package net.suberic.pooka;
import javax.mail.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.activation.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import net.suberic.pooka.crypto.*;
import net.suberic.crypto.*;
import net.suberic.pooka.gui.NewMessageCryptoInfo;
* A MessageInfo representing a new message.
public class NewMessageInfo extends MessageInfo {
// the full map of messages to be sent, if there are different versions
// of the message that go to different recipients.
Map mSendMessageMap = new HashMap();
// the default UserProfile for this Message, if there is one.
UserProfile mProfile = null;
* Creates a NewMessageInfo to wrap the given Message.
public NewMessageInfo(Message newMessage) {
message = newMessage;
attachments = new AttachmentBundle();
* Sends the new message, using the given Profile, the given
* InternetHeaders, the given messageText, the given ContentType, and
* the attachments already set for this object.
public void sendMessage(UserProfile profile, InternetHeaders headers, NewMessageCryptoInfo cryptoInfo, String messageText, String messageContentType) throws MessagingException {
try {
net.suberic.pooka.gui.PookaUIFactory factory = Pooka.getUIFactory();
MimeMessage mMsg = (MimeMessage) message;
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.settingHeaders", "Setting headers..."));
Enumeration individualHeaders = headers.getAllHeaders();
while(individualHeaders.hasMoreElements()) {
Header currentHeader = (Header) individualHeaders.nextElement();
mMsg.setHeader(currentHeader.getName(), currentHeader.getValue());
mMsg.setHeader("X-Mailer", Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.xmailer", "Pooka"));
if (Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.lineWrap", "").equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
// move this to another thread now.
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.changingThreads", "Sending to message thread..."));
final UserProfile sProfile = profile;
final MimeMessage sMimeMessage = mMsg;
final String sMessageText = messageText;
final String sMessageContentType = messageContentType;
final NewMessageCryptoInfo sCryptoInfo = cryptoInfo;
OutgoingMailServer mailServer = null;
if (profile != null)
mailServer = profile.getMailServer();
if (mailServer != null) {
final OutgoingMailServer sMailServer = mailServer;
mailServer.mailServerThread.addToQueue(new javax.swing.AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ae) {
internal_sendMessage(sProfile, sMimeMessage, sMessageText, sMessageContentType, sCryptoInfo, sMailServer);
}, new java.awt.event.ActionEvent(this, 0, "message-send"));
} else {
// oh well.
internal_sendMessage(sProfile, sMimeMessage, sMessageText, sMessageContentType, sCryptoInfo, null);
} catch (MessagingException me) {
throw me;
} catch (Throwable t) {
String cause = t.getMessage();
if (cause == null)
cause = t.toString();
MessagingException me = new MessagingException(cause);
if (t instanceof Exception)
throw me;
* Does the part of message sending that should really not happen on
* the AWTEventThread.
private void internal_sendMessage(UserProfile profile, MimeMessage mMsg, String messageText, String messageContentType, NewMessageCryptoInfo cryptoInfo, OutgoingMailServer mailServer) {
net.suberic.pooka.gui.PookaUIFactory factory = Pooka.getUIFactory();
try {
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.attachingKeys", "Attaching crypto keys (if any)..."));
// see if we need to add any keys.
List keyParts = cryptoInfo.createAttachedKeyParts();
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.addingMessageText", "Parsing message text..."));
if (keyParts.size() > 0 || (attachments.getAttachments() != null && attachments.getAttachments().size() > 0)) {
MimeBodyPart mbp = new MimeBodyPart();
mbp.setContent(messageText, messageContentType);
MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
if (attachments.getAttachments() != null) {
// i should really use the text parsing code for this, but...
String attachmentMessage=Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.addingAttachment.1", "Adding attachment ");
String ofMessage = Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.addingAttachment.2", " of ");
int attachmentCount = attachments.getAttachments().size();
for (int i = 0; i < attachmentCount; i++) {
factory.showStatusMessage(attachmentMessage + i + ofMessage + attachmentCount);
Attachment currentAttachment = (Attachment) attachments.getAttachments().get(i);
if (currentAttachment instanceof MBPAttachment)
multipart.addBodyPart(((MBPAttachment) currentAttachment).getMimeBodyPart());
else {
MimeBodyPart attachmentMbp = new MimeBodyPart();
//attachmentMbp.setContent(currentAttachment.getContent(), currentAttachment.getMimeType().toString());
DataHandler dh = currentAttachment.getDataHandler();
attachmentMbp.setDataHandler( dh );
attachmentMbp.setHeader("Content-Type", currentAttachment.getMimeType().toString());
for (int i = 0; i < keyParts.size(); i++) {
multipart.addBodyPart((MimeBodyPart) keyParts.get(i));
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.savingChangesToMessage", "Saving changes to message..."));
} else {
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.savingChangesToMessage", "Saving changes to message..."));
getMessage().setContent(messageText, messageContentType);
getMessage().setSentDate(new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// do encryption stuff, if necessary.
