package net.suberic.pooka;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.event.*;
import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import net.suberic.pooka.gui.*;
import net.suberic.util.ValueChangeListener;
import net.suberic.util.thread.ActionThread;
import net.suberic.util.VariableBundle;
import net.suberic.util.Item;
* This class does all of the work for a Store. It keeps track of the
* StoreNode for the Store, as well as keeping the children of the store
* and the properties of the Store.
public class StoreInfo implements ValueChangeListener, Item, NetworkConnectionListener {
// logger
Logger mLogger = null;
// the actual connection information
private Store store;
private Session mSession;
// The is the store ID.
private String storeID;
// Information for the StoreNode
private StoreNode storeNode;
private Vector<FolderInfo> children;
// the status indicators
private boolean connected = false;
private boolean available = false;
private int mPreferredStatus = FolderInfo.CONNECTED;
// if this is a pop mailbox.
private boolean popStore = false;
private UserProfile defaultProfile;
private NetworkConnection connection;
// the connection information.
private String user;
private String password;
private String server;
private String protocol;
private int port;
private URLName url;
private String sslSetting = "none";
// the Thread for connections to this Store.
private ActionThread storeThread;
// the Trash folder for this Store, if any.
private FolderInfo trashFolder;
// whether or not this store synchronizes with the subscribed folders
// automatically
private boolean useSubscribed = false;
// the connection listener for this store.
private ConnectionListener connectionListener;
// the Authenticator to use for this Store.
private AuthenticatorUI mAuthenticator;
* Creates a new StoreInfo from a Store ID.
public StoreInfo(String sid) {
* This configures the store from the property information.
public void configureStore() {
connected = false;
available = false;
protocol = Pooka.getProperty("Store." + storeID + ".protocol", "");
if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("pop3")) {
user = "";
password = "";
server = "localhost";
if (Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".useMaildir", "unset").equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
protocol = "maildir";
protocol = "mbox";
port = -1;
popStore = true;
} else {
popStore = false;
user = Pooka.getProperty("Store." + storeID + ".user", "");
password = Pooka.getProperty("Store." + storeID + ".password", "");
String portValue = Pooka.getProperty("Store." + storeID + ".port", "");
port = -1;
if (!portValue.equals("")) {
try {
port = Integer.parseInt(portValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!password.equals(""))
password = net.suberic.util.gui.propedit.PasswordEditorPane.descrambleString(password);
server = Pooka.getProperty("Store." + storeID + ".server", "");
sslSetting = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".SSL", "none");
if (sslSetting.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
Pooka.setProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".SSL", "ssl");
sslSetting = "ssl";
} else if (sslSetting.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
Pooka.setProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".SSL", "none");
sslSetting = "none";
if (sslSetting.equals("ssl")) {
if (protocol.equals("imap"))
protocol = "imaps";
Properties p = loadProperties();
if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("maildir")) {
url = new URLName(protocol, server, port, p.getProperty(""), user, password);
} else {
url = new URLName(protocol, server, port, "", user, password);
getLogger().fine("creating authenticator");
mAuthenticator = Pooka.getUIFactory().createAuthenticatorUI();
try {
mSession = Session.getInstance(p, mAuthenticator);
store = mSession.getStore(url);
} catch (NoSuchProviderException nspe) {
Pooka.getUIFactory().showError(Pooka.getProperty("error.loadingStore", "Unable to load Store ") + getStoreID(), nspe);
// don't allow a StoreInfo to get created with an empty folderList.
if (Pooka.getProperty("Store." + storeID + ".folderList", "").equals(""))
Pooka.setProperty("Store." + storeID + ".folderList", "INBOX");
// check to see if we're using the subscribed property.
useSubscribed = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".useSubscribed", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true");
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty());
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty() + ".folderList");
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty() + ".defaultProfile");
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty() + ".protocol");
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty() + ".user");
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty() + ".password");
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty() + ".server");
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty() + ".port");
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty() + ".connection");
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty() + ".SSL");
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty() + ".useSubscribed");
Pooka.getResources().addValueChangeListener(this, getStoreProperty() + ".sessionDebug.level");
// tell the log manager to listen to these settings.
