package net.suberic.pooka;
import net.suberic.pooka.gui.crypto.CryptoKeySelector;
import net.suberic.util.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetHeaders;
import javax.xml.crypto.KeySelector;
public class UserProfile extends Object implements ValueChangeListener, Item {
Properties mailProperties;
String name;
//URLName sendMailURL;
String mailServerName;
String defaultDomain;
String defaultDefaultDomain;
OutgoingMailServer mailServer;
OutgoingMailServer mTempMailServer = null;
//String sendPrecommand;
String sentFolderName;
FolderInfo sentFolder;
public boolean autoAddSignature = true;
public boolean signatureFirst = true;
private SignatureGenerator sigGenerator;
private AddressBook addressBook;
private String smimeEncryptionKeyId;
private String pgpEncryptionKeyId;
private boolean signAsDefault = false;
private String cryptoDefaultType = "PGP";
private Vector excludeAddresses;
// default value
public static String S_DEFAULT_PROFILE_KEY = "__default";
public UserProfile(String newName, VariableBundle mainProperties) {
name = newName;
* This populates the UserProfile from the Pooka properties list.
* Useful on creation as well as when any of the properties change.
public void initializeFromProperties(VariableBundle mainProperties, List mailPropertiesList) {
mailProperties = new Properties();
String profileKey;
for (int i = 0; i < mailPropertiesList.size(); i++) {
profileKey = (String)mailPropertiesList.get(i);
mailProperties.put(profileKey, mainProperties.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".mailHeaders." + profileKey, ""));
setSentFolderName(mainProperties.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".sentFolder", ""));
mailServerName = mainProperties.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".mailServer", "_default");
mailServer = null; // reload it next time it's requested.
//sendMailURL=new URLName(mainProperties.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".sendMailURL", ""));
//sendPrecommand=(String)mainProperties.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".sendPrecommand", "");
setDefaultDomain(mainProperties.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".defaultDomain", ""));
String fromAddr = (String)mailProperties.get("From");
excludeAddresses = new Vector();
if (fromAddr.lastIndexOf('@') >0) {
defaultDefaultDomain = fromAddr.substring(fromAddr.lastIndexOf('@') + 1);
Vector excludeProp = mainProperties.getPropertyAsVector("UserProfile." + name + ".excludeAddresses", "");
pgpEncryptionKeyId = mainProperties.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".pgpKey", "");
smimeEncryptionKeyId = mainProperties.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".smimeKey", "");
signAsDefault = (! mainProperties.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".sigPolicy", "").equalsIgnoreCase("manual"));
if (! signAsDefault) {
if ( mainProperties.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".sigPolicy", "").equalsIgnoreCase("smime")) {
String addressBookId = mainProperties.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".addressBook", "");
if (!addressBookId.equals("")) {
addressBook = Pooka.getAddressBookManager().getAddressBook(addressBookId);
} else
addressBook = null;
* Registers this UserProfile as a ValueChangeListener for all of its
* source properties.
private void registerChangeListeners() {
VariableBundle resources = Pooka.getResources();
resources.addValueChangeListener(this, "UserProfile." + name + ".*");
* Modifies the UserProfile if any of its source values change.
* As specified in net.suberic.util.ValueChangeListener.
public void valueChanged(String changedValue) {
VariableBundle bundle = Pooka.getResources();
UserProfileManager manager = Pooka.getPookaManager().getUserProfileManager();
initializeFromProperties(bundle, manager.getMailPropertiesList());
* Populates the given message with the headers for this UserProfile.
public void populateMessage(MimeMessage mMsg) throws MessagingException {
// I hate this. I hate having to grab half of these headers on my
// own.
