* Copyright 2005-2011 Noelios Technologies.
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package org.restlet.ext.oauth;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.restlet.data.CookieSetting;
import org.restlet.data.Form;
import org.restlet.data.Method;
import org.restlet.data.Reference;
import org.restlet.data.Status;
import org.restlet.ext.oauth.internal.AuthSession;
import org.restlet.ext.oauth.internal.Scopes;
import org.restlet.representation.Representation;
import org.restlet.resource.Get;
import org.restlet.resource.Post;
import org.restlet.routing.Redirector;
import org.restlet.security.Role;
* Restlet implementation class AuthorizationService. Used for initiating an
* OAuth 2.0 authorization request.
* This Resource is controlled by to Context Attribute Parameters<br/>
* OAuthServerResource.LOGIN_PARAM specifies the location of a Login resource.
* Implements OAuth 2.0 draft 10
* @author Martin Svensson
* @see <a
* href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-3">OAuth
* 2 draft 10</a>
public class AuthorizationServerResource extends OAuthServerResource {
* Checks that all incoming requests have a type parameter. Requires
* response_type, client_id and redirect_uri parameters. For the code flow
* client_secret is also mandatory.
public Representation represent() {
// Get some basic information
Form params = getQuery();
String sessionId = getCookies().getFirstValue(ClientCookieID);
getLogger().info("sessionId = " + sessionId);
ConcurrentMap<String, Object> attribs = getContext().getAttributes();
AuthSession session = (sessionId == null) ? null
: (AuthSession) attribs.get(sessionId);
// check owner:
String scopeOwner = null;
if (getRequest().getClientInfo().getUser() != null)
scopeOwner = getRequest().getClientInfo().getUser().getIdentifier();
if (scopeOwner == null && session != null)
scopeOwner = session.getScopeOwner();
getLogger().info("OWNER - " + scopeOwner);
if (scopeOwner == null) {
sendError(sessionId, OAuthError.INVALID_REQUEST,
params.getFirstValue(STATE), "No Scope Owner", null);
return getResponseEntity();
// check clientId:
String clientId = params.getFirstValue(CLIENT_ID);
if (clientId == null || clientId.length() < 1) {
sendError(sessionId, OAuthError.INVALID_REQUEST,
"No client_id parameter found.", null);
getLogger().info("Could not find client ID");
return getResponseEntity();
Client client = clients.findById(clientId);
getLogger().info("Client = " + client);
if (client == null) {
// client = clients.createClient(clientId, redirUri);
sendError(sessionId, OAuthError.INVALID_CLIENT,
"Need to register the client : " + clientId, null);
getLogger().info("Need to register the client : " + clientId);
return getResponseEntity();
getLogger().info("CLIENT ID - " + clientId);
// check redir:
String redirUri = params.getFirstValue(REDIR_URI);
if (redirUri == null || redirUri.length() == 0) {
sendError(sessionId, OAuthError.INVALID_REQUEST,
"No redirect_uri parameter found.", null);
getLogger().info("No mandatory redirect URI provided");
return getResponseEntity();
if (!redirUri.startsWith(client.getRedirectUri())) {
sendError(sessionId, OAuthError.REDIRECT_URI_MISMATCH,
"Callback URI does not match.", null);
getLogger().info("Callback URI does not match.");
return getResponseEntity();
getLogger().info("CLIENT ID - " + clientId);
// check response type:
String typeString = params.getFirstValue(RESPONSE_TYPE);
ResponseType type = null;
try {
type = Enum.valueOf(ResponseType.class, typeString);
getLogger().info("Found flow - " + type);
if (!Method.GET.equals(getMethod()))
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
sendError(sessionId, OAuthError.UNSUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPE,
params.getFirstValue(STATE), "Unsupported flow", null);
getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error in execution.", iae);
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
sendError(sessionId, OAuthError.INVALID_REQUEST,
"No response_type parameter found.", null);
getLogger().info("RESPONSE TYPE - " + type);
// setup session if needed:
if (session != null)
getLogger().info("client = " + session.getClient());
else { // cleanup old cookie...and setup session
if (session == null) {
getLogger().info("Setting ClientCookieID");
session = new AuthSession(getContext().getAttributes(),
new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(5));
CookieSetting cs = new CookieSetting(ClientCookieID,
// TODO create a secure mode setting, update all cookies
// cs.setAccessRestricted(true);
// cs.setSecure(true);
getLogger().info("Setting cookie - " + session.getId());
setupSession(session, client, type, redirUri, params);
return doPostAuthenticate(session, client);
* Sets up a session.
