* Copyright 2005-2011 Noelios Technologies.
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* You can obtain a copy of the LGPL 3.0 license at
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* Restlet is a registered trademark of Noelios Technologies.
package org.restlet.test.ext.spring;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.restlet.Request;
import org.restlet.Response;
import org.restlet.Restlet;
import org.restlet.data.ChallengeScheme;
import org.restlet.data.Method;
import org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringBeanFinder;
import org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringBeanRouter;
import org.restlet.resource.ServerResource;
import org.restlet.routing.Filter;
import org.restlet.routing.Route;
import org.restlet.routing.TemplateRoute;
import org.restlet.security.ChallengeAuthenticator;
import org.restlet.test.RestletTestCase;
import org.restlet.util.RouteList;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.RootBeanDefinition;
* @author Rhett Sutphin
public class SpringBeanRouterTestCase extends RestletTestCase {
private static class TestAuthenticator extends ChallengeAuthenticator {
private TestAuthenticator() throws IllegalArgumentException {
super(null, ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC, "Test");
private static class TestFilter extends Filter {
private static class TestResource extends ServerResource {
private static class TestRestlet extends Restlet {
private static final String FISH_URI = "/renewable/fish/{fish_name}";
private static final String ORE_URI = "/non-renewable/ore/{ore_type}";
private DefaultListableBeanFactory factory;
private SpringBeanRouter router;
private RouteList actualRoutes() {
return this.router.getRoutes();
private void assertFinderForBean(String expectedBeanName, Restlet restlet) {
assertTrue("Restlet is not a bean finder restlet: "
+ restlet.getClass().getName(),
restlet instanceof SpringBeanFinder);
final SpringBeanFinder actualFinder = (SpringBeanFinder) restlet;
assertEquals("Finder does not point to correct bean", expectedBeanName,
assertEquals("Finder does not point to correct bean factory",
this.factory, actualFinder.getBeanFactory());
private void doPostProcess() {
private TemplateRoute matchRouteFor(String uri) {
Request req = new Request(Method.GET, uri);
return (TemplateRoute) router.getNext(req, new Response(req));
private void registerBeanDefinition(String id, String alias,
Class<?> beanClass, String scope) {
BeanDefinition bd = new RootBeanDefinition(beanClass);
bd.setScope(scope == null ? BeanDefinition.SCOPE_SINGLETON : scope);
this.factory.registerBeanDefinition(id, bd);
if (alias != null) {
this.factory.registerAlias(id, alias);
private void registerServerResourceBeanDefinition(String id, String alias) {
registerBeanDefinition(id, alias, ServerResource.class,
private Set<String> routeUris(RouteList routes) {
Set<String> uris = new HashSet<String>();
for (Route actualRoute : routes) {
if (actualRoute instanceof TemplateRoute) {
uris.add(((TemplateRoute) actualRoute).getTemplate()
return uris;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
this.factory = new DefaultListableBeanFactory();
registerServerResourceBeanDefinition("ore", ORE_URI);
registerServerResourceBeanDefinition("fish", FISH_URI);
registerBeanDefinition("someOtherBean", null, String.class, null);
this.router = new SpringBeanRouter();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
this.factory = null;
this.router = null;
public void testExplicitAttachmentsMayBeRestlets() throws Exception {
String expected = "/protected/timber";
.setAttachments(Collections.singletonMap(expected, "timber"));
registerBeanDefinition("timber", null, TestAuthenticator.class, null);
TemplateRoute timberRoute = matchRouteFor(expected);
assertNotNull("No route for " + expected, timberRoute);
assertTrue("Route is not for correct restlet",
timberRoute.getNext() instanceof TestAuthenticator);
public void testExplicitAttachmentsTrumpBeanNames() throws Exception {
this.router.setAttachments(Collections.singletonMap(ORE_URI, "fish"));
