Package prefuse.action.layout.graph

Source Code of prefuse.action.layout.graph.RadialTreeLayout$Params

package prefuse.action.layout.graph;

import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.Iterator;

import prefuse.util.ArrayLib;
import prefuse.util.MathLib;
import prefuse.visual.NodeItem;

* <p>TreeLayout instance that computes a radial layout, laying out subsequent
* depth levels of a tree on circles of progressively increasing radius.
* </p>
* <p>The algorithm used is that of Ka-Ping Yee, Danyel Fisher, Rachna Dhamija,
* and Marti Hearst in their research paper
* <a href="">Animated Exploration of
* Dynamic Graphs with Radial Layout</a>, InfoVis 2001. This algorithm computes
* a radial layout which factors in possible variation in sizes, and maintains
* both orientation and ordering constraints to facilitate smooth and
* understandable transitions between layout configurations.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">jeffrey heer</a>
public class RadialTreeLayout extends TreeLayout {
    public static final int DEFAULT_RADIUS = 50;
    private static final int MARGIN = 30;

    protected int m_maxDepth = 0;
    protected double m_radiusInc;
    protected double m_theta1, m_theta2;
    protected boolean m_setTheta = false;
    protected boolean m_autoScale = true;
    protected Point2D m_origin;
    protected NodeItem m_prevRoot;
     * Creates a new RadialTreeLayout. Automatic scaling of the radius
     * values to fit the layout bounds is enabled by default.
     * @param group the data group to process. This should resolve to
     * either a Graph or Tree instance.
    public RadialTreeLayout(String group) {
        m_radiusInc = DEFAULT_RADIUS;
        m_prevRoot = null;
        m_theta1 = 0;
        m_theta2 = m_theta1 + MathLib.TWO_PI;
     * Creates a new RadialTreeLayout using the specified radius increment
     * between levels of the layout. Automatic scaling of the radius values
     * is disabled by default.
     * @param group the data group to process. This should resolve to
     * either a Graph or Tree instance.
     * @param radius the radius increment to use between subsequent rings
     * in the layout.
    public RadialTreeLayout(String group, int radius) {
        m_radiusInc = radius;
        m_autoScale = false;

     * Set the radius increment to use between concentric circles. Note
     * that this value is used only if auto-scaling is disabled.
     * @return the radius increment between subsequent rings of the layout
     * when auto-scaling is disabled
    public double getRadiusIncrement() {
        return m_radiusInc;
     * Set the radius increment to use between concentric circles. Note
     * that this value is used only if auto-scaling is disabled.
     * @param inc the radius increment between subsequent rings of the layout
     * @see #setAutoScale(boolean)
    public void setRadiusIncrement(double inc) {
        m_radiusInc = inc;

     * Indicates if the layout automatically scales to fit the layout bounds.
     * @return true if auto-scaling is enabled, false otherwise
    public boolean getAutoScale() {
        return m_autoScale;
     * Set whether or not the layout should automatically scale itself
     * to fit the layout bounds.
     * @param s true to automatically scale to fit display, false otherwise
    public void setAutoScale(boolean s) {
        m_autoScale = s;

     * Constrains this layout to the specified angular sector
     * @param theta the starting angle, in radians
     * @param width the angular width, in radians
    public void setAngularBounds(double theta, double width) {
        m_theta1 = theta;
        m_theta2 = theta+width;
        m_setTheta = true;

     * @see prefuse.action.Action#run(double)
    public void run(double frac) {
        Graph g = (Graph)m_vis.getGroup(m_group);
        m_origin = getLayoutAnchor();
        NodeItem n = getLayoutRoot();
        Params np = (Params)n.get(PARAMS);
        // calc relative widths and maximum tree depth
        // performs one pass over the tree
        m_maxDepth = 0;
        calcAngularWidth(n, 0);
        if ( m_autoScale ) setScale(getLayoutBounds());
        if ( !m_setTheta ) calcAngularBounds(n);
        // perform the layout
        if ( m_maxDepth > 0 )
            layout(n, m_radiusInc, m_theta1, m_theta2);
        // update properties of the root node
        setX(n, null, m_origin.getX());
        setY(n, null, m_origin.getY());
        np.angle = m_theta2-m_theta1;
    protected void setScale(Rectangle2D bounds) {
        double r = Math.min(bounds.getWidth(),bounds.getHeight())/2.0;
        if ( m_maxDepth > 0 )
            m_radiusInc = (r-MARGIN)/m_maxDepth;

     * Calculates the angular bounds of the layout, attempting to
     * preserve the angular orientation of the display across transitions.
    private void calcAngularBounds(NodeItem r) {
        if ( m_prevRoot == null || !m_prevRoot.isValid() || r == m_prevRoot )
            m_prevRoot = r;
        // try to find previous parent of root
        NodeItem p = m_prevRoot;
        while ( true ) {
            NodeItem pp = (NodeItem)p.getParent();
            if ( pp == r ) {
            } else if ( pp == null ) {
                m_prevRoot = r;
            p = pp;

