import org.jboss.resteasy.util.Base64;
import org.jboss.resteasy.util.ParameterParser;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* One single signature within a DKIM-Signature header
* @author <a href="">Bill Burke</a>
* @version $Revision: 1 $
public class DKIMSignature
public static final String DKIM_SIGNATURE = "DKIM-Signature";
public static final String TIMESTAMP = "t";
public static final String DOMAIN = "d";
public static final String EXPIRATION = "x";
public static final String ALGORITHM = "a";
public static final String SIGNATURE = "b";
public static final String HEADERS = "h";
public static final String IDENTITY = "i";
public static final String VERSION = "v";
public static final String BODY_HASH = "bh";
public static final String CANONICALIZATION = "c";
public static final String QUERY = "q";
public static final String SELECTOR = "s";
public static final String LENGTH = "l";
* This is settable
public static String DEFAULT_SIGNER = "DEFAULT_SIGNER";
public static final String SHA256WITH_RSA = "SHA256withRSA";
* This is settable
public static String DEFAULT_ALGORITHM = SHA256WITH_RSA;
protected PrivateKey privateKey;
protected Map<String, String> attributes = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
protected List<String> headers = new ArrayList<String>();
protected byte[] signature;
protected String headerValue;
public DKIMSignature()
public DKIMSignature(Map<String, String> attrs)
attributes = attrs;
public DKIMSignature(String headerValue)
this.headerValue = headerValue;
ParameterParser parser = new ParameterParser();
attributes = parser.parse(headerValue, ';');
protected void extractAttributes()
String heads = attributes.get(HEADERS);
if (heads != null)
headers = Arrays.asList(heads.split(":"));
String sig = attributes.get(SIGNATURE);
if (sig != null) signature = Base64.decode(sig);
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Generates the Content-Signature value.
* @return
public String toString()
return headerValue;
* Add a reference to a header within the signature calculation
* @param headerName
public void addHeader(String headerName)
* @param name
* @param value if null, remove attribute
* @param includeSignature true if you want attribute to be included within the signature calculation
* @param display true if you want attribute shown in the Content-Signature
public void setAttribute(String name, String value)
if (value == null)
attributes.put(name, value);
* Default value is SHA256withRSA, see Javadoc on for other supported values.
* @param value
* @param includeSignature true if you want attribute to be included within the signature calculation
* @param display true if you want attribute shown in the Content-Signature
public void setAlgorithm(String value)
setAttribute(ALGORITHM, value);
public void setTimestamp(String value)
setAttribute(TIMESTAMP, value);
public void setTimestamp()
setAttribute(TIMESTAMP, ((new Date()).getTime() / 1000) + "");
public void setSelector(String selector)
setAttribute(SELECTOR, selector);
public String getSelector()
return attributes.get(SELECTOR);
public String getQuery()
return attributes.get(QUERY);
public void setQuery(String query)
setAttribute(QUERY, query);
public void setDomain(String domain)
setAttribute(DOMAIN, domain);
public String getDomain()
return attributes.get(DOMAIN);
* @param value
public void setId(String id)
setAttribute(IDENTITY, id);
public void setExpiration(Date expire)
setAttribute(EXPIRATION, (expire.getTime() / 1000) + "");
* Calculates an expiration date based on the current time plus the additional time units specified in the
* method parameters.
* @param seconds
* @param minutes
* @param hours
* @param days
* @param months
* @param years
public void setExpiration(int seconds, int minutes, int hours, int days, int months, int years)
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
if (seconds > 0) now.add(Calendar.SECOND, seconds);
if (minutes > 0) now.add(Calendar.MINUTE, minutes);
if (hours > 0) now.add(Calendar.HOUR, hours);
if (days > 0) now.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, days);
if (months > 0) now.add(Calendar.MONTH, months);
if (years > 0) now.add(Calendar.YEAR, years);
* Tests whether expiration attribute exists. If not, return false, if available, check against current time.
* @return
public boolean isExpired()
String exp = attributes.get(EXPIRATION);
if (exp == null) return false;
long expL = Long.parseLong(exp);
return (expL * 1000) < (new Date()).getTime();
* Tests whether the timestamp attribute exists. If not, return false, if available check if the current time is
* greater than timestamp + variables
public boolean isStale(int seconds, int minutes, int hours, int days, int months, int years)
String time = attributes.get(TIMESTAMP);
if (time == null) return false;
long timeL = Long.parseLong(time);
Date timestamp = new Date(timeL * 1000L);
Calendar expires = Calendar.getInstance();
if (seconds > 0) expires.add(Calendar.SECOND, seconds);
if (minutes > 0) expires.add(Calendar.MINUTE, minutes);
if (hours > 0) expires.add(Calendar.HOUR, hours);
if (days > 0) expires.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, days);
if (months > 0) expires.add(Calendar.MONTH, months);
if (years > 0) expires.add(Calendar.YEAR, years);
return (new Date()).getTime() > expires.getTime().getTime();
public String getId()
return attributes.get(IDENTITY);
public String getAlgorithm()
return attributes.get(ALGORITHM);
public Map<String, String> getAttributes()
return attributes;
public String getBased64Signature()
return attributes.get(SIGNATURE);
public void setBase64Signature(String signature)
setAttribute(SIGNATURE, signature);
public byte[] getSignature()
return signature;
public void setSignature(byte[] signature)
this.signature = signature;
* Private key to use to sign the message. Can be null. If so, system will try to figure out the signer
* based on a default value, or the current user principal
* @return
public PrivateKey getPrivateKey()
return privateKey;
public void setPrivateKey(PrivateKey privateKey)
this.privateKey = privateKey;
* Headers can be a Map<String, Object> or a Map<String, List<Object>>. This gives some compatibility with
* JAX-RS's MultivaluedMap. If a map of lists, every value of each header duplicate will be added.
