* Copyright 2005-2011 Noelios Technologies.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of one of the following
* open source licenses: LGPL 3.0 or LGPL 2.1 or CDDL 1.0 or EPL 1.0 (the
* "Licenses"). You can select the license that you prefer but you may not use
* this file except in compliance with one of these Licenses.
* You can obtain a copy of the LGPL 3.0 license at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html
* You can obtain a copy of the LGPL 2.1 license at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php
* You can obtain a copy of the CDDL 1.0 license at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php
* You can obtain a copy of the EPL 1.0 license at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
* See the Licenses for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the Licenses.
* Alternatively, you can obtain a royalty free commercial license with less
* limitations, transferable or non-transferable, directly at
* http://www.noelios.com/products/restlet-engine
* Restlet is a registered trademark of Noelios Technologies.
package org.restlet.ext.jaxrs;
import static org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.util.Util.append;
import static org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.util.Util.getPathTemplateWithoutRegExps;
import static org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.util.Util.indexBeginMatrixOfLastSegment;
import static org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.util.Util.notEndsWith;
import static org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.util.Util.notStartsWith;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder;
import javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilderException;
import org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.exceptions.IllegalPathException;
import org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.exceptions.IllegalPathOnClassException;
import org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.exceptions.IllegalPathOnMethodException;
import org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.exceptions.MissingAnnotationException;
import org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.todo.NotYetImplementedException;
import org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.util.EncodeOrCheck;
import org.restlet.routing.Template;
import org.restlet.util.Resolver;
* Abstract implementation of interface {@link UriBuilder}. Not intended for
* public use.
* @author Stephan Koops
* @see UriBuilder
public abstract class AbstractUriBuilder extends UriBuilder {
private class ArrayVariableResolver extends Resolver<String> {
private final boolean encoding;
private int i = 0;
private final Map<String, String> retrievedValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
private final Object[] values;
ArrayVariableResolver(Object[] values, boolean encoding) {
this.values = values;
this.encoding = encoding;
public String resolve(String variableName) {
String varValue = this.retrievedValues.get(variableName);
if (varValue == null) {
if (this.i >= this.values.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The value given array contains not enough elements (contains "
+ this.values.length
+ ", but need at least " + (this.i + 1)
+ ")");
final Object value = this.values[this.i];
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The given array contains null value at position ("
+ this.i + ")");
varValue = value.toString();
varValue = EncodeOrCheck.all(varValue, this.encoding);
this.retrievedValues.put(variableName, varValue);
return varValue;
* {@link String} or {@link StringBuilder}. It is flexible to avoid
* unnecessary converting.
private CharSequence fragment;
* no converting or appending necessary.
private String host;
* {@link String} or {@link StringBuilder}. It is flexible to avoid
* unnecessary converting.
private CharSequence path;
private String port = null;
* {@link String} or {@link StringBuilder}. It is flexible to avoid
* unnecessary converting.
private CharSequence query;
* no converting or appending necessary.
private String scheme;
* {@link String} or {@link StringBuilder}. It is flexible to avoid
* unnecessary converting.
private CharSequence userInfo;
protected AbstractUriBuilder() {
* adds a valid (encoded or checked) path segment. The path may start with
* "/" or not, but must not be null.
* @param path
* @param newPathSegment
private void addValidPathSegment(CharSequence newPathSegment) {
final StringBuilder path = getPath();
if ((this.host != null) && notEndsWith(path, '/')
&& notStartsWith(newPathSegment, '/')) {
* adds a valid (encoded or checked) path segment. The elements may start
* with "/" or not, but must not be null.
* @param newPathSegments
private void addValidPathSegments(List<CharSequence> newPathSegments) {
for (final CharSequence newPathSegment : newPathSegments) {
* Build a URI, using the supplied values in order to replace any URI
* template parameters. Values are converted to <code>String</code> using
* their <code>toString</code> method and are then encoded to match the
* rules of the URI component to which they pertain. All '%' characters in
* the stringified values will be encoded. The state of the builder is
* unaffected; this method may be called multiple times on the same builder
* instance.
* <p>
* All instances of the same template parameter will be replaced by the same
* value that corresponds to the position of the first instance of the
* template parameter. e.g. the template "{a}/{b}/{a}" with values {"x",
* "y", "z"} will result in the the URI "x/y/x", <i>not</i> "x/y/z".
