* Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved
* This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source
* Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this
* notice unmodified.
* Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* @author Scott Ferguson
package com.caucho.amber.field;
import com.caucho.amber.type.EntityType;
import com.caucho.amber.type.AmberType;
import com.caucho.config.ConfigException;
import com.caucho.java.JavaWriter;
import com.caucho.util.CharBuffer;
import com.caucho.util.L10N;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
* Configuration for a bean's field
public class VersionField extends PropertyField {
private static final L10N L = new L10N(VersionField.class);
private static final Logger log
= Logger.getLogger(VersionField.class.getName());
public VersionField(EntityType entityType, String name)
throws ConfigException
super(entityType, name);
public VersionField(EntityType entityType)
* Generates the is null test.
public String generateIsNull()
String getter = generateSuperGetter("this");
AmberType type = getColumn().getType();
return type.generateIsNull(getter);
* Generates the increment version.
public void generateIncrementVersion(JavaWriter out)
throws IOException
int dirtyGroup = getIndex() / 64;
String dirtyVar = "__caucho_dirtyMask_" + dirtyGroup;
long dirtyMask = 1L << (getIndex() % 64);
String getter = generateSuperGetter("this");
AmberType type = getColumn().getType();
// jpa/0x02
out.println("if (" + generateIsNull() + ")");
if (type.getJavaTypeName().equals(Timestamp.class.getName()))
out.println(" " + generateSuperSetter("this", "new java.sql.Timestamp(com.caucho.util.Alarm.getExactTime())") + ";");
out.println(" " + generateSuperSetter("this", "new Integer(1)") + ";");
out.println(" " + generateSuperSetter("this", type.generateIncrementVersion(getter)) + ";");
out.println("long oldMask = " + dirtyVar + ";");
out.println(dirtyVar + " |= " + dirtyMask + "L;");
out.println("if (__caucho_session != null && oldMask == 0)");
out.println(" __caucho_session.update(this);");
* Returns the where code
public String generateMatchArgWhere(String id)
return getColumn().generateMatchArgWhere(id);
* Generates the post constructor initialization.
public void generatePostConstructor(JavaWriter out)
throws IOException
// jpa/0x02
String setter = getSetterName();
String typeName = getJavaTypeName();
Object initialValue = getColumn().getType().toObject(1);
out.println("if (" + generateIsNull() + ");");
out.println(" __caucho_increment_version();");
* Generates the set version clause.
public void generateSetVersion(JavaWriter out,
String pstmt,
String index)
throws IOException
String value = generateGet("super");
AmberType type = getColumn().getType();
// jpa/0x02
getColumn().generateSetVersion(out, pstmt, index, value); // type.generateIncrementVersion(value));
* Generates the update set clause
public void generateUpdate(CharBuffer sql)
* Generates loading cache
public void generateUpdate(JavaWriter out,
String maskVar,
String pstmt,
String index)
throws IOException
// jpa/0x02
// int group = getIndex() / 64;
// out.println();
// out.println("if (" + maskVar + "_" + group + " != 0L) {");
// out.pushDepth();
generateSetVersion(out, pstmt, index);
// out.popDepth();
// out.println("}");