package net.suberic.util.gui;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.InputMap;
import javax.swing.ActionMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import net.suberic.util.VariableBundle;
* This class is a KeyBinding controller for a JComponent.
public class ConfigurableKeyBinding implements ConfigurableUI {
private JComponent currentComponent;
private Hashtable commands = new Hashtable();
private Hashtable keyTable = new Hashtable();
private int condition = JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT;
* This creates a new ConfigurableKeyBinding which attaches to component
* newComponent, and defines itself using componentID and vars.
public ConfigurableKeyBinding(JComponent newComponent, String componentID, VariableBundle vars) {
currentComponent = newComponent;
configureComponent(componentID, vars);
* This configures the KeyBindings using the given componentID
* and VariableBundle.
* As defined in interface net.suberic.util.gui.ConfigurableUI.
public void configureComponent(String componentID, VariableBundle vars) {
if (componentID != null && vars.getProperty(componentID, "") != "") {
Vector keys = vars.getPropertyAsVector(componentID, "");
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
String keyID = componentID + "." + (String)keys.elementAt(i);
String keyAction = vars.getProperty(keyID + ".Action" , "");
KeyStroke keyStroke = getKeyStroke(keyID, vars);
if (keyAction != "" && keyStroke != null) {
putInKeyTable(keyAction, keyStroke);
* This method returns the key defined by the property keyID in the
* VariableBundle vars.
public KeyStroke getKeyStroke(String keyID, VariableBundle vars) {
return KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(vars.getProperty(keyID + ".Key", ""));
* This method actually binds the configured KeyStrokes to the current
* Actions.
* As defined in interface net.suberic.util.gui.ConfigurableUI.
public void setActive(Hashtable newCommands) {
commands = newCommands;
Enumeration hashKeys = getKeyTableKeys();
InputMap inputMap = currentComponent.getInputMap(getCondition());
ActionMap actionMap = currentComponent.getActionMap();
while (hashKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
String actionCmd = (String)hashKeys.nextElement();
Vector keyStrokeVector = getFromKeyTable(actionCmd);
Action a = getAction(actionCmd);
for (int i = 0; keyStrokeVector != null && i < keyStrokeVector.size(); i++) {
KeyStroke keyStroke = (KeyStroke)keyStrokeVector.elementAt(i);
if (a != null) {
inputMap.put(keyStroke, actionCmd);
actionMap.put(actionCmd, a);
if (a != null) {
currentComponent.registerKeyboardAction(a, actionCmd, keyStroke, getCondition() );
* This method actually binds the configured KeyStrokes to the current
* Actions.
* As defined in interface net.suberic.util.gui.ConfigurableUI.
public void setActive(Action[] newActions) {
Hashtable tmpHash = new Hashtable();
if (newActions != null && newActions.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < newActions.length; i++) {
String cmdName = (String)newActions[i].getValue(Action.NAME);
tmpHash.put(cmdName, newActions[i]);
public void putInKeyTable(Object key, Object value) {
Vector valueList = (Vector) keyTable.get(key);
if (valueList != null) {
if (!valueList.contains(value))
} else {
valueList = new Vector();
keyTable.put(key, valueList);
public Vector getFromKeyTable(Object key) {
return (Vector) keyTable.get(key);
public Enumeration getKeyTableKeys() {
return keyTable.keys();
private Action getAction(String key) {
try {
return (Action)commands.get(key);
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
return null;
public void setCondition(int newCondition) {
condition = newCondition;
public int getCondition() {
return condition;