Pooka.getLogManager().addLogger(getStoreProperty() + ".sessionDebug");
if (available) {
connectionListener = new ConnectionListener() {
public void disconnected(ConnectionEvent e) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Store " + getStoreID() + " disconnected.");
// if we think we're connected, then call disconnectStore.
if (isConnected()) {
try {
if (Pooka.getUIFactory().getMessageNotificationManager() != null) {
Pooka.getUIFactory().getMessageNotificationManager().displayMessage("Disconnected", "Disconnected from store " + getStoreID(), net.suberic.pooka.gui.MessageNotificationManager.WARNING_MESSAGE_TYPE);
} catch (MessagingException me) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "error disconnecting Store: " + me.getMessage());
public void closed(ConnectionEvent e) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Store " + getStoreID() + " closed.");
// if we think we're connected, then call disconnectStore.
if (isConnected()) {
if (Pooka.getUIFactory().getMessageNotificationManager() != null) {
Pooka.getUIFactory().getMessageNotificationManager().displayMessage("Disconnected", "Disconnected from store " + getStoreID(), net.suberic.pooka.gui.MessageNotificationManager.WARNING_MESSAGE_TYPE);
try {
} catch (MessagingException me) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "error disconnecting Store: " + me.getMessage());
public void opened(ConnectionEvent e) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Store " + getStoreID() + " opened.");
if (storeThread == null) {
storeThread = new ActionThread(this.getStoreID() + " - ActionThread");
String defProfileString = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".defaultProfile", "");
if (defProfileString.length() < 1 || defProfileString.equalsIgnoreCase(UserProfile.S_DEFAULT_PROFILE_KEY)) {
defaultProfile = null;
} else {
defaultProfile = Pooka.getPookaManager().getUserProfileManager().getProfile(defProfileString);
connection = Pooka.getConnectionManager().getConnection(Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".connection", ""));
if (connection == null) {
connection = Pooka.getConnectionManager().getDefaultConnection();
if (connection != null) {
String trashFolderName = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".trashFolder", "");
if (trashFolderName.length() > 0) {
trashFolder = getChild(trashFolderName);
if (trashFolder != null)
* This loads in the default session properties for this Store's
* Session.
public Properties loadProperties() {
Properties p = new Properties(System.getProperties());
String realProtocol = Pooka.getProperty("Store." + storeID + ".protocol", "");
if (realProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("imap")) {
} else if (realProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("pop3")) {
String useMaildir = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".useMaildir", "unset");
if (useMaildir.equals("unset")) {
Pooka.setProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".useMaildir", "false");
if ( useMaildir.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
} else {
} else if (realProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("maildir")) {
} else if (realProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("mbox")) {
return p;
* Load all IMAP properties.
void loadImapProperties(Properties p) {
p.setProperty("mail.imap.timeout", Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".timeout", Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.timeout", "-1")));
p.setProperty("mail.imap.connectiontimeout", Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".connectionTimeout", Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.connectionTimeout", "-1")));
p.setProperty("mail.imaps.timeout", Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".timeout", Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.timeout", "-1")));
p.setProperty("mail.imaps.connectiontimeout", Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".connectionTimeout", Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.connectionTimeout", "-1")));
// set up ssl
if (sslSetting.equals("ssl")) {
p.setProperty("mail.imaps.socketFactory.fallback", Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".SSL.fallback", "false"));
} else if (sslSetting.equals("tlsrequired")) {
p.setProperty("mail.imap.starttls.enable", "true");
} else if (sslSetting.equals("tls")) {
// failover is implemented in the connectStore() method.
p.setProperty("mail.imap.starttls.enable", "true");
// use a dedicated store connection.
p.setProperty("mail.imap.separatestoreconnection", "true");
p.setProperty("mail.imaps.separatestoreconnection", "true");
* Load all POP3 properties.