* @param values
* a list of URI template parameter values
* @return the URI built from the UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if there are any URI template parameters without a supplied
* value, or if a value is null.
* @throws UriBuilderException
* if a URI cannot be constructed based on the current state of
* the builder.
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#build(java.lang.Object[])
public URI build(Object... values) throws IllegalArgumentException,
UriBuilderException {
final Template template = new Template(toStringWithCheck(false));
return buildUri(template
.format(new ArrayVariableResolver(values, true)));
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#buildFromEncoded(java.lang.Object[])
public URI buildFromEncoded(Object... values)
throws IllegalArgumentException, UriBuilderException {
final Template template = new Template(toStringWithCheck(false));
return buildUri(template
.format(new ArrayVariableResolver(values, false)));
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#buildFromEncodedMap(java.util.Map)
public URI buildFromEncodedMap(Map<String, ? extends Object> values)
throws IllegalArgumentException, UriBuilderException {
return this.buildFromMap(values, false);
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#buildFromMap(java.util.Map)
public URI buildFromMap(Map<String, ? extends Object> values)
throws IllegalArgumentException, UriBuilderException {
return this.buildFromMap(values, true);
* Build a URI, any URI template parameters will be replaced by the value in
* the supplied map. The <code>build</code> method does not change the state
* of the <code>UriBuilder</code> and it may be called multiple times on the
* same builder instance.
* @param values
* a map of URI template parameter names and values
* @param encode
* true, if the value should be encoded, or false if not.
* @return the URI built from the UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if automatic encoding is disabled and a supplied value
* contains illegal characters, or if there are any URI template
* parameters without a supplied value
* @throws UriBuilderException
* if a URI cannot be constructed based on the current state of
* the builder.
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#build(java.util.Map)
private URI buildFromMap(final Map<String, ? extends Object> values,
final boolean encode) throws IllegalArgumentException,
UriBuilderException {
final Template template = new Template(toStringWithCheck(false));
return buildUri(template.format(new Resolver<String>() {
public String resolve(String variableName) {
final Object varValue = values.get(variableName);
if (varValue == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The value Map must contain a value for all given Templet variables. The value for variable "
+ variableName + " is missing");
return EncodeOrCheck.all(varValue.toString(), encode);
* @param refAsString
* @return
* @throws UriBuilderException
private URI buildUri(String refAsString) throws UriBuilderException {
try {
return new URI(refAsString);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new UriBuilderException(
"Could not build the URI from String " + refAsString, e);
* @param uriBuilder
protected void copyInto(AbstractUriBuilder uriBuilder) {
if (this.fragment != null) {
uriBuilder.fragment = this.fragment;
this.fragment = this.fragment.toString();
uriBuilder.host = this.host;
uriBuilder.port = this.port;
uriBuilder.scheme = this.scheme;
if (this.userInfo != null) {
uriBuilder.userInfo = this.userInfo;
this.userInfo = this.userInfo.toString();
if (this.path != null) {
uriBuilder.path = this.path;
this.path = this.path.toString();
if (this.query != null) {
uriBuilder.query = this.query;
this.query = this.query.toString();
// copy this.query to new query, because typically the clone will
// be changed and not the orignal.
* Set the URI fragment using an unencoded value.
* @param fragment
* the URI fragment, may contain URI template parameters
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if fragment is null, or if automatic encoding is disabled and
* fragment contains illegal characters
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#fragment(java.lang.String)
public UriBuilder fragment(String fragment) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (fragment == null) {
this.fragment = null;
} else {
this.fragment = EncodeOrCheck.fragment(fragment);
return this;
* @return the extension of the current state, with a "." at beginning. Is
* intended to be overriden in subclass ExtendedUriBuilder. Must not
* return null, "" or ".".
protected String getExtension() {
return null;
* @return The path as StringBuilder. Ensures, that the returned
* StringBuilder is available in the instance variable.
private StringBuilder getPath() {
StringBuilder path;
if (this.path instanceof StringBuilder) {
return (StringBuilder) this.path;
if (this.path == null) {
path = new StringBuilder();
this.path = path;
} else {
path = new StringBuilder(this.path);
this.path = path;
return path;
* Set the URI host.
