* Copyright 2005-2011 Noelios Technologies.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of one of the following
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* this file except in compliance with one of these Licenses.
* You can obtain a copy of the LGPL 3.0 license at
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package org.restlet.ext.openid;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.openid4java.OpenIDException;
import org.openid4java.consumer.ConsumerException;
import org.openid4java.consumer.ConsumerManager;
import org.openid4java.consumer.VerificationResult;
import org.openid4java.discovery.Discovery;
import org.openid4java.discovery.DiscoveryInformation;
import org.openid4java.discovery.Identifier;
import org.openid4java.message.AuthRequest;
import org.openid4java.message.AuthSuccess;
import org.openid4java.message.MessageExtension;
import org.openid4java.message.ParameterList;
import org.openid4java.message.ax.AxMessage;
import org.openid4java.message.ax.FetchRequest;
import org.openid4java.message.ax.FetchResponse;
import org.restlet.Context;
import org.restlet.Request;
import org.restlet.Response;
import org.restlet.data.Cookie;
import org.restlet.data.CookieSetting;
import org.restlet.data.Form;
import org.restlet.data.MediaType;
import org.restlet.ext.openid.internal.OpenIdConsumer;
import org.restlet.representation.Representation;
import org.restlet.representation.StringRepresentation;
import org.restlet.security.User;
import org.restlet.security.Verifier;
* Verifier that will do remote verification of using a provided
* openid_identifier. The verifier will search for the openid_identifier in the
* following three ways
* <ol>
* <li>Check the query for an openid_identifier
* <li>Check the request attribute map for an openid_identifier
* <li>Use the default openid_identifier if possible
* </ol>
* If an openid_identifier is found, it will do a temporary redirect (or return
* a form) to the identifier to continue the authentication process. Upon
* successful authentication the verifier will set the User.
* <p>
* The verifier can also try to request the following attributes to be returned
* by the OpenIdProvider - setOptionalAttribute and setRequiredAttribute.
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>nickname
* <li>email
* <li>fullname
* <li>dob
* <li>gender
* <li>postcode
* <li>country
* <li>language
* <li>timezone
* </ul>
* @author Martin Svensson
public class OpenIdVerifier implements Verifier {
public enum AX {
country, dob, email, first, friendly, fullname, gender, language, last, postcode, timezone;
public static final ConcurrentHashMap<AX, String> ax = new ConcurrentHashMap<AX, String>(
private static final Discovery discovery = new Discovery();
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConsumerManager> managers = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConsumerManager>();
public static final String PROVIDER_FLICKR = "http://flickr.com";
public static final String PROVIDER_GOOGLE = "https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id";
public static final String PROVIDER_MYOPENID = "https://www.myopenid.com/";
public static final String PROVIDER_MYSPACE = "http://api.myspace.com/openid";
public static final String PROVIDER_YAHOO = "http://me.yahoo.com";
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> session = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();
static {
ax.put(AX.friendly, "http://axschema.org/namePerson/friendly");
ax.put(AX.email, "http://axschema.org/contact/email"); // "http://schema.openid.net/contact/email"
ax.put(AX.first, "http://axschema.org/namePerson/first");
ax.put(AX.last, "http://axschema.org/namePerson/last");
ax.put(AX.fullname, "http://axschema.org/namePerson");
ax.put(AX.dob, "http://axschema.org/birthDate");
ax.put(AX.gender, "http://axschema.org/person/gender");
ax.put(AX.postcode, "http://axschema.org/contact/postalCode/home");
ax.put(AX.country, "http://axschema.org/contact/country/home");
ax.put(AX.language, "http://axschema.org/pref/language");
ax.put(AX.timezone, "http://axschema.org/pref/timezone");
private volatile String defaultProvider;
private final Set<AX> optionalAttributes;
private final Set<AX> requiredAttributes;
private volatile boolean useDefault = false;
* Default constructor.
public OpenIdVerifier() {
optionalAttributes = new HashSet<AX>();
requiredAttributes = new HashSet<AX>();
* Constructor with a default OpenIdProvider/Identifier.