void loadPop3Properties(Properties p) {
if (Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".SSL", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
//p.setProperty("mail.pop3s.socketFactory.class", "net.suberic.pooka.ssl.PookaSSLSocketFactory");
p.setProperty("mail.pop3s.socketFactory.fallback", Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".SSL.fallback", "false"));
//p.setProperty("mail.pop3.socketFactory.port", Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".SSL.port", "995"));
* Load all Maildir properties.
void loadMaildirProperties(Properties p) {
String mailHome = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".mailDir", "");
if (mailHome.equals("")) {
mailHome = Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.defaultMailSubDir", "");
if (mailHome.equals(""))
mailHome = Pooka.getPookaManager().getPookaRoot().getAbsolutePath() + + ".pooka";
mailHome = mailHome + + storeID;
String userHomeName = Pooka.getPookaManager().getResourceManager().translateName(mailHome + + Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.subFolderName", "folders"));
//p.setProperty("", "true");
p.setProperty("", userHomeName);
p.setProperty("", "true");
* Load all Mbox properties.
void loadMboxProperties(Properties p) {
* set the properties for mbox folders, and for the mbox backend of
* a pop3 mailbox. properties set are:
* mail.mbox.inbox: the location of the INBOX for this mail store. for
* pop3 stores, this is the location of the local copy of the inbox.
* for mbox stores, this should be the local inbox file.
* mail.mbox.userhome: the location of all subfolders.
String mailHome = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".mailDir", "");
if (mailHome.equals("")) {
mailHome = Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.defaultMailSubDir", "");
if (mailHome.equals(""))
mailHome = Pooka.getPookaManager().getPookaRoot().getAbsolutePath() + + ".pooka";
mailHome = mailHome + + storeID;
mailHome = Pooka.getPookaManager().getResourceManager().translateName(mailHome);
String inboxFileName;
if (Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".protocol", "imap").equalsIgnoreCase("pop3")) {
inboxFileName = mailHome + + Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.inboxName", "INBOX");
} else {
inboxFileName = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".inboxLocation", "/var/spool/mail/" + System.getProperty(""));
String userHomeName = mailHome + + Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.subFolderName", "folders");
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "for store " + getStoreID() + ", inboxFileName = " + inboxFileName + "; userhome = " + userHomeName);
p.setProperty("mail.mbox.inbox", inboxFileName);
p.setProperty("mail.mbox.userhome", userHomeName);
* This updates the children of the current store. Generally called
* when the folderList property is changed.
public void updateChildren() {
Vector<FolderInfo> newChildren = new Vector<FolderInfo>();
List<String> newChildNames = Pooka.getResources().getPropertyAsList(getStoreProperty() + ".folderList", "INBOX");
for (String newFolderName: newChildNames) {
FolderInfo childFolder = getChild(newFolderName);
if (childFolder == null) {
childFolder = Pooka.getResourceManager().createFolderInfo(this, newFolderName);
newChildren.add(0, childFolder);
children = newChildren;
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, getStoreID() + ": in configureStore. children.size() = " + children.size());
if (storeNode != null)
* This goes through the list of children of this store and
* returns the FolderInfo for the given childName, if one exists.
* If none exists, or if the children Vector has not been loaded
* yet, or if this is a leaf node, then this method returns null.
public FolderInfo getChild(String childName) {
FolderInfo childFolder = null;
String folderName = null, subFolderName = null;
if (children != null) {
int divider = childName.indexOf('/');
if (divider > 0) {
folderName = childName.substring(0, divider);
if (divider < childName.length() - 1)
subFolderName = childName.substring(divider + 1);
} else
folderName = childName;
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++)
if (((FolderInfo)children.elementAt(i)).getFolderName().equals(folderName))
childFolder = (FolderInfo)children.elementAt(i);
if (childFolder != null && subFolderName != null)
return childFolder.getChild(subFolderName);
return childFolder;
* This goes through the list of children of this store and
* returns the FolderInfo that matches this folderID.