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @param host
* the URI host, may contain URI template parameters
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if host is invalid or is null
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#host(java.lang.String)
public UriBuilder host(String host) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (host == null) {
this.host = null;
} else {
this.host = EncodeOrCheck.host(host);
return this;
* Append a matrix parameter to the existing set of matrix parameters of the
* current final segment of the URI path. If multiple values are supplied
* the parameter will be added once per value. Note that the matrix
* parameters are tied to a particular path segment; subsequent addition of
* path segments will not affect their position in the URI path.
* @param name
* the matrix parameter name, may contain URI template parameters
* @param values
* the matrix parameter value(s), each object will be converted
* to a {@code String} using its {@code toString()} method.
* Stringified values may contain URI template parameters.
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if name or value is null, or if automatic encoding is
* disabled and the name or any stringified value contains
* illegal characters
* @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/MatrixURIs.html">Matrix
* URIs</a>
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#matrixParam(String, Object...)
public UriBuilder matrixParam(String name, Object... values)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (values == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The values must not be null");
CharSequence ncs;
ncs = EncodeOrCheck.nameOrValue(name, true, "matrix parameter name");
final List<String> valuesStr = new ArrayList<String>();
for (final Object value : values) {
final String vcs = EncodeOrCheck.nameOrValue(value, true,
"matrix parameter value");
final StringBuilder path = getPath();
for (final String vcs : valuesStr) {
return this;
* Appends the given path to the current path.S
* @param pathToAppend
* @return the current UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
protected UriBuilder path(CharSequence pathToAppend)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (pathToAppend == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"the path to append must not be null");
CharSequence validPathSegment = EncodeOrCheck.pathSegmentsWithMatrix(
pathToAppend, true);
return this;
* Append path segments from a Path-annotated class to the existing list of
* segments. When constructing the final path, each segment will be
* separated by '/' if necessary. The value of the encode property of the
* Path annotation will be used when processing the value of the
* @<!---->{@link Path} but it will not be used to modify the state of
* automatic encoding for the builder.
* @param rootResource
* a resource whose @Path value will be used to obtain the
* path segment.
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if resource is null, or if resource.encode is false and
* resource.value contains illegal characters, or if resource is
* not annotated with UrPath
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#path(java.lang.Class)
public UriBuilder path(Class rootResource) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (rootResource == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The root resource class must not be null");
String newPathSegment;
try {
newPathSegment = getPathTemplateWithoutRegExps(rootResource);
} catch (IllegalPathOnClassException e) {
throw e.getCause();
} catch (MissingAnnotationException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class "
+ rootResource.getName()
+ " is not a valid root resource class. "
+ "A root resource class must be annotated with @Path");
return this;
* Append path segments from a Path-annotated method to the existing list of
* segments. When constructing the final path, each segment will be
* separated by '/' if necessary. This method is a convenience shortcut to
* <code>path(Method)</code>, it can only be used in cases where there is a
* single method with the specified name that is annotated with @<!---->
* {@link Path}.
* @param rootResource
* the root resource class containing the method.
* @param methodName
* the name of the method whose @{@link Path} value will be
* used to obtain the path segment.
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if resource or method is null, or if the specified method
* does not exist, or there is more than or less than one
* variant of the method annotated with UriPath
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#path(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String)
public UriBuilder path(Class rootResource, String methodName)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (methodName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The method name must not be null");
String resMethodPath = null;
for (final Method method : rootResource.getMethods()) {
if (!method.getName().equals(methodName)) {
String path;
try {
path = getPathTemplateWithoutRegExps(method);
} catch (IllegalPathOnMethodException e) {
throw e.getCause();
} catch (MissingAnnotationException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
if (path == null) {
if ((resMethodPath != null) && !resMethodPath.equals(path)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class " + rootResource
+ " has more than one methods with the name "
+ methodName + " annotated with @Path");
resMethodPath = path;
if (resMethodPath == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class " + rootResource
+ " has no method with the name " + methodName
+ " annotated with @Path");
return this;
* Append the path from a {@link javax.ws.rs.Path}-annotated method to the
* existing path. When constructing the final path, a '/' separator will be
* inserted between the existing path and the supplied path if necessary.