* @param defaultProvider
* The default OpenIdProvider/Identifier.
public OpenIdVerifier(String defaultProvider) {
* Adds required User attribute to retrieve during authentication.
* @param attributeName
* The name of the attribute. See valid attributes.
public void addOptionalAttribute(AX attributeName) {
* Adds an optional User attribute to retrieve during authentication
* @param attributeName
* The name of the attribute. See valid attributes.
public void addRequiredAttribute(AX attributeName) {
* Clears the set of optional attributes to retrieve.
public void clearOptionalAttributes() {
* Clears the set of required attributes to retrieve.
public void clearRequiredAttributes() {
* Returns the representation of an authentication form, in this case, a
* simple HTML form.
* @param authReq
* The authentication request.
* @return The representation of an authentication form.
private Representation generateForm(AuthRequest authReq) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("<title>OpenID HTML FORM Redirection</title>");
sb.append("<body onload=\"document.forms['openid-form-redirection'].submit();\">");
sb.append("<form name=\"openid-form-redirection\" action=\"");
sb.append("\" method=\"post\" accept-charset=\"utf-8\">");
for (Object key : authReq.getParameterMap().keySet()) {
sb.append(" <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
// ${parameter.key}
sb.append("\" value=\"");
return new StringRepresentation(sb.toString(), MediaType.TEXT_HTML);
* Returns the {@link ConsumerManager} corresponding to the given URI.
* @param OPUri
* The OP endpoint URI.
* @return The {@link ConsumerManager} corresponding to the given URI.
private ConsumerManager getManager(String OPUri) {
Logger l = Context.getCurrentLogger();
l.info("Getting consumer manager for - " + OPUri);
if (!managers.containsKey(OPUri)) {
// create a new manager
l.info("Creating new consumer manager for - " + OPUri);
try {
ConsumerManager cm = new ConsumerManager();
cm.setFailedAssocExpire(0); // sec 0 = disabled
// cm.setMaxAssocAttempts(4); //default
managers.put(OPUri, cm);
return cm;
} catch (ConsumerException e) {
l.warning("Failed to create ConsumerManager for - " + OPUri);
return null;
} else {
return managers.get(OPUri);
* Extracts the Target (openid identifier/provider) from a set of
* parameters. First by looking at the query string, then in the request
* attributes and finally if a default provider has been set
* @param queryParams
* The set of parameters taken from the query string.
* @param request
* The request.
* @return The target (openid identifier/provider).
private String getTarget(Form queryParams, Request request) {
String target = queryParams.getFirstValue("openid_identifier");
if (target == null)
target = (String) request.getAttributes().get("openid_identifier");
if (target == null && useDefault)
target = defaultProvider;
if (target == null) {
Context.getCurrentLogger().info("no target or return specified");
return target;
* Handles the return of an OpenID authentication request. Basically, it
* extracts the user identifier, and the attributes to be exchanged from the
* response.
* @param queryParams
* The query's parameters.
* @param request
* The authentication request.
* @param response
* The authentication response.
* @return An instance of {@link JSONObject} that contains the user
* identifier, and the attributes to be exchanged.
private JSONObject handleReturn(Form queryParams, Request request,
Response response) {
JSONObject obj = null;
Logger l = Context.getCurrentLogger();
// Map<String, String> axRequired = new HashMap<String, String>();
Map<AX, String> axResp = new HashMap<AX, String>();
Identifier i = verifyResponse(queryParams, axResp, request, response);
if (i == null) {
l.info("Authentication Failed");
return obj;
l.info("Identifier = " + i.getIdentifier());
String id = i.getIdentifier();
if (id != null) {
// New Code, always return JSON and let filter handle any
// callback.
