Package org.restlet.service

Source Code of org.restlet.service.TunnelService

* Copyright 2005-2011 Noelios Technologies.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of one of the following
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package org.restlet.service;

import org.restlet.Context;
import org.restlet.Request;
import org.restlet.engine.application.TunnelFilter;
import org.restlet.engine.header.HeaderConstants;
import org.restlet.routing.Filter;

* Application service tunneling request method or client preferences. The
* tunneling can use query parameters, file-like extensions and specific
* headers. This is particularly useful for browser-based applications that
* can't fully control the HTTP requests sent.<br>
* <br>
* Here is the list of the default parameter names supported:
* <table>
* <p>
* <tr>
* <th>Property</th>
* <th>Default name</th>
* <th>Value type</th>
* <th>Description</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>methodParameter</td>
* <td>method</td>
* <td>See values in {@link}</td>
* <td>For POST requests, let you specify the actual method to use (DELETE, PUT,
* MOVE, etc.). For GET requests, let you specify OPTIONS as the actual method
* to use.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>characterSetParameter</td>
* <td>charset</td>
* <td>Use extension names defined in {@link MetadataService} or the full
* character set name</td>
* <td>For GET requests, replaces the accepted character set by the given value.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>encodingParameter</td>
* <td>encoding</td>
* <td>Use extension names defined in {@link MetadataService} or the full
* encoding name</td>
* <td>For GET requests, replaces the accepted encoding by the given value.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>languageParameter</td>
* <td>language</td>
* <td>Use extension names defined in {@link MetadataService} or the full
* language name</td>
* <td>For GET requests, replaces the accepted language by the given value.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>mediaTypeParameter</td>
* <td>media</td>
* <td>Use extension names defined in {@link MetadataService} or the full media
* type name</td>
* <td>For GET requests, replaces the accepted media type set by the given
* value.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>methodHeader</td>
* <td>X-HTTP-Method-Override</td>
* <td>Name of non-standard header. It is a good practice to prefix it with
* "X-".</td>
* <td>For POST requests, let you specify the actual method to use (DELETE, PUT,
* MOVE, etc.).</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <br>
* The client preferences can also be updated according to the user agent
* properties (its name, version, operating system, or other) available via the
* {@link ClientInfo#getAgentAttributes()} method. Check the
* {@link #isUserAgentTunnel()} method.<br>
* <br>
* The list of new media type preferences is loaded from a property file called
* "" located in the classpath in the sub directory
* "org/restlet/service". This property file is composed of blocks of
* properties. One "block" of properties starts either with the beginning of the
* properties file or with the end of the previous block. One block ends with
* the "acceptNew" property which contains the value of the new accept header.
* Here is a sample block.<br>
* <pre>
* agentName: firefox
* acceptOld: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,\*\/\*;q=0.5
* acceptNew: application/xhtml+xml,text/html,text/xml;q=0.9,application/xml;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,\*\/\*;q=0.5
* </pre>
* Each declared property is a condition that must be filled in order to update
* the client preferences. For example "agentName: firefox" expresses the fact
* this block concerns only "firefox" clients. <br>
* <br>
* The "acceptOld" property allows to check the value of the current "Accept"
* header. If it equals to the value of the "acceptOld" property or if the
* "acceptOld" property is empty, then the preferences will be updated. This can
* be useful for AJAX clients which looks like their browser (same agentName,
* agentVersion, etc.) but can provide their own "Accept" header.
* @author Jerome Louvel
public class TunnelService extends Service {

    /** The name of the parameter containing the accepted character set. */
    private volatile String characterSetParameter;

    /** The name of the parameter containing the accepted encoding. */
    private volatile String encodingParameter;

     * Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled via file-like
     * extensions.
    private volatile boolean extensionsTunnel;

    /** Indicates if the method can be tunneled via the header. */
    private volatile boolean headersTunnel;

    /** The name of the parameter containing the accepted language. */
    private volatile String languageParameter;

    /** The name of the parameter containing the accepted media type. */
    private volatile String mediaTypeParameter;

    /** The name of the header that contains the method name. */
    private volatile String methodHeader;

    /** The name of the parameter containing the method name. */
    private volatile String methodParameter;

    /** Indicates if the method name can be tunneled. */
    private volatile boolean methodTunnel;

    /** Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled. */
    private volatile boolean preferencesTunnel;

     * Indicates if the method and client preferences can be tunneled via query
     * parameters.
    private volatile boolean queryTunnel;

     * Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled via the user agent
     * string.
    private volatile boolean userAgentTunnel;

