* Copyright 2005-2011 Noelios Technologies.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of one of the following
* open source licenses: LGPL 3.0 or LGPL 2.1 or CDDL 1.0 or EPL 1.0 (the
* "Licenses"). You can select the license that you prefer but you may not use
* this file except in compliance with one of these Licenses.
* You can obtain a copy of the LGPL 3.0 license at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html
* You can obtain a copy of the LGPL 2.1 license at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php
* You can obtain a copy of the CDDL 1.0 license at
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* Restlet is a registered trademark of Noelios Technologies.
package org.restlet.resource;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.restlet.Context;
import org.restlet.Request;
import org.restlet.Response;
import org.restlet.Restlet;
import org.restlet.data.CacheDirective;
import org.restlet.data.ChallengeRequest;
import org.restlet.data.ChallengeResponse;
import org.restlet.data.ClientInfo;
import org.restlet.data.Conditions;
import org.restlet.data.Cookie;
import org.restlet.data.CookieSetting;
import org.restlet.data.Dimension;
import org.restlet.data.Form;
import org.restlet.data.Method;
import org.restlet.data.Protocol;
import org.restlet.data.Range;
import org.restlet.data.Reference;
import org.restlet.data.ServerInfo;
import org.restlet.data.Status;
import org.restlet.representation.Representation;
import org.restlet.representation.Variant;
import org.restlet.service.MetadataService;
import org.restlet.service.StatusService;
import org.restlet.util.Series;
* Base resource class exposing the uniform REST interface. Intended conceptual
* target of a hypertext reference. An uniform resource encapsulates a
* {@link Context}, a {@link Request} and a {@link Response}, corresponding to a
* specific target resource.<br>
* <br>
* It also defines a precise life cycle. First, the instance is created and the
* final {@link #init(Context, Request, Response)} method is invoked, with a
* chance for the developer to do some additional initialization by overriding
* the {@link #doInit()} method.<br>
* <br>
* Then, the abstract {@link #handle()} method can be invoked. For concrete
* behavior, see the {@link ClientResource} and {@link ServerResource}
* subclasses. Note that the state of the resource can be changed several times
* and the {@link #handle()} method called more than once, but always by the
* same thread.<br>
* <br>
* Finally, the final {@link #release()} method can be called to clean-up the
* resource, with a chance for the developer to do some additional clean-up by
* overriding the {@link #doRelease()} method.<br>
* <br>
* Note also that throwable raised such as {@link Error} and {@link Exception}
* can be caught in a single point by overriding the {@link #doCatch(Throwable)}
* method.<br>
* <br>
* "The central feature that distinguishes the REST architectural style from
* other network-based styles is its emphasis on a uniform interface between
* components. By applying the software engineering principle of generality to
* the component interface, the overall system architecture is simplified and
* the visibility of interactions is improved. Implementations are decoupled
* from the services they provide, which encourages independent evolvability."
* Roy T. Fielding<br>
* <br>
* Concurrency note: contrary to the {@link org.restlet.Uniform} class and its
* main {@link Restlet} subclass where a single instance can handle several
* calls concurrently, one instance of {@link UniformResource} is created for
* each call handled and accessed by only one thread at a time.
* @see <a
* href="http://roy.gbiv.com/pubs/dissertation/rest_arch_style.htm#sec_5_1_5">Source
* dissertation</a>
* @author Jerome Louvel
public abstract class UniformResource {
/** The parent application. */
private volatile org.restlet.Application application;
/** The parent context. */
private volatile Context context;
/** The handled request. */
private volatile Request request;
/** The handled response. */
private volatile Response response;
* Invoked when a {@link Throwable} is caught during initialization,
* handling or releasing. By default, updates the responses's status with
* the result of
* {@link org.restlet.service.StatusService#getStatus(Throwable, UniformResource)}
* .
* @param throwable
* The caught error or exception.
protected void doCatch(Throwable throwable) {
getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Exception or error caught in resource",
* Invoked when an error response status is received.
* @param errorStatus
* The error status received.
protected void doError(Status errorStatus) {
* Invoked when an error response status is received.
* @param errorStatus
* The error status received.
* @param errorMessage
* The custom error message.
protected final void doError(Status errorStatus, String errorMessage) {
doError(new Status(errorStatus, errorMessage));
* Set-up method that can be overridden in order to initialize the state of
* the resource. By default it does nothing.
* @see #init(Context, Request, Response)
protected void doInit() throws ResourceException {
* Clean-up method that can be overridden in order to release the state of
* the resource. By default it does nothing.