* @param method
* a method whose {@link javax.ws.rs.Path} value will be used to
* obtain the path to append to the existing path
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if any element of methods is null or is not annotated with a
* {@link javax.ws.rs.Path}
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#path(java.lang.reflect.Method)
public UriBuilder path(Method method) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (method == null) {
return this;
String validSegment;
try {
validSegment = getPathTemplateWithoutRegExps(method);
} catch (MissingAnnotationException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
} catch (IllegalPathException e) {
throw e.getCause();
return this;
* Append path to the existing path. When constructing the final path, a '/'
* separator will be inserted between the existing path and the supplied
* path if necessary. Existing '/' characters are preserved thus a single
* value can represent multiple URI path segments.
* @param pathToAppend
* the path to append to the current path, may contain URI
* template parameters
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if path is null
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#path(java.lang.String)
public UriBuilder path(String pathToAppend) throws IllegalArgumentException {
path((CharSequence) pathToAppend);
return this;
* append the given path segments to the current path
* @param segments
* @return
private List<CharSequence> pathSegmentsWithMatrix(String[] segments) {
if (segments == null) {
return new ArrayList<CharSequence>(0);
final int length = segments.length;
final List<CharSequence> r = new ArrayList<CharSequence>(length);
if (length == 0) {
return r;
final String s = segments[0];
if ((s == null) || (s.length() == 0)) {
return r;
r.add(EncodeOrCheck.pathSegmentWithMatrix(s, true));
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
r.add(EncodeOrCheck.pathSegmentWithMatrix(segments[i], true));
return r;
* Set the URI port.
* @param port
* the URI port, a value of -1 will unset an explicit port.
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if port is invalid
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#port(int)
public UriBuilder port(int port) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (port == -1) {
this.port = null;
} else if (port > 65535 || port < -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The port must between zero and 65535 or -1 to unset the explizit port");
} else {
this.port = String.valueOf(port);
return this;
* Set the URI port. Only integers or a variable template is allowed
* @param port
* the URI port (null will unset an explicit port) or a template
* variable.
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if given value is invalid
* @see #port(int)
public UriBuilder port(String port) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (port == null) {
this.port = null;
} else if (port.startsWith("{") && port.endsWith("}")) {
this.port = port;
} else {
return this;
* Append a query parameter to the existing set of query parameters. If
* multiple values are supplied the parameter will be added once per value.
* @param name
* the query parameter name, may contain URI template parameters
* @param values
* the query parameter value(s), each object will be converted to
* a {@code String} using its {@code toString()} method.
* Stringified values may contain URI template parameters.
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if name or value is null, or if automatic encoding is
* disabled and name or value contains illegal characters
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#queryParam(String, Object...)
public UriBuilder queryParam(String name, Object... values)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (values == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The values must not be null");
CharSequence ncs;
ncs = EncodeOrCheck.nameOrValue(name, true, "query parameter name");
final List<String> valuesStr = new ArrayList<String>();
for (final Object value : values) {
final String vcs = EncodeOrCheck.nameOrValue(value, true,
"query parameter value");
final Iterator<String> valueIter = valuesStr.iterator();
StringBuilder query;
if (this.query == null) {
query = new StringBuilder();
this.query = query;
} else if (this.query instanceof StringBuilder) {
query = (StringBuilder) this.query;
} else {
query = new StringBuilder(this.query.toString());
while (valueIter.hasNext()) {
return this;
* Set the matrix parameters of the current final segment of the current URI
* path. This method will overwrite any existing matrix parameters on the
* current final segment of the current URI path. Note that the matrix
* parameters are tied to a particular path segment; subsequent addition of
* path segments will not affect their position in the URI path.
* @param matrix
* the matrix parameters, may contain URI template parameters. A
* null value will remove all matrix parameters of the current
* final segment of the current URI path.
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if matrix cannot be parsed, or if automatic encoding is
* disabled and any matrix parameter name or value contains
* illegal characters
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#replaceMatrix(String)
public UriBuilder replaceMatrix(String matrix)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
CharSequence mpcs = null;
if (matrix != null) {
mpcs = EncodeOrCheck.fullMatrix(matrix);
final StringBuilder path = getPath();
// remove matrix params from last path segment
final int beginLastPs = path.lastIndexOf("/");
if (beginLastPs >= 0) {
final int beginMp = path.indexOf(";", beginLastPs);
if (beginMp >= 0) {
path.delete(beginMp, path.length());
// add new matrix parameters
if (mpcs == null) {
return this;
if ((mpcs.length() == 0) || (mpcs.charAt(0) != ';')) {
return this;
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#replaceMatrixParam(java.lang.String,
* java.lang.Object[])
public UriBuilder replaceMatrixParam(String name, Object... values)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
// TODO replace matrix parameters
throw new NotYetImplementedException(
"Sorry, the relacement of matrix parameters is not supported yet");
* Replaces the current path with the given path. This method checks, if
* there is an extension in, if needed by this class.