// TODO maybe move it to use Principal.
obj = new JSONObject();
try {
obj.put("id", i.getIdentifier());
for (AX s : axResp.keySet()) {
obj.put(s.toString(), axResp.get(s));
} catch (JSONException e) {
l.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to get the ID!", e);
// cleanup of cookie
CookieSetting disc = new CookieSetting(
OpenIdConsumer.DESCRIPTOR_COOKIE, "");
return obj;
* Creates and sends an authentication request.
* @param target
* The target.
* @param params
* The set of params (not used yet).
* @param request
* The original authenticated request.
* @param response
* The response to complete.
* @throws Exception
private void handleTarget(String target, Form params, Request request,
Response response) throws Exception {
Logger l = Context.getCurrentLogger();
// create return to url
String redir = request.getResourceRef().getHostIdentifier()
+ request.getResourceRef().getPath() + "?return=true";
List<?> discoveries = null;
discoveries = discovery.discover(target);
for (Object o : discoveries) {
if (o instanceof DiscoveryInformation) {
DiscoveryInformation di = (DiscoveryInformation) o;
l.info("Found - " + di.getOPEndpoint());
target = di.getOPEndpoint().toString();
ConsumerManager manager = getManager(target);
DiscoveryInformation discovered = manager.associate(discoveries);
// store the discovery information in the user's session
// getContext().getAttributes().put("openid-disc", discovered);
String sessionId = String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(discovered));
session.put(sessionId, discovered);
new CookieSetting(OpenIdConsumer.DESCRIPTOR_COOKIE, sessionId));
l.info("Setting DESCRIPTOR COOKIE");
// obtain a AuthRequest message to be sent to the OpenID provider
AuthRequest authReq = manager.authenticate(discovered, redir); // TODO
// maybe
// add
String ref = request.getResourceRef().getBaseRef().toString();
l.info("OpenID - REALM = " + ref);
// Attribute Exchange - getting optional and required
FetchRequest fetch = null;
// String[] optional = params.getValuesArray("ax_optional", true);
for (AX o : this.optionalAttributes) {
if (fetch == null)
fetch = FetchRequest.createFetchRequest();
fetch.addAttribute(o.toString(), ax.get(o), false);
// String[] required = params.getValuesArray("ax_required", true);
for (AX r : this.requiredAttributes) {
if (fetch == null)
fetch = FetchRequest.createFetchRequest();
fetch.addAttribute(r.toString(), ax.get(r), true);
if (fetch != null) {
if (!discovered.isVersion2()) {
l.info("OpenId - Http Redirect");
} else {
l.info("OpenId - HTML Form Redirect");
Form msg = new Form();
for (Object key : authReq.getParameterMap().keySet()) {
l.info("Adding to form - key " + key.toString() + " : value"
+ authReq.getParameterValue(key.toString()));
// response.redirectTemporary(authReq.getDestinationUrl(true));
* Checks if it looks like a response to an OpenID authentication request.
* @param queryParams
* The list of parameters.
* @return True if the parameters ensure that it looks like a response to an
* OpenID authentication request.
private boolean isResponse(Form queryParams) {
String rc = queryParams.getFirstValue("return");
Context.getCurrentLogger().info("isReturn - " + rc);
if (rc != null)
return true;
return false;
* Updates the given user with the values of the specified list of
* attributes taken from the given {@link JSONObject}.
* @param attributeSet
* The set of attributes.
* @param object
* The source object.
* @param user
* The User instance to update.
private void setAttributes(Set<AX> attributeSet, JSONObject object,
User user) {
if (attributeSet.size() < 1)
try {
if (attributeSet.contains(AX.email)
&& !object.isNull(AX.email.toString())) {
if (attributeSet.contains(AX.first)
&& !object.isNull(AX.first.toString())) {
if (attributeSet.contains(AX.last)
&& !object.isNull(AX.last.toString())) {
} catch (Exception e) {
* Sets the default provider. Will also set useDefaultProvider to true.
public void setDefaultProvider(String provider) {
this.defaultProvider = provider;
this.useDefault = true;
* Indicates if the defaultProvider must be used in case none is provided in
* the request.
