(n.getFrom(), n.getTo()));
// Set up a listener.
weaver.setListener(new WeaveListener() {
public void weavingStarted(String msg) {
getProject().log(RetroWeaverTask.this, msg, Project.MSG_INFO);
public void weavingCompleted(String msg) {
getProject().log(RetroWeaverTask.this, msg, Project.MSG_INFO);
public void weavingError(String msg) {
getProject().log(RetroWeaverTask.this, msg, Project.MSG_ERR);
throw new ExitStatusException("weaving error", 1);
public void weavingPath(String pPath) {
if (itsVerbose) {
getProject().log(RetroWeaverTask.this, "Weaving " + pPath,
if (verifyClasspath != null && doVerify()) {
List<String> refPath = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String pathItem : verifyClasspath.list()) {
if (itsDestDir != null) {
RefVerifier rv = new RefVerifier(itsVersion, new EmptyVisitor(), refPath, new VerifierListener() {
public void verifyPathStarted(String msg) {
getProject().log(RetroWeaverTask.this, msg,
public void verifyClassStarted(String msg) {
if (itsVerbose) {
getProject().log(RetroWeaverTask.this, msg, Project.MSG_INFO);
public void acceptWarning(String msg) {
getProject().log(RetroWeaverTask.this, msg, Project.MSG_WARN);
public void displaySummary(int warningCount) {
String msg = "Verification complete, " + warningCount
+ " warning(s).";
getProject().log(RetroWeaverTask.this, msg,
if (itsFailOnError) {
throw new ExitStatusException(Integer
+ " warning(s)", 1);
try {
if (inputJar != null) {
weaver.weaveJarFile(inputJar, outputJar);
} else {
// Weave the files in the filesets.
// Process each fileset.
String[][] fileSets = new String[itsFileSets.size()][];
File[] baseDirs = new File[itsFileSets.size()];
int i = 0;
for (FileSet fileSet : itsFileSets) {
// Create a directory scanner for the fileset.
File baseDir = fileSet.getDir(getProject());
DirectoryScanner scanner = fileSet
fileSets[i] = scanner.getIncludedFiles();
baseDirs[i++] = baseDir;
weaver.weave(baseDirs, fileSets, itsDestDir);
} catch (BuildException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// unexpected exception
throw new BuildException(ex, getLocation());
* @return Returns the inputJar.
public String getInputJar() {
return inputJar;
* @param inputJar The inputJar to set.
public void setInputJar(String inputJar) {
this.inputJar = inputJar;
* @return Returns the outputJar.
public String getOutputJar() {
return outputJar;
* @param outputJar The outputJar to set.
public void setOutputJar(String outputJar) {
this.outputJar = outputJar;
* @param stripSignatures The stripSignatures to set.
public void setStripSignatures(boolean stripSignatures) {
this.stripSignatures = stripSignatures;
* @param stripAttributes The stripAttributes to set
public void setStripAttributes(boolean stripAttributes) {
this.stripAttributes = stripAttributes;