package net.suberic.util.gui;
import javax.swing.*;
import net.suberic.util.VariableBundle;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import javax.swing.Action;
import java.awt.event.*;
* This is a JComboBox which implements the ConfigurableUI interface, and
* therefore may be dynamically created using a VariableBundle and key,
* and updated using an array of Actions.
public class ConfigurableComboBox extends JComboBox implements ConfigurableUI {
// the latest commands list. i'm storing this for now because i
// can't do a JButton.removeActionListeners().
protected HashMap selectionMap = new HashMap();
protected Hashtable commands = new Hashtable();
String mKey = null;
int minWidth = -1;
int minHeight = -1;
public ConfigurableComboBox() {
* This creates a new ConfigurableComboBox using the buttonID as the
* configuration key, and vars as the source for the values of all the
* properties.
* If buttonID doesn't exist in vars, then this returns an empty
* ComboBox.
public ConfigurableComboBox(String buttonID, VariableBundle vars) {
configureComponent(buttonID, vars);
* This configures the ComboBox using the given buttonID and
* VariableBundle.
* As defined in interface net.suberic.util.gui.ConfigurableUI.
public void configureComponent(String key, VariableBundle vars) {
this.setRenderer(new ConfigurableComboRenderer());
mKey = key;
StringTokenizer iKeys = null;
try {
iKeys = new StringTokenizer(vars.getProperty(key), ":");
} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
try {
System.err.println(vars.getProperty("error.NoSuchResource") + " " + mre.getKey());
} catch (MissingResourceException mretwo) {
System.err.println("Unable to load resource " + mre.getKey());
String currentToken;
while (iKeys.hasMoreTokens()) {
Object i = createComboBoxItem(key + "." + currentToken, vars);
this.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
Object selectedItem = e.getItem();
String cmd = (String)selectionMap.get(selectedItem);
if (cmd != null) {
Action action = getAction(cmd);
if (action != null) {
action.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(e.getSource(), e.getID(), cmd));
String toolTip = vars.getProperty(key + ".ToolTip", "");
if (toolTip != "") {
* And this actually creates the menu items themselves.
protected Object createComboBoxItem(String buttonID, VariableBundle vars) {
ImageIcon returnValue = null;
IconManager iconManager = IconManager.getIconManager(vars, "IconManager._default");
ImageIcon icon = iconManager.getIcon(vars.getProperty(buttonID + ".Image"));
if (icon != null) {
if (minWidth < 0) {
minWidth = icon.getIconWidth();
} else {
minWidth = java.lang.Math.min(minWidth, icon.getIconWidth());
if (minHeight < 0) {
minHeight = icon.getIconHeight();
} else {
minHeight = java.lang.Math.min(minHeight, icon.getIconHeight());
returnValue = icon;
String cmd = vars.getProperty(buttonID + ".Action", buttonID);
selectionMap.put(returnValue, cmd);
return returnValue;
* As defined in net.suberic.util.gui.ConfigurableUI
public void setActive(javax.swing.Action[] newActions) {
Hashtable tmpHash = new Hashtable();
if (newActions != null && newActions.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < newActions.length; i++) {
String cmdName = (String)newActions[i].getValue(Action.NAME);
tmpHash.put(cmdName, newActions[i]);
* As defined in net.suberic.util.gui.ConfigurableUI
public void setActive(Hashtable newCommands) {
commands = newCommands;
* This gets an action from the supported commands. If there is no
* supported action, it returns null
public Action getAction(String command) {
return (Action)commands.get(command);
class ConfigurableComboRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer {
public ConfigurableComboRenderer() {
public java.awt.Component getListCellRendererComponent(
JList list,
Object value,
int index,
boolean isSelected,
boolean cellHasFocus)
if (isSelected) {
} else {
ImageIcon icon = (ImageIcon)value;
return this;