* @param in
* The OAuth session.
* @param client
* The OAuth client.
* @param flow
* The glow.
* @param redirUri
* The redirection URI.
* @param params
* The authentication parameters.
protected void setupSession(AuthSession in, Client client,
ResponseType flow, String redirUri, Form params) {
getLogger().info("Base ref = " + getReference().getParentRef());
getLogger().info("OAuth2 session = " + in);
AuthSession session = in;
if (session == null) {
session = new AuthSession(getContext().getAttributes(),
new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(5));
CookieSetting cs = new CookieSetting(ClientCookieID,
// TODO create a secure mode setting, update all cookies
// cs.setAccessRestricted(true);
// cs.setSecure(true);
"Setting cookie in SetupSession - " + session.getId());
if (!redirUri.equals(client.getRedirectUri())) {
getLogger().info("OAuth2 set dynamic callback = " + redirUri);
// Save away the state
String state = getCookies().getFirstValue(STATE);
if (state != null && state.length() > 0)
// Get scope and scope owner
String[] scopes = parseScope(params.getFirstValue(SCOPE));
* Handle the authentication request.
* @param session
* The OAuth session.
* @param client
* The OAuth client.
* @return The result as a {@link Representation}.
protected Representation doPostAuthenticate(AuthSession session,
Client client) {
Reference ref = new Reference("riap://application"
+ OAuthHelper.getAuthPage(getContext()));
getLogger().info("Name = " + getApplication().getInboundRoot());
ref.addQueryParameter("client", client.getClientId());
// Requested
String[] scopes = session.getRequestedScope();
if (scopes != null && scopes.length > 0) {
for (String s : scopes)
ref.addQueryParameter("scope", s);
// Granted
AuthenticatedUser user = client.findUser(session.getScopeOwner());
if (user != null) { // null before first code generated
// scopes = OAuthUtils.roluser.getGrantedScopes();
List<Role> roles = user.getGrantedRoles();
if (roles != null && roles.size() > 0) {
for (Role r : roles)
ref.addQueryParameter("grantedScope", Scopes.toScope(r));
getLogger().info("Redir = " + ref);
Redirector dispatcher = new Redirector(getContext(), ref.toString(),
// getRequest().setCookies(getResponse().getCookieSettings().get
// getRequest().setCookies(cookies)
getRequest().getAttributes().put(ClientCookieID, session.getId());
dispatcher.handle(getRequest(), getResponse());
return getResponseEntity();
* Helper method to format error responses according to OAuth2 spec.
* @param sessionId
* local server session object
* @param error
* code, one of the valid from spec
* @param state
* state parameter as presented in the initial auth request
public void sendError(String sessionId, OAuthError error, String state) {
sendError(sessionId, error, state, null, null);
* Helper method to format error responses according to OAuth2 spec.
* @param sessionId
* local server session object
* @param error
* code, one of the valid from spec
* @param state
* state parameter as presented in the initial auth request
* @param description
* any text describing the error
* @param errorUri
* uri to a page with more description about the error
public void sendError(String sessionId, OAuthError error, String state,
String description, String errorUri) {
Form params = getQuery();
String redirUri = params.getFirstValue(REDIR_URI);
if (redirUri == null || redirUri.length() == 0) {
// create a fake uri...
redirUri = "";
Reference cb = new Reference(redirUri);
cb.addQueryParameter("error", error.name());
if (state != null && state.length() > 0) {
cb.addQueryParameter("state", state);
if (description != null && description.length() > 0) {
cb.addQueryParameter("error_description", description);
if (errorUri != null && errorUri.length() > 0) {
cb.addQueryParameter("error_uri", errorUri);
// cleanup cookie..
if (sessionId != null && sessionId.length() > 0) {
ConcurrentMap<String, Object> attribs = getContext()