     * Constructor that enables the query tunnel and disables the extensions and
     * user agent tunnels.
     * @param methodTunnel
     *            Indicates if the method name can be tunneled.
     * @param preferencesTunnel
     *            Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled by query
     *            parameters or file-like extensions or user agent string.
    public TunnelService(boolean methodTunnel, boolean preferencesTunnel) {
        this(true, methodTunnel, preferencesTunnel);

     * Constructor that enables the query tunnel and disables the extensions and
     * user agent tunnels.
     * @param enabled
     *            True if the service has been enabled.
     * @param methodTunnel
     *            Indicates if the method name can be tunneled.
     * @param preferencesTunnel
     *            Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled by query
     *            parameters or file-like extensions or user agent string.
    public TunnelService(boolean enabled, boolean methodTunnel,
            boolean preferencesTunnel) {
        this(enabled, methodTunnel, preferencesTunnel, true, false);

     * Constructor that disables the user agent tunnel.
     * @param enabled
     *            True if the service has been enabled.
     * @param methodTunnel
     *            Indicates if the method can be tunneled using a query
     *            parameter.
     * @param preferencesTunnel
     *            Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled using
     *            query parameters or file-like extensions or user agent string.
     * @param queryTunnel
     *            Indicates if tunneling can use query parameters.
     * @param extensionsTunnel
     *            Indicates if tunneling can use file-like extensions.
    public TunnelService(boolean enabled, boolean methodTunnel,
            boolean preferencesTunnel, boolean queryTunnel,
            boolean extensionsTunnel) {
        this(enabled, methodTunnel, preferencesTunnel, queryTunnel,
                extensionsTunnel, false);

     * Constructor that enables the header tunneling.
     * @param enabled
     *            True if the service has been enabled.
     * @param methodTunnel
     *            Indicates if the method can be tunneled using a query
     *            parameter.
     * @param preferencesTunnel
     *            Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled using
     *            query parameters or file-like extensions or user agent string.
     * @param queryTunnel
     *            Indicates if tunneling can use query parameters.
     * @param extensionsTunnel
     *            Indicates if tunneling can use file-like extensions.
     * @param userAgentTunnel
     *            Indicates if tunneling can use user agent string.
    public TunnelService(boolean enabled, boolean methodTunnel,
            boolean preferencesTunnel, boolean queryTunnel,
            boolean extensionsTunnel, boolean userAgentTunnel) {
        this(enabled, methodTunnel, preferencesTunnel, queryTunnel,
                extensionsTunnel, userAgentTunnel, true);

     * Constructor.
     * @param enabled
     *            True if the service has been enabled.
     * @param methodTunnel
     *            Indicates if the method can be tunneled using a query
     *            parameter.
     * @param preferencesTunnel
     *            Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled using
     *            query parameters or file-like extensions or user agent string.
     * @param queryTunnel
     *            Indicates if tunneling can use query parameters.
     * @param extensionsTunnel
     *            Indicates if tunneling can use file-like extensions.
     * @param userAgentTunnel
     *            Indicates if tunneling can use user agent string.
     * @param headersTunnel
     *            Indicates if method can be tunneled via a specific header.
    public TunnelService(boolean enabled, boolean methodTunnel,
            boolean preferencesTunnel, boolean queryTunnel,
            boolean extensionsTunnel, boolean userAgentTunnel,
            boolean headersTunnel) {

        this.extensionsTunnel = extensionsTunnel;
        this.methodTunnel = methodTunnel;
        this.preferencesTunnel = preferencesTunnel;
        this.queryTunnel = queryTunnel;
        this.userAgentTunnel = userAgentTunnel;
        this.headersTunnel = headersTunnel;

        this.characterSetParameter = "charset";
        this.encodingParameter = "encoding";
        this.languageParameter = "language";
        this.mediaTypeParameter = "media";
        this.methodParameter = "method";
        this.methodHeader = HeaderConstants.HEADER_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE;

     * Indicates if the request from a given client can be tunneled. The default
     * implementation always return true. This could be customize to restrict
     * the usage of the tunnel service.
     * @param client
     *            The client to test.
     * @return True if the request from a given client can be tunneled.
    public boolean allowClient(ClientInfo client) {
        return true;

    public Filter createInboundFilter(Context context) {
        return new TunnelFilter(context);

     * Returns the character set parameter name.
     * @return The character set parameter name.
    public String getCharacterSetParameter() {
        return this.characterSetParameter;

     * Returns the name of the parameter containing the accepted encoding.
     * @return The name of the parameter containing the accepted encoding.
    public String getEncodingParameter() {
        return this.encodingParameter;

     * Returns the name of the parameter containing the accepted language.
     * @return The name of the parameter containing the accepted language.
    public String getLanguageParameter() {
        return this.languageParameter;