* If none exists, or if the children Vector has not been loaded
* yet, or if this is a leaf node, then this method returns null.
public FolderInfo getFolderById(String folderID) {
FolderInfo childFolder = null;
if (children != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
FolderInfo possibleMatch = ((FolderInfo)children.elementAt(i)).getFolderById(folderID);
if (possibleMatch != null) {
return possibleMatch;
return null;
* This handles the event that the StoreInfo is removed from Pooka.
public void remove() {
// FIXME need to do a lot here.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Pooka.getResources().removePropertyTree(getStoreProperty())
* Cleans up all references to this StoreInfo.
public void cleanup() {
if (children != null && children.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++)
if (store != null) {
if (getStoreThread() != null) {
* This handles the changes if the source property is modified.
* As defined in net.suberic.util.ValueChangeListener.
public void valueChanged(String pChangedValue) {
final String changedValue = pChangedValue;
javax.swing.AbstractAction valueChangedAction = new javax.swing.AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ae) {
// check to make sure that we still exist.
List<String> storeList = Pooka.getResources().getPropertyAsList("Store", "");
if (storeList.contains(getStoreID())) {
if (changedValue.equals(getStoreProperty() + ".folderList")) {
} else if (changedValue.equals(getStoreProperty() + ".defaultProfile")) {
String defProfileString = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".defaultProfile", "");
if (defProfileString.length() < 1 || defProfileString.equalsIgnoreCase(UserProfile.S_DEFAULT_PROFILE_KEY)) {
defaultProfile = null;
} else {
defaultProfile = Pooka.getPookaManager().getUserProfileManager().getProfile(defProfileString);
} else if (changedValue.equals(getStoreProperty() + ".protocol") || changedValue.equals(getStoreProperty() + ".user") || changedValue.equals(getStoreProperty() + ".password") || changedValue.equals(getStoreProperty() + ".server") || changedValue.equals(getStoreProperty() + ".port") || changedValue.equals(getStoreProperty() + ".SSL") ) {
if (storeNode != null) {
Enumeration childEnum = storeNode.children();
Vector v = new Vector();
while (childEnum.hasMoreElements())
children = null;
try {
} catch (Exception e) { }
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "calling configureStore()");
} else if (changedValue.equals(getStoreProperty() + ".connection")) {
connection = Pooka.getConnectionManager().getConnection(Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".connection", ""));
if (connection == null) {
connection = Pooka.getConnectionManager().getDefaultConnection();
if (connection != null) {
} else if (changedValue.equals(getStoreProperty() + ".useSubscribed")) {
useSubscribed = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".useSubscribed", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true");
} else if (changedValue.equals(getStoreProperty() + ".sessionDebug.level")) {
// if we don't do the update synchronously on the store thread,
// then subscribing to subfolders breaks.
java.awt.event.ActionEvent actionEvent = new java.awt.event.ActionEvent(this, 0, "value-changed");
if (Thread.currentThread() == getStoreThread()) {
} else {
getStoreThread().addToQueue(valueChangedAction, actionEvent);
* Called when the status of the NetworkConnection changes.
public void connectionStatusChanged(NetworkConnection connection, int newStatus) {
// mbox folders still don't care.
if (! (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("mbox") || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("maildir"))) {
if (newStatus == NetworkConnection.CONNECTED) {
// we've connected.
// we probably don't care.
} else if (newStatus == NetworkConnection.DISCONNECTED) {
// we're being disconnected. close all the connections.
try {
} catch (MessagingException me) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Caught exception disconnecting Store " + getStoreID() + ": " + me);
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINE))
// else ignore
} else {
// we've been cut off. note it.
try {
} catch (MessagingException me) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Caught exception disconnecting Store " + getStoreID() + ": " + me);
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINE))
// else ignore
* Remove the given String from the folderList property.
