// $Id: ProceedMeasurements1_micro_1_LongO_aj.java,v 1.1 2008/11/18 10:43:24 anicoara Exp $
// ==================================================================
package measurements.suites;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import ch.ethz.inf.util.junit.PerformanceTest;
import ch.ethz.inf.util.junit.PerformanceTestSuite;
//import ch.ethz.prose.jikesrvm.JikesRVMPerformanceTest;
* JoinPoint micro-measurements.
* Performance micro-measurements tests for method boundaries,
* fields accesses and modifications, exception handlers:
* 1) INVOKEVIRTUAL -> invoke a normal method
* 2) SYNC INVOKEVIRTUAL -> invoke a normal but synchronized method
* 3) INVOKEINTERFACE -> invoke a method through an interface
* 4) INVOKESPECIAL -> invoke a private method
* 5) INVOKESTATIC -> invoke a static method
* Each test is executed "RUNS" times.
* @author Angela Nicoara
public class ProceedMeasurements1_micro_1_LongO_aj extends PerformanceTest {
//public class ProceedMeasurements1_micro_1_LongO_aj extends JikesRVMPerformanceTest {
public boolean checkAssert = true;
public static int counter = 0;
public int x = 0;
public void localMethod() { x = counter; }
public void localMethodLongO(Object ob1, Object ob2) { x = counter; }
public void localMethodLongI(int ob1, int ob2) { x = counter; }
public void localMethodLongL(long ob1, long ob2) { x = counter; }
public void localMethodLongD(double ob1, double ob2) { x = counter; }
private void privatelocalMethod() { x = counter; }
private void privatelocalMethodLongO(Object ob1, Object ob2) { x = counter; }
private void privatelocalMethodLongI(int ob1, int ob2) { x = counter; }
private void privatelocalMethodLongL(long ob1, long ob2) { x = counter; }
private void privatelocalMethodLongD(double ob1, double ob2) { x = counter; }
protected JoinPointTestInterface obInterface = new JoinPointTestClass();
protected JoinPointTestClass obSync = new JoinPointTestClass();
public ProceedMeasurements1_micro_1_LongO_aj(String name) {
//RANGE = new int[] { 100000000 };
//RANGE = new int[] { 1000000 };
//RANGE = new int[] { 1, 1000000 };
RANGE = new int[] { 1, 100000 };
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
counter = 0;
x = 0;
protected void tearDown() { }
// Method arguments: (Object, Object)
// 3) INVOKEVIRTUAL - call to empty weaver because of on active, unlocked joinpoint
public void testVirtualMethodRedefinition_LongO() {
Object obj = new Object();
localMethodLongO(obj, obj);
for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) localMethodLongO(obj, obj);
if (checkAssert) assertEquals("Hook notifications", RUNS+1, counter);
// 3) SYNC INVOKEVIRTUAL - call to empty weaver because of on active, unlocked joinpoint
public void testSyncVirtualMethodRedefinition_LongO() {
Object obj = new Object();
obSync.syncMethodLongO(obj, obj);
for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) obSync.syncMethodLongO(obj, obj);
if (checkAssert) assertEquals("Hook notifications", RUNS+1, counter);
// 3) INVOKEINTERFACE - call to empty weaver because of on active, unlocked joinpoint
public void testInterfaceMethodRedefinition_LongO() {
Object obj = new Object();
obInterface.interfaceMethodLongO(obj, obj);
for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) obInterface.interfaceMethodLongO(obj, obj);
if (checkAssert) assertEquals("Hook notifications", RUNS+1, counter);
// 3) INVOKESTATIC - call to empty weaver because of on active, unlocked joinpoint
public void testStaticMethodRedefinition_LongO() {
Object obj = new Object();
JoinPointTestClass.staticMethodLongO(obj, obj);
for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) JoinPointTestClass.staticMethodLongO(obj, obj);
if (checkAssert) assertEquals("Hook notifications", RUNS+1, counter);
// 3) INVOKESPECIAL - call to empty weaver because of on active, unlocked joinpoint
public void testSpecialMethodRedefinition_LongO() {
Object obj = new Object();
for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) privatelocalMethodLongO(obj, obj);
if (checkAssert) assertEquals("Hook notifications", RUNS, counter);
public static Test suite() {
return new PerformanceTestSuite(ProceedMeasurements1_micro_1_LongO_aj.class);