     * Returns the name of the parameter containing the accepted media type.
     * @return The name of the parameter containing the accepted media type.
    public String getMediaTypeParameter() {
        return this.mediaTypeParameter;

     * Returns the name of the header containing the method name.
     * @return the name of the header containing the method name.
    public String getMethodHeader() {
        return methodHeader;

     * Returns the method parameter name.
     * @return The method parameter name.
    public String getMethodParameter() {
        return this.methodParameter;

     * Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled via the extensions.
     * Returns false by default.
     * @return True if the client preferences can be tunneled via the extensions
     * @see Request#getOriginalRef()
    public boolean isExtensionsTunnel() {
        return this.extensionsTunnel;

     * Indicates if the method can be tunneled via the header. Returns true by
     * default.
     * @return True if the method can be tunneled via the header.
    public boolean isHeadersTunnel() {
        return headersTunnel;

     * Indicates if the method name can be tunneled. Returns true by default.
     * @return True if the method name can be tunneled.
    public boolean isMethodTunnel() {
        return this.methodTunnel;

     * Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled via the query
     * parameters or via file extensions. Returns true by default.
     * @return True if the client preferences can be tunneled.
    public boolean isPreferencesTunnel() {
        return this.preferencesTunnel;

     * Indicates if the method and client preferences can be tunneled via query
     * parameters or file extensions. Returns true by default.
     * @return True if the method and client preferences can be tunneled.
    public boolean isQueryTunnel() {
        return this.queryTunnel;

     * Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled according to the user
     * agent. Returns false by default.
     * @return True if the client preferences can be tunneled according to the
     *         user agent.
    public boolean isUserAgentTunnel() {
        return this.userAgentTunnel;

     * Sets the character set parameter name.
     * @param parameterName
     *            The character set parameter name.
    public void setCharacterSetParameter(String parameterName) {
        this.characterSetParameter = parameterName;

     * Sets the name of the parameter containing the accepted encoding.
     * @param parameterName
     *            The name of the parameter containing the accepted encoding.
    public void setEncodingParameter(String parameterName) {
        this.encodingParameter = parameterName;

     * Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled via the extensions.
     * @param extensionTunnel
     *            True if the client preferences can be tunneled via the
     *            extensions.
     * @see Request#getOriginalRef()
    public void setExtensionsTunnel(boolean extensionTunnel) {
        this.extensionsTunnel = extensionTunnel;

     * Indicates if the method can be tunneled via the header.
     * @param headersTunnel
     *            True if the method can be tunneled via the header.
    public void setHeadersTunnel(boolean headersTunnel) {
        this.headersTunnel = headersTunnel;

     * Indicates if the method can be tunneled via the header.
     * @param headersTunnel
     *            True if the method can be tunneled via the header.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #setHeadersTunnel(boolean)} method instead.
    public void setHeaderTunnel(boolean headersTunnel) {

     * Sets the name of the parameter containing the accepted language.
     * @param parameterName
     *            The name of the parameter containing the accepted language.
    public void setLanguageParameter(String parameterName) {
        this.languageParameter = parameterName;

     * Sets the name of the parameter containing the accepted media type.
     * @param parameterName
     *            The name of the parameter containing the accepted media type.
    public void setMediaTypeParameter(String parameterName) {
        this.mediaTypeParameter = parameterName;

     * Sets the name of the header containing the method name.
     * @param methodHeader
     *            The name of the header containing the method name.
    public void setMethodHeader(String methodHeader) {
        this.methodHeader = methodHeader;

     * Sets the method parameter name.
     * @param parameterName
     *            The method parameter name.
    public void setMethodParameter(String parameterName) {
        this.methodParameter = parameterName;

     * Indicates if the method name can be tunneled.
     * @param methodTunnel
     *            True if the method name can be tunneled.
    public void setMethodTunnel(boolean methodTunnel) {
        this.methodTunnel = methodTunnel;

     * Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled via the query
     * parameters.
     * @param preferencesTunnel
     *            True if the client preferences can be tunneled via the query
     *            parameters.
    public void setPreferencesTunnel(boolean preferencesTunnel) {
        this.preferencesTunnel = preferencesTunnel;

     * Indicates if the method and client preferences can be tunneled via query
     * parameters.
     * @param queryTunnel
     *            True if the method and client preferences can be tunneled via
     *            query parameters.
    public void setQueryTunnel(boolean queryTunnel) {
        this.queryTunnel = queryTunnel;

     * Indicates if the client preferences can be tunneled according to the user
     * agent.
     * @param userAgentTunnel
     *            True if the client preferences can be tunneled according to
     *            the user agent.
    public void setUserAgentTunnel(boolean userAgentTunnel) {
        this.userAgentTunnel = userAgentTunnel;

Related Classes of org.restlet.service.TunnelService

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