Enumeration keys = mailProperties.propertyNames();
String fromAddr = null, fromPersonal = null, replyAddr = null, replyPersonal = null;
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String)(keys.nextElement());
if (key.equals("FromPersonal")) {
fromPersonal = mailProperties.getProperty(key);
} else if (key.equals("From")) {
fromAddr = mailProperties.getProperty(key);
} else if (key.equals("ReplyTo")) {
replyAddr = mailProperties.getProperty(key);
} else if (key.equals("ReplyToPersonal")) {
replyPersonal = mailProperties.getProperty(key);
} else {
mMsg.setHeader(key, mailProperties.getProperty(key));
try {
if (fromAddr != null)
if (fromPersonal != null && !(fromPersonal.equals("")))
mMsg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(fromAddr, fromPersonal));
mMsg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(fromAddr));
if (replyAddr != null && !(replyAddr.equals("")))
if (replyPersonal != null)
mMsg.setReplyTo(new InternetAddress[] {new InternetAddress(replyAddr, replyPersonal)});
mMsg.setReplyTo(new InternetAddress[] {new InternetAddress(replyAddr)});
} catch ( uee) {
throw new MessagingException("", uee);
* Populates the given InternetHeaders object with the headers for this
* UserProfile.
public void populateHeaders(InternetHeaders pHeaders) throws MessagingException {
// I hate this. I hate having to grab half of these headers on my
// own.
Enumeration keys = mailProperties.propertyNames();
String fromAddr = null, fromPersonal = null, replyAddr = null, replyPersonal = null;
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String)(keys.nextElement());
if (key.equals("FromPersonal")) {
fromPersonal = mailProperties.getProperty(key);
} else if (key.equals("From")) {
fromAddr = mailProperties.getProperty(key);
} else if (key.equals("ReplyTo")) {
replyAddr = mailProperties.getProperty(key);
} else if (key.equals("ReplyToPersonal")) {
replyPersonal = mailProperties.getProperty(key);
} else {
pHeaders.setHeader(key, mailProperties.getProperty(key));
try {
if (fromAddr != null)
if (fromPersonal != null && !(fromPersonal.equals("")))
pHeaders.setHeader("From", new InternetAddress(fromAddr, fromPersonal).toString());
pHeaders.setHeader("From", new InternetAddress(fromAddr).toString());
if (replyAddr != null && !(replyAddr.equals("")))
if (replyPersonal != null)
pHeaders.setHeader("Reply-To", new InternetAddress(replyAddr, replyPersonal).toString());
pHeaders.setHeader("Reply-To", new InternetAddress(replyAddr).toString());
} catch ( uee) {
throw new MessagingException("", uee);
* This removes the email addresses that define this user from the
* given message's to fields.
public void removeFromAddress(Message m) {
try {
Address[] toRecs = m.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO);
Address[] ccRecs = m.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC);
Address[] bccRecs = m.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC);
toRecs = filterAddressArray(toRecs);
ccRecs = filterAddressArray(ccRecs);
bccRecs = filterAddressArray(bccRecs);
m.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, toRecs);
m.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, ccRecs);
m.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, bccRecs);
} catch (MessagingException me) {
* Filters out this address from the given array of addresses.
private Address[] filterAddressArray(Address[] addresses) {
if (addresses != null && addresses.length > 0) {
Vector returnVector = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
String currentAddress = ((InternetAddress) addresses[i]).getAddress();
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < excludeAddresses.size() && found == false ; j++) {
String excludeAddr = (String)excludeAddresses.elementAt(j);
if (currentAddress.equalsIgnoreCase(excludeAddr))
found = true;
if (!found)
Object[] retArr = returnVector.toArray();
Address[] returnValue = new Address[retArr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < retArr.length; i++)
returnValue[i] = (Address) retArr[i];
return returnValue;
} else
return addresses;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getUserProperty() {
return "UserProfile." + getName();
public String getItemID() {
return getName();
public String getItemProperty() {
return getUserProperty();
public Properties getMailProperties() {
return mailProperties;
public String toString() {
return name;
public URLName getSendMailURL() {
return sendMailURL;
public String getSendPrecommand() {
return sendPrecommand;
public FolderInfo getSentFolder() {
if (sentFolder == null)
return sentFolder;
public void setSentFolderName(String newValue) {
sentFolderName = newValue;
public OutgoingMailServer getMailServer() {
if (mailServer == null)
return mailServer;
public void setMailServerName(String newValue) {
mailServerName = newValue;
* Sets a mail server for this session.
