* Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved
* This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source
* Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this
* notice unmodified.
* Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* @author Scott Ferguson
package com.caucho.amber.query;
import com.caucho.amber.entity.AmberEntityHome;
import com.caucho.amber.expr.AmberExpr;
import com.caucho.amber.expr.AndExpr;
import com.caucho.amber.expr.ArgExpr;
import com.caucho.amber.expr.EmbeddedExpr;
import com.caucho.amber.expr.JoinExpr;
import com.caucho.amber.expr.ManyToOneJoinExpr;
import com.caucho.amber.manager.AmberConnection;
import com.caucho.amber.table.LinkColumns;
import com.caucho.amber.table.AmberTable;
import com.caucho.amber.type.EntityType;
import com.caucho.jdbc.JdbcMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
* Represents an amber query
abstract public class AbstractQuery {
private String _sql;
AmberExpr _where;
AmberExpr _having;
protected ArrayList<FromItem> _fromList = new ArrayList<FromItem>();
// jpa/0w22
// SELECT p.startMonth FROM TestBean o JOIN o.period p
// p is an alias to o.period (o.period is @Embedded)
// "p" -> "o.period"
protected HashMap<String, EmbeddedExpr> _embeddedAliases
= new HashMap<String, EmbeddedExpr>();
private ArgExpr []_argList;
// Map named parameters to JDBC ?,?,?.
// Ex: INSERT INTO test VALUES(:testId, :testName) is mapped as [0]->"testId", [1]->"testName"
// INSERT INTO test VALUES(:testName, :testName) is mapped as [0]->"testName", [1]->"testName"
// XXX: HashMap<String, ArrayList<Long>> would probably be an overkill.
private ArrayList<String> _preparedMapping = new ArrayList<String>();
private JdbcMetaData _metaData;
// jpa/1231
private boolean _hasSubQuery;
AbstractQuery(String sql, JdbcMetaData metaData)
_sql = sql;
_metaData = metaData;
* Returns the query string.
public String getQueryString()
return _sql;
* Adds an embedded alias.
public void addEmbeddedAlias(String alias,
EmbeddedExpr expr)
_embeddedAliases.put(alias, expr);
* Gets the embedded aliases.
public HashMap<String, EmbeddedExpr> getEmbeddedAliases()
return _embeddedAliases;
* Sets the from list.
public FromItem createFromItem(AmberTable table,
String name)
return createFromItem(null, table, name);
* Sets the from list.
public FromItem createFromItem(EntityType entityType,
AmberTable table,
String name)
FromItem item = new FromItem(entityType, table,
name, _fromList.size());
return item;
* Creates a dependent from item
public FromItem createDependentFromItem(FromItem parent,
LinkColumns link,
String name)
for (int i = 0; i < _fromList.size(); i++) {
JoinExpr join = _fromList.get(i).getJoinExpr();
if (join != null && join.isDependent(parent, link))
return _fromList.get(i);
FromItem item = createFromItem(null, link.getSourceTable(), name);
JoinExpr join = new ManyToOneJoinExpr(link, item, parent);
return item;
* Returns the from list.
public ArrayList<FromItem> getFromList()
return _fromList;
* Gets the parent query.
public AbstractQuery getParentQuery()
return null;
* Returns the prepared mapping.
public ArrayList<String> getPreparedMapping()
return _preparedMapping;
* Returns the SQL.
public abstract String getSQL();
* initializes the query.
void init()
throws QueryParseException
if (_where instanceof AndExpr) {
AndExpr and = (AndExpr) _where;
ArrayList<AmberExpr> components = and.getComponents();
for (int i = components.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
AmberExpr component = components.get(i);
if (component instanceof JoinExpr) {
JoinExpr link = (JoinExpr) component;
if (link.bindToFromItem()) {
_where = and.getSingle();
if (_having instanceof AndExpr) {
AndExpr and = (AndExpr) _having;
ArrayList<AmberExpr> components = and.getComponents();
for (int i = components.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
AmberExpr component = components.get(i);
if (component instanceof JoinExpr) {
JoinExpr link = (JoinExpr) component;
if (link.bindToFromItem()) {
_having = and.getSingle();
// Rolls up unused from items from the left to the right.
