package net.suberic.util.gui.propedit;
import javax.swing.*;
import net.suberic.util.*;
import java.awt.CardLayout;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
* This class will make an editor for a list of elements, where each
* element will be displayed on the left and, by selecting one of these
* elements, the editor for that item will appear in the panel to the
* right.
* Configuration is as follows:
* Foo.propertyType=Sectioned -- shows this is a property editor that
* uses a SectionedEditorPane
* -- shows which subfields are to be edited
* -- shows that by default, the editor for
* is shown. If this is not included or blank,
* then no editor is displayed by default.
* The value for Foo itself is not used.
* If your, then the values
* edited will be defined by, Foo.baz, and Frotz.zork.
public class SectionedEditorPane extends CompositeSwingPropertyEditor implements ListSelectionListener {
JList optionList;
JPanel entryPanel;
boolean changed = false;
DefaultListModel optionListModel;
List templates;
Hashtable<String, SwingPropertyEditor> currentPanels = new Hashtable<String, SwingPropertyEditor>();
* This configures this editor with the following values.
* @param propertyName The property to be edited.
* @param template The property that will define the layout of the
* editor.
* @param manager The PropertyEditorManager that will manage the
* changes.
public void configureEditor(String propertyName, String template, String propertyBaseName, PropertyEditorManager newManager) {
configureBasic(propertyName, template, propertyBaseName, newManager);
// create the editors list.
editors = new Vector();
// create the list of properties to be edited.
List propertyList = manager.getPropertyAsList(propertyName + ".editableFields", "");
optionList = createOptionList(propertyList);
JScrollPane optionScrollPane = new JScrollPane(optionList);
SpringLayout layout = new SpringLayout();
layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, optionScrollPane, 5, SpringLayout.WEST, this);
layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, optionScrollPane, 5, SpringLayout.NORTH, this);
//layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.SOUTH, this, 5, SpringLayout.SOUTH, optionScrollPane);
layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.SOUTH, optionScrollPane, -5, SpringLayout.SOUTH, this);
// create entryPanels (the panels which show the editors for each
// property in the optionList) for each option.
entryPanel = createEntryPanel(propertyList);
java.awt.Component entryComponent = entryPanel;
if (manager.getProperty(template + "._useScrollPane", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(entryPanel);
java.awt.Dimension size = jsp.getPreferredSize();
size.height = Math.min(size.height, 400);
size.width = Math.min(size.width, 475);
entryComponent = jsp;
// the entry components should handle their offsets themselves, so
// put them on the very edges.
layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, entryComponent, 0 ,SpringLayout.EAST, optionScrollPane);
layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, entryComponent, 0 ,SpringLayout.NORTH, this);
layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.SOUTH, this, 0 ,SpringLayout.SOUTH, entryComponent);
layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.EAST, this, 0 ,SpringLayout.EAST, entryComponent);
manager.registerPropertyEditor(property, this);
* Creates the list of edited items.
private JList createOptionList(List editedProperties) {
optionListModel = new DefaultListModel();
Iterator iter = editedProperties.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String key = (String);
String iconString = manager.getProperty(key + ".Icon", "");
Icon icon = null;
if (iconString != "") {
icon = manager.getIconManager().getIcon(iconString);
SEPListEntry listEntry = new SEPListEntry(manager.getProperty(key + ".Label", key), icon, key);
JList returnValue = new JList(optionListModel);
returnValue.setCellRenderer(new SEPCellRenderer());
return returnValue;
* This creates a panel for each option. It uses a CardLayout.
* Note that this is also the section of code which determines which
* subproperties are to be edited.
private JPanel createEntryPanel (List itemList) {
CardLayout entryLayout = new CardLayout();
JPanel panel = new JPanel(entryLayout);
for (Object o: itemList) {
String rootProp = (String) o;
SwingPropertyEditor sep = createEditorPane(rootProp, rootProp);
getLogger().fine("creating editor for " + rootProp);
// save reference to new pane in hash table
currentPanels.put(rootProp, sep);
panel.add(rootProp, sep);
String defaultProperty = manager.getProperty(property + "._default", "");
if (defaultProperty != ""), defaultProperty);
return panel;
* Called when the selected value changed. Should result in the
* entryPane changing.
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
CardLayout entryLayout = (CardLayout)entryPanel.getLayout();
String selectedId = ((SEPListEntry)((JList)e.getSource()).getSelectedValue()).getKey();
getLogger().fine("selectedId = " + selectedId);
if (selectedId != null) {
SwingPropertyEditor newSelected = currentPanels.get(selectedId);
getLogger().fine("newSelected = " + newSelected);, selectedId);
* Edits the currently selected value.
public void editSelectedValue() {
* Sets the value for this SectionedEditorPane.
public void setValue() throws PropertyValueVetoException {
if (isEnabled()) {
* Resets the default values.
public void resetDefaultValue() throws PropertyValueVetoException {
if (isChanged()) {
java.awt.Component[] components = entryPanel.getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
* Returns the currently edited values as a Properties object.
public java.util.Properties getValue() {
java.util.Properties currentRetValue = super.getValue();
return currentRetValue;
* Returns whether or not the top-level edited values of this EditorPane
* have changed.
public boolean isChanged() {
return changed;
* Sets whether or not the top-level edited values of this EditorPane
* have changed.
public void setChanged(boolean newChanged) {
* Returns the optionList.
public JList getOptionList() {
return optionList;
* Returns the entryPanel.
public JPanel getEntryPanel() {
return entryPanel;
* Creates an editor.
public SwingPropertyEditor createEditorPane(String subProperty, String subTemplate) {
getLogger().fine("creating editor for " + subProperty + ", template " + subTemplate);
return (SwingPropertyEditor) manager.getFactory().createEditor(subProperty, subTemplate, manager);
* Run when the PropertyEditor may have changed enabled states.
protected void updateEditorEnabled() {
for (int i = 0; i < editors.size() ; i++) {
PropertyEditorUI current = (PropertyEditorUI) editors.get(i);
if (isEditorEnabled()) {
} else {
* Returns the helpId for this editor.
public String getHelpID() {
CardLayout entryLayout = (CardLayout)entryPanel.getLayout();
SEPListEntry selectedValue = (SEPListEntry) optionList.getSelectedValue();
if (selectedValue != null) {
String selectedId = selectedValue.getKey();
if (selectedId != null) {
SwingPropertyEditor newSelected = currentPanels.get(selectedId);
return newSelected.getHelpID();
return getEditorTemplate();
class SEPCellRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer {
public java.awt.Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
SEPListEntry sepValue = (SEPListEntry) value;
String label = sepValue.getLabel();
if (isSelected) {
} else {
return this;
class SEPListEntry {
String label;
Icon icon;
String key;
public SEPListEntry(String pLabel, Icon pIcon, String pKey) {
label = pLabel;
icon = pIcon;
key = pKey;
public String getLabel() {
return label;
public Icon getIcon() {
return icon;
public String getKey() {
return key;