package net.firstpartners.rp;
import org.drools.DroolsException;
import org.drools.RuleBase;
import org.drools.WorkingMemory;
import org.drools.event.DebugWorkingMemoryEventListener;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.drools.spi.ConflictResolver;
import org.drools.conflict.SalienceConflictResolver;
import org.drools.conflict.FifoConflictResolver;
import org.drools.conflict.CompositeConflictResolver;
import org.drools.conflict.SimplicityConflictResolver;
import org.drools.conflict.RecencyConflictResolver;
import org.drools.conflict.LoadOrderConflictResolver;
* Facade for the Business Logic in our example.
* In this simple example , all our business logic is contained in this class
* but in reality it would delegate to other classes as required.
* @author Paul Browne -
public class BusinessLayer {
//Name of the file containing the rules
private static final String BUSINESS_RULE_FILE="BusinessRules.drl";
//Internal handle to rule base
private static RuleBase businessRules = null;
* Load the business rules if we have not already done so
* @throws Exception - normally we try to recover from these
private static void loadRules() throws Exception{
if (businessRules==null){
//Generate our list of conflict resolvers
/* ConflictResolver[] conflictResolvers =
new ConflictResolver[] { SalienceConflictResolver.getInstance( ),
SimplicityConflictResolver.getInstance( ),
LoadOrderConflictResolver.getInstance( )};
//Wrap this up into one composite resolver
CompositeConflictResolver resolver = new CompositeConflictResolver(conflictResolvers);
//Specify this resolver when we load are rules
businessRules = RuleBaseLoader.loadFromUrl(
BusinessLayer.class.getResource( BUSINESS_RULE_FILE )/*,resolver*/ );
* Evaluate whether or not it is a good idea to purchase this stock.
* @param stockToBuy
* @return true if the recommendation is to buy the stock , false if otherwise
* @throws Exception - normally we try to recover from these
public static void evaluateStockPurchase(StockOffer stockToBuy) throws Exception{
//Ensure that the business rules have been loaded
//Some logging of what is going on
System.out.println( "\n\n\n\nFIRE RULES" );
System.out.println( "----------" );
//Clear any state from previous runs of the business engine
WorkingMemory workingMemory = businessRules.newWorkingMemory( );
//This is a small ruleset , so we can add a debug listener to see what is going on
new DebugWorkingMemoryEventListener( ) );
//Let the rule engine know about the facts
//Let the rule engine do it's stuff!!
workingMemory.fireAllRules( );