* @param newPath
* the new path.
protected UriBuilder replacePath(CharSequence newPath)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
// TODO check for extension in subclass
if (newPath == null
|| (newPath.length() > 0 && newPath.charAt(0) == '/')) {
this.path = newPath;
} else {
this.path = null;
return this;
* Set the URI path. This method will overwrite any existing path and
* associated matrix parameters. Existing '/' characters are preserved thus
* a single value can represent multiple URI path segments.
* @param newPath
* the path to replace the old path with, may contain URI
* template parameters. A null value will unset the path
* component of the URI.
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#replacePath(java.lang.String)
public UriBuilder replacePath(String newPath)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
return replacePath((CharSequence) newPath);
* Set the URI query string. This method will overwrite any existing query
* parameters.
* @param query
* the URI query string, may contain URI template parameters. A
* null value will remove all query parameters.
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if query cannot be parsed
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#replaceQuery(java.lang.String)
public UriBuilder replaceQuery(String query)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if ((query == null) || (query.length() == 0)) {
this.query = null;
} else {
this.query = EncodeOrCheck.fullQuery(query, true);
return this;
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#replaceQueryParam(String, Object[])
public UriBuilder replaceQueryParam(String name, Object... values)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
throw new NotYetImplementedException(
"Sorry, the relacement of query parameters is not supported yet");
* Set the URI scheme.
* @param scheme
* the URI scheme, may contain URI template parameters
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if scheme is invalid or is null
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#scheme(java.lang.String)
public UriBuilder scheme(String scheme) throws IllegalArgumentException {
this.scheme = EncodeOrCheck.scheme(scheme);
return this;
* Set the URI scheme-specific-part (see {@link java.net.URI}). This method
* will overwrite any existing values for authority, user-info, host, port
* and path.
* @param ssp
* the URI scheme-specific-part, may contain URI template
* parameters
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if ssp cannot be parsed or is null
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#schemeSpecificPart(java.lang.String)
public UriBuilder schemeSpecificPart(String ssp)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (ssp == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The scheme specific part must not be null");
if (ssp.startsWith("//")) {
ssp = ssp.substring(2);
// split schemeSpecificPart
final int firstSlashPos = ssp.indexOf('/');
String authority;
CharSequence path;
CharSequence query;
CharSequence fragment;
if (firstSlashPos >= 0) {
authority = ssp.substring(0, firstSlashPos);
final String pathQueryFragment = ssp.substring(firstSlashPos);
String pathQuery;
final int firstCrosshatchPos = pathQueryFragment.indexOf('#');
if (firstCrosshatchPos >= 0) {
pathQuery = pathQueryFragment.substring(0, firstCrosshatchPos);
fragment = pathQueryFragment.substring(firstCrosshatchPos + 1);
} else {
pathQuery = pathQueryFragment;
fragment = null;
final int firstQmPos = pathQuery.indexOf('?');
if (firstQmPos >= 0) {
path = pathQuery.substring(0, firstQmPos);
query = pathQuery.substring(firstQmPos + 1);
} else {
path = pathQuery;
query = null;
} else {
authority = ssp;
path = null;
query = null;
fragment = null;
CharSequence userInfo;
String host;
String port;
final int atSignPos = authority.lastIndexOf('@');
if (atSignPos >= 0) {
userInfo = authority.substring(0, atSignPos);
authority = authority.substring(atSignPos + 1);
} else {
userInfo = null;
final int colonPos = authority.lastIndexOf(':');
if (colonPos >= 0) {
host = authority.substring(0, colonPos);
port = authority.substring(colonPos + 1);
} else {
host = authority;
port = null;
// check / convert values
if (userInfo != null) {
userInfo = EncodeOrCheck.userInfo(userInfo, true);
if (host != null) {
host = EncodeOrCheck.host(host);
if (path != null) {
path = EncodeOrCheck.pathSegmentsWithMatrix(path, true);
if (query != null) {
query = EncodeOrCheck.fullQuery(query, true);
if (fragment != null) {
fragment = EncodeOrCheck.fragment(fragment);
// check and set max. one: the port
// set checked / converted
this.userInfo = userInfo;
this.host = host;
this.query = query;
this.fragment = fragment;
return this;
* Append path segments to the existing path. When constructing the final
* path, a '/' separator will be inserted between the existing path and the
* first path segment if necessary and each supplied segment will also be
* separated by '/'. Existing '/' characters are encoded thus a single value
* can only represent a single URI path segment.