* Note that because this is also a ValueChangeListener to the
* folderList property, this will also result in the FolderInfo being
* removed from the children Vector.
void removeFromFolderList(String removeFolderName) {
Vector folderNames = Pooka.getResources().getPropertyAsVector(getStoreProperty() + ".folderList", "");
boolean first = true;
StringBuffer newValue = new StringBuffer();
String folderName;
for (int i = 0; i < folderNames.size(); i++) {
folderName = (String) folderNames.elementAt(i);
if (! folderName.equals(removeFolderName)) {
if (!first)
first = false;
Pooka.setProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".folderList", newValue.toString());
* This adds the given folderString to the folderList property.
void addToFolderList(String addFolderName) {
String folderName;
Vector folderNames = Pooka.getResources().getPropertyAsVector(getStoreProperty() + ".folderList", "");
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < folderNames.size(); i++) {
folderName = (String) folderNames.elementAt(i);
if (folderName.equals(addFolderName)) {
if (!found) {
String currentValue = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".folderList");
if (currentValue.equals(""))
Pooka.setProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".folderList", addFolderName);
Pooka.setProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".folderList", currentValue + ":" + addFolderName);
* This creates a folder if it doesn't exist already. If it does exist,
* but is not of the right type, or if there is a problem in creating the
* folder, throws an error.
public void createSubFolder(String subFolderName, int type) throws MessagingException {
Folder folder = store.getDefaultFolder();
if (folder != null) {
Folder subFolder = folder.getFolder(subFolderName);
if (subFolder == null) {
throw new MessagingException("Store returned null for subfolder " + subFolderName);
if (! subFolder.exists())
} else {
throw new MessagingException("Failed to open store " + getStoreID() + " to create subfolder " + subFolderName);
* This subscribes the Folder described by the given String to this
* StoreInfo.
public void subscribeFolder(String folderName) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "subscribing folder " + folderName);
String subFolderName = null;
String childFolderName = null;
int firstSlash = folderName.indexOf('/');
while (firstSlash == 0) {
folderName = folderName.substring(1);
firstSlash = folderName.indexOf('/');
if (firstSlash > 0) {
childFolderName = folderName.substring(0, firstSlash);
if (firstSlash < folderName.length() -1)
subFolderName = folderName.substring(firstSlash +1);
} else
childFolderName = folderName;
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "store " + getStoreID() + " subscribing folder " + childFolderName + "; sending " + subFolderName + " to child for subscription.");
FolderInfo childFolder = getChild(childFolderName);
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "got child folder '" + childFolder + "' for " + childFolderName);
if (childFolder != null && subFolderName != null) {
* This method connects the Store, and sets the StoreInfo to know that
* the Store should be connected. You should use this method instead of
* calling getStore().connect(), because if you use this method, then
* the StoreInfo will try to keep the Store connected, and will try to
* reconnect the Store if it gets disconnected before
* disconnectStore is called.
* This method also calls updateChildren() to load the children of
* the Store, if the children vector has not been loaded yet.
public void connectStore() throws MessagingException, OperationCancelledException {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "trying to connect store " + getStoreID());
if (store.isConnected()) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "store " + getStoreID() + " is already connected.");
} else {
// test the connection and execute the precommand, if any.
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "connect store " + getStoreID() + ": doing store.connect()");
boolean connectSucceeded = false;
while (! connectSucceeded) {
try {
getLogger().fine("running store.connect()");
connectSucceeded = true;
mPreferredStatus = FolderInfo.CONNECTED;
getLogger().fine("done with store.connect().");
// if authentication is necessary, then the authenticator will
// show, so will need to be closed.
} catch (MessagingException me) {
getLogger().fine("caught exception.");
// cases here:
// 1) authenticator cancelled.
if (mAuthenticator.isCancelled()) {
getLogger().fine("operation was cancelled.");
mPreferredStatus = FolderInfo.DISCONNECTED;
throw new OperationCancelledException();
// 2) Interrupted IO exception -- try again.
Exception nextEx = me.getNextException();
if (nextEx != null && nextEx instanceof {
} else {
// 3) TLS exception -- fall back.
if (nextEx != null && nextEx.toString().contains("SunCertPathBuilderException") && "tls".equalsIgnoreCase(sslSetting)) {
getLogger().fine("falling back to no tls.");
// fall back.
