package pygmy.handlers;
import pygmy.core.*;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;
import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
* <p>
* This handler implements the Basic web authentication protocol outlined in RFC 2617. This handler sits in front
* of a set of handlers within a chain see {@link pygmy.handlers.DefaultChainHandler}. Everything it's in front of
* will be protected. It checks it's url-prefix configuration to know when it should handle a request. Properties used
* for configuring:
* </p>
* <table class="inner">
* <tr class="header"><td>Parameter Name</td><td>Explanation</td><td>Default Value</td><td>Required</td></tr>
* <tr class="row"><td>url-prefix</td><td>The prefix to filter request urls.</td><td>None</td><td>Yes</td></tr>
* <tr class="altrow"><td>realm</td><td>This is the realm reported to the client. See RFC 2617 for explanation of the realm parameter.</td><td>None</td><td>Yes</td></tr>
* <tr class="row"><td>users</td><td>This the path to a file containing all the users and their passwords allowed to access this url.
* To create a file you can run this class and hand it the file, username, and password to create. <b>WARNING</b> do
* not put this file in a place where it could be downloaded through this server.</td><td>None</td><td>Yes</td></tr>
* </table>
* <p>
* Here is the syntax for running this class to create a password file:
* </p>
* <div class="code">
* java pgymy.handlers.BasicWebAuthHandler <i><file> <username> <password></i>
* </div>
* <p>
* An existing file can be added to by calling this program again.
* </p>
public class BasicWebAuthHandler extends AbstractHandler implements Handler {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( BasicWebAuthHandler.class.getName() );
private Properties users;
public static final ConfigOption REALM_OPTION = new ConfigOption( "realm", "", "The default realm to authenticate against." );
public static final ConfigOption USERS_OPTION = new ConfigOption( "users", true, "The file used to authenticate users." );
public boolean initialize(String handlerName, Server server) {
super.initialize( handlerName, server );
this.users = new Properties();
return loadProperties();
private boolean loadProperties() {
InputStream is = null;
try {
is = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( USERS_OPTION.getProperty( server, handlerName ) ) );
users.load( is );
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log( Level.SEVERE, "loadPropeties failed due to IOException.", e );
return false;
protected boolean handleBody(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws IOException {
String auth = request.getRequestHeader("Authorization");
if( auth == null ) {
return askForAuthorization(request, response);
int index = auth.indexOf(" ");
if( index < -1 ) {
return askForAuthorization( request, response );
auth = auth.substring( index + 1 );
BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder();
auth = new String( decoder.decodeBuffer( auth ) );
String[] credentials = auth.split(":");
try {
if( !users.containsKey( credentials[0]) || !isPasswordVerified( credentials ) ) {
log.severe( "Access denied for user " + credentials[0] );
return askForAuthorization( request, response );
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Authorization failed due to NoSuchAlgorithmException.", e );
response.sendError( HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, Http.getStatusPhrase( HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR ) );
return true;
return false;
private boolean isPasswordVerified( String[] credentials ) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
return hashPassword( credentials[1] ).equals( users.getProperty( credentials[0] ) );
private boolean askForAuthorization(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) {
String realm = REALM_OPTION.getProperty( server, handlerName );
response.addHeader( "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + realm + "\"" );
response.sendError( HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, Http.getStatusPhrase( HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED ));
return true;
private static String hashPassword(String password) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] md5password = md5.digest( password.getBytes() );
BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
return encoder.encode( md5password );
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
if( args.length < 3 ) {
System.out.println("Usage: BasicWebAuthHandler <file> <user> <password>");
File userFile = new File(args[0]);
Properties users = new Properties();
if( userFile.exists() ) {
InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( userFile ) );
users.load( is );
System.out.println("Creating hash for " + args[1]);
users.setProperty( args[1], hashPassword( args[2]) );
System.out.println("Writing password for " + args[1]);
OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( userFile ) ); os, "" );
public boolean shutdown(Server server) {
return false;