// It's not necessary to roll up the rightmost items because
// they're only created if they're actually needed
for (int i = 0; i < _fromList.size(); i++) {
FromItem item = _fromList.get(i);
JoinExpr join = item.getJoinExpr();
if (join == null)
// XXX: jpa/1173, jpa/1178
// if (getParentQuery() != null)
// break;
FromItem joinParent = join.getJoinParent();
FromItem joinTarget = join.getJoinTarget();
boolean isTarget = item == joinTarget;
if (joinParent == null) {
else if (joinParent.getJoinExpr() == null
&& joinParent == joinTarget
&& ! usesFromData(joinParent)) {
// XXX:
i = -1;
AmberExpr joinWhere = join.getWhere();
if (joinWhere != null)
_where = AndExpr.create(_where, joinWhere);
else if (item == joinTarget
&& ! isJoinParent(item)
&& ! usesFromData(item)) {
boolean isManyToOne = false;
boolean isManyToMany = false;
if (join instanceof ManyToOneJoinExpr) {
// jpa/0h1c
isManyToOne = true;
// jpa/1144
ManyToOneJoinExpr manyToOneJoinExpr;
manyToOneJoinExpr = (ManyToOneJoinExpr) join;
isManyToMany = manyToOneJoinExpr.isManyToMany();
// ejb/06u0, jpa/1144, jpa/0h1c, jpa/114g
if (isManyToMany || (isManyToOne && ! item.isInnerJoin())) {
// ejb/06u0 || isFromInnerJoin(item)))) {
// Optimization for common children query:
// SELECT o FROM TestBean o WHERE o.parent.id=?
// jpa/0h1k
// jpa/114g as negative exists test
// jpa/0h1m
if (i + 1 < _fromList.size()) {
FromItem subItem = _fromList.get(i + 1);
JoinExpr nextJoin = subItem.getJoinExpr();
if (nextJoin != null
&& nextJoin instanceof ManyToOneJoinExpr) {
i = -1;
AmberExpr joinWhere = join.getWhere();
if (joinWhere != null)
_where = AndExpr.create(_where, joinWhere);
for (int i = 0; i < _fromList.size(); i++) {
FromItem item = _fromList.get(i);
if (item.isInnerJoin())
if (item.getJoinExpr() == null)
boolean isFromInner = isFromInnerJoin(item);
item.setOuterJoin(! isFromInner);
boolean isJoinParent(FromItem item)
for (int i = 0; i < _fromList.size(); i++) {
FromItem subItem = _fromList.get(i);
if (subItem.getJoinExpr() != null &&
subItem.getJoinExpr().getJoinParent() == item) {
return true;
return false;
boolean isFromInnerJoin(FromItem item)
return usesFrom(item, AmberExpr.IS_INNER_JOIN);
boolean usesFromData(FromItem item)
return usesFrom(item, AmberExpr.USES_DATA);
* Returns true if this query has a subquery.
public boolean hasSubQuery()
return _hasSubQuery;
* Sets true if this query has a subquery.
public void setHasSubQuery(boolean hasSubQuery)
_hasSubQuery = hasSubQuery;
* Returns true if the item must have at least one entry in the database.
public boolean exists(FromItem item)
if (_where != null && _where.exists(item)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the from item is used by the query.
public boolean usesFrom(FromItem item, int type)
// jpa/1201
if (_where != null && _where.usesFrom(item, type)) {
return true;
return false;
void replaceJoin(JoinExpr join)
if (_where != null) {
_where = _where.replaceJoin(join);
* Sets the arg list.
boolean setArgList(ArgExpr []argList)
_argList = argList;
int n = argList.length;
if (n > 0) {
if (argList[0].getName() != null) {
for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {
String name = argList[i].getName();
if (name == null) {
_preparedMapping = null;
return false;
return true;
* Returns the arg list.
public ArgExpr []getArgList()
return _argList;
* Generates update
void registerUpdates(CachedQuery query)
for (int i = 0; i < _fromList.size(); i++) {
FromItem item = _fromList.get(i);
AmberEntityHome home = item.getEntityHome();
CacheUpdate update = new TableCacheUpdate(query);
* Returns the expire time.
public long getCacheMaxAge()
return -1;
* Prepares before any update.
public void prepare(UserQuery userQuery, AmberConnection aConn)
throws SQLException
* Any post-sql completion
public void complete(UserQuery userQuery, AmberConnection aConn)
throws SQLException
* Returns the jdbc meta data, if available.
JdbcMetaData getMetaData()
return _metaData;