Properties p = mSession.getProperties();
p.setProperty("mail.imap.starttls.enable", "false");
store = mSession.getStore(url);
} else {
// 4) auth failed. show error and retry.
if (mAuthenticator.isShowing()) {
mAuthenticator.setErrorMessage(me.getMessage(), me);
} else {
// 5) must have been some other error. throw it.
if (nextEx != null) {
if (nextEx instanceof {
throw new MessagingException(Pooka.getResources().formatMessage("error.login.unknownHostException", nextEx.getMessage()), me);
//} else if (nextEx instanceof {
throw me;
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "connect store " + getStoreID() + ": connection succeeded; connected = true.");
if (useSubscribed && protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("imap")) {
if (Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.openFoldersOnConnect", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
doOpenFolders((FolderInfo) children.elementAt(i));
* Tests the NetworkConnection status for this store.
private void testConnection() throws MessagingException {
// don't test for connections for mbox providers.
if (! (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("mbox") || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("maildir"))) {
NetworkConnection currentConnection = getConnection();
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "connect store " + getStoreID() + ": checking connection.");
if (currentConnection != null) {
if (currentConnection.getStatus() == NetworkConnection.DISCONNECTED) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "connect store " + getStoreID() + ": connection not up. trying to connect it..");
currentConnection.connect(true, true);
if (connection.getStatus() != NetworkConnection.CONNECTED) {
throw new MessagingException(Pooka.getProperty("error.connectionDown", "Connection down for Store: ") + getItemID());
} else {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "connect store " + getStoreID() + ": successfully opened connection.");
* Execute the precommand if there is one.
private void executePrecommand() {
String preCommand = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".precommand", "");
if (preCommand.length() > 0) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "connect store " + getStoreID() + ": executing precommand.");
try {
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(preCommand);
} catch (Exception ex) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Could not run precommand:");
private void doOpenFolders(FolderInfo fi) {
if (Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.openFoldersInBackground", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
final FolderInfo current = fi;
javax.swing.AbstractAction openFoldersAction = new javax.swing.AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
openFoldersAction.putValue(javax.swing.Action.NAME, "file-open");
openFoldersAction.putValue(javax.swing.Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "file-open on folder " + fi.getFolderID());
getStoreThread().addToQueue(openFoldersAction, new java.awt.event.ActionEvent(this, 0, "open-all"), ActionThread.PRIORITY_LOW);
} else {
* Opens the given folders in the UI.
public void openFolders(List<FolderInfo> folderList) {
try {
for (FolderInfo fInfo: folderList) {
final FolderNode fNode = fInfo.getFolderNode();
fNode.openFolder(false, false);
} catch (MessagingException me) {
// on failure still open caching folders.
boolean showError = false;
for (FolderInfo fInfo: folderList) {
if (fInfo instanceof net.suberic.pooka.cache.CachingFolderInfo) {
if (! (((net.suberic.pooka.cache.CachingFolderInfo) fInfo).getCacheHeadersOnly())) {
final FolderNode fNode = fInfo.getFolderNode();
fNode.openFolder(false, false);
} else {
showError = true;
if (showError) {
Pooka.getUIFactory().showError(Pooka.getResources().formatMessage("error.Store.connecton.failed", getStoreID()), me);
} catch (OperationCancelledException oce) {
// on failure still open caching folders.
for (FolderInfo fInfo: folderList) {
if (fInfo instanceof net.suberic.pooka.cache.CachingFolderInfo) {
if (! (((net.suberic.pooka.cache.CachingFolderInfo) fInfo).getCacheHeadersOnly())) {
final FolderNode fNode = fInfo.getFolderNode();
fNode.openFolder(false, false);
* This method disconnects the Store. If you connect to the Store using
* connectStore() (which you should), then you should use this method
* instead of calling getStore.disconnect(). If you don't, then the
* StoreInfo will try to reconnect the store.
