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package org.restlet.ext.oauth.internal;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.restlet.ext.oauth.AuthenticatedUser;
* TokenGenerator implementation that keeps tokens in memory. Note that tokens
* generated will not be persisted after a JVM restart.
* @author Kristoffer Gronowski
public class MemTokenGenerator extends TokenGenerator {
private final Map<String, AuthenticatedUser> codeStore = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AuthenticatedUser>();
// Used only to store tokens
private final Map<String, Token> tokenStore = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Token>();
private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor timers;
public MemTokenGenerator(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor) {
timers = executor;
public String generateCode(AuthenticatedUser user) {
String code = super.generateCode(user);
// Store the code for later use
AuthenticatedUser oldValue = codeStore.put(code, user);
// Something is wrong in the code generation!
// log("WARNIG - bad generation ALG!");
if (oldValue != null)
return code;
public Token generateToken(AuthenticatedUser user, long expire) {
Token t = super.generateToken(user, expire);
if (expire != Token.UNLIMITED) {
ExpireToken et = (ExpireToken) t;
// RefreshToken is stored twice for faster lookup
// One key is the token while the other the refreshToken
tokenStore.put(et.getRefreshToken(), et);
// Add Token to timeout mechanism
scheduleCleanup(et, expire);
tokenStore.put(t.getToken(), t);
return t;
public Token exchangeForToken(String code, long expire)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
// TODO handle exp tokens
AuthenticatedUser user = codeStore.remove(code);
// if( expire > 0 ) user.setExpire(expire);
if (user == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Code not valid");
Token t = generateToken(user, expire);
user.clearCode(); // TODO could also match if the user code matches
// codestore
return t;
public void revokeToken(Token token) {
String id = token.getToken();
if (id != null && tokenStore.containsKey(id)) {
// t.getUser().removeToken(t);
public void revokeExpireToken(ExpireToken token) {
if (tokenStore.containsKey(token.getRefreshToken())) {
Token t = tokenStore.remove(token.getRefreshToken());
revokeToken(t); // Also clean pending tokens
// t.getUser().removeToken(t);
public Token findToken(String token) {
return tokenStore.get(token);
public void refreshToken(ExpireToken token) {
scheduleCleanup(token, token.getExpirePeriod());
// Store the new generated token in DB
tokenStore.put(token.getToken(), token);
private void scheduleCleanup(final ExpireToken et, long expire) {
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String token = et.getToken();
// Remove the binding
// Set the token to null until refreshed
ScheduledFuture<?> future = timers
.schedule(r, expire, TimeUnit.SECONDS);