// sigh
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.encryptMessage", "Handing encryption..."));
message = cryptoInfo.createEncryptedMessage(profile, (MimeMessage) getMessage());
this.mSendMessageMap.put(message, message.getAllRecipients());
boolean sent = false;
if (mailServer != null) {
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.sendingMessage", "Sending message to mailserver..."));
sent = true;
if (! sent) {
if (profile != null) {
URLName urlName = profile.getSendMailURL();
String sendPrecommand = profile.getSendPrecommand();
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.sendingMessage", "Sending message to mailserver..."));
Pooka.getMainPanel().getMailQueue().sendMessage(this, urlName, sendPrecommand);
sent = true;
if (! sent) {
throw new MessagingException(Pooka.getProperty("error.noSMTPServer", "Error sending Message: No mail server configured."));
} catch (MessagingException me) {
((net.suberic.pooka.gui.NewMessageProxy) getMessageProxy()).sendFailed(null, me);
} catch (Throwable t) {
String cause = t.getMessage();
if (cause == null)
cause = t.toString();
MessagingException me = new MessagingException(cause);
if (t instanceof Exception)
((net.suberic.pooka.gui.NewMessageProxy)getMessageProxy()).sendFailed(mailServer, me);
* Converts the given address line into an address line suitable for
* this NewMessageInfo. Specifically, this goes through each address
* in the list and adds the UserProfile's defaultDomain to each entry
* which doesn't have a domain already.
public String convertAddressLine(String oldLine, UserProfile p) throws javax.mail.internet.AddressException {
StringBuffer returnValue = new StringBuffer();
InternetAddress[] addresses = InternetAddress.parse(oldLine, false);
for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
String currentAddress = addresses[i].getAddress();
if (currentAddress.lastIndexOf('@') < 0) {
currentAddress = currentAddress + "@" + p.getDefaultDomain();
if (i+1 < addresses.length)
returnValue.append(", ");
return returnValue.toString();
* Saves the NewMessageInfo to the sentFolder associated with the
* given Profile, if any. Note that if there is a sent folder to
* save to, this method will likely just place an action in the
* queue.
* @return if there is a sent folder to save to.
public boolean saveToSentFolder(UserProfile profile) {
final FolderInfo sentFolder = profile.getSentFolder();
if (sentFolder != null) {
try {
final Message newMessage = new MimeMessage((MimeMessage) getMessage());
sentFolder.getFolderThread().addToQueue(new net.suberic.util.thread.ActionWrapper(new javax.swing.AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent actionEvent) {
net.suberic.pooka.gui.PookaUIFactory factory = Pooka.getUIFactory();
try {
if (sentFolder.getFolder() == null) {
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.openingSentFolder", "Opening sent folder..."));
if (sentFolder.getFolder() == null) {
throw new MessagingException("failed to load sent folder " + sentFolder);
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.savingToSentFolder", "Saving message to sent folder..."));
sentFolder.getFolder().appendMessages(new Message[] {newMessage});
} catch (OperationCancelledException oce) {
// don't show a message if we cancel.
} catch (MessagingException me) {
Pooka.getUIFactory().showError(Pooka.getProperty("Error.SaveFile.toSentFolder", "Error saving file to sent folder."), Pooka.getProperty("error.SaveFile.toSentFolder.title", "Error storing message."));
} finally {
}, sentFolder.getFolderThread()), new java.awt.event.ActionEvent(this, 1, "message-send"));
} catch (MessagingException me) {
Pooka.getUIFactory().showError(Pooka.getProperty("Error.SaveFile.toSentFolder", "Error saving file to sent folder."), Pooka.getProperty("error.SaveFile.toSentFolder.title", "Error storing message."));
return true;
return false;
* Adds an attachment to this message.
public void addAttachment(Attachment attachment) {
attachments.addAttachment(attachment, false);
* Removes an attachment from this message.
public int removeAttachment(Attachment part) {
if (attachments != null) {
int index = attachments.getAttachments().indexOf(part);
return index;
return -1;
* Attaches the given File to the message.
public void attachFile(File f) throws MessagingException {
attachFile(f, null);
* Attaches the given File to the message using the given content type.
public void attachFile(File f, String contentType) throws MessagingException {
// borrowing liberally from ICEMail here.