* <p/>
* setPrivateKey() must be set before calling this method
* @param headers
* @param body
* @param defaultKey will be used if privateKey is null
* @throws
public void sign(Map headers, byte[] body, PrivateKey defaultKey) throws SignatureException
PrivateKey key = privateKey == null ? defaultKey : privateKey;
if (key == null)
throw new SignatureException("private key is null, cannot sign");
attributes.put(VERSION, "1");
attributes.put(ALGORITHM, SigningAlgorithm.SHA256withRSA.getRfcNotation());
attributes.put(CANONICALIZATION, "simple/simple");
String algorithm = SigningAlgorithm.SHA256withRSA.getJavaSecNotation();
String hashAlgorithm = SigningAlgorithm.SHA256withRSA.getJavaHashNotation();
if (getDomain() == null)
throw new SignatureException("You must have the domain attribute set on your signature header");
Signature signature = null;
signature = Signature.getInstance(algorithm);
catch (Exception e)
throw new SignatureException(e);
if (this.headers.size() > 0)
StringBuffer headerCat = new StringBuffer();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this.headers.size(); i++)
String name = this.headers.get(i);
if (i > 0) headerCat.append(":");
attributes.put(HEADERS, headerCat.toString());
updateSignatureWithHeader(headers, signature);
String encodedBodyHash = calculateEncodedHash(body, hashAlgorithm);
attributes.put(BODY_HASH, encodedBodyHash);
StringBuffer dosetaBuffer = new StringBuffer();
boolean first = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet())
if (first) first = false;
else dosetaBuffer.append(";");
if (!first) dosetaBuffer.append(";");
String dosetaHeader = dosetaBuffer.toString();
byte[] signed = signature.sign();
String base64Signature = Base64.encodeBytes(signed);
dosetaHeader += base64Signature;
// System.out.println("***: " + dosetaHeader);
this.headerValue = dosetaHeader;
private String calculateEncodedHash(byte[] body, String hashAlgorithm) throws SignatureException
byte[] bodyHash = hash(body, hashAlgorithm);
return Base64.encodeBytes(bodyHash);
private byte[] hash(byte[] body, String hashAlgorithm) throws SignatureException
MessageDigest digest = null;
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(hashAlgorithm);
catch (Exception e)
throw new SignatureException(e);
int length = body.length;
if (attributes.containsKey(LENGTH))
length = Integer.parseInt(attributes.get(LENGTH));
byte[] bodyHash = null;
digest.update(body, 0, length);
bodyHash = digest.digest();
return bodyHash;
private void updateSignatureWithHeader(Map transmittedHeaders, Signature signature) throws SignatureException
List<String> list = this.headers;
Map<String, Integer> count = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for (String name : list)
int index = 0;
if (count.containsKey(name))
index = count.get(name);
count.put(name, index);
Object v = transmittedHeaders.get(name);
if (v == null)
throw new SignatureException("Unable to find header " + name + (index > 0 ? "[" + index + "]" : "") + " to sign header with");
if (v instanceof List)
List l = (List) v;
int i = l.size() - 1 - index;
if (i < 0)
throw new SignatureException("Unable to find header " + name + (index > 0 ? "[" + index + "]" : "") + " to sign header with");
v = l.get(i);
else if (index > 0)
throw new SignatureException("Unable to find header " + name + (index > 0 ? "[" + index + "]" : "") + " to sign header with");
String entry = name + ":" + v.toString() + "\r\n";
* Headers can be a Map<String, Object> or a Map<String, List<Object>>. This gives some compatibility with
* JAX-RS's MultivaluedMap. If a map of lists, every value of each header duplicate will be added.
* @param headers
* @param body
* @param key
* @return
* @throws
public void verify(Map headers, byte[] body, PublicKey key) throws SignatureException
String algorithm = getAlgorithm();
if (algorithm == null || !SigningAlgorithm.SHA256withRSA.getRfcNotation().toLowerCase().equals(algorithm.toLowerCase()))
throw new SignatureException("Unsupported algorithm " + algorithm);
Signature verifier = null;
verifier = Signature.getInstance(SigningAlgorithm.SHA256withRSA.getJavaSecNotation());
catch (Exception e)
throw new SignatureException(e);
String encodedBh = attributes.get("bh");
if (encodedBh == null)
throw new SignatureException("There was no body hash (bh) in header");
byte[] bh = hash(body, SigningAlgorithm.SHA256withRSA.getJavaHashNotation());
byte[] enclosedBh = null;
enclosedBh = Base64.decode(encodedBh);
catch (IOException e)
throw new SignatureException("Failed to parse body hash (bh)", e);
if (Arrays.equals(bh, enclosedBh) == false)
throw new SignatureException("Body hashes do not match.");
updateSignatureWithHeader(headers, verifier);
ParameterParser parser = new ParameterParser();
String strippedHeader = parser.setAttribute(headerValue.toCharArray(), 0, headerValue.length(), ';', "b", "");
if (verifier.verify(getSignature()) == false)
throw new SignatureException("Failed to verify signature.");