package hirondelle.predict.main.prediction;
import hirondelle.predict.util.TemplatedPage;
import hirondelle.web4j.action.ActionTemplateListAndEdit;
import hirondelle.web4j.action.ResponsePage;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.DAOException;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.DuplicateException;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.SqlId;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.DateTime;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.Id;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.ModelCtorException;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.ModelFromRequest;
import hirondelle.web4j.request.RequestParameter;
import hirondelle.web4j.request.RequestParser;
List and edit {@link Prediction} objects.
<P>This feature is a prime example of implementing
<a href=''>data ownership constraints</a>.
Here, each Prediction is linked to a PredictionList. Each PredictionList is in turned linked to a
specific user - the <i>owner</i> of the PredictionList, and all of the Predictions it contains.
@view view.jsp
@sql statements.sql
public final class PredictionAction extends ActionTemplateListAndEdit implements FetchIdentifierOwner {
/** Constructor. */
public PredictionAction(RequestParser aRequestParser){
super(FORWARD, dynamicRedirect(aRequestParser), aRequestParser);
public static final SqlId LIST_PREDICTIONS = new SqlId("LIST_PREDICTIONS");
public static final SqlId FETCH_PREDICTION = new SqlId("FETCH_PREDICTION");
public static final SqlId ADD_PREDICTION = new SqlId("ADD_PREDICTION");
public static final SqlId CHANGE_PREDICTION = new SqlId("CHANGE_PREDICTION");
public static final SqlId DELETE_PREDICTION = new SqlId("DELETE_PREDICTION");
public static final SqlId FETCH_OWNER = new SqlId("FETCH_OWNER");
public static final RequestParameter PREDICTION_LIST_ID = RequestParameter.withLengthCheck("ParentId");
public static final RequestParameter ID = RequestParameter.withLengthCheck("Id");
public static final RequestParameter TEXT = RequestParameter.withLengthCheck("Text");
public static final RequestParameter CREATIONDATE = RequestParameter.withLengthCheck("CreationDate");
public static final RequestParameter REMARK = RequestParameter.withLengthCheck("Remark");
public static final RequestParameter OUTCOME = RequestParameter.withLengthCheck("Outcome");
public static final RequestParameter OUTCOME_DATE = RequestParameter.withLengthCheck("OutcomeDate");
Helps enforce an ownership constraint.
Only the owner of a PredictionList can perform edits on its content.
public Id fetchOwner() throws DAOException {
return fDAO.fetchLoginNameFor(getIdParam(PREDICTION_LIST_ID));
/** Show the list of {@link Prediction}s in a given prediction list. */
protected void doList() throws DAOException {
addToRequest(ITEMS_FOR_LISTING, fDAO.list(getListId()));
/** Attempt to build a {@link Prediction} out of user input. */
protected void validateUserInput() {
try {
ModelFromRequest builder = new ModelFromRequest(getRequestParser());
catch (ModelCtorException ex){
/** Attempt to add a new {@link Prediction}. */
protected void attemptAdd() throws DAOException {
try {
fDAO.add(fPrediction, getListId(),;
addMessage("Prediction added successfully.");
catch(DuplicateException ex){
addError("Cannot add duplicate Prediction.");
/** Fetch an existing {@link Prediction} in preparation for editing it. */
protected void attemptFetchForChange() throws DAOException {
Prediction prediction = fDAO.fetch(getIdParam(ID), getListId());
if( prediction == null ){
addError("Item no longer exists. Likely deleted by another user.");
else {
addToRequest(ITEM_FOR_EDIT, prediction);
/** Attempt to change an existing {@link Prediction}. */
protected void attemptChange() throws DAOException {
try {
boolean success = fDAO.change(fPrediction, getListId(),;
if (success){
addMessage("Prediction changed successfully.");
else {
addError("No update occurred. Item likely deleted by another user.");
catch(DuplicateException ex){
addError("Duplicate Prediction. Please use another identifier.");
/** Attempt to delete an existing {@link Prediction}. */
protected void attemptDelete() throws DAOException {
try {
fDAO.delete(getIdParam(ID), getListId());
addMessage("Prediction deleted successfully.");
catch (DAOException ex){
addError("Cannot delete Prediction. Item likely used elsewhere.");
private Prediction fPrediction;
private PredictionDAO fDAO = new PredictionDAO();
private static final ResponsePage FORWARD = TemplatedPage.get("Prediction", "view.jsp", PredictionAction.class);
private static final ResponsePage REDIRECT_TO_LISTING = new ResponsePage("");
private Id getListId(){
return getIdParam(PREDICTION_LIST_ID);
private static ResponsePage dynamicRedirect(RequestParser aRequestParser){
String value = aRequestParser.getRawParamValue(PREDICTION_LIST_ID);
return REDIRECT_TO_LISTING.appendQueryParam("ParentId", value);