package net.suberic.pooka;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import net.suberic.crypto.EncryptionManager;
import net.suberic.crypto.EncryptionUtils;
public class MailUtilities {
public MailUtilities() {
* This returns the value of an array of Address objects as a String.
public static String decodeAddressString(Address[] addresses) {
if (addresses == null)
return null;
StringBuffer returnValue = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
if (addresses[i] != null) {
if (i > 0)
returnValue.append(", ");
if (addresses[i] instanceof javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress)
return returnValue.toString();
* This decoded an RFC 2047 encoded string. If there are any errors
* in decoding the string, the raw string is returned.
public static String decodeText(String encodedString) {
if (encodedString == null)
return null;
String value = null;
try {
value = javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility.decodeText(encodedString);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// Don't care
value = encodedString;
return value;
* This parses the message given into an AttachmentBundle.
public static AttachmentBundle parseAttachments(Message m) throws MessagingException, {
AttachmentBundle bundle = new AttachmentBundle((MimeMessage)m);
handlePart((MimeMessage)m, bundle);
return bundle;
* This parses a Mulitpart object into an AttachmentBundle.
public static AttachmentBundle parseAttachments(Multipart mp) throws MessagingException, {
AttachmentBundle bundle = new AttachmentBundle();
for (int i = 0; i < mp.getCount(); i++) {
MimeBodyPart mbp = (MimeBodyPart)mp.getBodyPart(i);
handlePart(mbp, bundle);
return bundle;
* Handles a MimeBodyPart.
public static void handlePart(MimePart mp, AttachmentBundle bundle) throws MessagingException, {
String encryptionType = EncryptionManager.checkEncryptionType(mp);
EncryptionUtils utils = null;
if (encryptionType != null) {
try {
utils = EncryptionManager.getEncryptionUtils(encryptionType);
} catch ( nspe) {
if (utils != null) {
int encryptionStatus = utils.getEncryptionStatus(mp);
if (encryptionStatus == EncryptionUtils.ENCRYPTED) {
Attachment newAttach = new net.suberic.pooka.crypto.CryptoAttachment(mp);
} else if (encryptionStatus == EncryptionUtils.SIGNED) {
// in the case of signed attachments, we should get the wrapped body.
Attachment newAttach = new net.suberic.pooka.crypto.SignedAttachment(mp);
MimeBodyPart signedMbp = ((net.suberic.pooka.crypto.SignedAttachment) newAttach).getSignedPart();
if (signedMbp != null) {
handlePart(signedMbp, bundle);
} else if (encryptionStatus == EncryptionUtils.ATTACHED_KEYS) {
bundle.addAttachment(new net.suberic.pooka.crypto.KeyAttachment(mp));
} else {
bundle.addAttachment(new Attachment(mp));
} else {
ContentType ct = new ContentType(mp.getContentType());
if (ct.getPrimaryType().equalsIgnoreCase("multipart")) {
if (mp.getContent() instanceof Multipart) {
if (ct.getSubType().equalsIgnoreCase("alternative"))
parseAlternativeAttachment(bundle, mp);
} else {
Attachment attachment = new Attachment(mp);
} else if (ct.getPrimaryType().equalsIgnoreCase("Message")) {
bundle.addAttachment(new Attachment(mp));
Object msgContent;
msgContent = mp.getContent();
if (msgContent instanceof Message)
else if (msgContent instanceof
bundle.addAll(parseAttachments(new MimeMessage(Pooka.getDefaultSession(), (;
System.out.println("Error: unsupported Message Type: " + msgContent.getClass().getName());
} else {
bundle.addAttachment(new Attachment(mp), ct);
* Creates an AlternativeAttachment and adds it properly to the
* given AttachmentBundle.
public static void parseAlternativeAttachment(AttachmentBundle bundle, MimePart mbp) throws MessagingException, {
Multipart amp = (Multipart) mbp.getContent();
MimeBodyPart altTextPart = null;
MimeBodyPart altHtmlPart = null;
List extraList = new LinkedList();
for (int j = 0; j < amp.getCount(); j++) {
MimeBodyPart current = (MimeBodyPart)amp.getBodyPart(j);
ContentType ct2 = new ContentType(current.getContentType());
if (ct2.match("text/plain") && altTextPart == null)
altTextPart = current;
else if (ct2.match("text/html") && altHtmlPart == null)
altHtmlPart = current;
extraList.add(new Attachment(current));
if (altHtmlPart != null && altTextPart != null) {
Attachment attachment = new AlternativeAttachment(altTextPart, altHtmlPart);
Iterator it = extraList.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
} else {
// hurm
* This method takes a given String offset and returns the offset
* position at which a line break should occur.
