package net.suberic.pooka.resource;
import net.suberic.util.*;
import net.suberic.pooka.ssl.*;
import net.suberic.pooka.*;
import javax.activation.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* A ResourceManager which uses files.
public class FileResourceManager extends ResourceManager {
//static Pattern sVariablePattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{[^\\\\$]}");
static Pattern sRootDirPattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{pooka\\.root\\}");
* Creates a VariableBundle to be used.
public VariableBundle createVariableBundle(String fileName, VariableBundle defaults) {
try { f = new;
if (! f.exists())
return new net.suberic.util.FileVariableBundle(f, defaults);
} catch ( ioe) {
//new net.suberic.util.VariableBundle(url.openStream(), "net.suberic.pooka.Pooka");
return defaults;
* Creates a MailcapCommandMap to be used.
public MailcapCommandMap createMailcap(String fileName) throws {
return new FullMailcapCommandMap(fileName);
* Creates a PookaTrustManager.
public PookaTrustManager createPookaTrustManager([] pTrustManagers, String fileName) {
return new PookaTrustManager(pTrustManagers, fileName);
public getInputStream(String pFileName)
throws {
String translatedFile = translateName(pFileName);
try {
URL url = new URL(translatedFile);
return url.openStream();
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
return new FileInputStream(new File(translatedFile));
public getOutputStream(String pFileName)
throws {
String translatedFile = translateName(pFileName);
return new FileOutputStream(new File(translatedFile));
* Creates an appropriate FolderInfo for the given StoreInfo.
public FolderInfo createFolderInfo(StoreInfo pStore, String pName) {
String storeProperty = pStore.getStoreProperty();
if (pStore.isPopStore() && pName.equalsIgnoreCase("INBOX")) {
return new PopInboxFolderInfo(pStore, pName);
} else if (Pooka.getProperty(storeProperty + ".protocol", "mbox").equalsIgnoreCase("imap")) {
// check to see if we have a cacheMode value set.
String cacheMode = Pooka.getProperty(storeProperty + ".cacheMode", "");
if (cacheMode.equals("")) {
if (Pooka.getProperty(storeProperty + ".cachingEnabled", Pooka.getProperty(storeProperty + "." + pName + ".cachingEnabled", "false")).equalsIgnoreCase("true") || Pooka.getProperty(storeProperty + ".cacheHeadersOnly", Pooka.getProperty(storeProperty + "." + pName + ".cacheHeadersOnly", "false")).equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
return new net.suberic.pooka.cache.CachingFolderInfo(pStore, pName);
} else {
if (cacheMode.equals("enabled") || cacheMode.equals("headersOnly")) {
return new net.suberic.pooka.cache.CachingFolderInfo(pStore, pName);
// otherwise....
return new UIDFolderInfo(pStore, pName);
} else {
return new FolderInfo(pStore, pName);
* Translates the given file path.
public String translateName(String pFileName) {
String firstTranslate = super.translateName(pFileName);
Matcher matcher = sRootDirPattern.matcher(firstTranslate);
String returnValue = matcher.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement(Pooka.getPookaManager().getPookaRoot().getAbsolutePath()));
return returnValue;
* Encodes the file path to use the pooka.root setting if the file
* path is below the pooka.root.
public String encodeFileName(String pFileName) {
File f = new File(pFileName);
String filePath = null;
String rootPath = null;
try {
filePath = f.getCanonicalPath();
rootPath = Pooka.getPookaManager().getPookaRoot().getCanonicalPath();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// just use the absolute paths.
filePath = f.getAbsolutePath();
rootPath = Pooka.getPookaManager().getPookaRoot().getAbsolutePath();
if (filePath.startsWith(rootPath)) {
return "${pooka.root}" + filePath.substring(rootPath.length());
} else {
return pFileName;