public void disconnectStore() throws MessagingException {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "disconnecting store " + getStoreID());
MessagingException storeException = null;
if (!(store.isConnected())) {
closeAllFolders(false, false);
} else {
try {
try {
closeAllFolders(false, false);
} catch (MessagingException folderMe) {
storeException = folderMe;
} catch (MessagingException me) {
if (storeException != null) {
storeException = me;
throw storeException;
} finally {
if (storeException != null)
throw storeException;
* Closes all of the Store's children.
public void closeAllFolders(boolean expunge, boolean shuttingDown) throws MessagingException {
if (getStoreThread() != null && ! getStoreThread().getStopped()) {
// if the store thread has exited, assume we're exiting, too.
synchronized(getStoreThread().getRunLock()) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "closing all folders of store " + getStoreID());
Vector folders = getChildren();
if (folders != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < folders.size(); i++) {
((FolderInfo) folders.elementAt(i)).closeAllFolders(expunge, shuttingDown);
* Stops the store thread.
public void stopStoreThread() {
if (storeThread != null) {
//storeThread = null;
* Gets all of the children folders of this StoreInfo which are both
* Open and can contain Messages.
public Vector getAllFolders() {
Vector returnValue = new Vector();
Vector subFolders = getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < subFolders.size(); i++) {
returnValue.addAll(((FolderInfo) subFolders.elementAt(i)).getAllFolders());
return returnValue;
* Synchronizes the locally stored subscribed folders list to the subscribed
* folder information from the IMAP server.
public void synchSubscribed() throws MessagingException, OperationCancelledException {
// require the inbox. this is to work around a bug in which the inbox
// doesn't show up in certain conditions.
boolean foundInbox=false;
Folder[] subscribedFolders = store.getDefaultFolder().list();
ArrayList subscribedNames = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; subscribedFolders != null && i < subscribedFolders.length; i++) {
// sometimes listSubscribed() doesn't work.
// and sometimes list() returns duplicate entries for some reason.
String folderName = subscribedFolders[i].getName();
if (folderName.equalsIgnoreCase("inbox")) {
if (!foundInbox) {
} else if (subscribedFolders[i].isSubscribed()) {
if (! subscribedNames.contains(folderName))
// add subscribed namespaces.
List tmpChildren = getChildren();
if (tmpChildren != null) {
// go through each. check to see if it's a namespace. if so,
// add it, too.
Iterator it = tmpChildren.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
FolderInfo fi = (FolderInfo);
String folderName = fi.getFolderName();
if (fi.isNamespace() && ! subscribedNames.contains(folderName))
// keep the existing order when possible.
List<String> currentSubscribed = Pooka.getResources().getPropertyAsList(getStoreProperty() + ".folderList", "");
Iterator<String> currentIter = currentSubscribed.iterator();
while(currentIter.hasNext()) {
String folder =;
if (! subscribedNames.contains(folder)) {
} else {
// this will update our children vector.
Pooka.setProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".folderList", VariableBundle.convertToString(currentSubscribed));
for (int i = 0; children != null && i < children.size(); i++) {
FolderInfo fi = (FolderInfo) children.get(i);
// last connection check.
long lastConnectionCheck = 0;
* Checks connection for this store.
public boolean checkConnection() {
// if we don't think we're connected, don't check.
if (! isConnected())
return false;
// don't check if we've checked very recently.
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastConnectionCheck > 20000) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINER, "Checking connection for store " + getStoreID());
Store realStore = getStore();
if (realStore != null) {
if (! realStore.isConnected()) {
getLogger().log(Level.FINER, getStoreID() + ": isConnected() returns false. returning false.");
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return isConnected();
* Shows the current status for this store and its thread.