public void setTemporaryMailServer(OutgoingMailServer pTempServer) {
mTempMailServer = pTempServer;
* Returns the default domain. This will be appended to any email
* address which doesn't include a domain.
public String getDefaultDomain() {
if (defaultDomain == null || defaultDomain.equals(""))
return defaultDefaultDomain;
return defaultDomain;
* Sets the default domain. This is what will be added to email
* addresses that don't include a domain.
public void setDefaultDomain(String newDomain) {
defaultDomain = newDomain;
* Loads the sent folder from the UserProfile.username.sentFolder
* property.
public void loadSentFolder() {
StoreManager sm = Pooka.getStoreManager();
if (sm != null) {
sentFolder = Pooka.getStoreManager().getFolder(sentFolderName);
if (sentFolder != null) {
* Loads the MailServer from the UserProfile.username.mailServer
* property.
public void loadMailServer() {
if (mTempMailServer != null) {
mailServer = mTempMailServer;
mailServer = Pooka.getOutgoingMailManager().getOutgoingMailServer(mailServerName);
if (mailServer == null) {
mailServer = Pooka.getOutgoingMailManager().getDefaultOutgoingMailServer();
* Creates the signatureGenerator for this Profile.
public SignatureGenerator createSignatureGenerator() {
try {
String classname = Pooka.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".sigClass", Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.defaultSigGenerator", "net.suberic.pooka.FileSignatureGenerator"));
Class sigClass = Class.forName(classname);
SignatureGenerator sigGen = (SignatureGenerator) sigClass.newInstance();
return sigGen;
} catch (Exception e) {
SignatureGenerator sigGen = new StringSignatureGenerator();
return sigGen;
* This returns a signature appropriate for the given text.
public String getSignature(String text) {
if (sigGenerator != null)
return sigGenerator.generateSignature(text);
return null;
* Returns the default signature for this UserProfile. Use
* getSignature(String text) instead.
public String getSignature() {
if (sigGenerator != null)
return sigGenerator.generateSignature(null);
return null;
//return (Pooka.getProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".signature", null));
public void setSignature(String newValue) {
Pooka.setProperty("UserProfile." + name + ".signature", newValue);
* Returns the default encryption key for this profile, if any.
public getEncryptionKey(boolean forSignature) {
return getEncryptionKey(cryptoDefaultType, forSignature);
* Returns the default encryption key for this profile, if any.
public getEncryptionKey(String type, boolean forSignature) {
String keyAlias = pgpEncryptionKeyId;
if (net.suberic.crypto.EncryptionManager.SMIME.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
keyAlias = smimeEncryptionKeyId;
if (keyAlias != null && keyAlias.length() > 0) {
try {
if (Pooka.getCryptoManager().privateKeyAliases(type, forSignature).contains(keyAlias)) {
return Pooka.getCryptoManager().getPrivateKey(keyAlias, type);
}catch(UnrecoverableKeyException uke){
char[] passphrase = CryptoKeySelector.showPassphraseDialog(keyAlias);
return Pooka.getCryptoManager().getPrivateKey(keyAlias, type, passphrase);
} catch (Exception ee) {
return null;
* Returns whether or not we want to sign messages as default for this
* UserProfile.
public boolean getSignAsDefault() {
return signAsDefault;
* Returns the default AddressMatcher for this UserProfile.
public AddressMatcher getAddressMatcher() {
if (addressBook != null)
return addressBook.getAddressMatcher();
else {
AddressBook defaultBook = Pooka.getAddressBookManager().getDefault();
if (defaultBook != null)
return defaultBook.getAddressMatcher();
return null;
public AddressBook getAddressBook() {
return addressBook;