* @param useDefault
* True if the defaultProvider must be used.
public void setUseDefaultProvider(boolean useDefault) {
this.useDefault = useDefault;
* Verifies a request. The verifier will be called twice to verify a request
* since verification is done remotely using callbacks. Also sets the user
* object.
* @return {@link Verifier#RESULT_INVALID} if it fails,
* {@link Verifier#RESULT_VALID} if success,
* {@link Verifier#RESULT_MISSING} while waiting for a callback
* response.
public int verify(Request request, Response response) {
Form params = request.getResourceRef().getQueryAsForm();
if (this.isResponse(params)) {
JSONObject obj = this.handleReturn(params, request, response);
if (obj == null) {
return Verifier.RESULT_INVALID;
} else {
if (!obj.isNull("id")) {
try {
String id = obj.getString("id");
User u = new User();
// set any attributes
setAttributes(optionalAttributes, obj, u);
setAttributes(requiredAttributes, obj, u);
return Verifier.RESULT_VALID;
} catch (JSONException e) {
Context.getCurrentLogger().info("Could not find identifier");
return Verifier.RESULT_INVALID;
String target = this.getTarget(params, request);
if (target != null) {
try {
this.handleTarget(target, params, request, response);
return Verifier.RESULT_MISSING;
} catch (Exception e) {
.info("No Target or Return - reporting error");
return Verifier.RESULT_INVALID;
// --- processing the authentication response ---
public Identifier verifyResponse(Form params, Map<AX, String> axResp,
Request request, Response resp) {
Logger l = Context.getCurrentLogger();
try {
// extract the parameters from the authentication response
// (which comes in as a HTTP request from the OpenID provider)
ParameterList response = new ParameterList(params.getValuesMap());
l.info("response = " + response);
// retrieve the previously stored discovery information
l.info("GET COOKIES");
String openidDisc = request.getCookies().getFirstValue(
// String openidDisc =
// getCookieSettings().getFirstValue(DESCRIPTOR_COOKIE);
l.info("openIdDiscServer - "
+ resp.getCookieSettings().getFirstValue(
l.info("openIdDiscServerLength -" + resp.getCookieSettings().size());
l.info("openIdDiscClient - " + openidDisc);
l.info("openIdDiscClientLength -" + request.getCookies().size());
if (resp.getCookieSettings().size() > 0) {
for (CookieSetting setting : resp.getCookieSettings()) {
l.info("CookieSetting: " + setting.getName()
+ setting.getFirst());
if (request.getCookies().size() > 0) {
for (Cookie setting : request.getCookies()) {
l.info("Cookie: " + setting.getName() + setting.getFirst());
DiscoveryInformation discovered = (DiscoveryInformation) session
.get(openidDisc); // TODO cleanup
l.info("discovered = " + discovered);
// extract the receiving URL from the HTTP request
l.info("getOriginalRef = " + request.getOriginalRef());
ConsumerManager manager = getManager(discovered.getOPEndpoint()
String redir = request.getResourceRef().getHostIdentifier()
+ request.getResourceRef().getPath() + "?return=true";
VerificationResult verification = manager.verify(redir, response,
// examine the verification result and extract the verified
// identifier
Identifier verified = verification.getVerifiedId();
l.info("verified = " + verified);
if (verified != null) {
AuthSuccess authSuccess = (AuthSuccess) verification
if (authSuccess.hasExtension(AxMessage.OPENID_NS_AX)) {
FetchResponse fetchResp = (FetchResponse) authSuccess
MessageExtension ext = authSuccess
if (ext instanceof FetchResponse) {
List<String> aliases = fetchResp.getAttributeAliases();
for (String alias : aliases) {
String value = fetchResp.getAttributeValue(alias);
axResp.put(AX.valueOf(alias), value);
return verified; // success
} catch (OpenIDException e) {
l.log(Level.INFO, "", e);
return null;