public void showStatus() {
StringBuffer statusBuffer = new StringBuffer();
getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Status for store " + getStoreID());
statusBuffer.append("Status for store " + getStoreID() + "\r\n");
boolean infoIsConnected = isConnected();
getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Connected: " + infoIsConnected);
statusBuffer.append("Connected: " + infoIsConnected + "\r\n");
if (storeThread != null) {
String currentAction = storeThread.getCurrentActionName();
getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Current Action: " + currentAction);
statusBuffer.append("Current Action: " + currentAction + "\r\n");
int queueSize = storeThread.getQueueSize();
getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Action Queue Size: " + queueSize);
statusBuffer.append("Action Queue Size: " + queueSize +"\r\n");
if (storeThread.getQueueSize() > 0) {
java.util.List queue = storeThread.getQueue();
for (int i = 0; i < queue.size(); i++) {
net.suberic.util.thread.ActionThread.ActionEventPair current = (net.suberic.util.thread.ActionThread.ActionEventPair) queue.get(i);
String queueString = " queue[" + i + "]: ";
String entryDescription = (String) current.action.getValue(javax.swing.Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION);
if (entryDescription == null)
entryDescription = (String) current.action.getValue(javax.swing.Action.NAME);
if (entryDescription == null)
entryDescription = "Unknown action";
queueString = queueString + entryDescription;
statusBuffer.append(queueString + "\r\n");
statusBuffer.append("Stack Trace:\r\n");
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = storeThread.getStackTrace();
for (StackTraceElement stackLine: stackTrace) {
statusBuffer.append(" " + stackLine + "\r\n");
} else {
getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "No Action Thread.");
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
for (StackTraceElement stackLine: stackTrace) {
statusBuffer.append(" " + stackLine + "\r\n");
Pooka.getUIFactory().showMessage(statusBuffer.toString(), "Status for " + getStoreID());
// Accessor methods.
public Store getStore() {
return store;
private void setStore(Store newValue) {
* This returns the StoreID.
public String getStoreID() {
return storeID;
* This returns the ItemID, which in this case is the StoreID.
public String getItemID() {
return getStoreID();
* This sets the storeID.
private void setStoreID(String newValue) {
* This returns the property which defines this StoreInfo, such as
* "Store.myStore".
public String getStoreProperty() {
return "Store." + getStoreID();
* This returns the item property, which in this case is the same as
* the storeProperty.
public String getItemProperty() {
return getStoreProperty();
* Returns the protocol we're using.
public String getProtocol() {
return protocol;
* Returns true if this is a pop3 store.
public boolean isPopStore() {
return popStore;
public Vector getChildren() {
return children;
public StoreNode getStoreNode() {
return storeNode;
public void setStoreNode(StoreNode newValue) {
storeNode = newValue;
public boolean isConnected() {
return connected;
public boolean isAvailable() {
return available;
public UserProfile getDefaultProfile() {
return defaultProfile;
public NetworkConnection getConnection() {
return connection;
public ActionThread getStoreThread() {
return storeThread;
public void setStoreThread(ActionThread newValue) {
public FolderInfo getTrashFolder() {
return trashFolder;
* Returns the preferredStatus of this StoreInfo.
public int getPreferredStatus() {
return mPreferredStatus;
* Sets the preferredStatus of this StoreInfo.
public void setPreferredStatus(int pPreferredStatus) {
mPreferredStatus = pPreferredStatus;
* This returns whether or not this Store is set up to use the
* TrashFolder. If StoreProperty.useTrashFolder is set, return that as
* a boolean. Otherwise, return Pooka.useTrashFolder as a boolean.
public boolean useTrashFolder() {
if (getTrashFolder() == null)
return false;
String prop = Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".useTrashFolder", "");
if (!prop.equals(""))
return (! prop.equalsIgnoreCase("false"));
return (! Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.useTrashFolder", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
public void setTrashFolder(FolderInfo newValue) {
trashFolder = newValue;
* Returns the logger for this Store.
public Logger getLogger() {
if (mLogger == null) {
mLogger = Logger.getLogger(getStoreProperty());
return mLogger;
* Updates the debug status on the session.
void updateSessionDebug() {
if (Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.sessionDebug", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true") || (! Pooka.getProperty(getStoreProperty() + ".sessionDebug.logLevel", "OFF").equalsIgnoreCase("OFF"))) {
} else {