package net.suberic.pooka.thread;
import net.suberic.pooka.FolderInfo;
import net.suberic.pooka.OperationCancelledException;
import net.suberic.pooka.Pooka;
import net.suberic.util.thread.*;
import javax.mail.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
* This class polls the underlying Folder of a FolderInfo in order to make
* sure that the UnreadMessageCount is current and to make sure that the
* Folder stays open.
public class FolderTracker extends Thread {
private Vector mUpdateInfos = new Vector();
private CheckFolderAction mAction = new CheckFolderAction();
private long mTrackerNextUpdateTime = -1;
private boolean mStopped = false;
private Logger mLogger = null;
* Stores the information about the Folder to be updated.
private class UpdateInfo {
// the Folder for this UpdateInfo
FolderInfo folder;
// milliseconds between checks
long updateCheckMilliseconds;
// next time to update.
long nextFolderUpdate;
// whether or not we're waiting on this to complete.
boolean updateRunning = false;
* Creates a new UpdateInfo for FolderInfo <code>info</code>, with
* <code>updateCheck</code> milliseconds between checks.
public UpdateInfo(FolderInfo info, long updateCheck) {
folder = info;
updateCheckMilliseconds = updateCheck;
nextFolderUpdate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime() + updateCheckMilliseconds;
* Updates the Folder.
public void update() {
getLogger().fine("creating update action for folder " + folder.getFolderID());
updateRunning = true;
folder.getFolderThread().addToQueue(getAction(), new ActionEvent(this, 1, "folder-check - " + folder.getFolderID()), ActionThread.PRIORITY_LOW);
* Calculates the new next update time.
public void newUpdateTime() {
updateRunning = false;
nextFolderUpdate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime() + updateCheckMilliseconds;
getLogger().finer("calculating new update time for " + folder.getFolderID() + ": " + nextFolderUpdate);
* Checks to see if we should run an update now.
public boolean shouldUpdate(long currentTime) {
return (! updateRunning && nextFolderUpdate <= currentTime) ;
* Returns the nextFolderUpdate time for this Info.
public long getNextFolderUpdate() { return nextFolderUpdate; }
* Returns the FolderInfo for this Info.
public FolderInfo getFolderInfo() { return folder; }
* Returns whether or not this is waiting on an outstaning update
* action.
public boolean isUpdateRunning() { return updateRunning; }
} // end UpdateInfo.
* This creates a new FolderTracker from a FolderInfo object.
public FolderTracker() {
super("Folder Tracker thread");
// list management.
* This adds a FolderInfo to the FolderTracker.
public void addFolder(FolderInfo newFolder) {
if (newFolder == null)
return ;
getLogger().fine("adding folder " + newFolder.getFolderID());
long updateCheckMilliseconds;
String updateString = Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.updateCheckMilliseconds", "60000");
if (newFolder.getParentStore() != null) {
updateString = Pooka.getProperty(newFolder.getFolderProperty() + ".updateCheckSeconds", Pooka.getProperty(newFolder.getParentStore().getStoreProperty() + ".updateCheckSeconds", Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.updateCheckSeconds", "300")));
try {
updateCheckMilliseconds = Long.parseLong(updateString) *1000;
} catch (Exception e) {
updateCheckMilliseconds = 60000;
UpdateInfo info = new UpdateInfo(newFolder, updateCheckMilliseconds);
* This removes a FolderInfo from the FolderTracker.
public void removeFolder(FolderInfo folder) {
if (folder == null)
getLogger().fine("removing folder " + folder.getFolderID() + " from tracker.");
for (int i = 0 ; i < mUpdateInfos.size() ; i++)
if (((UpdateInfo) mUpdateInfos.elementAt(i)).folder == folder)
// end folder administration
// next update time administration
* Adds a new update time. This assumes that there's already a
* valid update time, and that we're just making sure that the
* new time isn't sooner than that.
public synchronized void updateTrackerNextTime(long pTime) {
getLogger().finer("updating tracker next time with new value " + pTime + ", old value " + mTrackerNextUpdateTime);
if (pTime < mTrackerNextUpdateTime) {
mTrackerNextUpdateTime = pTime;
getLogger().finer("new time is newer than old time; interrupting thread.");
* This returns the next update time. This assumes that the old
* update time is no longer valid, and that we should recalculate
* a new update time.
public synchronized long calculateNextUpdateTime(long currentTime) {
getLogger().finer("calculating next update time.");
long nextTime = -1;
Iterator iter = mUpdateInfos.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
UpdateInfo current = (UpdateInfo);
if (! current.isUpdateRunning()) {
if (nextTime == -1)
nextTime = current.getNextFolderUpdate();
nextTime = Math.min(nextTime, current.getNextFolderUpdate());
if (nextTime == -1)
nextTime = currentTime + 120000;
mTrackerNextUpdateTime = nextTime;
getLogger().finer("new next update time: " + mTrackerNextUpdateTime);
return mTrackerNextUpdateTime;
// end update time admin
// main method(s)
* This runs the thread, running checkFolder() every
* updateCheckMilliseconds until the thread is interrupted.
public void run() {
while (true && ! mStopped) {
try {
getLogger().fine("running folder tracker update.");
long currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime();
long sleepTime = calculateNextUpdateTime(currentTime) - currentTime;
if (sleepTime > 0) {
getLogger().finer("sleeping for " + sleepTime + " milliseconds.");
} else {
getLogger().finer("sleep time is negative; not sleeping.");
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// on interrupt, just continue.
getLogger().finer("caught InterruptedException.");
getLogger().fine("Stopped. Shutting down Folder Tracker.");
* Goes through the list of folders and updates the ones that are
* due for an update.
public void updateFolders(long currentTime) {
for (int i = 0; i < mUpdateInfos.size(); i++) {
UpdateInfo info = (UpdateInfo)mUpdateInfos.elementAt(i);
if (info.shouldUpdate(currentTime))
// end main methods
// thread control
* Singals that the tracker thread should stop.
public void setStopped(boolean pStopped) {
mStopped = pStopped;
getLogger().fine("setting FolderTracker stopped to " + mStopped);
if (mStopped == true)
// end thread control
// action section
* This returns the action to run when it's time to update the folder.
public javax.swing.Action getAction() {
return mAction;
* The Action that's put in the queue for checking the folder
* status.
public class CheckFolderAction extends javax.swing.AbstractAction {
public CheckFolderAction() {
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
UpdateInfo info = (UpdateInfo) e.getSource();
try {
getLogger().fine("running checkFolder on " + info.getFolderInfo().getFolderID());
} catch (OperationCancelledException oce) {
} catch (MessagingException me) {
// ignore; only show if we're debugging.
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
getLogger().fine("caught exception checking folder " + info.getFolderInfo().getFolderID() + ": " + me);
} finally {
// end action section
// logging
* Gets the Logger for this class.
public Logger getLogger() {
if (mLogger == null) {
mLogger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug.folderTracker");
return mLogger;