package hirondelle.predict.main.preferences;
import static hirondelle.web4j.util.Consts.FAILS;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.Check;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.Id;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.ModelCtorException;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.ModelUtil;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
User preferences.
<P>User preferences are placed into session scope by this app's implementation of {@link}.
public final class Preferences {
/** Key under which user's screen name is saved in session scope. */
public static final String SCREEN_NAME = "ScreenName";
@param aUserId required.
@param aLoginName required, <tt>6..50</tt> characters, no spaces.
@param aScreenName optional, <tt>6..50</tt> characters.
public Preferences(Id aUserId, SafeText aLoginName, SafeText aScreenName) throws ModelCtorException {
fUserId = aUserId;
fLoginName = aLoginName;
fScreenName = aScreenName;
/** Return the user id passed to the constructor. */
public Id getUserId() { return fUserId; }
/** Return the login name passed to the constructor. */
public SafeText getLoginName() { return fLoginName; }
/** Return the screen name passed to the constructor. */
public SafeText getScreenName() { return fScreenName; }
/** Intended for debugging only. */
public @Override String toString() {
return ModelUtil.toStringFor(this);
public @Override boolean equals( Object aThat ) {
Boolean result = ModelUtil.quickEquals(this, aThat);
if ( result == null ){
Preferences that = (Preferences) aThat;
result = ModelUtil.equalsFor(this.getSignificantFields(), that.getSignificantFields());
return result;
public @Override int hashCode() {
if ( fHashCode == 0 ) {
fHashCode = ModelUtil.hashCodeFor(getSignificantFields());
return fHashCode;
private final Id fUserId;
private final SafeText fLoginName;
private final SafeText fScreenName;
private int fHashCode;
private static final Pattern LOGIN_NAME = Pattern.compile("(?:\\S){6,50}");
private static final Pattern SCREEN_NAME_REGEX = Pattern.compile("(?:.){6,50}");
private void validateState() throws ModelCtorException {
ModelCtorException ex = new ModelCtorException();
if ( FAILS == Check.required(fUserId) ) {
ex.add("User id is required (programmer error).");
if ( FAILS == Check.required(fLoginName, Check.pattern(LOGIN_NAME)) ) {
ex.add("Login Name is required, 6..50 chars, no spaces.");
if ( FAILS == Check.optional(fScreenName, Check.pattern(SCREEN_NAME_REGEX)) ) {
ex.add("Screen Name is optional, 6..50 chars.");
if ( ! ex.isEmpty() ) throw ex;
private Object[] getSignificantFields(){
return new Object[] {fLoginName, fScreenName};