package net.suberic.pooka;
import net.suberic.pooka.gui.*;
import net.suberic.util.VariableBundle;
import net.suberic.pooka.resource.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
public class Pooka {
/** The configuration for this instance of Pooka. */
public static PookaManager sManager;
* Runs Pooka. Takes the following arguments:
* -nf
* --noOpenSavedFolders don't open saved folders on startup.
* -rc [FILE]
* --rcfile [FILE] use the given file as the pooka startup file.
* --http [URL] runs with a configuration file loaded via http
* --help shows these options.
static public void main(String argv[]) {
sManager = new PookaManager();
sStartupManager = new StartupManager(sManager);
public static StartupManager sStartupManager = null;
* Loads the initial resources for Pooka. These are used during startup.
public static void loadInitialResources() {
try {
ClassLoader cl = new Pooka().getClass().getClassLoader(); url;
if (cl == null) {
url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("net/suberic/pooka/Pookarc");
} else {
url = cl.getResource("net/suberic/pooka/Pookarc");
if (url == null) {
url = new Pooka().getClass().getResource("/net/suberic/pooka/Pookarc");
} is = url.openStream();
VariableBundle resources = new net.suberic.util.FileVariableBundle(is, "net.suberic.pooka.Pooka");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("caught exception loading system resources: " + e);
* Exits Pooka. Attempts to close all stores first.
public static void exitPooka(int exitValue, Object pSource) {
final int fExitValue = exitValue;
final Object fSource = pSource;
Runnable runMe = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (Pooka.getMainPanel() != null)
Thread shutdownThread = new Thread(runMe);
* Convenience method for getting Pooka configuration properties. Calls
* getResources().getProperty(propName, defVal).
static public String getProperty(String propName, String defVal) {
return (getResources().getProperty(propName, defVal));
* Convenience method for getting Pooka configuration properties. Calls
* getResources().getProperty(propName).
static public String getProperty(String propName) {
return (getResources().getProperty(propName));
* Convenience method for setting Pooka configuration properties. Calls
* getResources().setProperty(propName, propValue).
static public void setProperty(String propName, String propValue) {
getResources().setProperty(propName, propValue);
* Returns the VariableBundle which provides all of the Pooka resources.
static public net.suberic.util.VariableBundle getResources() {
return sManager.getResources();
* Sets the VariableBundle which provides all of the Pooka resources.
static public void setResources(net.suberic.util.VariableBundle pResources) {
* Returns whether or not debug is enabled for this Pooka instance.
static public boolean isDebug() {
if (getResources().getProperty("Pooka.debug", "true").equals("true"))
return true;
else if (Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").isLoggable(Level.FINE))
return true;
return false;
* Returns the DateFormatter used by Pooka.
static public DateFormatter getDateFormatter() {
return sManager.getDateFormatter();
* Returns the mailcap command map. This is what is used to determine
* which external programs are used to handle files of various MIME
* types.
static public javax.activation.CommandMap getMailcap() {
return sManager.getMailcap();
* Returns the Mime Types map. This is used to map file extensions to
* MIME types.
static public javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap getMimeTypesMap() {
return sManager.getMimeTypesMap();
* Gets the default mail Session for Pooka.
static public javax.mail.Session getDefaultSession() {
return sManager.getDefaultSession();
* Gets the Folder Tracker thread. This is the thread that monitors the
* individual folders and checks to make sure that they stay connected,
* checks for new email, etc.
static public net.suberic.pooka.thread.FolderTracker getFolderTracker() {
return sManager.getFolderTracker();
* Gets the Pooka Main Panel. This is the root of the entire Pooka UI.
static public MainPanel getMainPanel() {
return sManager.getMainPanel();
* The Store Manager. This tracks all of the Mail Stores that Pooka knows
* about.
static public StoreManager getStoreManager() {
return sManager.getStoreManager();
* The Search Manager. This manages the Search Terms that Pooka knows
* about, and also can be used to construct Search queries from sets
* of properties.
static public SearchTermManager getSearchManager() {
return sManager.getSearchManager();
* The UIFactory for Pooka. This is used to create just about all of the
* graphical UI components for Pooka. Usually this is either an instance
* of PookaDesktopPaneUIFactory or PookaPreviewPaneUIFactory, for the
* Desktop and Preview UI styles, respectively.
static public PookaUIFactory getUIFactory() {
return sManager.getUIFactory();
* The Search Thread. This is the thread that folder searches are done
* on.
static public net.suberic.util.thread.ActionThread getSearchThread() {
return sManager.getSearchThread();
* The Address Book Manager keeps track of all of the configured Address
* Books.
static public AddressBookManager getAddressBookManager() {
return sManager.getAddressBookManager();
* The ConnectionManager tracks the configured Network Connections.
static public NetworkConnectionManager getConnectionManager() {
return sManager.getConnectionManager();
* The OutgoingMailManager tracks the various SMTP server that Pooka can
* use to send mail.
static public OutgoingMailServerManager getOutgoingMailManager() {
return sManager.getOutgoingMailManager();
* The EncryptionManager, not surprisingly, manages Pooka's encryption
* facilities.
public static PookaEncryptionManager getCryptoManager() {
return sManager.getCryptoManager();
* The HelpBroker is used to bring up the Pooka help system.
static public HelpBroker getHelpBroker() {
return sManager.getHelpBroker();
* The ResourceManager controls access to resource files.
static public ResourceManager getResourceManager() {
return sManager.getResourceManager();
* The SSL Trust Manager.
static public net.suberic.pooka.ssl.PookaTrustManager getTrustManager() {
return sManager.getTrustManager();
* The SSL Trust Manager.
static public void setTrustManager(net.suberic.pooka.ssl.PookaTrustManager pTrustManager) {
* The Log Manager.
static public PookaLogManager getLogManager() {
return sManager.getLogManager();
* The Pooka configuration manager itself.
static public PookaManager getPookaManager() {
return sManager;