RouteList actualRoutes = actualRoutes();
assertEquals("Wrong number of routes", 2, actualRoutes.size());
TemplateRoute oreRoute = matchRouteFor(ORE_URI);
assertNotNull("No route for " + ORE_URI, oreRoute);
assertFinderForBean("fish", oreRoute.getNext());
public void testExplicitRoutingForNonResourceNonRestletBeansFails()
throws Exception {
try {
fail("Exception not thrown");
} catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
"someOtherBean is not routable. It must be either a Resource, a ServerResource or a Restlet.",
public void testRoutesCreatedForBeanIdsIfAppropriate() throws Exception {
String grain = "/renewable/grain/{grain_type}";
registerServerResourceBeanDefinition(grain, null);
final Set<String> actualUris = routeUris(actualRoutes());
assertEquals("Wrong number of URIs", 3, actualUris.size());
assertTrue("Missing grain URI: " + actualUris,
public void testRoutesCreatedForUrlAliases() throws Exception {
final Set<String> actualUris = routeUris(actualRoutes());
assertEquals("Wrong number of URIs", 2, actualUris.size());
assertTrue("Missing ore URI: " + actualUris,
assertTrue("Missing fish URI: " + actualUris,
public void testRoutesPointToFindersForBeans() throws Exception {
final RouteList actualRoutes = actualRoutes();
assertEquals("Wrong number of routes", 2, actualRoutes.size());
TemplateRoute oreRoute = matchRouteFor(ORE_URI);
TemplateRoute fishRoute = matchRouteFor(FISH_URI);
assertNotNull("ore route not present: " + actualRoutes, oreRoute);
assertNotNull("fish route not present: " + actualRoutes, fishRoute);
assertFinderForBean("ore", oreRoute.getNext());
assertFinderForBean("fish", fishRoute.getNext());
public void testRoutingIncludesAuthenticators() throws Exception {
String expected = "/protected/timber";
registerBeanDefinition("timber", expected, TestAuthenticator.class,
TemplateRoute authenticatorRoute = matchRouteFor(expected);
assertNotNull("No route for authenticator", authenticatorRoute);
assertTrue("Route is not for authenticator",
authenticatorRoute.getNext() instanceof TestAuthenticator);
public void testRoutingIncludesFilters() throws Exception {
String expected = "/filtered/timber";
registerBeanDefinition("timber", expected, TestFilter.class, null);
TemplateRoute filterRoute = matchRouteFor(expected);
assertNotNull("No route for filter", filterRoute);
assertTrue("Route is not for filter",
filterRoute.getNext() instanceof Filter);
public void testRoutingIncludesOtherRestlets() throws Exception {
String expected = "/singleton";
registerBeanDefinition("timber", expected, TestRestlet.class, null);
TemplateRoute restletRoute = matchRouteFor(expected);
assertNotNull("No route for restlet", restletRoute);
assertTrue("Route is not for restlet",
restletRoute.getNext() instanceof TestRestlet);
public void testRoutingIncludesResourceSubclasses() throws Exception {
String expected = "/renewable/timber/{id}";
registerBeanDefinition("timber", expected, TestResource.class,
TemplateRoute timberRoute = matchRouteFor("/renewable/timber/sycamore");
assertNotNull("No route for timber", timberRoute);
assertFinderForBean("timber", timberRoute.getNext());
public void testRoutingIncludesSpringRouterStyleExplicitlyMappedBeans()
throws Exception {
final BeanDefinition bd = new RootBeanDefinition(ServerResource.class);
this.factory.registerBeanDefinition("timber", bd);
this.factory.registerAlias("timber", "no-slash");
String expectedTemplate = "/renewable/timber/{farm_type}";
final RouteList actualRoutes = actualRoutes();
assertEquals("Wrong number of routes", 3, actualRoutes.size());
TemplateRoute timberRoute = matchRouteFor(expectedTemplate);
assertNotNull("Missing timber route: " + actualRoutes, timberRoute);
assertFinderForBean("timber", timberRoute.getNext());
public void testRoutingSkipsResourcesWithoutAppropriateAliases()
throws Exception {
final BeanDefinition bd = new RootBeanDefinition(ServerResource.class);
this.factory.registerBeanDefinition("timber", bd);
this.factory.registerAlias("timber", "no-slash");
final RouteList actualRoutes = actualRoutes();
assertEquals("Timber resource should have been skipped", 2,