package pygmy.nntp.test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import junit.framework.Test;
import pygmy.nntp.NewsGroup;
import pygmy.nntp.Article;
public class NewsGroupTest extends TestCase {
NewsGroup group;
String groupName = "";
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
group = NntpTestUtil.createNewsGroup( groupName );
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
NntpTestUtil.deleteTree( group.getDirectory() );
public void testConstruction() throws Exception {
assertEquals( "Assert that the newsgroup name is what we created it with.", groupName, group.getName() );
assertTrue( "Assert that an empty group's firstIndex is greater than the lastIndex", group.getFirstIndex() > group.getLastIndex() );
assertEquals( "Assert that the size of the newsgroup is zero.", 0, group.size() );
public void testAddArticle() throws Exception {
assertEquals( 0, group.size() );
Article article = addTestArticle();
assertEquals( 1, group.size() );
assertEquals( group.getFirstIndex(), group.getLastIndex() );
assertEquals( group.getLastIndex(), article.getArticleNumber() );
Article article2 = NntpTestUtil.createArticle("test.eml");
String oldPath2 = article2.getHeader().get("Path");
group.addArticle( article2, "localhost" );
assertEquals( 2, group.size() );
assertTrue( "Assert that first and last indexes are different after adding two articles.", group.getFirstIndex() != group.getLastIndex() );
assertEquals( "Assert the first article is the firstIndex", group.getFirstIndex(), article.getArticleNumber() );
assertEquals( "Assert the last article is the last index", group.getLastIndex(), article2.getArticleNumber() );
assertTrue( "Assert the old path is contained with the new path, and it doesn't start at index 0.", article2.getHeader().get("Path").indexOf(oldPath2) > 0 );
assertTrue( "Assert the old path starts with localhost.", article2.getHeader().get("Path").startsWith("localhost") );
assertNotNull( "Assert messsage ID is not NULL.", article2.getMessageId() );
assertNotNull( "Assert Date-Received is not NULL", article2.getHeader().get("Date-Received") );
private Article addTestArticle() throws IOException {
Article article = NntpTestUtil.createArticle("test.eml");
group.addArticle( article, "localhost" );
return article;
public void testGetMessage() throws Exception {
Article article = addTestArticle();
Article sameArticle = group.getMessage( article.getArticleNumber() );
assertEquals( "Assert that their message IDs are the same. Assume the rest is the same.", sameArticle.getMessageId(), article.getMessageId() );
assertEquals( "Assert that their article numbers are the same. Assume the rest is the same.", sameArticle.getArticleNumber(), article.getArticleNumber() );
public static Test suite() {
return new TestSuite( NewsGroupTest.class );
public static void main(String[] args) { suite() );