// Copyright (c) 2000 Just Objects B.V. <just@justobjects.nl>
// Distributable under LGPL license. See terms of license at gnu.org.
package nl.justobjects.pushlet.core;
import nl.justobjects.pushlet.util.PushletException;
import nl.justobjects.pushlet.util.Rand;
import nl.justobjects.pushlet.util.Sys;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
* Handles data channel between dispatcher and client.
* @author Just van den Broecke - Just Objects ©
* @version $Id: Subscriber.java,v 1.26 2007/11/23 14:33:07 justb Exp $
public class Subscriber implements Protocol, ConfigDefs {
private Session session;
* Blocking queue.
private EventQueue eventQueue = new EventQueue(Config.getIntProperty(QUEUE_SIZE));
* URL to be used in refresh requests in pull/poll modes.
private long queueReadTimeoutMillis = Config.getLongProperty(QUEUE_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
private long queueWriteTimeoutMillis = Config.getLongProperty(QUEUE_WRITE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
private long refreshTimeoutMillis = Config.getLongProperty(PULL_REFRESH_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
volatile long lastAlive = Sys.now();
* Map of active subscriptions, keyed by their subscription id.
private Map subscriptions = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap(3));
* Are we able to accept/send events ?.
private volatile boolean active;
* Transfer mode (stream, pull, poll).
private String mode;
* Protected constructor as we create through factory method.
protected Subscriber() {
* Create instance through factory method.
* @param aSession the parent Session
* @return a Subscriber object (or derived)
* @throws PushletException exception, usually misconfiguration
public static Subscriber create(Session aSession) throws PushletException {
Subscriber subscriber;
try {
subscriber = (Subscriber) Config.getClass(SUBSCRIBER_CLASS, "nl.justobjects.pushlet.core.Subscriber").newInstance();
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new PushletException("Cannot instantiate Subscriber from config", t);
subscriber.session = aSession;
return subscriber;
public void start() {
active = true;
public void stop() {
active = false;
public void bailout() {
* Are we still active to handle events.
public boolean isActive() {
return active;
* Return client session.
public Session getSession() {
return session;
* Get (session) id.
public String getId() {
return session.getId();
* Return subscriptions.
public Subscription[] getSubscriptions() {
// todo: Optimize
return (Subscription[]) subscriptions.values().toArray(new Subscription[0]);
* Add a subscription.
public Subscription addSubscription(String aSubject, String aLabel) throws PushletException {
Subscription subscription = Subscription.create(aSubject, aLabel);
subscriptions.put(subscription.getId(), subscription);
info("Subscription added subject=" + aSubject + " sid=" + subscription.getId() + " label=" + aLabel);
return subscription;
* Remove a subscription.
public Subscription removeSubscription(String aSubscriptionId) {
Subscription subscription = (Subscription) subscriptions.remove(aSubscriptionId);
if (subscription == null) {
warn("No subscription found sid=" + aSubscriptionId);
return null;
info("Subscription removed subject=" + subscription.getSubject() + " sid=" + subscription.getId() + " label=" + subscription.getLabel());
return subscription;
* Remove all subscriptions.
public void removeSubscriptions() {
public String getMode() {
return mode;
public void setMode(String aMode) {
mode = aMode;
public long getRefreshTimeMillis() {
String minWaitProperty = PULL_REFRESH_WAIT_MIN_MILLIS;
String maxWaitProperty = PULL_REFRESH_WAIT_MAX_MILLIS;
if (mode.equals((MODE_POLL))) {
return Rand.randomLong(Config.getLongProperty(minWaitProperty),
* Get events from queue and push to client.
public void fetchEvents(Command aCommand) throws PushletException {
String refreshURL = aCommand.httpReq.getRequestURI() + "?" + P_ID + "=" + session.getId() + "&" + P_EVENT + "=" + E_REFRESH;
// This is the only thing required to support "poll" mode
if (mode.equals(MODE_POLL)) {
queueReadTimeoutMillis = 0;
refreshTimeoutMillis = Config.getLongProperty(POLL_REFRESH_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
// Required for fast bailout (tomcat)
// Try to prevent caching in any form.
// Let clientAdapter determine how to send event
ClientAdapter clientAdapter = aCommand.getClientAdapter();
Event responseEvent = aCommand.getResponseEvent();
try {
// Send first event (usually hb-ack or listen-ack)
// In pull/poll mode and when response is listen-ack or join-listen-ack,
// return and force refresh immediately
// such that the client recieves response immediately over this channel.
// This is usually when loading the browser app for the first time
if ((mode.equals(MODE_POLL) || mode.equals(MODE_PULL))
&& responseEvent.getEventType().endsWith(Protocol.E_LISTEN_ACK)) {
sendRefresh(clientAdapter, refreshURL);
// We should come back later with refresh event...
