package hirondelle.predict.util;
import hirondelle.web4j.action.ResponsePage;
Create templated {@link ResponsePage} objects.
<P><span class='highlight'>This implementation assumes that related JSPs and classes reside in
the same directory.</span> This policy is unusual, but recommended. Having <em>all</em> items
related to a feature in the same directory - classes, JSPs, and .sql files - is highly
satisfying and natural.
public final class TemplatedPage {
Return a templated {@link ResponsePage}.
<P>This method simply forwards all parameters to
{@link ResponsePage#ResponsePage(String, String, String, java.lang.Class)}, using a hard-coded
String for the template JSP. Please see that constructor for important information.
public static ResponsePage get(String aTitle, String aBodyJsp, Class aRepresentativeClass) {
return new ResponsePage(aTitle, aBodyJsp, MAIN, aRepresentativeClass);
//The response page URL is relative to each feature's context.
//One name can actually refer to N JSPs, according to context.
//Here, there are multiple Template.jsp files, one for each module (that is, for each set of related features.)
private static final String MAIN = "../Template.jsp";