* @param segments
* the path segment values, each may contain URI template
* parameters
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if segments or any element of segments is null
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#segment(java.lang.String[])
public UriBuilder segment(String... segments)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (segments == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The segments must not be null");
// first check preconditions
final List<CharSequence> newPathSegments = pathSegmentsWithMatrix(segments);
// than add
return this;
* Returns the actual URI as String.
* @return the actual URI as String.
* @see #toStringWithCheck(boolean)
public String toString() {
return this.toString(false);
* Returns the actual URI as String.
* @param convertBraces
* if true, all braces are converted, if false then not.
* @return the actual URI as {@link String}. Never returns null.
* @see #toStringWithCheck(boolean)
private String toString(boolean convertBraces) {
try {
final StringBuilder stb = new StringBuilder();
if (this.scheme != null) {
append(stb, this.scheme, convertBraces);
if (this.userInfo != null) {
append(stb, this.userInfo, convertBraces);
if (this.host != null) {
append(stb, this.host, convertBraces);
if (this.port != null) {
String extension = getExtension();
CharSequence thisPath = this.path;
if (thisPath != null || extension != null) {
if (stb.length() > 0) {
if (notStartsWith(thisPath, '/')
|| ((thisPath == null) && (extension != null))) {
if (extension == null) {
append(stb, thisPath, convertBraces);
} else {
int begLastMatrix = indexBeginMatrixOfLastSegment(thisPath);
if (begLastMatrix >= 0) {
append(stb, thisPath, convertBraces, 0, begLastMatrix);
append(stb, extension, convertBraces);
append(stb, thisPath, convertBraces, begLastMatrix);
} else { // no matrix parameters found
append(stb, thisPath, convertBraces);
append(stb, extension, convertBraces);
if (this.query != null) {
append(stb, this.query, convertBraces);
if (this.fragment != null) {
append(stb, this.fragment, convertBraces);
return stb.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Could not write the UriBuilder to a String; but this Exception could not occur normally",
* Returns the actual URI as String. Check for valid scheme and host before
* @param convertBraces
* if true, all braces are converted, if false then not.
* @return the actual URI as String.
* @see #toString()
private String toStringWithCheck(boolean convertBraces) {
if (this.host == null) {
if (this.port != null) {
throw new UriBuilderException(
"You must set a host, if you set a port");
if ((this.userInfo != null) && (this.userInfo.length() >= 0)) {
throw new UriBuilderException(
"You must set a host, if you set a userInfo");
return toString(convertBraces);
* Copies the non-null components of the supplied URI to the UriBuilder
* replacing any existing values for those components.
* @param uri
* the URI to copy components from
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if uri is null
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#uri(java.net.URI)
public UriBuilder uri(URI uri) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (uri == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The URI must not be null");
if (uri.getScheme() != null) {
this.scheme = uri.getScheme();
if (uri.getHost() != null) {
this.host = uri.getHost();
if (uri.getRawUserInfo() != null) {
this.userInfo = uri.getRawUserInfo();
if (uri.getRawPath() != null) {
if (uri.getRawQuery() != null) {
this.query = uri.getRawQuery();
if (uri.getRawFragment() != null) {
this.fragment = uri.getRawFragment();
return this;
* Set the URI user-info.
* @param userInfo
* the URI user-info, may contain URI template parameters
* @return the updated UriBuilder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if automatic encoding is disabled and the userInfo contains
* illegal characters, or if the userInfo is null.
* @see javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder#userInfo(java.lang.String)
public UriBuilder userInfo(String userInfo) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (userInfo == null) {
this.userInfo = null;
} else {
this.userInfo = EncodeOrCheck.userInfo(userInfo, true);
return this;