package hirondelle.predict.main.prediction;
import static hirondelle.predict.main.prediction.PredictionAction.ADD_PREDICTION;
import static hirondelle.predict.main.prediction.PredictionAction.CHANGE_PREDICTION;
import static hirondelle.predict.main.prediction.PredictionAction.DELETE_PREDICTION;
import static hirondelle.predict.main.prediction.PredictionAction.FETCH_OWNER;
import static hirondelle.predict.main.prediction.PredictionAction.FETCH_PREDICTION;
import static hirondelle.predict.main.prediction.PredictionAction.LIST_PREDICTIONS;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.DAOException;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.Db;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.DbTx;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.DuplicateException;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.Tx;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.TxTemplate;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.Id;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.DateTime;
import hirondelle.web4j.util.Util;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
/** Data Access Object (DAO) for {@link Prediction} objects. */
public final class PredictionDAO {
/** Return a <tt>List</tt> of all {@link Prediction} objects in a specified Prediction List. */
public List<Prediction> list(Id aPredictionListId) throws DAOException {
return Db.list(Prediction.class, LIST_PREDICTIONS, aPredictionListId);
/** Return a single {@link Prediction} identified by its id, and its Prediction List id. */
Prediction fetch(Id aPredictionId, Id aPredictionListId) throws DAOException {
return Db.fetch(Prediction.class, FETCH_PREDICTION, aPredictionId, aPredictionListId);
Add a new {@link Prediction} to the database.
@return the autogenerated database id, if any.
Id add(Prediction aPrediction, Id aPredictionListId, DateTime aNow) throws DAOException, DuplicateException {
Object[] params = {
aPredictionListId, aPrediction.getText(), aNow,
aPrediction.getRemark(), getOutcomeId(aPrediction), getOutcomeDateForInsert(aPrediction, aNow)
return Db.add(ADD_PREDICTION, params);
Update an existing {@link Prediction}.
<P>The outcome date is set only when the outcome itself has changed from its previous value.
@return <tt>true</tt> only if the edit is executed successfullly.
boolean change(Prediction aPrediction, Id aPredictionListId, DateTime aToday) throws DAOException, DuplicateException {
Tx changeTx = new Change(aPrediction, aPredictionListId, aToday);
return Util.isSuccess(changeTx.executeTx());
Delete a {@link Prediction}.
void delete(Id aPredictionId, Id aPredictionListId) throws DAOException {
Db.delete(DELETE_PREDICTION, aPredictionId, aPredictionListId);
Return the login name of the user that owns the given prediction list
@param aParentId identifies the prediction list.
Id fetchLoginNameFor(Id aParentId) throws DAOException {
return Db.fetchValue(Id.class, FETCH_OWNER, aParentId);
private static final Logger fLogger = Util.getLogger(PredictionDAO.class);
/** Return the current date only if there is an outcome present. */
private DateTime getOutcomeDateForInsert(Prediction aPrediction, DateTime aNow){
return aPrediction.getOutcome() != null ? aNow.truncate(DateTime.Unit.DAY) : null;
The outcome date is calculated from the old record and the new one.
If there is a change in the outcome, then a new outcome date is applied.
Otherwise, the outcome date is coerced to the old one (which may be null).
private DateTime getOutcomeDate(Prediction aNew, Prediction aOld, DateTime aToday){
DateTime result = aOld.getOutcomeDate(); //may be null
if (hasChangedOutcome(aOld, aNew)) {
if( aNew.getOutcome() != null ){
result = aToday;
else {
result = null;
return result;
Return true only if the outcome of the new prediction differs from that of the old, in any way.
private boolean hasChangedOutcome(Prediction aOld, Prediction aNew){
boolean result = false;
if ( aOld.getOutcome() == null && aNew.getOutcome() != null ) {
result = true;
else if (aOld.getOutcome() != null && aNew.getOutcome() == null) {
result = true;
else if (aOld.getOutcome() != null && aNew.getOutcome() != null){
if (! aNew.getOutcome().getId().equals(aOld.getOutcome().getId())){
result = true;
fLogger.fine("Has changed outcome: " + result);
return result;
For the change operation, the state of the outcome is simply applied as-is.
private Id getOutcomeId(Prediction aPrediction){
return aPrediction.getOutcome() != null ? aPrediction.getOutcome().getId() : null;
This transaction ensures that the change operation happens as a single unit of work.
If triggers are available in the database, then they should likely be used instead of this method.
They would likely be more elegant than this style.
private final class Change extends TxTemplate {
Change(Prediction aNewPrediction, Id aPredictionListId, DateTime aToday){
fNew = aNewPrediction;
fListId = aPredictionListId;
fToday = aToday;
@Override public int executeMultipleSqls(Connection aConnection) throws SQLException, DAOException {
fLogger.fine("Executing transaction for update operation.");
Prediction old = DbTx.fetch(aConnection, Prediction.class, FETCH_PREDICTION, fNew.getId(), fListId);
Object[] params = {
fNew.getText(), fNew.getRemark(), getOutcomeId(fNew), getOutcomeDate(fNew, old, fToday),
fNew.getId(), fListId
} ;
return DbTx.edit(aConnection, CHANGE_PREDICTION, params);
private Prediction fNew;
private Id fListId;
private DateTime fToday;