        // compute offset due to children's angular width
        double dt = 0;
        Iterator iter = sortedChildren(r);
        while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
            Node n = (Node);
            if ( n == p ) break;
            dt += ((Params)n.get(PARAMS)).width;
        double rw = ((Params)r.get(PARAMS)).width;
        double pw = ((Params)p.get(PARAMS)).width;
        dt = -MathLib.TWO_PI * (dt+pw/2)/rw;

        // set angular bounds
        m_theta1 = dt + Math.atan2(p.getY()-r.getY(), p.getX()-r.getX());
        m_theta2 = m_theta1 + MathLib.TWO_PI;
        m_prevRoot = r;    

     * Computes relative measures of the angular widths of each
     * expanded subtree. Node diameters are taken into account
     * to improve space allocation for variable-sized nodes.
     * This method also updates the base angle value for nodes
     * to ensure proper ordering of nodes.
    private double calcAngularWidth(NodeItem n, int d) {
        if ( d > m_maxDepth ) m_maxDepth = d;      
        double aw = 0;
        Rectangle2D bounds = n.getBounds();
        double w = bounds.getWidth(), h = bounds.getHeight();
        double diameter = d==0 ? 0 : Math.sqrt(w*w+h*h) / d;
        if ( n.isExpanded() && n.getChildCount() > 0 ) {
            Iterator childIter = n.children();
            while ( childIter.hasNext() ) {
                NodeItem c = (NodeItem);
                aw += calcAngularWidth(c,d+1);
            aw = Math.max(diameter, aw);
        } else {
            aw = diameter;
        ((Params)n.get(PARAMS)).width = aw;
        return aw;
    private static final double normalize(double angle) {
        while ( angle > MathLib.TWO_PI ) {
            angle -= MathLib.TWO_PI;
        while ( angle < 0 ) {
            angle += MathLib.TWO_PI;
        return angle;
    private Iterator sortedChildren(final NodeItem n) {
        double base = 0;
        // update base angle for node ordering
        NodeItem p = (NodeItem)n.getParent();
        if ( p != null ) {
            base = normalize(Math.atan2(p.getY()-n.getY(), p.getX()-n.getX()));
        int cc = n.getChildCount();
        if ( cc == 0 ) return null;

        NodeItem c = (NodeItem)n.getFirstChild();
        // TODO: this is hacky and will break when filtering
        // how to know that a branch is newly expanded?
        // is there an alternative property we should check?
        if ( !c.isStartVisible() ) {
            // use natural ordering for previously invisible nodes
            return n.children();
        double angle[] = new double[cc];
        final int idx[] = new int[cc];
        for ( int i=0; i<cc; ++i, c=(NodeItem)c.getNextSibling() ) {
            idx[i] = i;
            angle[i] = normalize(-base +
                Math.atan2(c.getY()-n.getY(), c.getX()-n.getX()));
        ArrayLib.sort(angle, idx);
        // return iterator over sorted children
        return new Iterator() {
            int cur = 0;
            public Object next() {
                return n.getChild(idx[cur++]);
            public boolean hasNext() {
                return cur < idx.length;
            public void remove() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
     * Compute the layout.
     * @param n the root of the current subtree under consideration
     * @param r the radius, current distance from the center
     * @param theta1 the start (in radians) of this subtree's angular region
     * @param theta2 the end (in radians) of this subtree's angular region
    protected void layout(NodeItem n, double r, double theta1, double theta2) {
        double dtheta  = (theta2-theta1);
        double dtheta2 = dtheta / 2.0;
        double width = ((Params)n.get(PARAMS)).width;
        double cfrac, nfrac = 0.0;
        Iterator childIter = sortedChildren(n);
        while ( childIter != null && childIter.hasNext() ) {
            NodeItem c = (NodeItem);
            Params cp = (Params)c.get(PARAMS);
            cfrac = cp.width / width;
            if ( c.isExpanded() && c.getChildCount()>0 ) {
                layout(c, r+m_radiusInc, theta1 + nfrac*dtheta,
                                         theta1 + (nfrac+cfrac)*dtheta);
            setPolarLocation(c, n, r, theta1 + nfrac*dtheta + cfrac*dtheta2);
            cp.angle = cfrac*dtheta;
            nfrac += cfrac;

     * Set the position of the given node, given in polar co-ordinates.
     * @param n the NodeItem to set the position
     * @param p the referrer parent NodeItem
     * @param r the radius
     * @param t the angle theta
    protected void setPolarLocation(NodeItem n, NodeItem p, double r, double t) {
        setX(n, p, m_origin.getX() + r*Math.cos(t));
        setY(n, p, m_origin.getY() + r*Math.sin(t));
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Params
     * The data field in which the parameters used by this layout are stored.
    public static final String PARAMS = "_radialTreeLayoutParams";
     * The schema for the parameters used by this layout.
    public static final Schema PARAMS_SCHEMA = new Schema();
    static {
        PARAMS_SCHEMA.addColumn(PARAMS, Params.class, new Params());
    protected void initSchema(TupleSet ts) {
     * Wrapper class holding parameters used for each node in this layout.
    public static class Params implements Cloneable {
        double width;
        double angle;
        public Object clone() {
            Params p = new Params();
            p.width = this.width;
            p.angle = this.angle;
            return p;

} // end of class RadialTreeLayout

Related Classes of prefuse.action.layout.graph.RadialTreeLayout$Params

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