} catch (Throwable t) {
Event[] events = null;
// Main loop: as long as connected, get events and push to client
long eventSeqNr = 1;
while (isActive()) {
// Indicate we are still alive
lastAlive = Sys.now();
// Update session time to live
// Get next events; blocks until timeout or entire contents
// of event queue is returned. Note that "poll" mode
// will return immediately when queue is empty.
try {
// Put heartbeat in queue when starting to listen in stream mode
// This speeds up the return of *_LISTEN_ACK
if (mode.equals(MODE_STREAM) && eventSeqNr == 1) {
eventQueue.enQueue(new Event(E_HEARTBEAT));
events = eventQueue.deQueueAll(queueReadTimeoutMillis);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// Send heartbeat when no events received
if (events == null) {
events = new Event[1];
events[0] = new Event(E_HEARTBEAT);
// ASSERT: one or more events available
// Send events to client using adapter
// debug("received event count=" + events.length);
for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
// Check for abort event
if (events[i].getEventType().equals(E_ABORT)) {
warn("Aborting Subscriber");
// Push next Event to client
try {
// Set sequence number
events[i].setField(P_SEQ, eventSeqNr++);
// Push to client through client adapter
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Force client refresh request in pull or poll modes
if (mode.equals(MODE_PULL) || mode.equals(MODE_POLL)) {
sendRefresh(clientAdapter, refreshURL);
// Always leave loop in pull/poll mode
* Determine if we should receive event.
public Subscription match(Event event) {
Subscription[] subscriptions = getSubscriptions();
for (int i = 0; i < subscriptions.length; i++) {
if (subscriptions[i].match(event)) {
return subscriptions[i];
return null;
* Event from Dispatcher: enqueue it.
public void onEvent(Event theEvent) {
if (!isActive()) {
// p("send: queue event: "+theEvent.getSubject());
// Check if we had any active continuation for at
// least 'timeOut' millisecs. If the client has left this
// instance there would be no way of knowing otherwise.
long now = Sys.now();
if (now - lastAlive > refreshTimeoutMillis) {
warn("not alive for at least: " + refreshTimeoutMillis + "ms, leaving...");
// Put event in queue; leave if queue full
try {
if (!eventQueue.enQueue(theEvent, queueWriteTimeoutMillis)) {
warn("queue full, bailing out...");
// ASSERTION : Event in queue.
// see fetchEvents() where Events are dequeued and pushed to the client.
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
* Send refresh command to pull/poll clients.
protected void sendRefresh(ClientAdapter aClientAdapter, String aRefreshURL) {
Event refreshEvent = new Event(E_REFRESH);
// Set wait time and url for refresh
refreshEvent.setField(P_WAIT, "" + getRefreshTimeMillis());
refreshEvent.setField(P_URL, aRefreshURL);
try {
// Push to client through client adapter
// Stop this round until refresh event
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Leave on any exception
* Info.
protected void info(String s) {
session.info("[Subscriber] " + s);
* Exceptional print util.
protected void warn(String s) {
session.warn("[Subscriber] " + s);
* Exceptional print util.
protected void debug(String s) {
session.debug("[Subscriber] " + s);
public String toString() {
return session.toString();
* $Log: Subscriber.java,v $
* Revision 1.26 2007/11/23 14:33:07 justb
* core classes now configurable through factory
* Revision 1.25 2007/11/10 15:53:15 justb
* put heartbeat in queue when start fetching events in stream-mode
* Revision 1.24 2006/10/19 12:33:40 justb
* add atomic join-listen support (one request)
* Revision 1.22 2006/05/06 00:06:28 justb
* first rough version AJAX client
* Revision 1.21 2005/02/28 12:45:59 justb
* introduced Command class
* Revision 1.20 2005/02/21 16:59:09 justb
* SessionManager and session lease introduced
* Revision 1.19 2005/02/21 12:32:28 justb
* fixed publish event in Controller
* Revision 1.18 2005/02/21 11:50:46 justb
* ohase1 of refactoring Subscriber into Session/Controller/Subscriber
* Revision 1.17 2005/02/20 13:05:32 justb
* removed the Postlet (integrated in Pushlet protocol)
* Revision 1.16 2005/02/18 12:36:47 justb
* changes for renaming and configurability
* Revision 1.15 2005/02/18 10:07:23 justb
* many renamings of classes (make names compact)
* Revision 1.14 2005/02/18 09:54:15 justb
* refactor: rename Publisher Dispatcher and single Subscriber class
* Revision 1.13 2005/02/16 14:39:34 justb
* fixed leave handling and added "poll" mode
* Revision 1.12 2005/01/24 13:42:00 justb
* new protocol changes (p_listen)
* Revision 1.11 2005/01/13 14:47:15 justb
* control evt: send response on same (control) connection
* Revision 1.10 2004/10/24 20:50:35 justb
* refine subscription with label and sending sid and label on events
* Revision 1.9 2004/10/24 12:58:18 justb
* revised client and test classes for new protocol
* Revision 1.8 2004/09/26 21:39:43 justb
* allow multiple subscriptions and out-of-band requests
* Revision 1.7 2004/09/20 22:01:38 justb
* more changes for new protocol
* Revision 1.6 2004/09/03 22:35:37 justb
* Almost complete rewrite, just checking in now
* Revision 1.5 2004/08/13 23:36:05 justb
* rewrite of Pullet into Pushlet "pull" mode
* Revision 1.4 2004/03/10 14:01:55 justb
* formatting and *Subscriber refactoring
* Revision 1.3 2003/08/15 08:37:40 justb
* fix/add Copyright+LGPL file headers and footers
* Revision 1.2 2003/05/18 16:15:08 justb
* support for XML encoded Events
* Revision 2002/09/24 21:02:32 justb
* import to sourceforge
* Revision 2002/09/20 22:48:18 justb
* import to SF
* Revision 2002/09/20 14:19:04 justb
* first import into SF
* Revision 1.3 2002/04/15 20:42:41 just
* reformatting and renaming GuardedQueue to EventQueue
* Revision 1.2 2000/08/21 20:48:29 just
* added CVS log and id tags plus copyrights