* If no break is necessary, the full buffer length is returned.
public static int getBreakOffset(String buffer, int breakLength, int tabSize) {
// what we'll do is to modify the break length to make it fit tabs.
int nextTab = buffer.indexOf('\t');
int tabAccumulator = 0;
int tabAddition = 0;
while (nextTab >=0 && nextTab < breakLength) {
tabAddition = tabSize - ((tabSize + nextTab + tabAccumulator + 1) % tabSize);
breakLength=breakLength - tabAddition;
tabAccumulator = tabAccumulator + tabAddition;
if (nextTab + 1 < buffer.length())
nextTab = buffer.indexOf('\t', nextTab + 1);
nextTab = -1;
if ( buffer.length() <= breakLength ) {
return buffer.length();
int breakLocation = -1;
for (int caret = breakLength; breakLocation == -1 && caret >= 0; caret--) {
if (Character.isWhitespace(buffer.charAt(caret))) {
breakLocation=caret + 1;
if (breakLocation < buffer.length()) {
// check to see if the next character is a line feed of some sort.
char nextChar = buffer.charAt(breakLocation);
if (nextChar == '\n')
breakLocation ++;
else if (nextChar == '\r') {
if (breakLocation + 1< buffer.length() && buffer.charAt(breakLocation + 1) == '\n') {
breakLocation +=2;
} else {
breakLocation ++;
if (breakLocation == -1)
breakLocation = breakLength;
return breakLocation;
* This takes a String and word wraps it at length wrapLength. It also will
* convert any alternative linebreaks (LF, CR, or CRLF) to the
* <code>newLine</code> given.
public static String wrapText(String originalText, int wrapLength, String newLine, int tabSize) {
if (originalText == null)
return null;
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("calling wrapText with wrapLength=" + wrapLength + " on:");
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("--- begin text ---");
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("--- end text ---");
StringBuffer wrappedText = new StringBuffer();
// so the idea is that we'll get each entry denoted by a line break
// and then add soft breaks into there.
int currentStart = 0;
int nextHardBreak = nextNewLine(originalText, currentStart);
while (nextHardBreak != -1) {
// get the current string with a newline at the end.
String currentString = getSubstringWithNewLine(originalText, currentStart, nextHardBreak, newLine);
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("current string:");
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("--- begin current string ---");
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("--- end current string ---");
int nextSoftBreak = getBreakOffset(currentString, wrapLength, tabSize);
while (nextSoftBreak < currentString.length()) {
wrappedText.append(currentString.substring(0, nextSoftBreak));
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("appending '" + currentString.substring(0, nextSoftBreak) + "', plus newline.");
currentString = currentString.substring(nextSoftBreak);
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("in loop: new current string:");
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("--- begin current string ---");
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("--- end current string ---");
nextSoftBreak = getBreakOffset(currentString, wrapLength, tabSize);
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("nextSoftBreak=" + nextSoftBreak);
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("appending '" + currentString + "', which should include newline.");
// get the next string including the newline.
currentStart = afterNewLine(originalText, nextHardBreak);
nextHardBreak= nextNewLine(originalText, currentStart);
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("new currentStart = " + currentStart + ", nextHardBreak = " + nextHardBreak);
return wrappedText.toString();
* Returns the next new line.
public static int nextNewLine(String text, int start) {
if (start >= text.length())
return -1;
// go through each character, looking for \r or \n
int foundIndex = -1;
for (int i = start; foundIndex == -1 && i < text.length(); i++) {
char current = text.charAt(i);
if (current == '\r') {
if (i + 1 < text.length() && text.charAt(i+1) == '\n')
foundIndex = i+1;
foundIndex = i;
} else if (current == '\n') {
foundIndex = i;
if (foundIndex == -1) {
return text.length();
} else {
return foundIndex;
* Returns the position after the newline indicated by index. If
* that's the end of the string, or an invalid index is given, returns
* an index equal to the length of text (i.e. one more than the last
* valid index in text).
public static int afterNewLine(String text, int index) {
// if index is invalid, or if index is the last character in the
// string, return
if (index < 0 || index >= text.length() || index == text.length() -1)
return text.length();
char newLineChar = text.charAt(index);
if (newLineChar == '\r' && text.charAt(index + 1) == '\n')
return index + 2;
return index + 1;
* Gets the indicated substring with the given newline.
public static String getSubstringWithNewLine(String originalText, int start, int end, String newLine) {
String origSubString = originalText.substring(start,end);
Logger.getLogger("Pooka.debug").finest("getSubStringWtihNewLine: origSubString='" + origSubString + "'");
if (origSubString.endsWith("\r\n")) {
if (newLine.equals("\r\n"))
return origSubString;
else {
return origSubString.substring(0, origSubString.length() - 2) + newLine;
} else if (origSubString.endsWith("\n")) {
if (newLine.equals("\n"))
return origSubString;
return origSubString.substring(0, origSubString.length() - 1) + newLine;
} else if (origSubString.endsWith("\r")) {
if (newLine.equals("\r"))
return origSubString;
return origSubString.substring(0, origSubString.length() - 1) + newLine;
} else {
return origSubString + newLine;
* A convenience method which wraps the given string using the
* length specified by Pooka.lineLength.
public static String wrapText(String originalText) {
int wrapLength;
int tabSize;
try {
String wrapLengthString = Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.lineLength");
wrapLength = Integer.parseInt(wrapLengthString);
} catch (Exception e) {
wrapLength = 72;
try {
String tabSizeString = Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.tabSize", "8");
tabSize = Integer.parseInt(tabSizeString);
} catch (Exception e) {
tabSize = 8;
return wrapText(originalText, wrapLength, "\r\n", tabSize);
* Escapes html special characters.
public static String escapeHtml(String input) {
char[] characters = input.toCharArray();
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
if (characters[i] == '&')
else if (characters[i] == '<')
else if (characters[i] == '>')
return retVal.toString();