* @see #release()
protected void doRelease() throws ResourceException {
* Returns the set of methods allowed for the current client by the
* resource. The result can vary based on the client's user agent,
* authentication and authorization data provided by the client.
* @return The set of allowed methods.
public Set<Method> getAllowedMethods() {
return getResponse() == null ? null : getResponse().getAllowedMethods();
* Returns the parent application. If it wasn't set, it attempts to retrieve
* the current one via {@link org.restlet.Application#getCurrent()} if it
* exists, or instantiates a new one as a last resort.
* @return The parent application if it exists, or a new one.
public org.restlet.Application getApplication() {
org.restlet.Application result = this.application;
if (result == null) {
result = org.restlet.Application.getCurrent();
if (result == null) {
result = new org.restlet.Application(getContext());
this.application = result;
return result;
* Returns the list of authentication requests sent by an origin server to a
* client. If none is available, an empty list is returned.
* @return The list of authentication requests.
* @see Response#getChallengeRequests()
public List<ChallengeRequest> getChallengeRequests() {
return getResponse() == null ? null : getResponse()
* Returns the authentication response sent by a client to an origin server.
* @return The authentication response sent by a client to an origin server.
* @see Request#getChallengeResponse()
public ChallengeResponse getChallengeResponse() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest()
* Returns the client-specific information. Creates a new instance if no one
* has been set.
* @return The client-specific information.
* @see Request#getClientInfo()
public ClientInfo getClientInfo() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getClientInfo();
* Returns the modifiable conditions applying to this request. Creates a new
* instance if no one has been set.
* @return The conditions applying to this call.
* @see Request#getConditions()
public Conditions getConditions() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getConditions();
* Returns the current context.
* @return The current context.
public Context getContext() {
return context;
* Returns the application's converter service or create a new one.
* @return The converter service.
public org.restlet.service.ConverterService getConverterService() {
org.restlet.service.ConverterService result = null;
result = getApplication().getConverterService();
if (result == null) {
result = new org.restlet.service.ConverterService();
return result;
* Returns the modifiable series of cookies provided by the client. Creates
* a new instance if no one has been set.
* @return The cookies provided by the client.
* @see Request#getCookies()
public Series<Cookie> getCookies() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getCookies();
* Returns the modifiable series of cookie settings provided by the server.
* Creates a new instance if no one has been set.
* @return The cookie settings provided by the server.
* @see Response#getCookieSettings()
public Series<CookieSetting> getCookieSettings() {
return getResponse() == null ? null : getResponse().getCookieSettings();
* Returns the modifiable set of selecting dimensions on which the response
* entity may vary. If some server-side content negotiation is done, this
* set should be properly updated, other it can be left empty. Creates a new
* instance if no one has been set.
* @return The set of dimensions on which the response entity may vary.
* @see Response#getDimensions()
public Set<Dimension> getDimensions() {
return getResponse() == null ? null : getResponse().getDimensions();
* Returns the host reference. This may be different from the resourceRef's
* host, for example for URNs and other URIs that don't contain host
* information.
* @return The host reference.
* @see Request#getHostRef()
public Reference getHostRef() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getHostRef();
* Returns the reference that the client should follow for redirections or
* resource creations.
* @return The redirection reference.
* @see Response#getLocationRef()
public Reference getLocationRef() {
return getResponse() == null ? null : getResponse().getLocationRef();
* Returns the logger.
* @return The logger.
public Logger getLogger() {
return getContext() != null ? getContext().getLogger() : Context
* Returns the resource reference's optional matrix.
* @return The resource reference's optional matrix.
* @see Reference#getMatrixAsForm()
public Form getMatrix() {
return getReference() == null ? null : getReference().getMatrixAsForm();
* Returns the maximum number of intermediaries.
* @return The maximum number of intermediaries.
public int getMaxForwards() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getMaxForwards();
* Returns the application's metadata service or create a new one.
* @return The metadata service.
public MetadataService getMetadataService() {
MetadataService result = null;
result = getApplication().getMetadataService();
if (result == null) {
result = new MetadataService();
return result;
* Returns the method.
* @return The method.
* @see Request#getMethod()
public Method getMethod() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getMethod();
* Returns the original reference as requested by the client. Note that this
* property is not used during request routing.
* @return The original reference.
* @see Request#getOriginalRef()
public Reference getOriginalRef() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getOriginalRef();
* Returns the protocol by first returning the resourceRef.schemeProtocol
* property if it is set, or the baseRef.schemeProtocol property otherwise.
* @return The protocol or null if not available.
* @see Request#getProtocol()
public Protocol getProtocol() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getProtocol();
* Returns the resource reference's optional query.
* @return The resource reference's optional query.