UpdatableMBP mbp = new UpdatableMBP();
FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource(f);
DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(fds);
if (Pooka.getMimeTypesMap().getContentType(f).startsWith("text"))
mbp.setDataHandler( dh );
if (contentType == null) {
String type = dh.getContentType();
mbp.setHeader("Content-Type", type);
} else {
mbp.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
addAttachment(new MBPAttachment(mbp));
* Returns the given header on the wrapped Message.
public String getHeader(String headerName, String delimeter) throws MessagingException {
return ((MimeMessage)getMessage()).getHeader(headerName, delimeter);
* Gets the text part of the wrapped message.
public String getTextPart(boolean showFullHeaders) {
try {
Object content = message.getContent();
if (content instanceof String)
return (String) content;
else if (content instanceof Multipart) {
AttachmentBundle bundle = MailUtilities.parseAttachments((Multipart) content);
return bundle.getTextPart(false, false, 10000, getTruncationMessage());
} else
return null;
} catch ( ioe) {
// since this is a NewMessageInfo, there really shouldn't be an
// IOException
return null;
} catch (MessagingException me) {
// since this is a NewMessageInfo, there really shouldn't be a
// MessagingException
return null;
* Marks the message as a draft message and then saves it to the outbox
* folder given.
public void saveDraft(FolderInfo outboxFolder, UserProfile profile, InternetHeaders headers, String messageText, String messageContentType) throws MessagingException, OperationCancelledException {
net.suberic.pooka.gui.PookaUIFactory factory = Pooka.getUIFactory();
MimeMessage mMsg = (MimeMessage) message;
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.settingHeaders", "Setting headers..."));
Enumeration individualHeaders = headers.getAllHeaders();
while(individualHeaders.hasMoreElements()) {
Header currentHeader = (Header) individualHeaders.nextElement();
mMsg.setHeader(currentHeader.getName(), currentHeader.getValue());
if (Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.lineWrap", "").equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.addingMessageText", "Parsing message text..."));
if (attachments.getAttachments() != null && attachments.getAttachments().size() > 0) {
MimeBodyPart mbp = new MimeBodyPart();
mbp.setContent(messageText, messageContentType);
MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
// i should really use the text parsing code for this, but...
String attachmentMessage=Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.addingAttachment.1", "Adding attachment ");
String ofMessage = Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.addingAttachment.2", " of ");
int attachmentCount = attachments.getAttachments().size();
for (int i = 0; i < attachmentCount; i++) {
factory.showStatusMessage(attachmentMessage + i + ofMessage + attachmentCount);
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.savingChangesToMessage", "Saving changes to message..."));
} else {
factory.showStatusMessage(Pooka.getProperty("info.sendMessage.savingChangesToMessage", "Saving changes to message..."));
getMessage().setContent(messageText, messageContentType);
getMessage().setSentDate(new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
getMessage().setFlag(Flags.Flag.DRAFT, true);
outboxFolder.appendMessages(new MessageInfo[] { this });
* The full map of Messages to be sent, which in turn map to the
* recipients they will go to. If there is no Address array as the
* value in the map, then the message goes out to all recipients in
* the headers.
public Map getSendMessageMap() {
return mSendMessageMap;
* The full map of Messages to be sent, which in turn map to the
* recipients they will go to. If there is no Address array as the
* value in the map, then the message goes out to all recipients in
* the headers.
void setSendMessageMap(Map pSendMessageMap) {
mSendMessageMap = pSendMessageMap;
* As specified by interface net.suberic.pooka.UserProfileContainer.
* If
public UserProfile getDefaultProfile() {
if (mProfile == null)
return super.getDefaultProfile();
return mProfile;
* Sets the default UserProfile for this NewMessageInfo. Note that
* this UserProfile is not necessarily the one that the message will be
* sent using; rather, it's the one that will be selected in the UI
* by default.
public void setDefaultProfile(UserProfile pProfile) {
mProfile = pProfile;