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package org.restlet.test.ext.rdf;
import org.restlet.data.MediaType;
import org.restlet.ext.rdf.RdfRepresentation;
import org.restlet.representation.Representation;
import org.restlet.representation.StringRepresentation;
import org.restlet.test.RestletTestCase;
* Unit test case for the RIAP Internal routing protocol.
public class RdfTestCase extends RestletTestCase {
public void testN3() throws Exception {
Representation rep = new StringRepresentation(
"@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> ."
+ "@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>."
+ "@prefix cfg: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/bnf#>."
+ "@prefix : <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3#>."
+ "@prefix n3: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3#>."
+ "@prefix list: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/list#>."
+ "@prefix doc: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/pim/doc#>."
+ "@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>."
+ "@prefix type: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema/#>."
+ "@keywords a, is, of."
+ "@base <tru c>.\n"
+ "#Directive base.\n"
+ "@prefix prefix <http://www . \nexample .com>.\n\n"
+ " _:x1 has <http://www.rdf.com> :x2. "
+ " :x3 has _:x4 <http://www.example.com>; _:x5 <http://www.examplewith;.com>, <http://www.examplewith,.com>. "
+ " _:x6 has <http://www.rdf.com/language> <http://www.deutsch.com>. "
+ " <http://www.rdf.com/language> = <http://www.language.com>. "
+ " <http://www.rdf.com/language> => <http://www.implies.com>. "
+ " <http://www.language.com> <= <http://www.rdf.com/language>. "
+ ":x7 <http://rdf.com> \"string\". "
+ ":x8 <http://www.multiline.com> \"\"\"str\ning\"\"\". "
+ ":x9 <= \"\"\"str\ning\"\"\". "
+ ":x10 @is <http://rdf.com> of <http://www.example.com>. "
+ ":x11^:x12. " + ":x13^:x14^:x15. "
+ ":x16^:x17 :x18 :x19. " + ":x20!:x21."
+ ":x22!:x23!:x24. " + "[] :x25 :x26." + "[:x27 :x28]."
+ "(:x29 :x30) :x31 :x32."
+ " _:x33 <http://www.rdf.com> \"12\"^^type:int. "
+ " _:x33 <http://www.rdf.com> 12. ",
// File file = new File("/bnf.n3");
// rep = new FileRepresentation(file.getPath(), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);
Representation n3Rep = new RdfRepresentation(rep);