* @see Reference#getQueryAsForm()
public Form getQuery() {
return getReference() == null ? null : getReference().getQueryAsForm();
* Returns the ranges to return from the target resource's representation.
* @return The ranges to return.
* @see Request#getRanges()
public List<Range> getRanges() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getRanges();
* Returns the URI reference.
* @return The URI reference.
public Reference getReference() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getResourceRef();
* Returns the referrer reference if available.
* @return The referrer reference.
public Reference getReferrerRef() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getReferrerRef();
* Returns the handled request.
* @return The handled request.
public Request getRequest() {
return request;
* Returns the request attributes.
* @return The request attributes.
* @see Request#getAttributes()
public Map<String, Object> getRequestAttributes() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getAttributes();
* Returns the request cache directives.<br>
* <br>
* Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the
* "Cache-Control" header.
* @return The cache directives.
public List<CacheDirective> getRequestCacheDirectives() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getCacheDirectives();
* Returns the request entity representation.
* @return The request entity representation.
public Representation getRequestEntity() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getEntity();
* Returns the handled response.
* @return The handled response.
public Response getResponse() {
return response;
* Returns the response attributes.
* @return The response attributes.
* @see Response#getAttributes()
public Map<String, Object> getResponseAttributes() {
return getResponse() == null ? null : getResponse().getAttributes();
* Returns the response cache directives.<br>
* <br>
* Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the
* "Cache-Control" header.
* @return The cache directives.
public List<CacheDirective> getResponseCacheDirectives() {
return getResponse() == null ? null : getResponse()
* Returns the response entity representation.
* @return The response entity representation.
public Representation getResponseEntity() {
return getResponse() == null ? null : getResponse().getEntity();
* Returns the application root reference.
* @return The application root reference.
* @see Request#getRootRef()
public Reference getRootRef() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().getRootRef();
* Returns the server-specific information. Creates a new instance if no one
* has been set.
* @return The server-specific information.
* @see Response#getServerInfo()
public ServerInfo getServerInfo() {
return getResponse() == null ? null : getResponse().getServerInfo();
* Returns the status.
* @return The status.
* @see Response#getStatus()
public Status getStatus() {
return getResponse() == null ? null : getResponse().getStatus();
* Returns the application's status service or create a new one.
* @return The status service.
public StatusService getStatusService() {
StatusService result = null;
result = getApplication().getStatusService();
if (result == null) {
result = new StatusService();
return result;
* Handles the call composed of the current context, request and response.
* @return The optional response entity.
public abstract Representation handle();
* Initialization method setting the environment of the current resource
* instance. It the calls the {@link #doInit()} method that can be
* overridden.
* @param context
* The current context.
* @param request
* The handled request.
* @param response
* The handled response.
public void init(Context context, Request request, Response response) {
this.context = context;
this.request = request;
this.response = response;
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
* Indicates if the message was or will be exchanged confidentially, for
* example via a SSL-secured connection.
* @return True if the message is confidential.
* @see Request#isConfidential()
public boolean isConfidential() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().isConfidential();
* Indicates if the call is loggable
* @return True if the call is loggable
public boolean isLoggable() {
return getRequest() == null ? null : getRequest().isLoggable();
* Releases the resource by calling {@link #doRelease()}.
public final void release() {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
* Sets the parent application.
* @param application
* The parent application.
public void setApplication(org.restlet.Application application) {
this.application = application;
* Sets the handled request.
* @param request
* The handled request.
public void setRequest(Request request) {
this.request = request;
* Sets the handled response.
* @param response
* The handled response.
public void setResponse(Response response) {
this.response = response;
* Converts a representation into a Java object. Leverages the
* {@link org.restlet.service.ConverterService}.
* @param <T>
* The expected class of the Java object.
* @param source
* The source representation to convert.
* @param target
* The target class of the Java object.
* @return The converted Java object.
* @throws ResourceException
public <T> T toObject(Representation source, Class<T> target)
throws ResourceException {
T result = null;
if (source != null) {
try {
org.restlet.service.ConverterService cs = getConverterService();
result = cs.toObject(source, target, this);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ResourceException(e);
return result;
* Converts an object into a representation based on client preferences.
* @param source
* The object to convert.
* @param target
* The target representation variant.
* @return The wrapper representation.
public Representation toRepresentation(Object source, Variant target) {
Representation result = null;
if (source != null) {
org.restlet.service.ConverterService cs = getConverterService();
result = cs.toRepresentation(source, target, this);
return result;
public String toString() {
return (getRequest() == null ? "" : getRequest().toString())
+ (getResponse() == null ? "" : " => "
+ getResponse().toString());